My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 3 (10 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 3 Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #agents, #fbi, #erotica, #bondage, #sex slaves, #kidnapped, #capture, #non consent, #italian mafia

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Both Red and I were
across the lounge, then up another flight of stairs and
down a passage. We came to a stop in front of a door, where another
guard stood, a grisly man who reminded me of Federico. A stab of
pain speared me, the memory of seeing Matt shooting Federico making
me want to cry. I may not have known him for long, but right now I
wished he was alive and Matt was dead. That thought hurt too,
because I didn’t understand how I could go from loving a man to
wanting him dead within such a short space of time. I had laughed
with him, told him my biggest secrets, cuddled him—and had made
love to him. He may not have thought of it as love, but I did, and
the memory of that old Matt, even if he was a lie, was hard to let

The Federico clone opened the
door for us, telling someone inside:
“The women are here.”

Enter,” a voice came from

first guard pushed both me and Red
through the doorway. My eyes instantly went to Matt. He was sitting
on the bed dressed in camo pants and a tight black top, smiling at
me as though everything was a big fat joke. He pointed to the
floor. “Kneel.”

The guard shoved me and Red to our

Matt wrinkled his nose in disgust. “You
stink of piss. Move back,” he said, waving his hand at

Red shuffled back, but
I remained still,
glaring at the bastard. I wanted to yell and scream at him, but I
couldn’t even utter a word, my anger making me mute. I’d mourned
the bastard when all along he’d been playing me, laughing at my
pain and leading me to hurt another man over his deceit.

Move her back,” Matt said
to the guard.

The guard grabbed my hair and forced me to
where Red was.

ll do for now,” Matt said, “I don’t
plan on staying long.” A mischievous grin spread across his face,
one that I used to love. “I hear you’ve been cheating on me with

I wasn’t cheating, he
raped me.”

I didn’t see that footage, only
the one where
raped him. Father Michael wanted to see Jagger fucking, so
when I was ‘working’ for Frano I installed some cameras in the

I stared at him in horror.

Not going to defend yourself?”
He tsked. “Not like you could anyway. I watched how you
sucker-punched Frano, then tied him up to have your wicked way with
him, which almost led to Father Michael fucking him. Then you came
to his rescue. I never took you for the love at first sight kind of
girl; it took you three months to drop your knickers for me,” he
pulled a face, looking as if he found the thought repulsive, “yet
with Frano you tied him up on the second day, then finger-fucked
him until he came—twice actually, because I also saw you groping
his ass when you were made to blow him. But I can hardly blame you,
considering he does have a very nice toosh,” he said, camping up
his voice. “Definitely worthy of fucking.” He waved a hand at me.
“Don’t worry, dear, I like getting fucked, not fucking, you kind of
put me off that for good. Still, I feel rather insulted you fucked
Frano harder than me. You never made me come on my own face...” He
cracked up, his laughter now replacing his words.

I’d be happy to gun fuck
fucking bastard!

kept on laughing, waving his hand at
me as if he wanted me to stop.

What have you done to

Matt finally stopped, although
a few snorts escaped.
“He was put into a forced coma, but came out of it
today, all dazed and confused. Apparently, he thinks he’s got
concussion from falling off a horse. Alberto really is a bastard to
have as a brother. But it’s better this way, because Frano is none
the wiser. And it makes both Alberto and his wife happy to play
along with the game so they both can have a piece of Jagger’s sweet
cherry pie. I know that boy is beautiful, but really, what’s the
good of being beautiful when you get nothing but pain from

Did you touch him?” I
said, feeling sick.

Oh, no, the
only shares with Alberto, and of
today Alberto’s wife: a bribe to keep her silent. Though, I have
watched Alberto fucking the pretty boy, because I really do like
seeing him at work. He is rather scrumptious. I always did prefer
the brutes, especially since I don’t fuck people prettier than
myself.” He smiled wide, telling me he didn’t think I was pretty,
then let out an exaggerated sigh. “That’s not entirely true,
because I do fuck pretty males, but that’s just a hazard of my

Why am I here?” I snapped.
“Besides for your amusement.”

pushed his lower lip out, putting on
a sad face. “I want a divorce,” he said, then started laughing

re a bastard.”

Yes, I am, and you can thank
for that.” He pushed up and grabbed Red by the arm, his smile so
bright I wanted to blacken it with my fist. “I’m going to get
someone to fuck this one in front of Mario for my amusement, so
bye, Rita, hopefully I won’t be seeing you again.” He pulled Red
over to the door, stopping for the guard to open it, then left the
room without a backward glance.

The door closed,
leaving me alone. I
got to my feet and checked it, clasping the handle between my tied
hands, and trying to turn it. As suspected, it was locked. I walked
over to the window and looked out. I was on the third floor, far
too high to jump out of, even if my hands were untied. I scanned
the front yard. The property was huge with a long driveway
disappearing into a row of trees. I looked down at the vehicles
parked out front. Expensive Italian automobiles were lined up like
the beds in the prostitute’s room, while several cheaper cars were
parked further away.

spun around and sized up the room,
wondering what I could use to cut the rope from my wrists, because
there was no way I could wriggle out of it, the knots too tight,
but other than the bed and a few cabinets, the room was pretty
bare, without a single sharp edge in sight. I headed into the
bathroom and checked through the cupboards, using my mouth and feet
to open them, but only finding bandages and other first aid
equipment—nothing that could help me. My smell hit me again, way
too strong to ignore. I turned around and used my clasped hands to
open the shower door, then stepped inside. I knocked the shower
lever on, then started cleaning myself, using the wall and my feet
to do the job that my hands couldn’t.

Once done,
I got out and jumped up and
down on the bathmat, trying to shake the water off me, then went
into the bedroom and wiped myself on the side of the bed. When I
was dry enough, I sat down on the bed, knowing I was far from the
best person for this job, making me wonder why Dan had really
chosen me. He knew I was keen, but still, this was my first active
assignment, one which right now was making me wonder whether I’d
been set up by more than just Matt. I had a chip in my leg that was
pretty much useless, and now that Federico was dead I had
absolutely no support or means of communicating with Dan
whatsoever. It just didn’t make sense to send me in so
ill-equipped, something that I had questioned, although it did no

My train of thought
was cut short at
the sound of footsteps approaching the room. The door opened and a
massive guard walked in with a naked and bleeding Jagger in his
arms. He laid Jagger on the bed, then walked over to me. “Clean
him, bandage him,” he said. “Everything you need is in the
bathroom. There is also a small freezer under the basin with bags
of ice that you can use to put on his crotch. Now, turn around so I
can untie you.”

I did what he asked, the man
cutting the
rope from my wrists. My eyes went to the other guard
standing at the door. He had his gun pointed at me.

massive guard finished untying me
then left the room, the other one with the gun closing the door
behind him, locking me and Jagger in together. I climbed onto the
bed, checking Jagger. His face was unharmed, but he was bleeding
around his nipples and in between his legs, plus his nipples, cock,
and balls were all swollen and red.

Jagger,” I

He moaned, but kept his eyes

I ran into the bathroom, pulling out
bandages, a tube of salve, and a towel from the cupboards, then
returned to the bed, placing it all on the side cabinet. I went
back for another towel and a bowl of water along with a bag of ice
from the freezer under the basin. I placed them on the cabinet
also, then wet the towel and I started cleaning Jagger’s nipples.
He hissed but kept his eyes closed. Once done, I rubbed some salve
onto them, then looked down at his legs, grimacing, but knowing I
had to clean there too

Open your legs, Jagger,”
I said.

No more, please, no more,

I’m just going to clean

He shook
his head and curled into a

I touched his face, making him flinch
away. “Sssh, I promise, I just want to help.”

He cracked open his eyes,
surprise coloring
his golden-brown irises. “Sophia?”

No, it’s Rita. Remember,
Margarita Kovak?”

” he croaked out, rubbing his

Yes, so
open your legs so I can clean

He uncurled himself and spread his legs,
the trust there making me feel sick that he would do that for me,
showing just how much he’d been hurt.

I wiped down his legs, again noticing how
swollen his genitals were. “Turn onto your stomach,” I said. He
rolled over without complaint, the man making my heart hurt. “Open
your legs again.”

He did as
instructed, but flinched when I
placed a hand on his ass.

I won’t hurt you;
I’m just going to
clean you up. But I need to look at your butt to do this. I will
also need to touch it to clean the wounds. Do you give me
permission to check?”

No one needs permission with
me,” he croaked out. “They just take. So clean, you can fuck me
with whatever you want and it will make no difference.”

My heart tightened. I hesitated, then
moved between his legs, running the towel over his crack. When he
didn’t move, I placed my hands on either side and pulled his cheeks
apart, hissing at the angry red I saw between them. Jagger went
rigid as I cleaned it, his muscles tensing, what I was doing
obviously causing him pain. I wondered what had been used on him to
cause the bleeding, then quickly shut down my thoughts, not wanting
to know, just hoping that whatever it was he could heal from

I took the bloodied towel into the
bathroom, soaking it in the sink, then returned and rubbed some
salve over the inflamed area, Jagger hissing at the sting. After I
was satisfied I could do no more, I washed up in the bathroom,
giving myself a better clean now that I had my hands

Feeling satisfied that I no longer smelt
of piss, I went back into the bedroom and rolled Jagger onto his
back, the man no longer resembling the arrogant person I had met.
Oh, he was still beautiful, the sadists not taking that away from
him, but instead of arrogance I saw vulnerability.

I went to pick up the bag of
to place
on his genitalia, but stopped, Jagger’s voice making me turn back
to him.

He reached out for me.

I shook my head, not
comfortable due to
our nudity—or at all.

Please,” he said. “I don’t want
sex; I just want someone to hold me.” When I didn’t move, he
screwed up his face and curled into a ball, covering his face with
an arm.

I swore under my breath, not
wanting to cause t
he man any more pain. I climbed onto the bed and wrapped my
arm around his waist, wary of pressing my breasts into his back. He
slowly unfurled, then turned around and pulled me in close. He
buried his face in my neck, making me think of Frano doing the same
thing. I’d hurt Frano because of what I thought he’d done to Matt.
But he’d done nothing, yet I’d punched him ... no, he
done something—he’d
raped me. But I’d raped him too, what Matt had said true. I may
have only seen it as vengeance at the time, but regardless I’d done
the same to him as he’d done to me. I was no better than him. Nor

Upset at the thought, I buried my face in
Jagger’s wavy black hair. Jagger sighed, sounding content, which I
didn’t understand considering everything he’d been through.
Instead, I thought he wouldn’t want to be touched after what had
happened to him.

We need to escape,
Jagger,” I said.

He pulled his head
, the
pain on his face making it hard to look him in the eye. “We can’t,
they will kill my whole family.”

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