My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked) (18 page)

Read My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Contemporaryu, #bdsm

BOOK: My Wicked Devil (Club Wicked)
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Dragging in a breath, she managed to whisper, “Are you wet?”

Shy gave her startled smile and laughed. “I’m wet enough to take my Mistress’s fist right now.”

Before Kira could formulate a response, the hits became more rapid, crisscrossing each other and adding an almost unbearable pain. He snapped her where he’d already struck earlier, and she screamed at the burning sensation.

Shy quickly spoke up. “Mercy, my lord. She’d hurt herself to please you.”

Before the words had even left the other woman’s mouth, Bryan’s energy brushed against Kira a moment before his cool hand ran down her ass cheek. “Beautiful. And so aroused I can smell it.”

“Please, my lord. I want you. Please make me come.”

“Turn around and put your arms behind your head.”

Moving was harder than she anticipated, first because her fingers felt stuck to the statue’s grip, and second because she was very fearful of what he would do to her pussy and breasts. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind he could resist the lure of kissing her flesh there with his strikes. The scent of the lotion and her perfume mingled with her sweat filled her as she took a deep breath and turned.

He was magnificent. There was no other word for it. The moment she saw him, a fierce pride and joy filled her that this man was hers as surely as she was his. If it took the rest of her life to get his collar back, she would do whatever it took. He wore his leather pants and nothing else, his bare chest slicked with a faint gleam of sweat. The savage twist of his smile undid her, and she licked her lips.

Looking away, he took a step back and cracked the whip, making her flinch. His first strike caught her unprepared as she glanced up to see if she could figure out how many people were witnessing this intimate moment between them. And it was intimate, if unconventional. She trusted this man to beat her with a weapon that could scar, maim, or kill her if used with the wrong intent. But he used it to bring her pain and then push her over into intense pleasure.

She wanted him, oh so much.

Shy grasped her wrists and pulled her back a little bit, holding her in place.

The sting on her hip merged with the ones on her ass until her front burned as much as her back. His last two strikes caught her right on the tip of each nipple, and she fisted her hands in her hair to keep from falling from the pain. A moment later he was before her, his lips latched on to her burning nipple, sending exquisite anguish and pleasure through her, overloading her mind and sending her deep within herself.

The cool stone of the statue hit her back, and she leaned against it for support as his gentle tongue laved the burning skin, making her whimper. Shy kept her stretched, open for his touch like Kira had no ownership of her body. Never in a million years did she think she’d be doing something so kinky, but fucking hell, it felt divine.

She snapped her hips forward when he switched to the other breast and sucked gently, sending a firestorm through her blood. She relaxed further, trusting them to hold her. Shy began to place featherlight kisses over her palms, each as soft as rabbit’s fur. What turned Kira on the most, sent her the deepest into relaxation was the way Bryan was touching her. Fierce, but with reverence. He didn’t just suck her tits. He lavished her breasts with his teeth and tongue. Her whole body contracted when he sucked hard, and she moaned. Normally all this stimulation and pain would have been too much, but here, in her dark place, she was cocooned and floating.

When his thumb brushed her clit, she thrust her hips forward, inviting him to stroke, to touch, to do whatever he wanted with her body as long as he made her come. Teasing her entrance with his fingers while his thumb ran circles around her clit, her sheath ached to be filled. She lowered herself the slightest bit, and the tip of his finger entered her, making her almost limp with pleasure.

He stroked her entrance, massaging her from the inside out, slowly working his way deeper. Anticipating the pain didn’t kill her desire like it normally would because she was already in pain. The burn of his body rubbing against her various marks overloaded her nervous system, and when he added a second finger, she undulated against him.

Shy whispered right in Kira’s ear, “Look at the way he touches you. Amazing. You mesmerize him with your responses, your body, with your submissive soul.”

The thought of his affection for her being obvious to everyone but her ricocheted through her head and tore up some long-held beliefs. She wasn’t alone in her feelings for him. Thank God, because she could easily see herself falling in love with Bryan. The I-will-never-leave-you kind of love.

“Oh, please. Please, my lord. May I come?”

“Not yet.”

For an eternity he tormented her with slow and steady strokes of his fingers in her very wet pussy. Then he hooked them like he was making a come-here gesture inside her and rubbed the top part of her vagina hard. His thumb pressed down on her clit, and her body raced toward release. Unable to stop herself, she came apart with a scream, coming all over his fingers, gripping the digits with her delicate muscles, shaking apart beneath his touch.

Shy released her hands, and Kira wrapped them around Bryan, hugging him to her and rejoicing in the ability to finally touch him. She’d done it. She’d not only found pleasure from his whipping, but he’d also managed to penetrate her with his fingers. Her orgasm still hummed through her skin, moving through her muscles like slowly shifting sands.


All the pain from the whipping, all the soreness in her tight muscles became a part of the orgasm, adding a sharp edge to her release that burned away all the tension in her body and mind, leaving her floating in a state of ecstasy. He braced her with his free arm and kissed her hard, sucking on her tongue, eating her fading cries from between her swollen lips. She was surrounded by him, inside and out, taken by this man in every sense of the word.

Everything relaxed, and she found herself sliding out of his arms.

With a chuckle he caught her and hauled her back up. “Whoa. Once you’re recovered, I’m going to have to punish you for coming without my permission, love.”

She could barely nod, her mind and soul disconnected from her physical form and mixing with his essence. Almost of their own accord, her eyes closed, and she gave up trying to think and let the darkness carry her away. She could lose herself in the sensations of her body, give up every ounce of control, because Bryan was here, and he would keep her safe.

Chapter Ten

On the wide and sumptuous four-poster bed, Kira snored softly, one arm flung out beside her head and her legs askew beneath a thin green silk sheet. They were in one of the club’s safe rooms, soothing places where overstimulated subs could be taken and coddled. Bryan sat in a chair next to the bed, studying the woman who’d completely thrown him for a loop. His emotions seesawed between awe at her courage and fear for her safety.

He’d seen before Shy warned him during the whipping that Kira was reaching the point when she should have used her safe word, but his stubborn sub had ignored her own body’s danger signs. Right now he should be walking out the door and finding some Dom to take over her training that could make her safeword out. Bryan wasn’t sure if she wouldn’t say stop with him because she did indeed trust him or if her adrenaline-junkie nature made her push herself past her comfort zone so often that she didn’t really know when she was putting herself in physical danger. And he cared about her too much to push her to the breaking point, unable to abuse the gift of her trust. Yep, he needed to get out now while he could, for both their sakes.

Unfortunately his heart threatened to quit working every time he even thought about leaving her side.

They were in a fuck of a mess.

Glancing at his watch, he decided he’d let her sleep long enough. It was time to put another layer of salve on her welt marks and address the other elephant in the room. He’d managed to penetrate her with two fingers, and while that was nowhere near the size of his cock, it was a start. He should be happy about that. He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d ever be able to have vanilla sex with Kira. He sighed and rubbed his face. After all the kinky fuckery he’d indulged in, who would have ever thought he’d actually crave the intimacy of traditional lovemaking.

That’s not to say he wouldn’t want her tied up while they did it, but he wanted that connection with her. He wanted her to see him not just as her Master and her man. He was falling for her, hard, but loving her would be exposing himself to the paparazzi again. He’d done some Internet searches on his lovely lady, and she was active in the charity scene. She even had a foundation, rewarding underprivileged children with the chance to go to high school abroad for a year. With running a foundation came the responsibility of fundraising, and if they started dating, he would be expected to attend with her.

How long would it take for the media to realize who he was?

Kira shifted and rolled over to her side, revealing the welts crisscrossing her fair skin. Now a new worry surfaced. Was he the monster the media said he was for enjoying the sight of his marks on her fair skin? Everything he’d been raised to believe said hitting a woman was wrong, hurting a woman a sin, but in his soul, it felt right. Not that he would go around randomly whipping women, but when he found a masochist who had chemistry with him, they were like a lock and key fitting together.

Pulling his head out of the muck of his thoughts, he picked up the jar of herbal salve and sat down on the bed next to Kira, the mattress dipping beneath his weight. She made a sleepy protest and rolled onto her stomach. He tugged the sheet down, revealing her back and the swell of her buttocks. More angry lines here and the starburst kisses of the tip of the whip. She’d bruise. He worried about her reaction when she looked in a mirror in a few days.

Most women would freak out at their body turning black-and-blue, but would Kira? She’d certainly been banged up enough during her stuntwoman days to know what would happen to her fair skin when she took some hits. Truth be told, he didn’t like seeing how far she’d let him go. He’d only intended to give her a very light, superficial beating, but once they were engaged in the scene, his mind had shifted to a higher level where he wanted to push her a little bit more, prove to her that the pain was worth the pleasure, that he could make her feel good even as she hurt.

Before she’d passed out, he was pretty sure she was flying deep in subspace, and her orgasm had been spectacular. Hopefully it had been enough to start conditioning her to accept pain from him, to associate it with intense pleasure. The memory of the way she strained against him, the scent of her pussy and the feel of her sent a hard throb of need that tightened his balls. And her cunt, God, she’d been so tight and hot around his fingers. His dick ached with the need to fuck her.

He took a generous amount of the balm onto his fingers and began to spread it over her back in careful strokes. When he reached the top rise of her arse, he looked up at her face and found her watching him. Her beautiful sherry-brown eyes brightened, and a soft smile curved her lips.

“Hi.” Her voice came out rough and husky.

“Hi, yourself.” He began to massage the lotion into her abused buttocks, and his cock twitched at the softness and heat of her skin beneath his hands. “How do you feel?”

“Amazing and awful at the same time.”

His gut clenched, and he forced himself to keep his hands moving. “How awful?”

“Nothing I can’t handle.”

Now he did pause and gave her undivided attention. “Kira, why didn’t you safeword out?”

“What? Why would I?”

“Because I was getting near the point of no return with you.” Her confused look made him want to tear his hair out, but it wasn’t her fault she didn’t understand. “Look, in my experience, there is a point during pain play where it becomes too much for the body to handle and you pass out. If that happens, it means I’ve totally ignored your needs in favor of my own pleasures, and for a Dom, that is unacceptable.”

“But I wasn’t anywhere near that point.”

“Yes, you were. I saw it, Shy saw it, and I bet everyone in the gallery saw it as well.”

“Don’t worry. I can handle anything you want to do to me.”

“That’s the point. I don’t want you to handle. I want you to enjoy. I want to be able to trust you enough to make you walk the edge, but I can’t because you refuse to tell me when you’re about to fall. In fact, I’m not even sure you know when it’s too much for your body to handle. You’ve been pushing yourself from one extreme to another for so long that your body’s normal ability to signal when it’s in danger is ignored by your mind.”

She started to push up and yelped when he gently smacked her butt. “With all due respect, Mr. High-and-Mighty, I think I know myself better than you do.”

He was tempted to smack her bum harder this time, but they needed to talk about this and he wanted her to speak her mind. “Do you? Then answer me this, Kira. How many times has your foolhardiness put you in the hospital? How many times have your friends and family had to receive phone calls about you getting in some accident or another that could have easily killed you? How many times have your parents been unable to sleep because of their worry about you?”

Her wounded look hurt more than any whipping he’d ever had. “It’s not like I do it on purpose. They’re accidents. Accidents happen to everyone.”

“Yes, they do, but they happen a lot more to people who don’t recognize true danger.”

Her hurt turned to defensive anger. “That’s really ironic coming from a man who just whipped me. Maybe you’re a prime example of my inability to recognize danger.”

Fighting to keep his own temper under control, he moved down her body and started to work on her thighs. “Maybe I am. The question is are you strong enough to walk away from me?”

She turned beneath him, coming to her knees with a painful groan and facing him with the sheet pulled up to her chest. “Are you dumping me?”

He was all ready to say yes, to do them both a favor and end this now, but when he looked into her eyes, the thought of never seeing her again was beyond intolerable. “No.” He sighed and scooted her closer so he could hold her stiff body. “I’m afraid that’s no longer an option for me. But if you were wise, you would leave me.”

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