My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 3 (3 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 3 Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #agents, #fbi, #erotica, #bondage, #sex slaves, #kidnapped, #capture, #non consent, #italian mafia

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The Donatelli are
. You
will be raped and tortured.”

They can’t hurt me more
than they already have.”

I shook my head, because I would rather
slit my own throat than allow the priest to touch me. A noise came
from the bed. I turned to find Rita struggling to sit up, her
expression confused, her naked body shaking from the cold. Federico
went towards her. I pushed the guard out of the way and pulled off
my jacket. Right now she wasn’t a slave to me; she was an FBI agent
who I could use to help me with this situation. Matteo had told me
she was adept at martial arts. I didn’t even have to torture him,
the man telling me everything I wanted to know in a despicable
attempt to save his own neck. He’d cracked so easily, offering up
information for a chance to live.

draped my jacket over Rita, who
jerked back, her eyes now registering my presence. “What did they
do to you?” I asked.

Her gaze moved to
She opened her mouth, then started coughing

Get her
some water,” I said to

There are
no glasses or containers to put
it in.”

Go to the door and demand

He walked over to it, and started shouting
for attention.

I turned back to Rita, and
placed a hand on her back, rubbing
it as she coughed and spluttered. She
jerked away from me. I leaned towards her, keeping my voice
controlled. “I am still your master, which means you will not avoid
my touch, regardless of whether I’m helping or fucking

wiped her mouth and sneered at me. “I
wish the priest was fucking you instead of Jagger, at least you
deserve it.”

My hand moved before my brain could stop
it, the slap sounding loud as it wiped the sneer off her face. I
retracted my hand and clenched my fist, annoyed with myself for
reacting, but there was no way I was going to apologize. “You
deserve to be fucked for those words, but I don’t perform in front
of an audience, so the next time you speak ill of me I might just
put you over my lap and take a hand to your tight ass.”

She placed a hand on her cheek, the sneer
returning. “You can hit me all you like, but it won’t change a
thing: you’re scum. No, you’re worthless scum now, someone who is
just as much a slave as I am.”

I am not a

Says the master locked in a
slave cell.”

I pushed off the bed and yanked my
jacket away from her, leaving her exposed. “A master who can still
fuck you into coming.”

She pushed up, her eyes going past me to
Federico, who had stopped yelling and was now watching us. “You
just said you wouldn’t do it in front of anyone,” she said, lifting
her chin, her arrogance riling me.

I jerked my head towards the bathroom.
“That has a door and I know you like bouncing on my cock in a

She shot up off the bed, the surprise
making me jerk back. “Scared of me?” she said, her voice

I took a step towards her. “Like hell I

Her hand whipped out, grabbing me by
the... My eyes widened as she squeezed my balls. I grabbed her
neck, barely able to get out: “Let go before I snap your

gave my balls an extra squeeze, then
let go.

My h
ands instantly went to them. “Bitch,”
I gasped, massaging myself.

Bastard.” She walked past me to
Federico, who was staring at her with wide eyes, probably scared
she would blow his cover. Maybe she thought it didn’t matter now
that I was a prisoner, but instead her fist whipped out, punching
him in the nuts. He went down with a thud, the man rolling onto his
side. “That’s for tying me to Frano’s bed!” she yelled.

She turned around to face me. Even though
she’d hurt my nuts, my bastard dick was still wanting to salute the
bitch, her body so fuckable. She wasn’t skinny or soft-looking like
the other women the trainers brought in, she was all muscle, but in
a delicious way, her legs tight, her ass tighter, but her tits so
full, and those big nipples... I groaned, the pain in my nuts
teaching my cock a lesson for even thinking of rising.

She sniffed. “I’m no one’s slave, so if
you touch me again I will crush you.”

Then how about I tell the
Donatelli you’re FBI?” I said.

What difference will it make?
Everyone probably knows by now.”

The Donatelli obviously don’t,
otherwise you’d be in their cell, servicing their men. And if you
think I’m rough, you haven’t tasted the hand of a real sadist. The
priest has a twin brother who is a slave trainer. He doesn’t like
men like his brother, he loves strong women. You saw his son today,
the trainer called Mario. You saw how big Mario is, how powerful
his body is. Mario’s mother was six foot and could break a man’s
back, yet Mario’s father broke her. You think you’re tough, you
won’t be under him. Play weak for the Donatelli, and you might
survive, but if you choose to play the strong FBI bitch you will be
crushed more than Federico’s balls.”

She stared at me, unsure if I
was telling the truth, but I was, because Mario’s father was just
as much a sadist as the
, which was why I’d taken Mario into my household,
the trainer hating anything to do with his Donatelli name after his
father had killed his mother in front of him, something I could
relate to, my mother’s screams still waking me up at

Realization fell over Rita’s
telling me she believed me, probably having come to the conclusion
over Mario’s pale blue eyes, which were so similar to his

The sound of thudding
my attention. Clutching his balls, Federico pushed to his feet and
shuffled back as the door opened. Five men piled into the room, two
of them holding guns, the man at the front the don’s oldest son. He
was in his fifties, of average height, and with salt and pepper
hair, which extended to his beard. His name was Marco, but most
people called him Lucky, not due to his good
, but because of his favorite brand
of cigarette, their smell never leaving him.

pointed at the guard that Sasha had
killed. “Take him out!” he yelled at his men.

of the men picked up the dead guard
and carried him out, while two more headed for Sasha. The Russian
jumped to his feet and launched himself at the closest thug. Both
men went down, Sasha landing on top. The other guard yanked Sasha
off the fallen man. Sasha went wild, his arms and feet hitting out
at his assailant, knocking him down. More men piled into the room,
all of them launching themselves at Sasha. They grabbed him and
carried him out, Sasha yelling in Russian as he struggled against

One of the men who’d gone down
under Sasha
pushed to his feet, but the first one didn’t

Check him,” Lucky

The thug placed a finger to the fallen
man’s neck, his expression saying it all. He was dead.

swore. “That fucking Russian will beg
for death by the time my uncle is finished with him,” he spat.
“Inform my father what has happened.”

” The man dragged the dead thug out of the room.

glanced at Federico, then turned his
harsh glare on me. “I should kill your guard for what was done, but
Alberto has a use for him, so for now he lives.” His gaze moved to
the remaining thug who was standing next to him, holding a gun.
“Take him out,” he said, indicating to Federico. Once the guard had
removed Federico, Lucky refocused on me. “Take your clothes off,
Frano,” he said.

My eyes widened. “Like

He raised his
gun. “Slaves don’t
wear clothes, so strip.”

I’m not a

You are now, so

You sick

I take no pleasure in a man’s
body.” Lucky walked over to Rita and placed the gun to her head. “I
like women,” he said, snaking an arm around her body, one of his
hands cupping a breast. She gasped as he pinched her nipple. “But,
my dear Frano, I do wish to humiliate you, so strip or I shall send
more men in here to do it while my uncle watches.” He smiled. “Now,
that man appreciates a man’s body, and he has mentioned how nicely
you fit your clothes more than once.”

Knowing it
was stupid to tempt fate, I
started unbuttoning my shirt, my face burning with anger, but I’d
much rather strip under my own hand than have others ripping my
clothes off me. I let the shirt slip to the floor, then unbuttoned
my pants, noticing that Rita was watching as I undressed. Her eyes
were wide and her mouth was open as she stared at my crotch. Fuck,
the bitch wanted me, just wouldn’t admit it, but at least it made
stripping easier, although I wanted to shove my fist up her cunt to
teach her a lesson for hurting my balls.

I kicked off my shoes and removed my
socks, then pushed down my pants. I stood there in my underwear,
knowing Lucky would make me remove them too, but wanting to prolong
it so I could keep Rita’s lusting gaze on me, because once the
don’s son left I knew she would deny her desire for me, the woman
too proud to admit to wanting to bounce on my criminal

Everything off,” Lucky

I placed my hands on the
the briefs, then pushed them down to my ankles and kicked them off.
“If you want to see what a big cock looks like,” I said, holding my
arms out wide, “then who am I to deny you.”

shook his head, but smiled. “You do
have balls, I’ll give you that, but best watch your mouth.” He
shoved Rita onto the bed, then looked over at the door. His younger
brother entered the room. Nino looked the same as Lucky, just ten
years his junior and with pure black hair. He was holding the back
of the redheaded slave’s neck, the woman he’d chosen to fuck

This one needs to stay in here,
because apparently Mario likes her,” Nino said.

indicated with his gun. “Get her to
kneel in front of Frano.”

Nino pushed the naked redhead over to me,
shoving her to her knees.

Suck him,” Lucky

I covered my crotch. “No!” My balls still
hurt from what Rita had done, but that wasn’t the reason, because
there was no way I would allow them to watch me getting a

Get a camera, Nino,”

No!” I yelled.

Then allow her to make you


Why so shy,

I’m not a
, I’m a don!”

He moved up behind the slave
and hit the back of her head, the woman crying out in response.
“Put his cock in your mouth,
,” he said, calling her a hole.

I stepped back as she reached for

He pulled
a knife from his pocket and
flicked it open, then placed it to the slave’s throat. “If you
don’t allow her to suck you, I will slit her throat and color the
floor with her blood.”

n do it.”

laughed. “Oh, that is harsh, Frano.
But I guess you have called my bluff, because redheads are popular
in my house, so I’ll let this one live for now.” He moved to Rita
and indicated with his gun for her to come closer. When she didn’t
move he cocked the gun. “Come here,” he snapped. She pushed off the
bed slowly. Lucky hooked his arm around her and placed the knife to
her throat. “But I’m not bluffing with this one,” he said, looking
at me.

Why are you doing this to
me?!” I yelled.

To teach you your place. You’re
a slave now, Frano, so you will do as slaves do: Entertain

Alberto won’t condone

He is not running the show. He
may think he is, but your brother was always stupid, letting his
cock think for him instead of using what little brain he has. So,
cock in the
before I slit this one’s throat.” Rita gasped as he drew a
thin line of blood across her neck. “I don’t like to be kept
waiting,” he added.

took a step forward. The redhead
instantly grabbed my cock. She brushed my sore nuts as she placed
it inside her mouth, making me hiss. I knew this was going to hurt
due to my painful balls, my cock also knowing it, the thing
refusing to rise.

The woman started working me, but it did
nothing but irritate.

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