Natural Consequences (20 page)

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Authors: Elliott Kay

BOOK: Natural Consequences
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The frowns deepened. “Why?”

Alex couldn’t take this seriously at all. “I mean you see pretty girls hook up with douchey guys sometimes, but with a sample size like this—“

“What the fuck?”

“You’re all from Eugene, aren’t you?” Alex finished.

“Oh, you think you’re fuckin’ funny?”

“Well maybe a little. Look, why are you mad at him and not your dates? What sense does that make?”

“Who are you calling a douchebag, Hef?” another one of them asked. “I don’t see you standing out here with your date. She run off with someone, too? Or did you even come here with anyone?”

Turned toward the gaggle of pimps as he was, Alex had his back to the dance floor. He was oblivious to the gradual change of mood among the crowd, or the shift in its density behind him. “What’s wrong with coming stag? Seems to have worked out fine for him,” Alex said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder. “Anyway, I told you before, I’m not Hugh Hefner. I’m Arthur De—okay, what?” he asked.

The pimps looked past him in awe. Two of them stood with their mouths agape. Alex turned around.

The crowd parted as dancers made way for the angel and demon walking across the floor. Men and women alike stared at the two winged women, distracted by their shapely bodies and scanty outfits.

The angel’s wings and halo were plainly st
ore-bought, but of good quality. Her tiny white skirt and top showed off a bare midriff and plenty of skin besides. The demoness wore even less than that, relying on a black leather bikini-style top, a loincloth and tall black boots to satisfy the barest requirements of public decency. She bore wings, horns and a tail that had to have been put together by a professional make-up artist. Her red body paint had to be a professional job, too.

A handful of guys in the hall knew

“Wow,” Alex murmured. The distraction lasted only a moment for most of the crowd. Men and women turned their attention back to the music and to their dance partners, though stolen looks aplenty came from the dance floor.

Lorelei and Rachel smoothly leaned up against Alex, one on each side, and softly kissed his neck. “Happy birthday, lover,” one or the other of them said. He couldn’t track which. His arms came around their hips.

“You are an honest man forced to hide so much,” said Lorelei. “The truth is we are not normal. Your life is not ordinary. Just for tonight—this of all nights—why not let down the pretense?”

“Don’t worry if your ego swells a little tonight,” Rachel grinned. “We think pretty highly of you, too.”

Her words reminded him of his surroundings
. He looked back to the pimps.

“I’m not Hugh Hefner,” he said. “But I
a shallow, adolescent male fantasy. You guys have fun being cranky.”



“I can’t believe they did that,” declared Jason.

“What do you mean?” Amber asked. “Do you know those two?” She had her arm on Jason’s shoulder, with his hand on her waist, but their dancing faltered just like most of the rest of the crowd. They didn’t get back to it quite as quickly.

“Yeah. That’s Lorelei and Rachel.”

“Really? Wow! Oh, wow,” Amber blinked. Her mind went into overdrive. Both of her primary subjects were now present, along with their ‘other girlfriend.’ “That’s some serious costume coordination.”

“Yeah. Guess you could call it that,” Jason mumbled. He’d seen
demon horns before—right as they were pried off an enemy’s head. Rachel wore fake wings and a toy halo, but he doubted Lorelei wore even a pinch of make-up.

“Should we go over and say hi?” asked Amber. She regretted it almost as soon as she said it. Two songs after Jason lured her out onto the floor, she
only now loosening up and having fun. So was he. She had a job to do, but… “I mean I’m not in a hurry or anything, but if you want to?”

“Maybe we oughta leave ‘em alone for a bit?” Jason suggested. “
It’s their first birthday together. They went to the trouble to make an entrance.”

“Yeah, they did,” grinned Amber. “Guess you’re right. No sense rushing over there so you can drool, anyway.”

“Hey, I’m not drooling!”

“You’re not?”

“Not over them, anyway,” he shrugged.

“Okay, stop,” Amber told him. “You’re making me self-conscious.”

“You’ll just have to get over that.”


*   *   *


“Is this safe?” Alex asked, still happily occupied with a lover on each arm. “I’m not complaining, I just… um… wow.” His words trailed off as lips came to both sides of his neck, nuzzling up under his ears.

“As safe as
we’ll ever be,” Lorelei told him. Her hands roamed over his body, not quite lewdly but more than friendly enough to leave him trembling. Rachel did her part as well, though the angel was a little more direct with her touch. She had no shame about grabbing his ass.

together through sorcery, both women enjoyed all the same physical pleasures he received. They draped themselves against him, making no effort at showing off for others but caring little for modesty, either. If envy consumed outside observers, none of the three cared.

He meant to say something, but lost it in the shudder of breath forced from him as Rachel’s fingers ran through his hair. “It’s your birthday, lover,” Rachel whispered into his ear, blocking out all the music and the noise of the crowd. “You have to let us spoil you tonight.”

“I have to?” he smiled.

Rachel turned in on him to bring her chest against his. “Spoiled rotten,” she said as she kissed him.

As always, his worries crumbled at the touch of her lips. He felt energized, and awake, and happy. He felt loved.

Their lips parted. The music faded back into his ears, growing louder as the room around him grew dark once more
. Vibrant, flashing lights in dozens of colors and a broad range of costumes created an exciting backdrop.

“Aren’t angels supposed to lead men away from temptation?” Alex grinned.

“Hah! Fuck that noise,” laughed Rachel. She backed into the dance floor, pulling him along by both hands. “I’m here to drag you into it with me.”

effortlessly stayed close behind. “I am with you. No one will notice anything inappropriate.”

Not far into the dance floor, Rachel pulled herself up against Alex again. Her arms came around him. Her legs slid against his as she pulled herself into a slow, sensuous grind. Lorelei rested her arms against his back and laid her head against his shoulder. “Trust in us,” she told him. “No one will notice.”

“Notice wha—ohh,” Alex sighed. Rachel opened his bathrobe and pressed her body against his, letting her hands roam freely under his pajamas. The buttons on his shirt didn’t stay fastened long, nor did the drawstrings on his pants remain tied. Embraced both from the front and behind, Alex could do little but return the caresses and let the women have their way.

love you, Alex,” Rachel grinned against him, her leg sliding down his and her breasts up against his chest. “We know what you live for. And we approve.”

“We need this, Alex,” Lorelei murmured. “All three of us. Now.”

Rachel’s fingernails scratched softly down his back, outlining the shape of Lorelei’s body pressed against his. “I know what you did tonight,” she breathed heavily, growing anxious and hungry right along with him. “Brotherly love. Humility. You know how much that turns me on. You’re a
very good boy
, Alex,” she said with almost sinful delight.

“You’re a very bad girl, Rachel,” he countered.

“I know,” she grinned. “There’s gotta be a couple dozen other angels in here… and not one of them can see me doing this with you now.”

She may as well have been giving him a lapdance. Alex felt her flesh slide across his.
Lorelei’s dextrous hands helped Rachel along, smoothly relieving her of her drawstring panties without the slightest disruption of their foreplay.

Rachel teased the head of his cock with her wet labia, sliding along his length as she purred and nibbled on his neck.

Lorelei’s lips came against his ear again. “Be a good victim, love,” she whispered with a teasing smile. “Just for now. Allow us to dote upon you. Tend to Rachel’s passion, and to my hunger.”

The music changed. The crowd danced. Shielded by Lorelei’s enchantments, the three lovers
found privacy within the mob. Casual glances revealed just another trio of dancing people, and nothing more.

Not a soul outside their embrace knew a thing as Alex lifted Rachel’s thigh to his hip and slowly probed the wetness between her legs with his cock. Rachel’s eyes fluttered and she gave off soft little breaths of gratitude and need as she hung from his shoulders. She was light as a feather against him.

He slipped his other hand along her opposite thigh and lifted that, too. Rachel moaned with joy as she slid fully onto him. She squeezed his hips with her thighs and ultimately hugged both Alex and Lorelei with her legs as she accepted him into herself.

Lorelei moaned with her. Her breath and voice against Alex’s ear was as sensuous as a kiss. “Give in to your lust, Alex,” she goaded him as he lifted Rachel and then brought her back down on himself again. “
Embrace it as you embrace us. We belong to one another. Let yourself go this weekend.”

Further moans overcame anything else she might’ve said. Alex took their words and actions to heart. He thrust into Rachel, holding her up, using her body for their mutual pleasure and drinking in the sounds of her joy. Lorelei
’s involvement restricted their movement slightly, serving to control their pace and prolong their coupling rather than obstructing it.

The music and the dancers carried on. Swirling colored lights and a thumping beat made for unique scenery, but for all the sensory input as one song blended into the next, Alex only paid attention to
his partner’s cues and the pleasures of her flesh.

“Yeah, lover,” Rachel grunted. Her voice wavered as climax drew close for them both. “Hard. Unh. Hard as… you want. Oh. Take… me… oh!”

Their shared orgasm left them both trembling. Lorelei clung to Alex, shuddering as she experienced his pleasure and reveling in the renewal of her power as her victim indulged his lust. She helped him remain upright as he gave in to release.

Rachel slid down
off him, but the three remained close. He felt his clothing again. Lorelei smoothly pulled his pants back into place, ensuring that no one—not even Alex himself—would sense anything out of the ordinary. His breathing returned to normal. Alex came back down to Earth with everyone else.

His arousal calmed but remained. He was the victim of a succubus. He always wanted more. At times that bothered him. Now, it seemed like a gift.

“It’s your birthday,” Rachel repeated as she leaned against his chest. “We know you’re a horny bastard. We love that about you. Have fun with it tonight.”

He felt Lorelei give him an extra squeeze. It reminded him of his bargain with his demon lover. Alex let out a happy breath. “How would I argue with that?”


* * *


“The only rational thing to do with the money is to buy ourselves out of debt. We can splurge later.”

“Molly, you’re preaching to the choir,” said Onyx. She walked slightly ahead of her partner, eager to take advantage of the apparent lull at the security check station in the hallway.

“I’m just saying,” Molly pressed, “I know there’s a lot we could do. We made a lot of sacrifices to stop backsliding—“

“I agree,” Onyx tried to interrupt.

“—but even so, we’re still treading water on the stupid credit cards. We could kill that all now. We could put the money we’re spending on that bullshit to better use, y’know?”

Onyx stopped in her tracks. The folds of her black and crimson Renaissance skirt whirled along with her as she spun around. Faced with the need for a costume and little time to put together anything elaborate, she decided to go for “sorceress” and festooned her RenFaire garb with pentagram jewelry. She even tied a fake newt to her belt. If she couldn’t go with the theme, she figured, she’d go with the snark.

Molly, conversely, tackled the challenge of costuming with all the ingenuity borne of years of theatre experience. Small barnacles and starfish decorated the fishnet draped over her shoulders and hips, with a tattered but flattering black dress underneath. With a greenish hue to her exposed skin, she arrived at the party looking equally eerie and slinky.

“We’re good,” Onyx declared, biting down on her irritation. “Molly, I haven’t gone shopping for fun in a year, because you’re right. I haven’t suggested we go out to dinner in all that time, either, because you’re right. We didn’t realize how tight things would get, but we’ve adjusted, and we’re cool, and I’m comfortable with how we live. If we have to stick it out for a while longer, that’s fine. I don’t expect anything more. Okay?”

Holding her hands up in a gesture of peace, Molly also had to chomp down on her stressful reactions. Though happy-go-lucky about most things in life, financial issues got under her skin. “I’m sorry,” she said, trying to let it go. “I just don’t want to get carried away with having a little success.”

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