My Woman His Wife Saga (43 page)

BOOK: My Woman His Wife Saga
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Moving Forward Looking Back
“Monica, I'm sorry if I caught you at a bad time,” I stuttered into the phone nervously. I didn't know if she was going to ram on me and start cursing me out or what, and I just wanted to brace myself for it.
“Oh, no, it's not a bad time,” she responded, just as nervous. “What's going on?”
I had to pull the phone back and look at it. Was she serious? Not sure what kind of games Monica was playing, but I just wasn't beat for it.
She gave my mother-in-law the number to contact her for a reason, and if it ain't about her son then we ain't got shit to talk about.
“Well, you took extreme measures for me to contact you. Is this about your son?”
Again the phone went quiet on the other end. I was starting to lose my cool with her, and this was about to be a wrap before it got started. This was the first time in weeks that I got a moment to myself, outside of Jordan being upstairs sleep, and I needed to get this with Monica—whatever
was—done and over with. I just didn't have the energy to go through the motions with her at this point in my life.
“Ummm, yeah. Is there a way I can meet him . . . I mean, meet up with you to discuss the situation?” she asked in a still-nervous voice. I decided to be a little nicer to Monica. I was sure this had to be hard for her, and it took a lot for her to even step foot back in Philly in the first place.
“Well, we definitely need to talk. When can we hook up?”
“Right now.”
Now it was my turn to be quiet. I didn't want to get caught up in her web again, so I didn't want to bring her to the house. I also didn't want being seen out with her in public to be misconstrued, so I knew I had to be discreet. We definitely couldn't meet in Philly, but I couldn't leave my son alone. Maybe getting her to the house real quick was the best move. At least there she could state her purpose and keep it moving.
“Hello?” she spoke into the phone, probably thinking that I hung up.
“Yeah, I'm here. Do you have a pen? I'll give you my address so that you can come by the house.”
I regretted it as soon as I spit the numbers out, but it had to be done. Hopefully we could just get this done and over with, and her seeing a few pictures of her son would be enough.
What I needed Monica to understand was that she couldn't just pop back up into this boy's life like everything was cool. As crazy as shit was, Junior thought Jasmine was his mom. Plain and simple. Yeah, she was extra hard on him, but she was all he knew. He grew up with the other kids, and knew us as a family. What if she wanted to take him away? How would the kids react? So many thoughts went through my head, and I could feel myself starting to panic. Monica could act crazy if she wanted to, but if she tried some slick shit it would be on. I needed to restore some type of order before Jazz came home, and getting her out of the way was one of the top things on the list to do.
“How long will it take you to get here?” I asked as I looked around to double check that the house was neat. I didn't want her to think that we weren't on point around these parts.
“Give me thirty minutes.”
“Don't be late.”
Not even waiting for a response, I just hung up on her. I hated to admit it, but I was nervous. Monica made me weak, and I really hoped that she would be strictly business today. She still looked damn good, and I had to adjust my growing erection in my pants. Just thinking about what those lips and hips were capable of had me ready to get it popping. Shaking my head, I went to check on Jordan. He would definitely get my mind straight for that devil that was about to show up at my front door.
I thought to maybe at least call Jazz's mom to see if she could stop by after her workday was over; that way if things got heated she could possibly show up just in time to stop it. Monica was irresistible, and I knew I would want her. I just had to try my best to stick to the matter at hand.
The clock seemed to be moving in slow motion, being as though only about ten minutes had gone by. A part of me was hoping that she would show up early so that we could get this over with. I already decided that if she showed up even a minute late then she would have to reschedule. I didn't want her to be here when the kids got home from school because there would be too many questions. They would want to know who she was, and I would have to lie because they weren't ready. This was already becoming too much.
At the twenty-three-minute mark I heard a car pulling up to the door. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my palms were sweaty as I walked toward the door. Who was I kidding? I was not ready for this meeting, and I should have just told her that now wasn't a good time. Hell, it was too late now because she was already here.
Approaching the door, I took a deep breath before opening it, only to be greeted by Jazz's mom. Damn, she showed up too early! I thought she had to work, but she either had the day off or only worked a half day. I should have called her when I thought of it. At least I would have known she was on her way and I could have stalled her to show up after Monica got here. Well, it was too late now, and I would just have to wing it. After all, Monica only had about five more minutes to show up, and then it would be her loss.
Of course my luck wasn't that good, and as soon as I took the bags from my mother-in-law's hands to take in the kitchen I heard another car pull up. I kept walking like I didn't hear it, and decided to let her answer the door so that I could feign surprise that Monica actually showed up.
From the kitchen I heard a muted conversation between Monica and Jazz's mom, so I busied myself with putting the groceries away to buy more time before I went into the living room. Just as I was putting the eggs and milk into the fridge, the two women appeared in the kitchen doorway. I was speechless because Monica looked even sexier up close, and once again I had to control a growing erection.
“James,” Jazz's mom began, “this is the young lady I saw at the hospital who gave me the number. I didn't know you called her.”
“I just got around to calling her today,” I responded as my eyes bounced around the room, trying not to make eye contact. It appeared that she was almost wallowing in my discomfort, but she wouldn't win today. “She's an old friend of Jazz's and mine.”
“Yes, she told me that at the hospital. I'm going to be heading out soon. I just came to check on Jordan and to make sure the kids had food for breakfast. I have to get home to start dinner for that spoiled husband of mine,” she said with laughter in her voice and love in her eyes. I wondered briefly if Jazz would feel that way about me one day.
“He should still be sleeping. I just gave him some pain medicine not too long ago.”
“Okay, I'll go check,” she said to me before turning away. “Go ahead and catch up with your friend. I'll stop back in before I go. It was nice to meet you again, Monica.”
“Nice to meet you as well,” she said, extending a sweet smile. She was so damn conniving and came off as sweet and innocent. I had to keep that in mind as I talked to her fine ass.
“Well, have a seat,” I offered as I sat down on the opposite side of the kitchen table. This entire experience was just too soon, and I knew I was making a mistake. When was it going to bite me in the ass was my biggest concern. Jasmine would not be happy about Monica being here in this house, around these kids, or anywhere in Philly for that matter. I knew that would be another hurdle to cross, but I couldn't tell this woman she couldn't see her son. I mean, I could, but all that would do was cause problems in the long run, and it was better to just avoid the shit now. Jasmine would be angry but she would just have to get over it.
Staring at her for a moment too long, the first thing I noticed was that she still looked exactly the way she did the last time I saw her. She didn't appear to have aged at all; she just looked more mature. Everything was definitely still on point.
“So what brings you to my neck of the woods?”
“James, you already know what it is. I came to see about my son.”
Before I could respond, Jazz's mom came back into the kitchen to let me know she was leaving. I excused myself to lock the door behind her, and to get myself together. I commended her for getting straight to the point, and for the first time since our initial conversation I felt like I could get through this. I just hoped she didn't flip the script on me and try to seduce me . . . She might just end up getting some head out of the deal. Yeah, I was sure her main reason for the visit was to see about her son, but Monica used sex to get results for everything. That wasn't to say that she hadn't changed over the years, but that's the Monica I remembered and it made me nervous.
Any Way the Wind Blows
The moment James said that I could come to talk about my son, I hopped back in the car and was on the road. I was driving so fast that I forgot to call Jaydah and tell her that I had to make a detour. I left my phone in the car, so I couldn't even call her once I got inside, but it didn't matter. At this moment she was a nonfactor, and I had to handle my business.
We sat quietly at first once he returned to the kitchen. I smelled his cologne before I saw him. I had to squeeze my thighs together to keep my clit from jumping, and to control the splash that would soak my panties. I couldn't believe that this man still turned me on. He looked less bruised and beat up now, and I could tell that a lot of the scars would heal nicely, and not be a permanent fixture on his fine features. He looked more . . . mature. A shy smile crept up on my face as a thought of one of the times we hooked up popped into my head, and I had to make myself stay focused. I was here to get the dibs on my son, and that was it, but if he made a pass I couldn't guarantee that I would resist.
“How is your wife?” I asked, my voice sounding foreign to my own ears, and I didn't recognize the sound coming out. I did a quick scan of the room, taking notice that it was just as laid out as the living area of the house. I wondered briefly what the bedroom looked like, but I knew I could never go anywhere near it. The things that would happen on that bed would be a sin and a shame, and that wasn't the purpose of my visit this time around.
“You're not here to talk about her.”
Stung. James was playing hardball, and I knew I needed to bring my A game with him. It was apparent that this wasn't going to be a pleasant meeting, so I might as well get down to business. Now wasn't the time to pull punches.
“Okay, well I'm here because the checks were being returned and I couldn't get in contact with you. What's up with that? Then I get here, and this horrible-ass accident is going on, and I just needed to make sure my son is okay.” I came at his neck with way more attitude than needed, but I felt the conver-sation warranted it. No, I didn't come to talk about his damn wife, but asking about her was the polite thing to do.
Damn, I see I can't even be nice to this fool. Every time I think I can get out of “bitch mode,” somebody shows me that I can't.
“Okay, first off, he hasn't been your son since the day you dropped him off on my kitchen table. A check doesn't make him yours.”
Boom! And there it is. I guess he told me, huh?
I almost didn't have a comeback, but I wasn't about to let this fool chump me. He had the wrong chick for that. I took a second to gather myself, because James's simple ass was about to catch a bad break. I knew he may be angry about some shit, but he really didn't want it with me, and I guessed I needed to remind him of how ignorant I could get.
“James, you're about to take me to a place that I haven't been to in a long time. I did what I had to do at the time for me, and what was best for my son. You think that was easy for me?”
“I'm not saying—”
“And I'm not done,” I cut his ass dead off. He was about to put me in my bag, and I had to rein it in before it got ugly in this joint.
“I did what was best for my son because I knew I wasn't going to be able to provide a loving home for him. That shit was not easy, and I knew with you he would get the love he deserved. Who are you to judge me? What did you want me to do with him? Put him in foster care?”
“No, I wanted you to get a damn abortion. I told you that from jump.”
Pow! It was like we were in a boxing ring and he kept giving me gut shots. I don't know what made me think that this was going to be a pleasant meeting, but I didn't think it was going to get this real this fast. It was obvious that there was some resentment toward me for jetting out, and it wasn't like I gave him a choice. I got that. I dumped my son on the Cinques and left. It was as simple as that. Maybe I should have at least kept in contact, but in all actuality I was really trying to get past this portion of my life.
I guessed sending the checks was my way of keeping an attachment, and keeping the guilt at bay. Hell, I needed some peace. I couldn't even get a real good sleep in the first year I moved to Atlanta because of the guilt. Rethinking my position, and the position I put him and his family in, I decided to go with a different approach. After all, I wasn't here to start trouble. I just wanted to make sure everything was cool.
“James, listen, I'm not here to disrupt your life. I had a gut feeling that I needed to be here for whatever reason and I followed that instinct and came back. Not because I want to fuck up your marriage, or sleep with you, or take my son away. I just want to be sure that he is okay,” I said with a straight face, partially telling the truth. My motive definitely wasn't to bed this man, and if my son was living in safe conditions that would solve my next issue and I could leave peacefully. He just needed to know that I was ready to do whatever it took to ease my mind, and if taking my son back to Atlanta was it, then that's where we would be headed.
The look on his face changed to one of a little less aggression, but the aggravation was still very evident. There were so many things that I could have done differently, because even though Jasmine probably didn't want any dealing with me, James still sent the pictures and the video clips and all of that to me so that I could still watch my son grow up. I owed him at least the courtesy of respecting his feelings.
“Listen, the kids will be getting home from school soon, and I don't want the first meeting to be this abrupt. I will call you in a few days once I've prepped the children for your arrival, and we will further discuss this situation then,” he said, wiping his hand down his face. I could see the confusion and questions in his eyes, but I decided against pressing the issue. At this point I was just grateful that he was cooperating, so I would just leave it at that.
Thanking him again for his time, we shared an awkward hug at the front door that we both might have enjoyed a little too much. I almost melted in his arms as he held me close, and it was like we both didn't want to let go. I could feel his growing erection pressing against my stomach, but I gave him a pass because I knew if I pressed the issue it could have easily popped off. That and his son was upstairs. In combination of his kids coming home soon, and not knowing when one of his in-laws would pop their head in, I gave him a break and rolled out. He was definitely still weak for me, and I felt the same way.
Finally stepping back from his embrace, I did a light sprint to the car, making sure the coast was clear before pulling out. It wasn't until I got down about four blocks that I remembered I forgot to call Jaydah when I got back in the car. Of course I had sixty million missed calls and about 8,600 texts from her, but I didn't even care. I was definitely in a good mood, so whatever bad mood she had would change once I got there. I was gonna wear that ass out in more ways than one . . . if she didn't give me too much trouble that was.
Following the GPS directions, I made it to her house quickly and it didn't take long to find a parking spot that was closer to the door. As I was going up to her building she was ringing my phone again, but I sent her straight to voice mail, opting to deal with her face to face. When I approached her floor the phone started ringing again, and I could hear her getting an attitude as I walked up to her door. Oh, she was pissed, but she wouldn't be for long.
She didn't even bother to ask who it was as the door swung open and the attitude that showed in her face changed to a look of concern. I pushed past her, inviting myself into her place. Looking around, I could see she had the potential for good taste. She just needed a few of my paintings in here to seal the deal and she would be in there. Everything had its own neat space, and it didn't look as if she tried to clean up real quick because I was coming. It looked like it naturally stayed in order. Taking a seat on the couch without asking, I called her over to me. She was pouting, and it was too cute, but she came and straddled my lap anyway.
“I had an emergency,” I began as I rubbed my hand across the exposed skin of her shoulders. She melted instantly, and I knew I had her exactly where I wanted her. “I got a call about my kid, and I needed to go handle it.”
“It's okay, you don't have to explain anything to me. I was just worried,” she responded, followed by a moan as I gently took her erect nipple into my mouth through her sheer night top. Homegirl was definitely ready to get it in, and I was about to definitely get in it.
“So, you're not mad at me?” I questioned as I ran a finger over her slit, through the matching thong that barely covered her pussy. My finger smeared the juice that seeped out of the side, up to her covered clit, soaking it a little. This was going to be fun.
“No . . .” She moaned out again. “I'm not mad at you.”
“Good. Are you going to show me what I've been missing?” I asked as a finger slipped in between her folds, and was sucked in by her tunnel. Her walls clenched around my finger like she was milking a dick, and that shit had me turned all the way on.
Instead of responding, she lay down on the couch, lifting her legs to remove her thong, and spread her legs wide so that I could see her glistening pearl clearly. My mouth began to water immediately. Scooting down, I positioned myself between her legs, and ran my tongue across her swollen clit, making her jump. Taking my time, I slurped and sucked her into a screaming orgasm that I was sure made the earth move. Homegirl wasn't ready, and we wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. I'd been needing to get one off since I got here, and now was the perfect time. Replacing her face with Jasmine's, I gave her a session that she would never forget.

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