My Woman His Wife Saga (50 page)

BOOK: My Woman His Wife Saga
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Fit to Be Tied
My head was pounding when I came to. I shook my head a few times to clear the fog only to be met by an overwhelming smell of piss. I was lying on my side on something kind of soft like a mattress, and my mouth was covered. My hands and legs were also bound tight, and I could barely move. I saw enough movies in my time to know that this wasn't a good thing. The room was pitch black, and the only sound I could hear were the muffled voices coming from the next room. There were no windows in the room I was in, so I assumed they took me to some location where my body would probably never be found. Laying my head back down on the surface I was lying on, I could only breathe and think. I knew one day it would come to this. Well, maybe not this exactly, but I had done so much dirt to people over the years that it was bound to come back to me eventually.
Jaydah definitely had me fooled! Out of all the people in line to get payback, I never thought that she would be the one smart enough to set me up. It's a small world, and you'd be surprised how many people know each other.
She and Sheneka know each other? Wow, I would have never put that together in a million years.
Shit, they were both crazy as hell, and they always say birds of a feather flock together.
I was trying to ear hustle on the conversation, but I couldn't really make out anything they were saying. I just knew that this might be the last of me that Philly, or anyone for that matter, may see. I wished I had done so many things differently in my life. At the same time so much horrible shit happened to me that revenge and payback was all I really knew. It started with my uncle molesting me when I was young, and from the time I tried to kill his ass up to now I had always been in survival mode. Shit, if family doesn't give a damn about you, you can't expect anyone else to. My mother taught me that early on.
Out of all of the horrible things that happened in my life I couldn't really say that I regretted everything. I managed to open up a refuge for young girls who had been molested just like I was at their age. I remembered feeling like there was no one in the world who could understand the pain I was going through at home, and I had nowhere to turn. At least I made a way to give back to the community and help people. I also got to live out my dream by opening my art gallery. I spent so many nights up painting my pain away, and the pieces that I created and sold helped to fund the Safe Haven that these girls called home. That definitely made me feel good on the inside. These young ladies went from battered and bruised victims of abuse to college students, and other forms of furthering their education. Of course there were a few who got away, and we couldn't undo the damage, but the good outweighed the bad and the refuge helped.
When it came to my little sister, I did all I could do to help her. I figured taking her out of Philly would help, but there were drugs and dealers everywhere, and the girl had a habit she couldn't control. My mom always told me to look out for my siblings, but there wasn't much I could do for someone who wasn't ready for help. All I could do was be there when she needed me, and ready to go when she was willing to get help. I knew once I was dead she would be gone soon after. The money that she would inherit from me would no doubt be used to support her habit until she overdosed. It was a crazy demise, but that was probably how it would all go down if I knew Yolanda like I thought I did.
I got to see my son.
The thought brought a huge smile to my face and tears to my eyes. After all of these years I never thought I would step back into Philly for anything. Coming back here put me in the situation I was in now, but I accomplished what I came for, and I was okay with that. At least he got to see me face to face, even though it was a lie how we were introduced. He would forever think I was his aunt, but I felt great knowing he was in good hands. The Cinques were good people, and I was glad that my son would be okay. Maybe they would tell him all about me one day.
As the tears flowed I thought about James. I regretted sleeping with him, but I wished I could do it again once more before these goons killed me. He was so gentle with me, and I briefly wondered how life would have been if I were his wife instead of Jasmine. I would have made sure he never looked outside of the marriage for sex and support. That's what they were lacking, and that's how I was able to get in. That's not to say that he wouldn't have done the same thing to me, because men are never satisfied.
I had been nothing but a huge burden for the Cinque's since I came on the scene, and it was all just pure selfishness. I could have just had the threesome and kept it moving, but I had to be greedy and mess up a good thing. I probably could have kept getting it if I had played my cards right. It was like I fucked up everything and everyone I came in contact with. Maybe it was better that I did go now. My son didn't need me coming back messing up what he had, and no one else really needed me around for that matter. The Safe Haven and my art gallery were left to a trusted business partner, so everything would be run as planned. I was at peace with leaving this earth knowing that.
Closing my eyes, I lay there and listened to the incessant muffled conversation on the other side of the door, wishing that they would just come and get it over with. Would they torture me or would it be over before I knew it with a quick shot to the head? All of this was because they thought I got Rico killed. I could tell them until I was blue in the face that I didn't have anything to do with it, but I learned a long time ago that when a person's mind is made up there was no changing it. I wasn't even about to waste my time or breath trying to convince them otherwise.
It felt like I was still clothed, and my body didn't feel sore in any other places but my head, so at least they hadn't raped me. Hell, I probably deserved it after all the shit I'd done. Sheneka looked crazy and deranged when we got into that fight, and I remember the day I met her up at the prison when the guard was giving me a hard way to go. I didn't know that I was there seeing her man at the time, and she even helped me mess up the guard's car afterward. It just goes to show you never know people. Not that I knew her like that before, but came to find out she was more of a lunatic than I was.
The sound of footsteps nearing the door snapped me out of my trip down memory lane. I wished I could wipe my tears from my face before they came into the room, because although I was scared to death, I didn't want these fools to think they had me that easily. This was some fucked-up shit, but everybody had to go somehow, and this was the way it was written for me.
The door opened up and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light that was streaming in from the space behind them. I couldn't make out any faces in the semi-dark room, so they just looked like big black shadows looming in the doorway. I was holding my breath, trying to pretend like I was still out. I didn't know what to expect, and I wanted whatever was going to happen to be done quick so that I could meet my Maker. Wasn't any use in dragging out the inevitable, right? Closing my eyes tight I started to pray in a low whisper, and that was my plan for up until they shut my lights out.
I heard the footsteps of one of them come closer, and my body tensed up as I forced myself to keep my eyes closed and to stay in prayer. I asked God over and over again—in my mind, because I didn't want them to see my lips moving—to forgive me of my sins. My heart was pounding in my chest so hard that I thought a heart attack would take me out before they could. This was some bullshit, and I just couldn't believe I got caught slipping like this.
“Is she still out?” asked the guy who sounded farthest away. My palms became sweaty instantly, and my head pounded harder than before.
“I don't know, she's not moving still,” another answered as he gripped me by my hair and pulled me up on the bed. I wanted to scream, but I managed somehow to stay quiet with a limp body. I knew there was a possibility that they were going to beat the shit out of me, or at least Sheneka would. They were definitely going to let her get her shit off since she had waited so many years for revenge.
“Well, it's time for that bitch to wake up then. Flip the switch and bring a chair in here. We need to get this done and over with.” The guy near the door barked out orders. I heard several pairs of feet shuffling to fulfill the command, and when he tossed me back to the bed I blinked my eyes and pretended like I was just waking up. The light was definitely blinding, and my face ached from the earlier attack from Sheneka, but I still played it cool.
I was dead weight as my body was hoisted roughly from the bed and up to a sitting position in a hard chair. My head rocked back on my neck as I performed like I was really out of it. A painful moan escaped my lips as they cut the bind from my hands and secured them roughly with rope to the back of the chair, afterward doing the same to my legs on the sides.
“You sure your sister won't say anything?” I heard one of the men ask.
“If she does we'll just get her ass next. Both them bitches can go as far as I'm concerned.”
Just as I was preparing to open my eyes, a hard slap jarred my eyes open, making blood gush from the side of my mouth. A scream rang out only to be quieted by a slap from the other side. I was seeing stars as a blow to my chest knocked the wind out of me, and vomit rushed up my throat, splattering all over my legs and on the floor. I could feel my eyes start to swell as blows rained down on me, and I could no longer hold in the screams. Just as quickly as it began it was over, and I cried as bloody saliva dripped from my busted lips. I wanted God to take me now, but it wasn't going down like that. I would have to suffer this one out until they were ready to take me out of my misery.
“You had my man killed, bitch,” I heard Sheneka say close to my ear as she circled my chair. I kept the prayer going in my mind because trying to reason with Sheneka at this point would be useless.
“I knew you would slip up and come back here eventually. When Carlos got the call from Yolanda that you were touching down here I didn't believe that your very own sister was still that scandalous after all these years. I thought she was pulling my leg up until I saw you at the airport. I knew I wasn't letting you leave without an ass whipping. This is for Rico.”
The punch that landed on my forehead was so hard it knocked the chair backward, sending me crashing to the ground. It wasn't lost on me that she said my sister set me up. Now it all made sense. No one in Philly knew I was coming here; that's why it was so weird that I was being followed after only being here for a few days. I was hurt, but I wasn't surprised. This wasn't the first time Yolanda put me in harm's way, but I vowed that if I didn't die out here and I made it back home she would definitely get what was coming to her. Keeping up with the prayer, I did my best to brace myself as Sheneka kicked and pounded on my body. I could feel myself losing consciousness and I hoped that the next time I opened my eyes I would be out of this world and on my way. I had no regrets at this point and was ready to go.
“Cancel this bitch,” I heard Sheneka say as she got one last kick in before leaving the room. Her crying could be heard from the hall, and it rocked me to sleep like a lullaby as I slipped away. I felt my body being scooped from the floor as they lifted the chair up, and just as they were cutting me out of the binds and picking my bloodied and battered body up I surrendered to my will.
I was hoping to be out completely by the time we got to wherever they were taking me, and by the time they slammed my body into the trunk of a car and pulled off I just prayed that this was the end of it and I could just go. I had already made my peace with God, so there was nothing left to do but get in line and head toward the Pearly Gates.
Second Thoughts, Last Regrets
What the fuck did I do?
I was pacing the floor as the cops questioned me about Monica's whereabouts, and I felt like shit about what I was getting ready to do. I couldn't let them do my baby like this, and if they acted fast maybe they could catch them before too much damage was done.
“So you're saying that she got into a fight with your sister outside, and some men came and snatched her. Do you know who the men where?” the detective asked, looking at me skeptically. It dawned on me that they might take me down with the rest of them, but I didn't touch her and was at least trying to help her. Maybe that would work in my favor.
“Yes, well only one of the men. His name was Carlos. He runs an auto body shop in the city, and I can give you the address. My sister's name is Sheneka, and she's certifiably crazy. I really hope you act fast because I think they are going to kill her,” I responded as I pulled out a pen and pad to write down all of the information I had on both of them. I could feel myself hyperventilating and feeling lightheaded, and I had to take a seat before I hit the floor.
“Ma'am, are you okay?” one of the officers asked.
“Yes, here is the information. Please hurry,” I said to them as tears stained my face.
I fucked up royally this time, and I don't know what I will do if they killed Monica. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
They took down my contact information as well, and after they left I collapsed on the couch in a heap of tears. Monica was going to die if something wasn't done, and I just couldn't stand by and let it happen. Hopping up from the couch, I grabbed my wallet along with Monica's belongings. I had to get over there and try to stop them. Once I got to my car I called my sister's phone, only for it to ring out to the voice mail. Deciding against leaving her a message, I started my car and typed into the GPS the address I obtained to the auto shop. It was only about a half hour away, from what the screen read, and I figured maybe if I took the back roads I could shave off some minutes.
Once on the road, I called my sister's phone a few more times, and decided I would keep calling until she answered. I was getting angrier as the minutes passed, and I was losing hope. What if I was too late? What if they had already gotten rid of her? I called my sister at least fifty times before she answered and I was pissed.
They better not hurt Monica too bad, or it will be on.
“Why are you blowing up my damn phone?” Sheneka answered in an angry voice laced with tears. She was still hung up on this Rico shit after all these years, and it irked me that she never got past it at least a little bit.
“Did you hurt her, Sheneka? Tell me she's okay,” I pleaded into the phone as I rushed through the streets.
“That bitch is canceled, and if you keep up with the dumb shit you will be next. Don't call my phone no more!”
“Sheneka, wait,” I screamed into the phone. I was met by dead air, and when I looked at my phone the call was dismissed. I was so super irked, and couldn't stop crying.
As I pulled up to a stop sign I noticed Carlos and his boys riding past in the opposite direction. After they got past me I made a U-turn and quickly followed them. Reaching for my phone again, I called the cops. They needed to come now.
“You've reached nine-one-one emergency. How may I assist you?”
“There is a body in the trunk of the car I am following. I need someone to come now!” I yelled into the phone, hoping that would get someone to come out quickly. I didn't know where they had Monica at, but at least if they pulled the car over and searched it or something, they may get arrested and tied into Monica's missing person's case.
“Ma'am, how do you know that? Did you see them put the body in there?” the officer questioned. I was getting pissed that there wasn't a squad chasing us down by now. Every minute that went by was wasted time on saving Monica.
“Yes! The license plate number on the car is C-B-O-4-Z! Please hurry!”
I stayed close behind as I waited for the cops to show up after giving them my location on the block that we were driving down, and we went for about a good six blocks before I started to hear sirens from police cars. A part of me hoped Monica was in the trunk so that she could be saved. I was so stupid for setting her up, and once again acting on my emotions. At the next light the cops began to swarm in, and I slowed my car down a little to lag behind. When the cops pulled them over I parked my car a few spaces back to see what would happen.
They were first ordered out of the car, and were lined up against the wall as the car was searched. I was starting to lose hope, and was hoping they would open the trunk up to be sure. The cops began to search the vehicle, and discovered several guns in the back seat. There were at least five of them, and they probably used them to kill Monica if she was already dead. I wanted to scream out the window for them to pop the damn trunk already, but before I could say a word the lid of the trunk went up and a few of the cops rushed over to it. Before I knew it I was out the car and over there too.
“Ma'am, you have to step back.” One of the officers grabbed at me. I was still trying to push through to see the inside of the trunk, but the cops had me gripped tight.
When the cops dispersed there was nothing but guns inside of the car. There was no body in the trunk like I had hoped. Just more guns and a suitcase that had yet to be opened. Where was Monica's body, and where was my sister?
“What did y'all do with her? Where is she?” I screamed as I cried and collapsed into the officer who was holding me up.
“Ma'am, you need to calm down.”
“These guys killed my friend. Where is the body?” I was feeling delirious, like I was going to faint. It was too late, and there was nothing I could do about it.
I heard one of the cops calling for an ambulance, but all I could do was ball up in a fetal position on the ground and cry. It was too late. My baby was gone, and it was all my fault! All I remembered was the EMT scooping me from the ground as I watched the officers handcuff Carlos and his crew. I couldn't let it end like this. I had to find out what happened to her. As I was stretched out and checked out in the ambulance I began to formulate another plan. I had to make sure that they stayed in jail until I at least figured out where the body could be. They wouldn't get away with this, and for Monica I had to find out what went down.

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