My Fair Captain (26 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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Aiden’s muscles tensed under Nate’s hands for a second before relaxing again. “Yes, sir?” He said it with a questioning tone, like he wasn’t entirely sure.

Lifting his right hand, Nate paused. “You know what this is for, right, boy?”

Bobbing his head, Aiden answered. “Nightshirt, sir.”

“Didn’t I tell you not to wear a nightshirt in my bed?”

The impudent brat grumbled something, making Nate smile. “What was that?”

“I won’t do it again, sir.”

“Well, maybe this will help you remember next time.” Nate swatted his ass and received a shocked gasp and an automatic tensing in response. He did it again, slow and hard at first then a little quicker. The slapping sound of skin and Aiden’s writhing went right to his cock. That pretty little ass pinkened up nicely.

Something nudged his leg and it took him a few seconds to realize it was Aiden’s cock.
His boy was hard from the spanking. Nate continued to rain down smack after smack, beginning to work up a sweat. Nate watched for Aiden anticipating the blow and adjusted to keep him off balance.


J.L. Langley

At first Aiden only squirmed, yelping occasionally, but when the yelps grew into sobs, Nate stopped. Aiden was still hard and hot against his thigh but— “Aiden?”

“Don’t st-stop, please don’t stop, sir.” His voice was rough with tears from the sound of it.

Nate sat there, a knot forming in his stomach.
He hadn’t meant to hurt Aiden. Aiden said don’t stop, but… Nate started to pull him up, then he noticed it. A drop of something warm ran down the inside of his thigh right at the spot the tip of Aiden’s dick nudged his leg.
Oh fuck.

Nate groaned and slapped his boy’s ass again, several times.

Aiden writhed some more. “Oh, th-thank you, sir. Ple-ase don’t st-op, sir. More.” His rough, broken voice made Nate ache.

“I’ll decide when and if we stop, boy.” Sweat dripped from Nate’s temple and his lungs labored for air. Whether it was due to exertion or excitement he wasn’t sure. His cock throbbed, pressing against Aiden’s side. “That’s it, give yourself to me. Such a beautiful ass with my handprints all over it. You’re mine now, boy.” He continued to spank the heated cheeks, watching the rosy glow left by each smack.

After a few more slaps, Aiden tensed, his cock twitching hard against Nate’s thigh. He groaned, his hips rocking a little. “Sir—Sir…”

Nate stopped. He was dying to taste, to feel the warmth radiating from the rosy skin on his face. Getting his hands underneath Aiden, he lifted his boy and tossed him on the bed next to Nate. He snagged a pillow and put it under Aiden’s hips. “Spread your legs.”

Aiden complied eagerly.

Getting to his knees between Aiden’s outspread thighs, Nate buried his face in the heated buttocks. He inhaled the musky smell and closed his eyes.
Oh hell yes.

“Please, sir…”

“Please what, boy?” Nate rubbed his beard against the tender flesh, licking a line up one side then the other. He did it again, letting Aiden feel his beard.


My Fair Captain

Aiden moaned, squirming at the feel of Nate’s whiskers on his tender flesh.

“You want my tongue in your ass? Is that what you want, boy? Want me to tongue fuck you?” Nate spread Aiden’s ass apart, his tongue going right for the hole, swirling around and pushing inside.

“Oh, fuck, Nate. Sir.” Tensing, Aiden came. His body shuddered and the smell of semen filled the air. He sobbed into the mattress, his voice muffled as his head rocked side to side.

Nate groaned and continued his assault, licking Aiden’s crease. The tip of his tongue stabbed into Aiden’s hole. He pushed a finger inside, fucking the snug little pucker with it.

Aiden moaned, pushing back toward his finger.

, Nate was so freaking hard, his balls impossibly tight. He rubbed his face against the hot skin again. How had he gotten this lucky? Never in a million years would he have guessed this sweet, innocent man would be his match in bed. No matter how hard he pushed, Aiden took it all and begged for more. What would Aiden look like restrained to his bed while Nate flogged his beautiful, tender back?

Nate moaned.

Using another finger, Nate shoved deeper, searching—

The muscles in Aiden’s back rippled, his legs shaking. He cried out into the bed and pushed back toward Nate.

Nate gathered more saliva in his mouth. Moving his fingers, he forced the spit into Aiden’s ass along with his tongue. Licking down, he nuzzled Aiden’s balls. Galaxy, he smelled good, musky like sex and Aiden.

Aiden whimpered.

Nate’s whole body clenched at the sweet begging sound. Not only begging, but pleading for
. “Fuck, boy.” Nate raised up, bracing himself with one hand on the bed. He gave the pretty cheeks one last swat before lining his cock up. The heat of Aiden’s reddened skin practically scorched him.


J.L. Langley

He pushed in slowly until his hips rested against Aiden. Once inside he closed his eyes and dropped forward on both hands. It was a contest to see who moaned louder, him or Aiden.

Aiden gasped. “I can feel it. I feel the ring.” His voice came out as a whisper.

Nate held perfectly still. The tight heat gripping his cock was incredible. The sensation traveled up his shaft and kept going right on to his spine, making him shiver. His abs tautened and his breath caught.

Knowing he wasn’t going to last long, he took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He became mesmerized by the long pale back and fiery red buttocks shining with sweat. “Good Galaxy, boy, you’re beautiful.”

Leaning forward, he dragged his tongue between Aiden’s shoulder blades, tasting the salty skin.

Aiden started grunting at him, thrusting himself backwards. “Sir, move, please.”

Gripping his hips, Nate thrust into him. He fucked Aiden hard and deep. Within minutes, Aiden cried out, tensing. His muscles contracted, bringing Nate right over the edge with him.

Somehow, Nate managed to collapse beside Aiden instead of on him.

Aiden stay still, his head turned away from Nate. Nate grabbed his hand and started tugging, trying to get him closer.

Crawling over, Aiden lay down on top of him, making Nate ultra aware of how hot and sweaty he was, how hot and sweaty they both were. His heart was pounding hard against Aiden’s chest as he wrapped his arms around Aiden and kissed his forehead.

After a few minutes, when they were both breathing easier, Aiden raised his head. His gaze caught Nate’s and he blinked, his big gray eyes shiny with tears. Aiden rested his head on Nate’s shoulder, inhaling audibly. He rested there for several seconds, then started nuzzling Nate’s arm.

Nate grinned and moved his arm. What was his boy up to?


My Fair Captain

Aiden buried his nose in the hair under Nate’s arm and took a deep satisfied breath. His tongue snaked out and caught some sweat dripping off the hair in Nate’s armpit.

Then Nate felt it. Aiden’s cock was getting hard again against his stomach.
Oh fuck.
Nate groaned and slid his hand up, forcing Aiden’s head onto his chest. “Later, boy. You need to rest.”

Aiden yawned against him and grinned.

Nate’s insides got a fluttery feeling, his chest ached, but not in a bad way. Pulling Aiden up, he sealed their lips together. He’d known from the beginning he’d grow to cherish Aiden. But now? He was such a goner.


J.L. Langley

Chapter Fifteen

Aiden woke cold and fumbled around until he located the covers at the foot of the bed. He pulled the sheet and comforter up and curled his legs toward his chest to get warm. If Nate wasn’t going to let him wear nightshirts the least he could do was cuddle and keep Aiden cozy.

Funny, Nate usually
snuggle with him. Most of last night he’d slept in Nate’s arms.

Aiden grinned.
Last night.
His cock began to stiffen but at the same time his mood fell. Every time Nate pushed him further and further, testing his boundaries and trust, Aiden’s resolve to let Nate go cracked a little more. He was now fairly certain Nate would come back often, but Aiden didn’t want to let him go at all. Rolling over toward Nate’s side of the bed, Aiden reached and came up empty-handed. He tried again and hit the mattress before cracking his eyes open. “Damn.” Nate wasn’t in bed. “Jeffers, where is Lord Deverell?”

“In the library, milord. He wanted breakfast brought to you when you awoke. Should I order it now?”

“Yes.” Aiden sat and stretched. His arse was tender. His prick hardened fully at the nice reminder of that spanking. It had surprised him. He’d never imagined something like that would make him feel the way he had. He groaned. Nate was downstairs, there was no use getting himself worked up. “Jeffers, do you know if Thomas has had time to purchase new screens for me this morning?”

“They are secured in Lord Deverell’s space chest at the foot of the bed, milord. He left you a key in the nightstand and instructed that you should keep it and put it in a safe place.”


My Fair Captain

Nate had locked his screens away for safekeeping? It was a little thing, probably anyone would do the same knowing his screens kept getting stolen, but… Aiden smiled, feeling all tingly and warm.

Throwing his legs over the side, he opened the nightstand. There was a note with the key. He picked up both.


Until we figure out what is going on, use my chest for your screens.

You and I have the only keys. If someone wants them, they will have to
take the whole damned chest.


He set the note on the nightstand and stood, walking around to the foot of the bed. Crouching, he put the key in the lock.

“Not even dressed and you’re already after those screens.”

Aiden sucked in air and nearly fell on his arse. Slapping a hand to his chest, he took a deep breath. He hadn’t heard the door open.

Nate laughed and closed the door behind him. “Sorry.”

He sat, trying to get his heart to go back to normal, and grinned. “It’s okay. I didn’t hear you.”

“Not surprised. You had your mind on drawing already.” Nate smiled and walked further into the room. He tossed something on the mattress and leaned against the bedpost at the end of the bed. Crossing his long legs at the ankles and his arms over his chest, he peered down at Aiden.

“How do you feel?”

Aiden followed those long muscular legs all the way to the handsome face. Nate was gorgeous and sexy and— Aiden sighed.
Like you should
throw me on the bed and ravish me.
“Wonderful. How are you?” Standing, he left the key in the lock and closed the space between them.

Nate engulfed Aiden in his arms as soon as he was within grabbing distance. “I’m fine, thank you. Sore?”

“I don’t know, are you?”


J.L. Langley

Rubbing his back, Nate nipped his chin and chuckled. “Boy…”

“A little. But in a good way.” Reaching up, Aiden ran his fingers over Nate’s beard.

“I brought you something.”

“I know, I got the note. Thanks for putting them in your trunk.” He went on tiptoe, kissing Nate on the lips. Oh, the man made him ache. It felt nice having his cock between them. Staying there, he pushed his hips forward against Nate. He slipped a hand between them and—

Nate groaned, pushing his erection into Aiden’s hand before stepping back. “Behave, boy. I don’t have time for that.” He turned, reaching around the bedpost for something on the bed.

Aiden huffed out a breath, trying to decide how far begging would get him. Probably not far, he’d get the, “I’ll decide when, boy.”
, he whimpered. He loved it when Nate went all dominant and commanding on him, the way his voice actually got deeper and rough sounding. How sore was his arse, really? Could he stand another spanking? Probably not. Trying not to let his shoulders slump, he stepped around the corner of the bed, following Nate.

“I spent most of the morning looking for this.” Nate faced him at that exact moment and pressed something to his chest, giving Aiden no choice but to take it.

Aiden jumped. “Cold.” He got it away from his bare skin where he could look at it. It was a sword. A sword in a scabbard, with a really cold, really pretty swept hilt. Nate bought him a sword?
Oh! Oh, dust.
Nate bought him his own sword. He caught the handle with one hand and the scabbard with the other and pulled. The polished silver slid free of the black leather, glinting in the light. The blade was wavy, a flamberge rapier.

Grabbing Aiden’s hand holding the sword, Nate pushed it aside and wrapped a hand around the back of Aiden’s neck, kissing him. “I have to go. I’m expecting a call from the admiral. After you eat and get dressed, come downstairs.” Nate let go and turned to leave. “And don’t play with that sword naked, you’re liable to cut something off.”


My Fair Captain

Nate got me a sword.
Aiden stood there in awe, tilting the sword this way and that, catching the light. That’s when he noticed the tiny inscription on the center of the blade right below the guard.
To My Boy,
For Honor And Duty Until Heart And Sword Break, Love Nate.
He stood there staring at the words, feeling like his heart was lodged in his throat.

It was a traditional inscription, but Nate had made it special by adding,

“To My Boy”. Aiden’s eyes got blurry, forcing him to blink. “Sir…”

Stopping with his hand on the doorknob, Nate turned.

“Thank you.” Aiden smiled.

Nate let go of the door and crossed the room again. He kissed Aiden hard and deep.

Aiden’s toes curled and he nearly dropped his sword. Trying to get closer, he groaned.

Nate stepped back. “You’re welcome.” He caressed Aiden’s cheek with his thumb. “Now, I really have to go. Come down when you get the chance.” He left, closing the door quietly behind him.

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