My Savior Forever (19 page)

Read My Savior Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Tags: #romance, #romance adult contemporary

BOOK: My Savior Forever
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I turn around to look again and there sits a
new red Jeep Cherokee. Oh. My. God! Jesse takes my hand, walks me
to my new Jeep, and unlocks it. I slide into the driver’s

He bends over hanging one arm over the door
and the other resting on my head rest. “It’s fully loaded.
Everything is automatic, radio, Bluetooth for your phone, CD,
sunroof, well just everything.”

I look at him slowly and laugh. “Phone? What
phone?” He cocks an eyebrow. “You might want to check the glove box
in your arm rest there.” He smirks.

I turn and open the glove box and there sits a
new cell phone. Wow! I turn back and lay my hand on his behind me.
“Jesse, I love all this but, babe, this is too much.”

He pulls me out of the car and holds me. “No,
this is just the beginning. I told you I was gonna spoil you,” he
smiles, “and I meant it.” He leans down and kisses me. “Mmmmm.” I
moan. He laughs in my mouth and pulls back. “Nope, not yet. All in
good time. Right now? We are going to the drive-in. I packed all
kinds of stuff to eat and drink. Do you want to drive?”

I look at him in shock. “Jesse, is the
drive-in even open yet? It’s not quite spring yet.

He waggles his eyebrows at me. “I have
connections. This, my love, is a private showing.”

I look at him and have a huge smile on my
face. “No, I want to enjoy my new car so you get to

As we sit in my new car I think of how lucky I
am. I hope it never ends. Sigh.

I actually fell asleep before the movie was
over and Jesse had to carry me up and put me to bed. But I slept


The next afternoon we went to the mall,
walking around hand in hand. We had a great time just being alone.
When we arrive home and walk in the front door, we hear talking in
the family room and go to investigate. There sits Shane with Allie
on the couch. They both turn their heads as we walk in.

Allie stands up quickly. “I hope you don’t
mind that I invited Shane over.” I shake my head. “Of course not!
This is your house too as long as you’re staying here,” I

Allie looks at Jesse, “Jesse this is Shane.
Shane, this is Jesse.” She looks back and forth at them.

Shane stands and walks over to Jesse and
shakes his hand. “Nice you meet ya, mate,” Shane says.

Jesse smiles. “You’re not from around here,
are you?”

Shane laughs. “Well, actually I live in the
apartments across town,” he smirks. “But, um, I’ve lived in the
States most of my life but my Australian accent creeps in at
times.” He laughs.

We all sit around, talk and drink for a while.
Well they drink alcohol, I drink water. Jesse asks Shane to stay
for dinner then he goes out back to start the grill. I watch as
Allie and Shane seem to share these little secret eye contacts and
smiles with each other. Hmm, I wonder. I grin to myself.

We chat during dinner getting to know Shane
better. “So, what is Tucker like? He seems kind of, um, rough
around the edges,” I ask Shane. Shane gives a little frown then
turns to me. “Ah, well, Tuck has had sort of a rough life growing
up. Parents were druggies and he fell into the wrong crowd at
school. Ya know that kind of thing. But he’s a good mate, would do
anything in the world for ya. Great tattoo artist and plays in a
band on the side. Has a really good voice.”

I put my hand on Jesse’s knee. “He’s the other
tattoo artist that we met when Allie got her tattoo,” I said trying
to catch him up.

“Oh! He plays in a band? What kind of music? I
love live bands,” I say excitedly looking back at Shane. He looks
over at me and smiles. “Well now. They are a Classic Rock band, the
crowd’s really love them and they get them all revved up when they
play. They play over at Barton’s Bar. I know the owner personally
if ya wanna go sometime and see them. I can get ya in free.” He
winks at me.

“Is that the place that was closed down for so
long on the corner by the Coffee Shop?” I ask. Shane

Allie screeches. “Oh! We have to go! When do
they play next?” Shane gives Allie a wide grin. “They happen to
play tomorrow night, if ya wanna go.”

Allie looks at me then proceeds to look at
Jesse. I look at Jesse and give my cutest pout face. Shane and
Jesse both start laughing.

Jesse gets up to clear the table. “Well, I
guess we’re going out tomorrow night,” he says matter of fact.
Allie and I both jump up and down in our chairs.


The next night we head for the bar. It is
freezing out and starting to snow. I hope it’s the last snow of the
winter since we only have a week left until spring.

We get to the bar and there is a short line to
wait in. When we get up to the front of the line Jesse is ready to
pay for us to get in but Shane appears out of nowhere by the

“Nope, they get in free, anytime they come.
Got me?” He tells the bouncer. The man nods and waves us

“Follow me,” Shane says and leads us to a big
round booth that has a ‘Reserved’ sign on the table. It’s to the
left of the stage with a great view. “Best seats in the

Allie smiles at him and I swear I saw her
batting her eyes at him. Nah! Must be the low lighting.

We all sit and soon a waitress comes to the
table in a very low cut tank top, her breasts almost spilling out,
with the bar's name on it and the shortest shorts I have ever seen.
She looks at Jesse with a sexy grin, and she winks at him. I look
at her and glare. Jesse orders our drinks giving her a smile back.
I turn my attention to him and glare. What the hell? After the
waitress leaves Jesse returns his attention back to me. I am still
glaring. “Ahem, what’s wrong, baby?” He says casually. I turn my
head so I don’t look at him. “Oh, nothing.”

Jesse chuckles while putting his arm around
me, pulling me close. He leans down and whispers, “Baby, don’t. I
only have eyes for you.” Then he kisses me on my head.

I turn to him and kiss him back on his mouth.
When I pull back I let out a big sigh and turn my head. “I’m sorry.
I guess my hormones are already going a little crazy,” I say with a
little laugh.

His arm tightens around my shoulder. “Hey.” He
puts his finger under my chin and turns me towards him. “Your
hormones may be a little crazy but you aren’t. I love you and there
is no one else in the world that I would rather be with than you.”
He flicks my nose with his finger. “Know that. Trust that. Believe
that.” I just sit there with tears in my eyes looking into

“What’s going on, you two? Quit with the lovey
dovey eyes,” Allie laughs. “The band is going to be on

Jesse and I give each other a quick kiss and
turn back to enjoy our friends. “So, how is it you can tell the
bouncer to always let us in free, Shane?” Jesse asks.

“Ahem, well, I actually own the place,” Shane
says quietly. “It was my old man’s but he decided to move to
Florida and sell it. So I bought it from him. I fixed it up and
changed it a little, started having bands and it’s just taken

“Wow. That’s great. I’m impressed,” Jesse says
as he reaches over and slaps Shane’s shoulder. Shane smiles.
“Thanks, man.”

A loud scream makes me jump. Apparently the
band is coming onto the stage. Geez. I think my heart skipped a

Tucker saunters out first with an electric
guitar hanging from its strap around his neck. He’s followed by the
other three members of the band. They all have tattoo’s in
different areas of their bodies, piercing’s and the drummer has a

Tucker stands in front of the microphone and
screams, “Hello Barton’s Bar!” The screams are so loud I swear I
lost my hearing for a minute. “How is everyone tonight?” He yells.
More deafening screams. “Are you ready to party with us?” Now there
is a crowd of women and a few men that are standing on the floor in
front of the stage. The women are screaming and jumping up and down
in excitement.

Tuck turns his head to look at the rest of the
band and nods and the drummer hits his sticks a few times and the
music begins.

Their music is great! I don’t know this song.
I wonder if it’s an original of theirs. We sit and listen to the
band play for an hour. “You all ROCK!” Tuck shouts into the
microphone. The crowd roars. “We’ll be back in a few minutes. Gotta
get some drinks. Be ready to PARTY when we come back!” The crowd
screams again. Oh, my God! I am never going to be able to hear

Making his way to our booth, Tuck gets mobbed
by some women. He stops to chat here and there with them. Finally,
he slides into the booth by Shane.

“Whew! Great crowd tonight,” he says looking
around at us. Shane pats him on the back. “You really bring them in
for us, kid. Business has really picked up since you all started
playing here. I appreciate that!” He smiles at Tuck.

Jesse reaches out his hand to Tuck. “Jesse.
Great music. Are they your songs?” Tuck smiles and nods and shakes
his hand. “Tuck, nice to meet you. It’s just something I do in my
spare time. I get these words in my head and have to write them

Shane laughs, “Yeah, kind of bizarre. He will
be working on a tat on someone and all of a sudden he stops, jumps
up and runs to get his pad and pen.” He laughs again. “Good thing
we have nice customers who don’t mind him not coming back to finish
for 20 minutes or longer sometimes.”

We all laugh with Shane. Jesse looks at me and
winks then he looks at Tuck. “Do you ever hire out or play at

Tuck shrugs his shoulders. “Well, no one has
ever asked that before.”

Jesse smiles. “Well I own a company who helps
organize charity functions for mega corporations and I know a few
who would love your music. Who knows, there might be some good
publicity at some of those and some people who might be interested
in your band. Would you and your band be interested?”

Tuck looks at Shane but talking to Jesse. “Not
sure my boss would let me take off to travel.” Shane smiles at him
and puts his hand on his shoulder. “Tuck, my man, if you need to
travel just let me know in advance so Buck and I can cover for ya.
I don’t see any problems with that.”

Jesse is smiling at Tuck as he turns his
attention back to him. “Well I guess I will make some calls and see
where that goes.”

Tuck looks concerned and says, “Um, maybe I
better get with my band first. Make sure everyone is up on this,
but I think they all will be. Let you know?” Jesse smiles and

I start feeling ill about an hour later. I’m
freezing then I am so hot. I don’t know if it was the loud music,
the heat in the bar due to the crowd or what.

“Baby, are you ok? You look really pale.”
Jesse asks in my ear. I feel like I am going to be sick so I just
shake my head a little. Jesse puts his arm around me. “Ok. You’re
making me nervous. Baby? Can you answer me?”

I jump up and walk very fast around the corner
and into the woman’s bathroom. I barely make it into a stall and
start throwing up. By the time I am almost done relieving the
entire contents of my stomach, I hear Allie behind me talking
quietly with soothing words, rubbing my back and holding my hair
away from my face.

I stand but am very dizzy. Next thing I know I
am in Jesse arms and he is kissing my head. “Allie can you get her
purse and bring it to my car? Thanks.” I hear him talking, but I am
so tired that it’s getting hard to keep my eyes open.

I am in the ‘right before you wake up’ state
and I can feel something cold and wet on my forehead. When I open
my eyes Jesse is sitting beside me on the bed with a frown on his
face. I reach up and rub the frown lines on his forehead. “Jesse,”
I croak, my voice is hoarse, “What’s wrong?”

He takes the wash cloth off my forehead and
puts the back of his hand on it. “You just about passed out at the
bar, do you remember?” My eyebrow’s crease over my eyes as I shake
my head.

“You’ve been running a little fever but you
really have been making me nervous with how hard you’ve been
sleeping. You feel a little cooler now. How are you

I yawn big and smile. “I think I feel better,
just really tired. What time is it?” Jesse looks over at the clock
on the night stand. “It’s almost 5:00 in the morning.” He smiles. I
can see how tired his eyes are.

“Babe, thank you for taking care of me but
come to bed. I’m ok, I promise and you will be right here with me.”
He nods, gets undressed and climbs in bed beside me. I roll over to
him and wrap my arm around his waist. I kiss his chest and snuggle
into him. He takes his hand and feels my forehead again then leans
down and kisses me there. I barely close my eyes before I am


I called Stella the next morning and told her
I had a bug and probably wouldn’t be at work Monday. She told me
not to worry about it and not to even think about coming in on
Tuesday unless I felt 100% better and to let her know.

So I laid around all day Sunday on the couch
napping on and off. Jesse took care of me, bringing me soup, 7-up,
Kleenex and lots of kisses. Every time he came in to bring me
anything or just to check on me he was always kissing my forehead,
my cheek or the top of my head. I feel so loved and cared

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