My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 3 (7 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 3 Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #agents, #fbi, #erotica, #bondage, #sex slaves, #kidnapped, #capture, #non consent, #italian mafia

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Is this a
match? You insult me then I insult you back.”

I have plenty of your
shortcomings to use against you, whereas you have very little to
use against me, which is why you haven’t replied with

smile spread across his face, not
something I wanted to see: I wanted anger, not

What’s so funny?”
I asked.

You want me to hit

I frowned. “No.”

, you
do, which is why you’re taunting me, so you can have an excuse to
hit me back.” He opened his arms wide. “Hit me, FBI bitch, I give
you free rein to
me to your heart’s content.”

I clenched my hand.

I’m daring

You go

Why is there a
? I’ve
fucked you, forced myself on you, that’s enough for you to strike
me without any more provocation. Or maybe you do need extra
provocation since you’re now part of the rapists’ club.”

Rapists’ club?” I spat.

What sort
of sick joke is that?”

You raped me with your

It wasn’t

It was. I didn’t want it, yet
you still penetrated me.”

I was making
understand what you did to me.”

Exactly, by raping

You didn’t fight me as
much as you tried to fight the priest.”

He held his wrists out, the angry red
marks around them telling a different story. “I got this before he
came into the room, maybe not as deep, but I still struggled,
telling you to stop, yet you penetrated me regardless. I could see
you enjoyed it, like I enjoyed taking you. You are more like me
than you care to think, Rita.”

m nothing like you,” I said, now

My wrists say you are.
Now, try to top that.”

You’re a slave trader, you hurt
women, you rape them.”

I may be a slave trader,
but you are the first one I’ve forced myself onto.”

I don’t believe

I don’t care if you do or
don’t, it’s the truth. You’re the first slave I’ve even bothered to
see in a long time. I’m not a trainer, yet I wanted to train you,
still do.”


You’re fascinating. You look
like an old flame. You have fire. You’re not weak like those other

Don’t call them

Bitches are weak, they
are slaves to others. I may call you one, but you’re not. You’re my
woman now.”

I am not your


Tell that to the Donatelli and
also tell them you’re not related to the Salvi, then see what they
do.” He smiled. “I dare you.”

re an arrogant ass,” I said, now
hating that damn ‘dare’ word he loved to use.

And according to you a nice
firm one that you love to touch. Did you enjoy penetrating me, did
it excite you?”

Stop saying

Then answer me.”


No, as in you didn’t enjoy it
or you’re not going to answer me?”

I didn’t enjoy it.”

Liar. And
obviously done it for men before, because you knew exactly what to
do. Do you have cock envy?”


Well, you rut against me like
you think you have a cock between your legs.”

I do not!”

You can deny it all you want,
but I know it’s true.” He licked his upper lip slowly. “By the way,
how does my cum taste?”

Why ask
me when you already know?” I
wiped his cheek, making him jerk back. “Next time get it all in
your mouth, it’ll be less messy.”

His expression darkened. “I’ll remember
that the next time you rape me.”

I did not rape you!” I spun
around and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind
me. I yelled, just yelled, the man driving me crazy, because I
didn’t understand why I wanted to fuck someone I hated. I started
swearing in Italian, letting all my anger out in ways that English
didn’t allow.

What is
someone shouted from the bedroom, the man’s voice resembling a

I opened the door,
finding the old don
and his two sons standing in front of Frano. Don Donatelli’s eyes
moved from Frano to me, then to his eldest son. “Why is Frano naked
and that woman swearing like a crazy

She must be angry with her
Lucky said, looking amused. “Apparently this is Sophia

She is not,” the don said,
“that girl is dead, my crazy brother killed her.”

I didn’t
say she was Sophia,” Frano
said. “Her name is Rita Salvi.”

A male scream came from the
next r
making Frano’s head snap around. He looked back at the don, his
expression now deadly serious. “Let Jagger go.”

I cannot
, your cousin now belongs to my
baby brother; not something I can do anything about.”

You’re the don, and you must
know that Jagger had every right to do what he did to that
di puttana

Be still your

Frano pointed his finger at the old don.
“Your brother abused Jagger, raped him from the age of eleven, did
it for five years, yet you think that should go

He was punished; he had his
cock cut off.”

It was sewn back on, and I
almost had it up my ass earlier!”

I realize my brother is
disturbed, but he wasn’t this crazy before your cousin took a knife
to him. What he went through afterwards caused him agony, made him
lose his mind completely. We had to put him in a psychiatric unit
for two years.”

He deserved it and more! And
you should never have taken him out.”

He is my brother, he
deserves only what
I say. And we are both in the slave trade, Frano, so you should
understand fairness is not a word in our vocabulary. We use people
for our own needs, whether for monetary gain or to quench our lust.
And don’t deny it; otherwise you wouldn’t be in this

You’re still punishing
Jagger for something he had every right to do.”

Only the ones in power have any
right to do anything and right now I am that person. And for you to
refuse to hand Gabriel over to my
was a slight against me.”

Then kill me here, rather than
go through whatever ceremony you have planned.”

I’ve no intention of killing
you; instead I want to show others how easily I can pull their
strings.” He turned to his eldest son. “Bring the slave and Frano
up to the main dining room.”

I’m not
Frano said.

No, you will come, because
there are ten dons upstairs awaiting you.”

What? Why?”

They are here to witness what
will happen to them if they cross me like you have done. And like
our Roman cousins of the past, I think we should do it in an
entertaining fashion. Now, follow me.” The old man turned and
headed out of the room.

s younger son placed a gun to my
back, prodding me forward. His brother moved behind Frano, doing
the same to him, Frano swearing in response.

If you don’t move,” Lucky said,
“I’ll stick my gun up your lover’s cunt or Nino can do it. Go on,
Nino, fuck her with your gun.”

No!” Frano
“I’ll go.”

Young love, how sweet,” Lucky
said, his voice mocking.

Frano headed for the door, keeping his
eyes away from me. We all headed up the staircase. The sound of
voices grew louder as we were prodded into the dining room. Ten men
in suits were sitting around the large dinner table. They turned to
look at us, their ages anywhere between forty and seventy. Their
faces twisted as their gazes landed on Frano, some pitying, some
looking disdainfully, while a few appeared scared.

Frano stopped
in his tracks.
Lucky shoved him in the back, grunting, “Move it.”

He squared his shoulders and walked up to
where the don was sitting, not even trying to cover his nudity. I
followed him, my gun-wielding prick instructing me to stop a few
feet from Frano. The men’s eyes moved to me, a mixture of lust and
disgust making me cover myself with my arms.

The Donatelli don
leaned on his
chair, the man looking frail, although he was still more powerful
than all the able-bodied men in the room. “My dear friends, you
will all know why you are here today, and if you don’t, you are
fools like this young don standing naked before you. Frano has made
a grave error thinking he could deny my

Wronged vengeance,” Frano
interrupted. He grunted as Lucky hit him over the head with the
gun. “Your brother raped my cousin.” Another strike hit his head,
this one knocking him to his knees. Frano’s face twisted in pain,
but he spoke again. “Jagger was eleven!” Lucky kicked him in the
back, knocking Frano to his hands.

I clenched my fists, wanting
do the
same to the don’s son, but knew I could do nothing, the gun at my
head stopping me.

Frano pushed to his knees, then to his
feet, looking unstable. “Like he is raping him now.”

The gun came down
hard on him, making
Frano collapse. He rolled onto his back, his eyes opening and
closing, looking as though he had a concussion. I went to go to
him, but got pulled back. “Stay put,” Nino growled.

I gritted my
knowing I shouldn’t have reacted. I hated Frano, I should be happy
this was happening to him, it was what I wanted, yet his words were
true: that the dons needed to know what had been done to Jagger,
then afterwards they could do what they liked to him, kill him for
all I cared ... I clenched my hands, knowing I didn’t want that.
Instead, he needed to go to jail as did all the men surrounding the
table. They were all criminals, not one with a redeeming feature. I
knew their faces, knew their businesses: racketeering, slavery,
forced prostitution, drugs, underage pornography...

Get up, Frano,”
Lucky said, kicking

Frano blinked then pushed to his knees,
looking dazed. His head was bleeding again, the red coloring his
black hair. He got to his feet, giving the appearance he was going
to fall over. He reached out to steady himself, but grappled
nothing but air, none of the dons willing to help him. He staggered
to his left and reached out for me. Ignoring the man behind me, I
grabbed him and steadied him against me.

Young love,” the Donatelli don
said, smiling. “Shall we do what your father did to young love,
Frano? Kill your lover and bury you with the rotting corpse. No,
that’s not fitting your crime against my

I committed
no crime against you,” Frano

raised his gun, looking as if he was
going to hit him again. I placed my hands over Frano’s head, but
the gun never came down, the don’s shout stopping his

That’s enough, Lucky,” the don
said. “Bring Matteo in here.”

left the room, returning a few
minutes later with... My eyes widened as my husband entered the
room. I let go of Frano, my heart now in my throat, the man I loved
standing only a few feet away from me. He was dressed in a
navy-colored suit and a pale blue shirt, which was left open to
halfway down his chest, the color matching his lovely eyes. His
blond hair was slicked back and he was tanned, not something I
expected to see with a slave. But regardless, I was ecstatic to see
him healthy—let alone alive.

smile formed across his face, his
blue eyes sparkling under the light above his head. I went to go to
him, but Nino pulled me back. “That’s my husband!” I yelled,
indicating to Matt.

I know.”

Matt,” I said, confused why he
was just standing there, looking at me with amusement. “What’s

You always did want to meet my
family,” he said, his Jersey accent strong. “So, now you

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