My Instructor (6 page)

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Authors: Esther Banks

BOOK: My Instructor
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Well, you’re in the perfect place to make your move. The lake. The moon and stars. It’s what romantic movies are made of,” Tucker responded.

The setting is perfect. But what if she still rejects me?” Aaron asked.

Tucker shrugged.

“You’ve got to take a shot at it. You’ll never know what could happen if you don’t,” Tucker said. “I remember that I was scared to death to approach Steffi. I mean look at her; she's gorgeous. Whereas I’m just an ordinary, nothing special dude.”

I don’t think she would describe you in those terms. It’s obvious that she’s crazy about you,” Aaron said.

And I’m in love with her. But I wouldn’t have known this kind of happiness had I not asked her out. The result is usually worth the risk,” Tucker said. “Think about it.”

Think about what,” Tiffany asked as she sat down beside Aaron.

Aaron looked at her then redirected his gaze to the rippling water.

“Nothing,” he murmured.

Tiffany looked between Aaron and Tucker. Both men were staring at the water. Maybe she interrupted a private male moment. She started to leave. Aaron grasped her arm.

“Stay,” he said.

He looked at her with a gentle smile.

“Okay,” she returned.

After a while Tucker went into the cabin to join Steffi.

“The lake is so beautiful at night,” Tiffany said softly. “The beams of light from the moon and the stars shoot off the water. It’s breathtaking.”

It’s also very peaceful. Like a silent lullaby that lulls you to sleep,” he said. “I have a question,”

What?” she asked.

Did you mean it when you said I was a hottie?” he asked softly.

Tiffany tried to recall the incident. Then she remembered.

“Absolutely. You are a major hunk. But don’t let it go to your head,” she chuckled.

Don’t worry, I won’t,” he replied.

Sitting here is wonderful. It’s the perfect end to a great day,” she murmured.

He put his arm about her shoulders. Tiffany didn’t pull away. Instead, she laid her head on his shoulder. They sat that way for a long time. Aaron was happy. He had Tiffany in his arms, and she seemed content to be there. He looked down at her, and she appeared to be asleep. It had been a long day, and she must be tired. He should probably rouse her so that she could go to bed. But he didn’t want to disrupt this intimate moment. It had been a long time in coming. After a while, she stirred.

“I’m sorry. I must have dozed off,” she said groggily as she rubbed her eyes.

She moved out of his arms. Tiffany was suddenly nervous. She had fallen asleep in his arms as if it were a common occurrence between them.

“It’s alright. This setting makes it hard not to,” he replied. “You should go inside to bed.”

So should you—I mean you don’t have to if you’re not sleepy. I just thought you might be tired as well,” she said in a rush.

He smiled.

“I think I will turn in. I am a bit tired,” he said as he stood. He extended his hand to her. “Let’s go in.”

She hesitated briefly then laid her hand in his. He pulled up her but did not try to embrace her. They walked back to the cabin. Once inside she looked around. All was quiet.

“Steffi and Tucker must have left while we were sitting by the lake,” she observed.

It seems that Marisa has gone to bed as well,” he murmured.

Yes,” she said softly.

Well, goodnight, Tiffany,” he said.

He leaned over to kiss her on the cheek then trotted up the steps to his room. Tiffany watched him until he was out of sight. She touched the spot on her cheek where his lips had lingered. She slowly smiled. A light had dawned.




Tiffany awoke the next morning full of anticipation. Last night had been a revelation for her. Maybe Marisa has been right all along, and Aaron did have feelings for her. Granted, male friends kissed her cheek all the time but Aaron’s kiss had somehow been different. She couldn’t put her finger on it exactly, but it had felt more intimate. It implied more than just casual friendship. And the way he had embraced her while they sat on the shore last night. At the time, she hadn’t thought anything about it. But thinking about it now, in the light of day, she wondered if things could get romantic with them. She realized that she wouldn’t be opposed to it. She decided to test the waters today and see how he responded. She dressed in a yellow sleeveless top and Khaki shorts. She slipped on brown sandals and brushed her curly hair. After applying light makeup, she was ready to go. She went downstairs to find Marisa sitting at the round glass top kitchen table next to the window. She was sipping a mug of coffee as she stared out the window. Tiffany joined her at the table. Marisa looked around at her.

“Hey, girl,” Marisa greeted her cheerfully.

Good morning,” Tiffany whispered.

Marisa frowned at her.

“Why are you whispering?” Marisa asked.

I think Aaron may like me,” Tiffany said in hushed tones.

No kidding! It‘s about time you realized that,” Marisa said loudly.

Shh! Stop talking so loud. He may hear you,” Tiffany chided her.

I’m not saying anything that he doesn’t already know,” Marisa argued in raised tones.

Quiet!” Tiffany snapped. “He does not need to hear our conversation.”

Fine,” Marisa said quietly. “What made you finally see the light?”

Tiffany told her about the night before and the kiss.

“That kiss may have only been on the cheek but it, meant a whole lot more,” Marisa grinned. “And just so you know; Steffi came to the same conclusion. She said he would turn cartwheels for you if you asked him.”

Well, we will see. I thought I would send out some signals to see if he responded,” Tiffany said.

Oh he’ll respond alright. I wonder what I should wear to your wedding,” Marisa giggled.

You are getting waaay ahead of yourself. Let’s just see what happens today,” Tiffany said.

Well your change of mind hasn’t come a minute too soon. Look who just drove up,” Marisa said disparagingly.

Marisa pointed out the window. Tiffany looked out the window and groaned. Felice Lopez, along with three of their other friends got out of the car. Tiffany was happy to see the other people, but she could have done without Felice. Marisa had been right about Felice zeroing in on Aaron. He was fresh meat, and she was always on the prowl. Marisa observed Tiffany’s expression of determination. Tiffany had no intention of allowing Felice to disrupt what had barely got going between her and Aaron. There was bound to be a battle between the two women for Felice was known for poaching. Marisa would put her money on Tiffany any day. Things were about to jump off.

“I guess we should go greet our guests,” Tiffany said sourly as she rose from the table.

I’m right behind you,” Marisa said.

Tiffany went outside. Marisa could hear her talking to the newcomers. Marisa looked up the stairs and saw Aaron coming down. He looked good in a blue tank shirt and white shorts. He wore blue canvas shoes on his feet. His hair was still damp from his shower. He pushed the wet locks back from his forehead. He really was a good-looking guy and Felice wouldn’t be the only female to admire him. She would just be the only one who wouldn’t respect Tiffany’s claim on him.

“Hey, Aaron. You look fresh as a daisy,” Marisa grinned.

I did sleep well,” he chuckled. “You look good. How many hearts will you break today?”

With my luck, not one,” she laughed.

They heard laughter from outside. He looked out the window.

“People have arrived?” he asked.

Yes. And just a word of caution,” she began. “Felice, the Spanish girl will attach herself to you like a leech. You’ll have to check her early on. Are you with me?”

He smiled.

“I hear you. There’s only one woman I want holding on to me,” he grinned.

Marisa grinned.

“Come on. Let’s meet the others. They’re really great people—with one exception,” she said gaily.

They went outside and greeted the new arrivals as three more cars drove up. Within minutes, the party was in full swing. Aaron, along with several other men helped unload the cars, and then they were in the water. It took all of one minute for Felice to strip down to her skimpy black bikini and join the men. She swam directly to Aaron and splashed water on him.

“Who’s the poor guy that Felice is attacking?” Kelly asked.

The women were setting up the picnic tables. Steffi joined them as Tucker ran into the lake.

“His name is Aaron Jacob, and he has his eye on Tiffany,” Marisa said.

You guys are an item?” Kelly asked Tiffany.

We’re working on it. It took me a minute to think of him as more than a friend,” Tiffany said.

Tiffany went on to tell the ladies how she, and Aaron met and their history.

“Sounds to me this could be a match from the heavens,” Kelly said as she tossed her long, wavy, brunette hair out of her face.

Maybe,” Tiffany said cautiously. “It’s a budding relationship.”

And it doesn’t need any interference from Felice,” Steffi said.

Gosh, she’s like a parasite that won’t go away,” Mimi said. “Look at her. She’s trying her best to hang on to Aaron, but she can’t keep up with him.”

The guys are racing. She should give it up. She doesn’t stand a chance against them,” Kelly said. The frown on her face marred her pretty features.

Let’s sit near the shore and cheer them on,” Marisa suggested.

The women took blankets, pillows and beach chairs and arranged them around a pit. They could build a fire later on. Tiffany stood on the blanket and waved to Aaron.

“Go Aaron! Go!” she cheered.

He saw her and thought about her cheerleading days. He grinned and waved back. Somebody blew a whistle and he, and Tucker took off racing against each other. Aaron was a very good freestyle swimmer, but Tucker was right at his elbow. There was a guy at each end of the makeshift lane marking the end of each lap. They needed to swim a full two laps. Aaron’s workouts were paying off. His conditioning gave him the extra strength he needed to win by half a body length in front of Tucker. Tiffany hooted and yelled as did all of the girls. Tiffany and Steffi ran to the lake edge to welcome a very tired Tucker and Aaron. Tiffany hugged Aaron spontaneously. He was momentarily surprised but recovered to hug her back. He looked into her smiling face, and his heart swelled. He held her waist as they walked back to the blankets and collapsed onto the ground.

“Good job, Aaron,” Steffi smiled.

Thanks,” Aaron smiled.

Man, you were a beast. I could never catch you. Where did you learn to swim like that?” Tucker breathed heavily.

I took up swimming in my junior year in high school. And I’ve kept it up,” Aaron explained. “It’s good exercise.”

You have to teach me some of your techniques, Aaron. I’m in dire need of help,” Felice purred as she ran her fingers down his arm.

Felice’s flirtation was bold and in your face. All eyes turned to Tiffany. Marisa knew that Felice was about to get read.

Chapter 5

Felice had seen Tiffany and Aaron hug one another when he came out of the water. She knew that she needed to make her intentions clear and put Tiffany at bay.

“What do you say, Aaron?” Felice persisted.

Find another swim coach, Felice. Aaron is not available,” Tiffany snapped.

I doubt that he considers you his mouth piece. I’m sure he can speak for himself, can’t you babe?” Felice responded. She smiled benignly at Aaron.

You heard what I said. Back off,” Tiffany snarled.

Or what, Shamu?” Felice snapped.

She is so ratchet,” Steffi whispered to Marisa.

Marisa nodded as she kept her eyes on Tiffany.

“You do not want to throw shade with me,” Tiffany threatened. Tiffany wanted to slap her into next year.

This was completely new territory for Aaron. Never had he dealt with having two women vie for his attention. He could never capture one woman’s attention, let alone two. It was great for his ego, but he knew he had better say something to soothe a potentially volatile situation. Tiffany was about to explode.

“Tucker would be happy to give you some tips, as I have a tour date with Tiffany, She promised to show me around the lake,” Aaron said smoothly.

Tucker sputtered and coughed as Aaron grabbed Tiffany’s hand and pulled her up. Everyone laughed at Tucker’s comical face as Aaron and Tiffany ran off down the road. They finally stopped at a large tree to catch their breath.

“Nice save,” Tiffany said as she leaned against the tree.

Well, I had to say something to protect Felice’s eyes. You were about to scratch them out,” he grinned. “Although I must say: I am worth it.”

Oh, you think so?” she challenged.

He pulled her into his arms and held her loosely.

“I know so—at least I think I do,” he amended. “Am I wrong?”

He watched her closely. This was an important moment. It would either be the beginning or the end of a romantic relationship between them. Tiffany knew her answer was crucial. And as she looked into his amazing green eyes, she knew what it would be.

“No. You’re not wrong. You’re definitely worth fighting for,” she said softly.

Those words were all he needed to hear. He lowered his head and briefly skimmed her lips. He lifted his head to look at her. He wanted to see her reaction to the kiss. Her cheery brown eyes were glowing like the stars. She slid her hand over his chest and around his neck to bring his head back to her mouth. Her lips were slightly parted when he caressed them with his own. Her opened mouth was all he needed to deepen the kiss. His tongue swept past her lips and ravaged the recesses of her mouth. It seemed like he had been waiting for this moment forever, and it had been worth the wait. She tasted so good; he wanted to go on kissing her for eternity. She leaned into him, and he tightened his arms about her. His mouth then trailed kisses down the side of her neck. She gasped her delight. He finally pulled away from her and quickly looked around them. He saw a lush grassy area near the lake. He led her there, and they sat down. She cupped his face and smiled.

“You’re a great kisser,” she whispered.

So are you,” he responded. “I guess this means that we are officially dating.”

She chuckled.

“I guess it does. I can’t believe that I didn’t see you in a romantic light to begin with,” she said. “Maybe I only saw you as the high school kid two years behind me.”

Does it matter to you that I’m two years younger than you,” he asked.

She shook her head negatively.

“No. Not at all. I look younger anyway,” she giggled.

He arched his eyebrows and began to tickle her.

“Oh really. You think so?” he grinned.

She screamed, laughed and twisted in his arms.

“Stop! Oh please stop,” she cried.

Who looks older?” he asked as continued his assault.

She tried to turn away from him, but he had arms like an octopus.

“Okay. I surrender. It was a joke,” she panted as she grabbed his wandering hands.

He stopped the tickles and leaned over her. He cupped her cheek and kissed her mouth. His hand began to roam over her body. He caressed and massaged her breast through her top. Tiffany enjoyed the feel of his weight on top of her. She could have kicked herself for being such a ninny all of this time. His mouth replaced his hand on her breast, and she moaned in desire. It wasn’t long before he pushed her shirt up to kiss her mounds above her bra. His leg was between her thighs pressing against her aching haven. She could feel his engorged penis against her hip.

“My God, Tiffany you’re beautiful,” he murmured.

Tiffany had not thought of herself in those terms for quite some time. When she had gained the weight, all thoughts of physical beauty had vanished. She knew she had lost fifteen pounds, but she still was not thinking that her body was attractive.

“No, I’m not,” she breathed. “I still have a lot more weight to lose.”

He lifted his head to look at her. His green eyes were blazing with passion.

“You are sexy as hell just the way you are,” he said fiercely. “Don’t ever doubt that.”

He kissed her again thus preventing any contrary comments she might utter. Tiffany soon forgot what she was going to say as she lost herself in his lovemaking. His hand traveled down her stomach to skim her haven. His fingers began to massage her private through her shorts. Tiffany knew what he wanted, but it wasn't what she wanted yet. Things were still new between them, and she wanted to know him as a boyfriend before taking it to that next level. She stilled his hand. He groaned against her neck.

“Aaron, I—

Shh! I understand. You don’t have to say anything,” he whispered hoarsely.

Thank you for understanding,” she said softly.

He sat up on his elbow.

“Of course I do. If we make love it will be when you’re ready. It’s all about you, Tiffany,” he said.

She smiled gently at him.

“You’re the diamond among rocks,” she murmured.

He grinned and shrugged.

“Of course I am,” he said casually. “Let’s go back.”

He pulled her up.

“You’re also too conceited for your own good,” she retorted.

He only laughed and draped his arm over her shoulder as they began walking back to the party site.



Tiffany and Aaron were surprised at the additional number of people that had shown up. People were everywhere. The party was definitely on. Tiffany excused herself to go into the cabin while Aaron wandered over to the snack table. He selected a Bosc pear and bit into it.

Always the healthy eater,” a male voice said.

Aaron turned quickly for he would recognize that voice anyway.

“Jack!” Aaron exclaimed.

Hey Aaron!” Jackson Jacob returned.

They embraced and hit each other on the back, and then pulled apart.

“What are you doing here?” Aaron asked his older brother.

Drexler invited me. He and I are tight,” Jack said.

I have no idea who Drexler is but I’m glad you’re here,” Aaron laughed.

Marisa came out to the snack table to set down a large bowl of chip.

“Marisa! Meet my brother, Jackson. Jackson, this is Marisa,” Aaron said.

Marisa and Jackson exchanged greetings. Within minutes, they were chatting as though they were childhood friends. Aaron soon felt like a third wheel, so he went to sit on the porch. Tiffany and Steffi came out to join him.

“Who’s Marisa talking to?” Steffi asked curiously.

Jackson. My brother,” Aaron said.

Your brother?” Tiffany and Steffi said in unison.

Aaron grinned and told them the story of Jack’s arrival.

“Well, it really is a small world,” Steffi said. “It looks like the two of them are hitting it off.”

Looks like it. Jack is single and available, so why not?” Aaron said.

Felice will be green with envy,” Tiffany snickered.

So tell me, why are you guys so down on Felice?” Aaron asked. He thought Felice was a little aggressive but so were a lot of women. He didn’t get the ladies’ antagonism toward her.

Steffi and Tiffany looked at him like he had three heads.

“Have you not seen her in action?” Steffi asked incredulously.

I saw the way she was with me. She was just a bit bold,” Aaron replied.

If that was all there was to her character, I could just ignore her. But she’s a lot more than ‘a bit bold’,” Tiffany said. “Felice is mean and plays dirty; usually to get someone else’s man.”

She’s caused a lot of harm to many of the women,” Steffi said. “And at times girls have suffered physical injury behind some of Felice’s shenanigans.

Has that happened to either of you?” Aaron was appalled.

No, but there are ladies here that cannot say the same. Felice can be very dangerous,” Tiffany said.

But we can’t seem to shake her. She manages to cling to the edges of our circle,” Steffi said scathingly.

Now do you understand our dislike of her?” Tiffany asked.

I’m beginning to see things more clearly now,” he answered.

Glad to hear it. Forewarned can save my hide,” Tiffany smiled.

Aaron grinned. He watched his brother talking to Marisa. He seemed to be drawn to her. If he wasn’t he would have made his exit long before now. Aaron had a feeling that Marisa could be good for Jack. Jack was divorced with full custody of his nine-year-old daughter, Kylie. Kylie was a great kid and would fall in love Marisa instantly. But it was Jack that he was more concerned about. It had been six years since his divorce, and he hadn’t ventured out to date. His sole focus had been on raising Kylie. But at thirty-one years of age, it was time for him to think of his own needs. Kylie was a smart kid and she would understand his need for a partner. And Marisa could be good for him and Kylie if only Jack would let her. Tiffany looked at Marisa and Jack. Jack was every bit a hottie as Aaron. He was about an inch taller than Aaron with dark blond hair and the familial green eyes. Only his eyes were a lighter shade of green. He was muscular and toned. Fitness obviously ran in the Jacob family. He and Marisa were physically well matched. Marisa was in great shape and was the perfect height for Jack. Hopefully, they had more in common than just the physical similarities. Tiffany clasped his hand.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Tiffany said softly.

Aaron turned to look at her and noticed that Steffi had left the porch.

“They’re worth more but I’ll tell you anyway,” he smiled wanly. “I was thinking about Jack and Marisa. Marisa would be a good match for him.”

You know them both so you can judge better than I. But Marisa looks happy,” Tiffany said.

So does Jack. Maybe that’s a sign that good things will come to them,” Aaron mused.

I hope so. Marisa deserves some good fortune and I’m sure Jack does too,” she said gently.

Jack needs a safe haven. Someone he can open up to; who will listen without judging. I’m hoping that Marisa is that person,” Aaron said.

Tiffany could hear in his voice the love that he had for his brother. It gave her a glimpse into his soul, and she liked what she saw. Aaron was caring and kind. He loved his family. And they came first with him. She realized that she wanted to be a part of that circle. She wanted to be his family. She squeezed his hand, and he raised their clasped hands to kiss hers. They sat there on the porch for a long time. Taking in the antics of the party goers and chatting to whoever came onto the porch. Tiffany thought they gave the impression of an old married couple. And she knew in her heart that was exactly what she wanted with Aaron.




Tiffany sat behind Aaron on the Jet Ski as it soared through the water. She encircled his waist tightly and laughed as the water sprayed into her face. She looked over to her right and saw Marisa riding with Jack. And Tucker and Steffi were to her left. Jack and Marisa were driving close to her and Aaron. Tiffany held out her hand to Marisa, who grinned and clasped it tightly. It wasn’t long before the guys looked at each other, nodded and grinned.

“You better hold on,” Aaron yelled.

All three of them gunned their motors and took off racing. Marisa and Tiffany's hands separated as they held on to the man in front of them. They zoomed across the lake. They could hear cheering from the people on the shore. Eventually, Tucker fell back and it was brother against brother. Tiffany could see that they shared a long rivalry, and neither brother was about to give in to the other. Finally, Jack was able to maneuver about a foot in front of Aaron. Jack was declared the winner much to Aaron’s chagrin.

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