Read Natasha's Awakening Online

Authors: J. A Melville

Natasha's Awakening (23 page)

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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She looked at him a little puzzled. “Isn’t that what I’m doing now?” She asked him. “I’ve already come away with you, I’m here now.” She looked at him. “Did you spend too long in the sun today or something?”

He frowned at her briefly. “No Natasha, I mean, come away with me, not here, not in this hotel. Come and stay with me at my country home. I have a small home in Tasmania, it’s quiet, it’s secluded, it’s peaceful. It’s where I go when I need time to unwind. Please, come with me.”

Natasha stood for a moment, shocked and not quite believing that Eric had just asked her to come and stay in his country home with him. He wanted to lengthen their time away.

“Why?” She couldn’t help but ask him.

“Because I want you to.” Was all he said in response.

“But what about work?” She asked.

“I am the boss Natasha, I’ll give you more time off.”

“Well what about the other employees, friends, family, what do we tell them?” She persisted with her barrage of questions, still not sure why Eric would want this. It was going to get harder to explain their continued absence from work. One of them yes, but both gone at the same time for the same length of time, could very well raise some questions.

Eric sighed with frustration. “Fuck the other employees, fuck the friends and family. Will you just damned well answer me?” Eric’s patience was rapidly running out.

“I don’t have enough clothes with me, it’s colder in Tasmania, isn’t it? I’ve never been there. I’m going to need warmer clothes.” The words tumbled from Natasha’s lips.

“Natasha, please, forget all that, we can buy you more damned clothes. Yes you’re probably going to need warmer things but we won’t know for sure until we get there. Can you stop worrying about the crap and just give me an answer.…Tasmania…with…me?” Eric punctuated every word trying to get through to her.

Natasha stared at him, her mind telling her one thing, her heart another. Did it mean anything that he wanted to take her to his Tasmanian home, or was that merely a way of getting her to a more remote location so there was no hope anyone they knew would see them together, or perhaps he took all his lovers there and she was just one of a long line that had passed through those doors. There was the possibility that he just wanted to get her well away from Brodie too for that matter since he was a bit irrational when it came to the other man.

“I bet you take all the girls there.” She went through the pretence of trying to make light of it.

“I’ve never taken anyone else there. I sure as hell wouldn’t have taken any of my lovers there.” He grimaced at the thought. “My home is my place to unwind and relax. I wouldn’t want any of those whining women there, I wouldn’t want them knowing I have that home and seriously Natasha, can you picture any of them staying in the country? No designer boutiques just down the road where we’re going.”

Natasha’s mind ticked over with what he’d just told her. “How do you know I’ll like it there with no shops nearby?” she asked him.

“Because you’re different, you are so very different to any of them.” Eric told her and Natasha’s heart leapt at him calling her different. She wasn’t sure what being different to them meant to Eric, but she’d met some of his previous girlfriends and they were nothing more than vain, self centred women and some obviously avid supporters of cosmetic surgery with their fake breasts displayed in some skin tight designer dress, artificially plumped up lips and teeth that were unnaturally white. If Eric considered her different to them, then maybe she should be seeing that as a compliment.

Natasha stared at Eric, her mind ticking over with the pros and cons of going with him to Tasmania, the main one being whether her fragile heart could take more time with him only to have him walk away at the end of it. As she debated what to do, her teeth started worrying her bottom lip and Eric’s gaze dropped to watch her frantic gnawing. He stepped closer, cupping her face between his hands, his eyes darkening. “Don’t do that.” He said. “You’re going to break the skin.” And he bent his head, touching his lips to hers.

His kiss was gentle, soothing and Natasha couldn’t help but respond. Eric groaned and deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue between her lips until she parted them, to give him better access. He dropped his hands to her shoulders, dragging her up against his body, his tongue dueling with hers as his hands moved down her body until he could cup her buttocks to pull her into him where she felt him starting to harden against her.

Natasha wrench herself out of his arms. “No Eric.” She backed away. “You’re not going to distract me with sex, I need to think and I can’t do that when you’re doing that.” She told him. Eric’s response was to grin at her, that sexy glint in his eye and she knew she was going to weaken. He was just so hard to say no to.

She stared into those gorgeous blue eyes of his for a moment longer, then with a deep sigh, she gave in, “OK, if you’re sure. I’ll come to Tasmania with you.” She said.

Eric gave her his crooked smile. “You won’t regret it baby.” He said, but Natasha had the feeling she already did, deep inside.

“I’ll make the arrangements, we’ll take the company jet. I’ll have to get Maggie and Thomas in to prepare the house, buy in food for us.” Natasha could see Eric’s mind ticking over with the things that needed to be organised. “We’ll leave tomorrow,” he told her.

“Who are Maggie and Thomas?” Natasha asked.

“They look after the house for me baby. I’m not there very often, so someone has to clean it, take care of the gardens. It’s been too long since I’ve been there. You’re going to love it sweetheart.” Eric said, dropping a kiss on her head before heading off to the bedroom. He pulled his mobile phone from his pocket to start making the calls necessary to have them on their way to Tasmania tomorrow.

Once Eric had left the room, Natasha picked up her bag and started unpacking enough things for one more evening in the hotel. She went into the other bathroom to splash cold water on her face, cringing when she saw her slightly puffy eyes from all her earlier crying. Suddenly she felt exhausted. It had been an emotional day so far, she couldn’t believe she was still with Eric, she could have been home by now, crying her eyes out probably but instead she was heading off with him tomorrow for some secluded time at his Tasmanian country home. She just hoped she didn’t live to regret her decision to go with him.

She made her way back out to the living room and flopped down on the lounge. She could hear the sound of Eric’s voice coming from the bedroom as he made the arrangements for everything that needed to be ready for their departure and arrival in Tasmania. Yawning deeply, Natasha stretched out on the lounge, using one of the cushions as a pillow and within just moments, she was asleep.


Natasha was dreaming. It was a beautiful dream. Eric was running his hand up her leg, tickling her behind her knee, running his hand over her thigh and she shifted restlessly as his hand turned in, his fingers walking their way up towards her entrance, just stopping short before moving back down to her knee.

He replaced his hand with his lips, kissing a path up her leg, his tongue licking the back of her thigh making her shiver, before dropping a trail of kisses over her leg, turning in towards the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh. While his lips inched their way up towards the juncture of her thighs, his hand reappeared and pushed the delicate fabric of her thong aside before he plunged two fingers deep inside her opening.

Natasha gasped and opened her eyes. Eric’s intense blue eyes were just inches from her green ones, watching her intently. “Hello sweetheart.” He said softly and her eyes widened, she wasn’t dreaming. He bent forward, his lips covering hers and his kiss was a slow caress. He released her lips and trailed a path to her ear, biting gently on her lobe before kissing his way down her neck and she shivered in response, her legs shifting restlessly at the steady thrust of his fingers in and out of her entrance.

“Eric.” She moaned. “What are you doing?” Natasha gasped as his fingers began a maddening teasing of her clitoris.

He smiled at her. “Well baby, if you have to ask, then I’m not doing it right obviously.” He grinned at her. Natasha couldn’t help but groan at his words before another gasp was torn from her lips when Eric pushed three fingers deep into her. Her muscles clamped around them and she couldn’t help it but she began to move her hips in a rhythmic circle drawing them deeper into her body. He twisted and turned, brushing her secret spot inside until she started thrashing her head from side to side as her pleasure mounted. His knuckles grazed over her clitoris until it was swollen and sensitive and she moaned.

“Put your leg over the back of the lounge.” Eric said and she did as he asked, whimpering when he withdrew his fingers from her. She gasped, her hips jerking when he replaced his hand with his tongue, licking and circling her clitoris. He held her thighs apart, his grip firm as he worked his way from her clitoris, down lapping at her soaked entrance before sliding his tongue down her seam, then back again.

Natasha’s hips moved rhythmically, rising up to grind against Eric’s mouth and he responded by licking and sucking at her swollen nub, blowing on her, making her hips twitch and plunging his tongue into her opening. He repeated it over and over again until she thought she was going to die from the pleasure. She started to pant as her body continued to build towards her inevitable climax, tremors running through her, her heart pounding against her breast.

“Eric, oh god Eric, please, please.” She whimpered and he responded by sucking her swollen button into his mouth, working his tongue around her clitoris in rough circles until with one violent buck of her hips, Natasha’s back arched and a scream was torn from her lips as she climaxed. The pleasure chorusing through her body. She gyrated against Eric’s lips as he sucked and lapped at her entrance, drinking up her juices as she spasmed against his mouth.

Finally the tremors stopped racking her body and she collapsed back against the cushion, panting. Eric moved her thong back into place and lowered her dress before moving up her body to give her a long and lingering kiss. He smiled at her. “Feel better baby?” He asked and she responded with a lazy smile.

“Mmmm.” Was the best she could manage.

She lifted her arms towards Eric, but he stood up and moved out of her reach. Natasha protested, reaching out to him again, but he just stood watching her.

“Eric?” She questioned, her eyes falling to the fly of his jeans where she could see his erection straining against the material. “Let me take care of you.” She said, but he shook his head.

“No baby, that was for you, not me.” He told her.

“But.” She protested, pointing to the evidence of his arousal.

“Don’t worry about me.” He said and walked into the kitchen to pour himself a drink of water.

Natasha sat up, running her hands through her tangled hair and watched Eric as he swallowed his water, his eyes on her as he drank. She could see how his arousal had darkened the intense blue of his eyes and she wanted to bring him the same kind of pleasure he’d just given her. She loved to make him come. Watching him come, knowing she could do that to him excited her so much. To know that her mouth, her hands, her body brought him such pleasure turned her on nearly as much as obtaining her own release.

“Forget it Natasha.” He said harshly, knowing from the way she watched him, what was on her mind. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” He snapped. “That was for you. I want you to know that having you here with me means something. I’m not just looking for an easy lay for a week, ok?” And with that he sat his glass in the sink and walked out of the room. Natasha watched him go until he disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Well, she’d been told, end of discussion. Although the fact that he’d chosen not to find his own pleasure to demonstrate that having her here with him did mean more than using her as often as possible for sex did make her heart flutter. 

Natasha waited for a while but Eric didn’t come back. Finally she got up and walked into the bedroom but the bathroom door was still closed. He’d been in there a while, so maybe he wasn’t feeling well? Perhaps he was having a shower? She had no idea.

She stepped closer to the bathroom door and listened for the sound of the shower running, but there was nothing. Natasha was just about to turn away and go not wanting to risk being caught almost with her ear pressed up against the door and invading his privacy, when she heard a muffled moan come from behind the closed door.

She stopped, straining to listen for anymore sounds coming from the bathroom but there was nothing. She was just about to leave again when she heard another moan and unable to control her curiosity she tip toed closer to the door. With her ear pressed up against it, she could just make out the sound of Eric’s breathing which sounded ragged and harsh. What the hell was wrong with him? “Eric?” She called. “Are you alright?”

The sounds stopped inside for a moment. “Go away Natasha, I’m fine.” Eric’s voice was harsh.

“But I can hear you, you sound out of breath. Are you sure you’re ok.” She called out through the closed door to him.

She heard Eric groan from inside. “Dammit woman, will you just leave me alone, I’m fine.” He yelled but Natasha wasn’t convinced. Normally she would have done what he asked, but something compelled her to open the door and check on him for herself. Something was telling her she had to go through that door and to hell with the consequences if she ended up enraging him.

With a deep breath she pushed the bathroom door open and her eyes widened when she saw Eric. He stood at the vanity, facing the mirror, one hand braced on the edge of the unit, the other hand hidden from her view. His head was down and his jeans undone and clinging to his legs, just below his buttocks.

“Natasha.” He groaned, his eyes meeting hers in the mirror. “Why couldn’t you just do as I asked?” He said, dropping his head again as if in defeat.

Natasha stepped forward and as she approached him, finally she could see from his reflection in the mirror what he’d been doing. His erection strained out before him, his penis so engorged, it looked painful and when she saw his other hand wrapped around it, she realised he’d been trying to relieve that pressure himself.

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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