My Sweet Dessert: The Brothers of Devil's Comfort Series 2 Book 2

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My Sweet Dessert

A Brothers of Devil’s Comfort MC


Series 2 Book 2


Brair Lake






© 2015, Brair Lake

All rights reserved by author.

The Author is contactable on the following media pages


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Cover Image: © Image ID: 6145859 (ML)













 No part of this publication is to be reproduced in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission of the author



The work in this book is the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to person either living or dead, places, events or locations is purely incidental. The characters and storyline are a work of fiction. The Devil's Comfort MC is about escapism and does not reflect real life in any way.



For five years I have patiently waited for the man who went to prison for me. Everyone told me, that what I felt for him was nothing but youthful infatuation. Yet I knew they were wrong. I love my biker, just as my biker loves me.

For five, I served a prison sentence for saving the life of a Devil’s Comfort Biker’s sister. Now I was free to claim her as mine. All I had to do was prove to my brothers that I love her. I also have to demolish my enemy.

The Men of Devil’s Comfort are tough alpha men. Who love to ride their bikes on the open roads of Louisiana and when they are not riding, they party hard and rule Comfort Springs, a small town located near The Mississippi River.

This book contains explicit sex and is intended for mature audience of 18+ only

This book contains, acts of me sexual nature that some people may find offensive

If you are one of these people who find this offensive, please do not purchase or read














Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30


The Letters

The Visit.

The Phone Call.

Brothers of Devils Comfort MC Series 1








Dearest Crabby

Why do you think the family and the MC are against the idea of you and me? I’ve asked myself this question so many times, and still I’m unable to come up with a logical answer. When I approach Rayven, she stares at me with those big blue eyes of hers. Her red ruby lips, smiling as she pats me on the arm. “You’re our baby, Emily.” Is all she says, and when I pout and stamp my foot, she laughs.

Well, we’ll be the ones who’ll be laughing soon. Our time is coming and when we are married, they’ll be unable to keep us apart. Then they’ll have to understand, and believe we are meant to be together.

Five years Crabby. These have been the longest and slowest years of my life. I thought I was never going to make it. To survive without you, yet here we are, about to start a new life together. Do you know my hands are shaking and tears are welling up inside me? I’m sitting on my childhood bed, my hands tightly clasped together, as I hold our marriage license application form, stamped approved.

I’ve bought the tiniest flimsiest negligee I was able to find. It is in the palest green with matching panties. The thought of seeing you and watching your face as I stand before you wearing nothing but this apparel, has my body quivering. My body is hot and damp. The burn in me, yearns to be tamed, to be banked down by you.

The crave I have for your touch, leaves me unsettled. What if I disappoint you? Fail you in the simplest of ways? Will you teach me Crabby? Teach me to be the woman I can be. Ha, I’m frightening myself Crabby. I’ve had the talk. When Momma refused, Rayven sat down with me and she told me to go with my feelings, that there wasn’t anything to worry about.

Sometimes when I sit by my bedroom window and I look over the busy street, I wonder to myself if you spend as much time thinking about me as I do daydreaming about you. When I close my eyes, I drift back to our last visit, and I can still smell you. Not the smell of that awful soap you use, but your scent. The scent of your flesh you hide underneath the cold carbolic fragrance.

Tabby has become unbearable and Quick Draw has moved back home. When he’s not here, Chilli or Fraggle stop by, and I’m forbidden from going to the club. It’s not fair Crabby, why is everyone allowed to be happy but us. Even Yvette’s happy. When she left Comfort Springs on the back of Twiggy’s bike, she appeared to be at peace.

Seven day’s Crabby. You I will be together in seven days.

Love you

Apple Pie.


Sweet Apple Pie

If there’s always something I’ll remember you for, it’s your letters. Not a week goes by, when you write to me. Some of your letters may have been brief. Others several pages long, yet I have loved and enjoyed each and every one you wrote. Memorizing each word as they helped me pass my time here. Still, I hope you can remember what you wrote for some of your letters have been blanked out, and I can only imagine what they say.

This week has to be slowest week I have ever had to endure. I’m both thrilled and excited that we’ll finally be able to spend time together. Time without interruption or limitations. Just you and me alone. I’m sorry I can’t give you the big fancy wedding, or a long romantic honeymoon. Maybe after your family and the club accept us as a couple, we can have a big shindig to celebrate our life together. If I could Apple Pie, I would do this differently, but we have to show them we are serious so they’ll take us seriously.

Two good things have happened in my life Apple Pie. The first was meeting you. The second, whilst I’ve been inside, I managed to finish my education and I completed a couple of carpentry courses. When I mentioned this to Ivy, she offered me a job with her. Which is great as I’ll be able to support us while you finish your education and training to be a nurse. You’ll make a great nurse Apple Pie; did I ever tell you that.

Apple Pie, I’m not sure what’s going on in Comfort Springs. However, during Sundance’s last visit, he said some strange things which has left me pacing my cell floor most nights and my stomach churning. Don’t worry about Quick Draw being home again, just take care of yourself and tell people where you are going.  We may not want everyone to know about our plans for the day I’m released, however, if you trust Yvette or that new girl Sundance is always harping on about. Tell them, but only if you trust them. I don’t mean to frighten you Apple Pie, it’s just that I want you to be on your guard and if you do spot a stranger, tell Tabby or Sundance.

I just had to pinch myself Apple Pie. As I come to the end of my letter, I realize this is the last letter you will receive from me. I promise you once I’m out of here I’m not coming back. Just keep out of trouble Apple Pie so that I can stick to my promise.

With my heart, I miss you and until we meet outside, I love you.

Crabby xx

Chapter 1

My skin’s clammy and there are rat claws ripping at my stomach. The room is spinning as I attempt to concentrate on what is going on around me, or should that be, what is not happening around me.

“What the fuck do you mean; you can’t find her fucking car? How fucking hard can it be?”

My disbelief and disappointment at Apple Pie not showing up at the prison gate hadn’t abated until we returned to Comfort Springs when Inferno had called me into Church. Neither have I calmed down by the time he was through speaking. My guts twisting inside me as I listen to my president informing me that Apple Pie is missing. Shit, what the fuck was going on.

“Where’s Chilli? And why the fuck wasn’t he watching her?”

“He’s at County, where he’s having stitches put in to his head. From where some fucker knocked him out.”

Inferno’s startling green eyes held a hint of amusement for the first time since our return as he rubs his hand over his chin.

“Which is a good thing considering Tabby is on his way.”

My lips give a slight quiver at Chilli’s predicament, but it didn’t last. No, as soon as I see the motherfucker, he’s going to be seeing my fist. What the fuck had he been doing, for some bastard to be able to sneak up on him, and knock him out.

“Has Quick Draw been in touch?”

Inferno gave a shake of his head as he rolled his eyes.

“Not since the last time you asked. Which was only ten minutes ago.”

This was no good. Five years I’ve spent in prison and not once, did I feel, as I do now. The walls were closing in, while frustration was making my footsteps heavy on the wooden floor. Fuck, this was supposed to be my wedding day. A quick glance at my watch has me smiling ruefully. About now, Apple Pie is supposed to be lying naked on a bed, trembling as I lick her from head to toe.

“I can’t stay here. I’m going to go look for her.”

“And where will you look?”

“Where Quick Draw hasn’t.”


Inferno’s voice is quiet as he steadily gazes at me. His countenance lazy while he leant against his chair, at odds with the worry, which has darkened his green eyes to almost black.


“You’re not the only one concerned by Emily’s disappearance. Remember, she has family who loves her.”

“I’m still going.”

A commotion in the main hall has Inferno looking towards the door before he leapt from his chair. Which topples, causing his feet to become tangled in the legs.

“Fuck. Take Sundance with you… and Dec.”

Without bothering to put the chair upright, Inferno headed for the door, where he came face to face with an angry Baby Blu. Yep, it was time for me to leave. With a quick hello and excuse to Baby Blu; I was out of the office searching for Dec and Sundance.

The first place we call at, is Apple Pie’s home. Stopping at the end of the street when I spot the sheriff’s car parked outside.

“What do you want to do now?”

Annoyed by the delay, I frown in Dec’s direction.

“What did Quick Draw tell you?”

“Not much. Just that one of the neighbor’s watched Emily drive off, and that it appeared as though she was alone.”

Slowly I dip my head as I search the street up and down, wondering which direction she would have taken.

“Has anyone contacted Clipper?”

“Linc and Ant are on their way.”

“Okay, we’ll have to assume Apple Pie was on her way to meet me, so we’ll head for the highway and take it from there.”

Slowly we trawl the highway, looking for signs which may have drawn Apple-Pie’s attention. As we ride along the asphalt road, I check for skid marks, searching for evidence of anything which may have pushed her off the road. With a hand signal, I indicate to turn back to Comfort Springs and once more trawl the highway. When I still fail to come up with anything, instead of going on further, I leave the highway at the next turn off. I don’t know what it was, but something caught my attention, and I rode down a side road I had previously missed, pulling into a layby when Dec gave the signal.

“Are you sure you want to go down this road. It just leads to a dead end.”

Again, I scan the area. Before I answer Dec, I give the trees one more thorough scrutiny.

“Yeah. My gut tells me this is the way they went.”

The prickliness at my neck is becoming stronger as we ride further down the deserted track. When we reach the embankment of trees, I pull the bike over.

“How long has Apple Pie been missing? … Five… six hours?”

“Something like that.”

Sundance has removed his helmet and was brushing his hand through his hair as he answered. Again, I scan the area, certain I was in the right spot.

“So that’s long enough to take Apple Pie by foot to wherever they are hiding her and then ditch the car?”

Dec and Sundance hesitate before answering, their gazes scanning the area.

“You think she’s in those woods.”

Quietly, I move towards the section Sundance is pointing to, pushing the bike through the trees.

“Yep, they came this way.”


No matter how often I pace the room, it doesn’t change size. Fifteen strides in one direction and eight in another before I hit the bed. The window is blacked out, and either there was no electric, or the bulb has been removed. My head is pounding from whatever implement my kidnapper hit me with. When I first woke up, the silence was the scariest thing I found myself facing. I hadn’t even realized the room was in darkness until I noticed I was stretching my ears for sound.

Then in a panic, I had jumped off the bed, jarring my knee as I landed on the wooden floor. I had no way of knowing or calculating the time. Shit, why hadn’t I checked the house or car? In my excitement to collect Crabby, I hadn’t realized Chilli wasn’t about or following me. Excited that I had managed to escape Comfort Springs without any of Devils Comfort on my tail, I had blithely continued on my journey.

When the voice from behind me had eventually spoken, I had screamed until my lungs were hoarse. After that, the rest of my journey has left me vague as to where I am, or how I arrived here. By using my hands, I have scraped my way to a door. Yet, as I tug on the metal handle, apart from rattling in the doorframe slightly, the door refuses to open. History shouldn’t be repeating itself. How could it? Hadn’t Crabby killed the last man who had taken me? Shit were they planning on getting me high again. In five years, I have never spoken to anyone of the nightmare I endured through that trip, or how they still came back to haunt me. When in the middle of the night I’d wake in a cold sweat. Exhausted from hammering on the door, I lay my head against the wood. Silently praying for Crabby to come and find me.

As my sobs begin to drain, there is a scuffling sound and my voice freezes in my throat. Nothing is coming out. As I continue to listen, I hear the key turning. Whoever was on the other side, I prayed it was my rescuer. When the door is jerked open, in my shock, I fell forward, the sudden light hurting my eyes as I fall into the arms of my capturer.

“Well well well. What do we have here?”

His voice is slimy, my body recoiling from his touch while I shrink inside as his sticky tongue washes my ear. Furiously I bang my hands against his shoulders and stomp my foot on top of his, smiling when he howls and releases me.

When I was young and I had fought with my brothers, Georgie and Luke, they had always mocked me for fighting like a girl, well I was going to fight like one now. I was going to scratch at his skin, pull his hair, kick, and stomp on him. As I put my words into action, I yelled at the monster.

“Let me go… Do you know what happened to the other guy who tried to kill me?”

Each yell, I follow with a punch or kick. By now, I have lost all control and I’m attacking my attacker with everything I have. It was then that the first deadly punch to my face landed, followed shortly by one to my stomach.

“You stupid bitch. Why the fuck, do you think you’re here?”

Again, another punch landed to the side of my head, causing me to rock and fall to the ground. As I curl into my body, protecting my tender flesh, a kick is placed against my thigh. Then my attacker leans against my calf until a sharp pain shoots up my leg. Causing me to release the scream I am unable to hold back.

“Your fucking boyfriend kills my cousin, and the judge let him off.”

Through my sobs and shortness of breath, I manage to answer my attacker.

“He paid for it.”

“Not enough, he didn’t.”

This time my perpetrator slaps me across the face, causing my head to spin, and what little I can see, becomes double. As the slaps land, I beg him to stop, crying in my pain. All I desire is death. A way to escape from my tormentor. Just as I begin to believe this was it, I hear a ringing in the distance, and my capturer steps away. Through silted eyes, I watch as he answers his phone, smiling through my swollen lips when he storms out of the building. Then once more, everything begins to fade, as my stomach churns.

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