My Woman His Wife Saga (47 page)

BOOK: My Woman His Wife Saga
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Caught Mid Stride
I wasn't surprised that Monica called a few days later wanting to see the kids again. I kind of figured as much. I told her she could come over, and as a surprise I sent the other kids with my mom so that she could have some one-on-one time with her son. I was certain that she understood that he couldn't know the truth, but I knew she needed that time or she would never feel complete.
Her perfume arrived before she did, tickling my nose as the winter wind carried it across the driveway and wrapped it around me in a soft cloud. She looked scrumptious as always, but I kept it in check. I could easily get it poppin' with her, but we were not going there this time.
That's how we ended up in this shit in the first place.
I allowed her scent to linger around my head a little longer before attempting to shut it down. I moved my eyes from watching her hips sway back and forth, and traveled up to delectable breasts that were begging to be held and kissed. It was like she was moving in slow motion.
I hugged her when she got close enough to step into my embrace, and she felt soft like she could just melt into me. We had to stop doing this. I stepped back reluctantly to invite her into the house, and she looked like I had moved away just in time. Yeah, I would be making this a short trip because I didn't trust myself around her.
“Thanks for letting me come back,” she responded while removing her coat. I didn't even bother to hang it up, instead draping it over the back of the chair because she wouldn't be here long.
“No problem. Junior is here. I sent the other kids with their grand-mom so that y'all can have some one-on-one time,” I told her as I kept a good distance from her. She had a puzzled look on her face that I could clearly read. “She knows the situation involving the kids.”
“Oh, okay.”
Without saying a word I took to the steps with her following close behind me. Junior was taking a nap, and I decided that I would let her wake him up. I reasoned in my head that it was okay for them to form a bond, as long as it didn't interfere with the other kids, but a nagging little part of me still had doubts. When we got to the room he was knocked out with his mouth open wide, snoring softly. That boy didn't play any games when it was time to sleep.
She hesitated at the door, and I moved to the side, letting her know that it was okay for her to go in. I could see her get a little teary-eyed when she approached him, and she quickly wiped them away as she took a seat on the side of the bed. They looked so much alike it was scary, and she was probably having regrets. Hesitantly, she reached out and rubbed his back, waking him gently. He stirred a little bit, but Junior did not like to be disturbed from his sleep. I smiled a little as I watched them connect, and I knew that I had made the right decision. Giving them some privacy, I went to prepare a light lunch for all of us. I knew Junior would be hungry after his nap, and he would want to play. Monica was definitely in for a treat.
They entered the kitchen right on time as I was putting the food out on the table. I wasn't sure what Monica had planned for the day, but they entered the kitchen laughing about something, and that put me at ease. They were getting along, and I was happy about it. We chatted over soup and sandwiches, and Monica caught us up on her goings-on in Atlanta. Junior had so many questions about why they had never met her before, and I let her take the reins as I watched them interact. They even ate and chewed the same.
“I moved out of the city when you were born, but your dad always sent me pictures and videos when you were a baby,” she answered honestly. I was glad she did and didn't makeup an entire story that I would have to remember later. I already had too many lies to remember and keep going as it was.
The questions came back to back, but Monica handled it all pretty well. I was hoping that he didn't bring Jasmine up, and he never did. She didn't really like him, and I didn't need Monica acting up. We made it through lunch unscathed, and ended up in the den playing
Michael Jackson: The Experience
on the Wii. I called to check on the kids throughout the day, and they arrived in time to play with us as well.
The kids were hype, and I wasn't surprised that Monica was able to keep up with the moves required to get points on the game. I even got in there a few times to show them how “Smooth Criminal” was really supposed to be done. We were having a ball, and it actually felt like family. Only this time the kids had a female figure, and didn't have to hear their mom yelling from the other side of the house to be quiet. The girls loved Monica, and were elated that she let them play in her hair. They wanted to bust out their mother's nail polish, but she told them that the next time she came they could all go to get it done professionally.
She tired the kids out, and once again got the opportunity to tuck them all in after bath time and kiss them all good night. When the last door was closed, we took a seat on the couch, exhausted from the day as well. She had her head leaned back on the sofa with her eyes closed. I smiled at the cute little makeshift hairstyle that the girls gave her, and I was so glad to see that she had a human side. Why couldn't Jazz be this chill?
“Want a glass of wine?” I offered as I got up to get myself one.
“Sure, but just half of a glass. I still need to drive home.”
Nodding in understanding, I went and got us refreshments. I knew I should have sent her home right the hell now, but I wasn't exactly ready for her to go yet for some reason. I'd been surrounded by nothing but kids and family for weeks, and I needed someone on my level to relate to. When I came back with her glass, our fingers touched as she took hers, and it felt like a spark passed between us. I paused as I resisted the urge, and I sat down all the way on the other end of the couch, adjusting myself in the process. I could feel myself growing and throbbing next to my thigh and I needed to get a grip.
She took notice, but played it cool as a sly grin spread out across her face. I was uncomfortable and it showed on my face as well. We both took a sip of our wine and breathed a sigh. My wife was in the hospital in a coma, but even that thought didn't keep my dick from jumping in my pants. I moved to adjust myself and I swear I somehow ended up on the middle cushion closer to Monica. I needed to release and lie between some warm thighs, but I knew it was the wrong thing to do. Still, the body wants what it wants.
“I'm going to use the restroom,” Monica said, setting her glass down on the table. There was a bathroom in the hallway, but she went upstairs.
Lord, why does she have to go near my bedroom?
Downing the rest of my drink for some liquid coverage, I crept up the stairs and checked on the kids. They were all sound asleep, but a part me was hoping that at least one of them would be up. I started to nudge Jordan awake, but it would be hell trying to get them back to sleep.
Walking past the bathroom, I was making my way to my bedroom when Monica opened the door. She had brushed her hair back down to the way it was when she first got here, and her lips looked moisturized with a fresh coat of gloss. I knew I was wrong, but I entered the bedroom anyway hoping that she would follow. She did.
No words were needed as she entered and closed the door behind her, being sure to lock it. I sat down on the edge of the bed and watched as she came out of her clothes one piece at a time. The stripper at the joint I went to was damn close to being Monica, but the real thing was out of this world. She walked . . . no, more like strutted toward me like a lioness ready to eat its prey. My entire body shook as she seemingly slinked over to me, reminiscent of a cobra ready to strike. From her cranberry-colored toes to the honey-blonde-streaked tresses that covered her shoulders, she was gorgeous. And that was putting it mildly. She was a bag of dimes all balled up into one. I licked my lips in anticipation of what was coming next.
Her body wrapped around me, and I could smell her essence when she spread her legs and straddled me. I took the liberty of spreading her lower lips and dipping my finger into her honey pot, giving it a slow stir before I brought it to my lips and sucked it clean. My eyes closed as her sweetness coated my tongue, and I felt like I had died and gone to heaven.
Lying back on the bed I rolled her off of me, and stood to come out of my clothes. My rigidness sprung free from my boxers immediately, and I ripped away at my clothes in wild abandonment, ready to dive in. First placing my wedding picture face down on the nightstand, I rolled back to get in between her thighs. Pre-cum stained the comforter as I made contact with the bed, and the pulse that flowed through my midsection had me about to lose my damn mind, but I had to taste her. I had been waiting, fantasizing, and dreaming about this moment for way too long to just let it slip away.
Monica was still nasty just like I liked her, and I loved that she was ready to go. Opening her legs even wider, she took the liberty of spreading her lips for me causing her clit to pop out. I slurped it up greedily, plunging into her tight hole with my tongue. I dug my fingers into her juicy ass cheeks, loving the firmness of it. I had been fiending for her since her last visit, and I was in too deep to stop now.
Our bodies were on fire as she pushed me out of the way, and placed her body over mine in the sixty-nine position. It felt like I'd submerged my dick in lava when her mouth covered me, and I almost coated her tonsils on contact. She placed her neatly trimmed pussy on my mouth, and I ate up like it was the
Last Supper
. It was like we were in a damn sauna it was so hot in here, and the heat radiating from our bodies had us melting together like candle wax. Damn, she had me open again, and that was never a good thing.
“Monica,” I moaned out in between licks, “I'm gonna bust, baby. You have to stop.”
She ignored me as her mouth and tongue worked the underside of my length down to that little space beneath my balls, her small hands massaging my sac in the process. I didn't know how long I was going to be able to hold on, but I knew I wanted to get up in her guts before I lost it.
I couldn't take it anymore, and with what felt like superhuman strength I lifted her naked body up and positioned her over me in a backward riding position. She took the cue immediately and slid down on my pole, milking me with her tight walls. It was agonizingly delicious as she worked me, and I held tight to her hips just above her plump ass as I met her thrust.
Leaning up a little, I wrapped my arm around her hips and found her clit. Using the pads of my fingers, I stroked her slowly at first, building up a rhythm as it stiffened under my touch, indicating that she was about to blow. We moaned in unison as my cream began to rise to the top as well. I knew I should probably pull out, but it felt so good I just couldn't do it. In fact, I dug in deeper attempting to knock the bottom out of her pussy. It was so juicy and tight, and her warm body felt so good pressed against me that I felt a tear slide down the side of my face. I was glad it was dark in the room because I was in straight-up bitch mode.
She dug her nails into my thighs as my fingertips played a wicked song across her clit and I could feel her pulsate as her walls clinched and unclenched around me. We both went into convulsions as she bore down on me and we both shot off at the same time. That shit took the life from me, and I wondered immediately if the kids had heard us. That was confirmed when a tiny knock was heard on the door. Guilt spread across both of our faces, and as we unwrapped ourselves from around one another. I slipped into my boxers and a T-shirt to answer the door.
“Daddy, are you okay? I heard you crying,” my little Janice said as she looked up at me from the door. That definitely made me feel like shit. My baby girl mistook my moans of passion for cries of sorrow. A hot damn mess.
“Yes, baby, Daddy is fine,” was my response as I picked up her little body and carried her back to her bed. All of the other kids were asleep, thank God.
“Is Aunt Monica gone?” she asked as she rubbed her sleepy little eyes. This made me rethink for the hundredth time today if it was a good idea bringing her around the kids. Jasmine would have had a fit if she knew Monica was here like that around the kids. The only leg I had to stand on was that Jazz's mom thought it was a good idea also.
“Yes, she's gone.”
“Will she be back to visit before she goes to Atlanta?” she quizzed in her little tiny voice.
“I think she will. She likes you and your brothers and sister.”
“I like her too, Daddy.”
Kissing her on the forehead, I tucked her back in, and before long she was asleep. When I crept out and closed the door Monica was standing at the front door in her coat with her car keys in her hand. Meeting her at the door I opened my mouth to say something, but she placed her finger up to my lips, silencing me. Leaning in, she kissed me once more then left. I locked the door behind her, this time not waiting to see if she pulled off.
What did I do? Again?
Hopping in the shower, I did my best to wash her scent off of me, but my hardness betrayed me until I stroked one last one out. This shit was dead wrong, and I felt guilty as hell. Yet, I wanted some more. This was exactly how she got me in the beginning. For now on I knew I could not have her here without another adult being around, or I would be right back to where I was back in 2004.
Finally out of the shower, I laid my moist body across the bed, lost in her smell, which was still lingering in the air and on the bedding.
I had a wife.
In the hospital.
Possibly on her deathbed.
What did I do?
Rolling over, I jumped a little when the phone rang. I was going to ignore it because I thought it was Monica letting me know she had gotten home. When I looked at the screen I saw that the number was from the University of Penn Hospital.

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