Read Naked and Defiant Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #spanking, #domestic discipline, #otk, #spanking romance, #blushing books

Naked and Defiant (11 page)

BOOK: Naked and Defiant
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"That hurts!" Jade cried out.

Griffon frowned, grabbed both her ankles in
one hand, and hauled her legs into the air. He delivered ten
vigorous smacks to her bottom, making her howl as his hand caught
the delicate folds of her pussy.

"Are you going to be quiet now?" he asked
firmly, his hand hovering in the air to administer more

Jade nodded through her tears, surprised by
how quickly the pain from that particular spanking had diminished,
only to be replaced by renewed arousal.

"Next time I will use a switch," he warned,
gently lowering her legs. "Close your eyes."

She felt his hand rubbing back and forth
against her inner thigh; again she held her breath as the heel of
his hand began to press and rock against the outer lips of her sex.
Jade opened her eyes to see his intense stare directed into her

"Why are your eyes open? You are not to come
until I tell you to. Understood?"

"Yes, sir, Griffin," Jade whispered, snapping
her eyes closed.

He clasped her ankles again and pushed her
knees back into her chest, leaning over them to hold her in a
curled position. She shivered suddenly feeling extremely vulnerable
and powerless against the effect of the rigid cock pressing against
her through the material of his shorts. He stretched her back and
thighs in this manner, rocking her body while rubbing his confined
rod against the crevice of her ass. Jade gulped, resisting the urge
to beg him to fuck her like this, fully open and exposed. And
powerless. Disappointment filled her as he straightened her legs to
a normal position and resumed the massage upon her naked skin,
always far enough from her pussy to prevent her from coming, but
close enough to give her an urgent sense of need.

"Roll over, Jade. I want you on your
knees—head down, bottom in the air." Griffon's voice broke the
silence of the clearing.

Jade shook visibly as she obeyed, her arousal
much greater than her common sense. His commanding presence,
confidence, and control left her unable to do anything but obey.
She had never been around a man who exuded such sexual power or who
knew how to direct her needs. Jade's humiliating position added to
her arousal, as did the feeling of the drops of coconut milk being
poured upon the base of her spine. The dripping of the liquid
between her mounds made her shiver. She had blurted out about being
an anal virgin. If he wasn't going to take her in that way, what
was he going to do?

Jade whimpered nervously, as she felt his wet
finger move between her cheeks to discover her unprotected
anus. The scent of mango filled the air as he tore open the fruit
and dipped his finger into the juice to use as a natural lubricant.
She trembled as he slid his finger back and forth over her virgin
rosebud, her anxiety equaling her excitement. Jade felt her wetness
spreading as he continued to play with her, gently pushing with his
finger until the tip entered, then withdrawing before she felt
discomfort. Soon, she felt her body opening for him to enter. She
lifted her head as she felt something harder press against her tiny
hole and begin to work its way inside.

"Breathe, baby. It's a Taro root. I even
peeled it so it would be smooth for you," Griffin coaxed, easing
the tapered root within her. His other hand eased in front and ran
across the length of her slit. Her bottom arched into the air in
response to his touch, forcing the root to impale her, its wide
base stretching her uncomfortably. He held the tuber in place with
one hand while he continued to slide a thick finger between her
lips and dip into her inner sanctum. She bucked against his hands,
forcing the large, long vegetable to fuck her in the ass as she
tensed to climax.

"Please …" she panted, her movement growing
more insistent. "Let me come."

"Not yet. You like this, don't you? Just like
you enjoyed being birched. Imagine how it would feel to have a real
cock buried in that beautiful ass of yours," he whispered, smacking
her bottom as he plunged the root back and forth in time to her
rocking motion. "Imagine my big, fat cock sliding inside of you and
filling you even more that this little thing."

"Oh, My God … Griff …"

"I would take you all the way to the hilt."
Griffin's voice oozed of lust. "You would want more of this." He
smacked her sharply, making her lunge against the root. "I would
take you after turning your ass beet red and make you ride me like
a bull. More, Jade! Get that ass higher in the air. Good girl! Now,
take it all."

Jade screeched as the root sunk completely
inside of her, leaving only the heavy stalk of leaves to be seen,
Griffon touched her swollen clit with the slightest flick and,
without warning, the orgasm exploded through her body.


Griffon caught Jade
as she crumbled against him, unable to support her weight after
their 'playtime'. She had climaxed for him two more times before
collapsing in a spent heap upon the leaf-covered platform. Her
eyelids grew heavy as sleep began to overtake her, and she hummed
prettily as he rocked her.

"Holy hell in a basket," she forced out.

"Ahh, the beauty speaks," Griffon

Jade lifted glazed eyes to stare up into his
face. "That was ... oh my God …"

"You are welcome. Feel better?" Griffon
asked, stroking her hair.

"You know you've spoiled massages for me now.
I'm so tired," Jade's voice faded.

"I figured as much," he sighed. "Let me make
up the bedding for you and then you can take a nice mid-morning

"'k …," she muttered, her eyes fluttering
closed. "I love you, Griffon Badger …"

Griffon stiffened with those words, realizing
the grave mistake he had made.

"No! Jade? Wake up and listen to me. You
can't love me. Damn!" he swore out loud, unable to stir her out of
her deep, blissful sleep. "I knew I shouldn't have done this. I am
a blooming idiot. Of all the stupid things I could have done to you

He continued to reproach himself as he fixed
the shelter's bedding and placed her lethargic body inside. Filled
with self-reproach, he grabbed his beaten-up straw hat and trotted
down to the beach to walk off his guilt. What was he going to do?
Not just about Jade's feelings, but his own. She had been correct
in her observation that he was afraid of his own feelings. He
wanted her. He also knew that she needed someone who would give her
the kind of life she was accustomed to.

I could give her that life
, he
, but it would also mean changing my own beliefs. I did
that once for a woman. I smothered her in opulence and never
expected her to do anything but be beautiful for me. No wonder she
was bored

Griffon buried his face in his hands, remorse
tumbling through him.
Wonderful! What a perfect time to receive
a reality-check
My marriage failed because I failed. I
failed to give her what she needed: purpose. She needed to have
purpose in life, not expensive cars and fancy clothes. No, I cannot
… I will not, do that to Jade. She deserves a chance to decide the
path of her own future.

Griffon lifted his head to stare out at the
horizon, his heart aching with regret. He made his decision.


Two large fish, wrapped in banana leaves and
lime juice, were roasting over a crackling fire when Jade awoke
from her slumber. She eased her body out of the shelter and slowly
approached Griffon.

"Hey," she said, sitting next to him. "How
long was I sleeping?"

"About four hours," he answered, staring into
the fire as he probed the wood with a long stick. He handed her his
cotton shirt. "Here, put this on."

"Wow, you are allowing me to be covered? What
did I do to deserve such a great honor?" she asked, slipping the
material over her head. "This feels so weird."

"People are going to be by any time now and
don't need to get an eyeful, that's all," Griffon said,

Jade leaned against his arm. "I love it when
you are so protective of my reputation. Mmmm, that smells great. I
really think I am going to miss it here. Maybe we can come back

"There is no 'we', Jade. These feeling you
have for me are not real. I rescued you and took care of you, but
what you are feeling is a product of this environment–nothing
more," he said stiffly, pulling away from her.

"What are you talking about?" Jade's voice
broke. "I thought …"

"I made a horrible mistake. I should not have
given into my own desires, not even as an excuse to meet your
needs. I'm sorry."

"I ... I don't understand. What did I do

"You cannot have these feelings for me. I
will never be able to give you what you want. You need to accept

"What I want? What, exactly, do you think I

"You want someone to love and worship you,
Jade. You want a soft life, surrounded by luxury and ease, with a
man who tends to your every need and desire. A life like that would
eventually destroy you. I will not be part of that. You deserve
better and need to be allowed to choose for yourself."

"And how, exactly, do you know that is what I
want? Yeah, I like nice things, but I have learned to live without
anything! Besides, you have money, and …"

"You have been living in a fantasy. The
island," he swept his hand, "has provided everything you have
needed to survive because I gave it to you. Without me, you know
you would have died. Even now, you talk about how my money will
make things comfortable for you. This dependence does not form a
healthy foundation to a relationship. It is out of necessity that
you have submitted to me, not desire."

"Who are you to tell me what I am feeling and
why? I don't care that you chose to live in a townhouse and drive
an old car. It's you that I have fallen in love with, and …"

"You are not in love with me. You are in love
with the
of being in love with a man who saved your
life. This is not real. Your feelings for me have been contrived
out of necessity. We both deserve more than that."

Jade glared at him, her pain turning to
anger. She stood up, hands on her hips, and shouted into his face.
"How could you say such a terrible thing?! You are the most
arrogant, self-centered, egotistical sonofabitch I have ever known!
I trusted you with my life, my body, and my heart."

"Well, you shouldn't have!" Griffon spouted
back. "I told you that you were too vulnerable. I made an error in
judgment, and I apologize. There is nothing between us other than
we shared an experience—which, incidentally, was caused by your
acting out of your own selfish desires. We should be picked up in a
couple of days, and after the trial, we don't ever have to see one
another again. You can return to the way of life that is
comfortable to you—and and I," he looked up at her, "can have my
freedom back."

Jade's tears spilled heatedly as she stared
at him. With one quick motion, she slapped him across the face,
turned around, and disappeared out of his sight. Griffon lifted the
back of his hand to the small split in his lip and sighed
He had to let her go. There was no way she would
ever be happy with a man like him, or the demands he would place
upon her to be his partner. Still, it hurt ….


Jade said nothing to Griffon when she
returned to the camp later that evening. He watched as she tucked
her knees under the thin material of the large T-shirt and curled
into her corner of the platform. Her eyes were red and swollen from
weeping, and her breathing was raspy. With a sigh, he handed her a
beer bottle that he had filled with fresh water. She turned her
head from him, huddling her body into a tight ball.

"You need to drink. You've come too far to
let yourself go down now."

"I'm not thirsty," Jade croaked.

"Yes, you are. Just drink. It's water you
collected, so it's not like it's coming from me."

Jade glared at him, took the bottle, and
drank deeply. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and
returned to her fetal position.

"Stubborn female," Griffon whispered, under
his breath. He cleared his throat. "I have a bunch of leftovers
from dinner, if you want them. Stuff I found in the traps you set.
Nothing fancy." He set a large shell loaded with steamed mussels,
baked fish and slightly-charred bananas.

Jade just stared at the wall.

Griffon shrugged. "Fine with me. I'll just
toss it before the bugs come in …."

"Leave it. There is no reason for it to go to

No more words were exchanged for the
remainder of the evening. Griffon, unable to sleep, left the
shelter to walk in the bright moonlight. He kicked at debris under
his feet, thinking about how to make the situation more amicable.
Why couldn't she understand that he was a jerk for her own

He paused to contemplate the beauty of the
giant moon as it hung like a lantern over the still waters of the
lagoon. It was bright enough to read by and shone down upon the
tidal pools, revealing the frantic occupants scurrying away from
Griffon's shadow. Distracted by his thoughts, Griffon failed to see
the piece of wood sticking straight up from the sand and stepped
onto it. Pain tore through his leg as he crumbled to the ground and
pulled the larger shard from the arch of his foot.

"Fuck!" he cursed, pulling it out. The wound
bled profusely as he hobbled to the rocks to rinse it in salt
water. "This is
good, damn it," he spoke to himself,
examining the deep puncture in the moonlight. After cleaning it
thoroughly in the cool water, Griffon attempted to close the gap by
holding the skin edges together, but knew that the wound was too
large and would requiring stitches. There was a suture set in the
first aid kit up in the shelter, but the stabbing pain and
extensive bleeding would prevent him from getting there without

BOOK: Naked and Defiant
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