Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway (7 page)

Read Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway Online

Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Urban Life, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway
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“Yes, I'm starving.” Shane glanced at the menu, then put it down. “Hey, tell me something,” he said.
“You don't have to answer this unless you want to, but are you in love with Jaylin?”
I tapped my fingernails on the table and thought about being dishonest. I didn't want to talk about Jaylin the entire night, so I answered and tried to move on. “Yes, but I'm working on getting him out of my system. You know what I mean?”
“Scorpio, I know what you mean, but somebody could get hurt. And this time, it's not going to be me.”
“Let's hope not,” I said, and looked down at my menu.
Shane and I had a marvelous dinner. Jaylin's name didn't come up again for the rest of the night, but Felicia's did. We couldn't help but talk about her. And even though Shane dogged her out, part of me knew when he got home, he was going to be making a phone call to her. So, with that in mind, I was going to hold off on giving myself to him a tad bit longer.
Chapter 8
LJ's and Jaylin's birthdays were less than two weeks away. Our setback with the wedding incident was almost a month ago and it seemed as if he'd put his bitterness behind him. I called Jaylin because I wasn't sure if he'd already made birthday plans. He suggested that we go through our normal routine and have lunch at Café Lapadero, in Clayton, then take LJ to Chuck E. Cheese. A birthday party was out of the question. I told Jaylin I wasn't up for it, but the truth was that Daddy was still upset with Jaylin and didn't want him around. I figured it was best to keep them as far away from each other as possible. And since Daddy was still barely speaking to me, I kept my distance.
Pat, LJ, and I went to Plaza Frontenac to shop. I put LJ in his stroller and rushed through the door to spend my portion of the money Jaylin had given me.
We spent hours and hours at the mall, and when it was all said and done, we had a security guard help us back to the car with our packages. I bought so many outfits for LJ, and found some exquisite clothes at Neiman's for myself. Pat bought shoes from nearly every shoe store she could find, insisting that, since she and Chad were on a budget, shoeboxes would be easier to hide.
We laughed as we got out of the car and sneaked into Pat's house to hide the boxes. Chad was in the living room watching TV, so we went in the back way, hoping he wouldn't see us. But as soon as we came through the back door, he stood before us with his arms folded. Pat shoved all the bags at me.
“Girl, now you know you shouldn't have bought all those shoes. I told you I don't have any outfits to match them,” she said, trying to play it off like the shoes were mine. Chad put a piece of chicken in his mouth and smacked.
“I don't see how or why she would bring all those shoes in here if you two don't even wear the same size. It doesn't make no sense to me. What do you think, Nokea? Does it make sense to you?”
I placed my hand over my mouth and laughed. Pat was caught up. “All right, all right,” she said. “I'm busted. But baby, sorry, I couldn't resist. They had some good sales at the mall. You should go out there yourself.”
Chad ignored Pat and left the kitchen. She told me to have a seat, while she went upstairs to put away her shoes. LJ was sound asleep in his baby seat, and I didn't want to wake him. I would have asked Jaylin to watch him, but LJ was already spending too much time with him. I was feeling kind of neglected. Since Nanny B had moved in with Jaylin, he was coming over to pick up LJ every chance he got. I didn't mind, but LJ running back and forth from both of our houses was driving me crazy. When I tried to complain, Jaylin said I wanted to deny him time with his son, which was something I definitely didn't want to do, so I kept quiet.
Pat was taking forever, so I went to the refrigerator and pulled out a pitcher of lemonade. As I reached for a glass on the shelf, Chad came in and stood behind me.
“Let me get that for you, Nokea.” He reached up and took a glass from the shelf.
“Thanks, Chad. So, how's the cleaning business going? Pat said it's been booming.”
“Yeah, it's doing okay. She's just spending money as fast as we can make it.”
“Well, you know how she is. Hasn't changed a bit since you married her.”
“No, she hasn't. So, uh, how are things going with you? She told me about what happened between you and Jaylin. Sorry that it didn't work out.”
“Yeah, I'm sorry too, but at least we got that little precious child over there to share.”
“He's adorable. I wish Pat and I could have some children. We talked about adopting, but she keeps putting it off.”
“Don't go giving up just yet, Chad. It might happen one day. Seems like she's seeking all options from what she's telling me.”
“That might be what she's telling you, but Pat really don't want any children, Nokea. Every time I talk about having a baby she just blows me off.” Chad frowned and took a seat at the kitchen table. I walked over behind him, and placed my hand on his back.
“It'll be fine, Chad. If she can't have any children, there are plenty of them waiting to be adopted.” He dropped his head, and with true concern, I softly rubbed his back. “Don't be so hard on yourself. You and Pat have a wonderful marriage. What's meant to be will be.”
I poured him a glass of lemonade and wondered what was really going on. He seemed like he was going through something. I wasn't sure what, though, especially since Pat made everything seem all good between them.
As I stood with the glass in my hand, gazing out the window, Chad came up from behind me again. This time, he put his arms around my waist, and touched his lips to my neck. I immediately turned and pushed him back.
“What are you doing?” I yelled.
“You are so beautiful, Nokea. The way you touched me, I knew—”
“Wait a minute,” I said sharply. “What do you mean by the way I touched you?”
Just then, Pat came back into the kitchen. “What's all the fussing about? I hope y'all ain't in here arguing over those shoes. Listen, Chad, if it's that big a deal, I'll take them back.”
“Naw, baby, you don't have to. Nokea and I were just arguing over who LJ looks like.” He waited for a response, but I didn't say a word. I was so stunned that he would step to me like that, I didn't quite know what to do.
He kissed Pat on the cheek, and went back into the living room. I gathered LJ's things and hurried to go. Pat noticed my demeanor.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“I'm fine, Pat. I just got a severe headache all of a sudden. I'd better get home and lie down.”
“Okay, you do look a little flushed.” She felt my head. “Seems like you're running a fever, too.”
Pat helped me gather my things and walked me to my car. I strapped LJ in his car seat and took off. I was sick to my stomach on the drive home. How was I going to tell Pat? She'd been like a sister to me. But there was no way in hell I could keep something like this from her.
The phone was ringing off the hook as I made my way through the door. I tried to put LJ down before I answered it, but couldn't get to it in time. Whoever it was called right back, though. When I answered, it was Chad.
“Nokea?” I remained silent. “Listen, I'm sorry about tonight, but I just couldn't help myself. You're really looking good these days and I was just hoping—”
“Chad, if you ever, and I mean ever, put your hands on me again, I'll tell Pat everything.” I hung up. The phone rang again. “Hello,” I yelled.
“You won't tell because you want me just as much as I want—”
I hung up again and rubbed my temples. This was too much, and I knew it meant nothing but trouble. When the phone rang again I snatched it up and gave it to Chad.
“Listen!” I screamed. “You sorry motherfucker! Stop calling here!”
“Damn, what in the hell did I do?” It was Jaylin. I was relieved, but still upset. I couldn't help but cry. “Nokea? Are you okay?” he asked. “Where's LJ?”
“I'm fine.” I sniffled and tried to get myself together.
“Well, you don't sound fine. I'm on my way.”
“Please, don't. I said everything is fine.”
He hung up.
I took the phone off the hook because I didn't want Chad calling back. I gave LJ a bath, sang him a lullaby, and he was out like a light.
When Jaylin knocked at the door, I was getting ready to take my bath. I slid into my robe and house shoes, and went to the door.
“You really didn't have to come,” I said. “I told you everything was fine.”
“I came by to make sure everything was cool with my son, that's all. So, where is he?”
“I just put him to bed, Jaylin. You can go check on him if you'd like, but please don't wake him.”
Jaylin went into LJ's room and I went back into mine. Moments later, he came in with LJ on his shoulder.
“What did I tell you, Jaylin? You just don't listen, do you?”
He sat down on the sofa. “No, I don't listen, especially when it comes to my son. If he wakes up, I'll take him home with me.”
“Do whatever. I don't even care anymore.”
“I know you too well, Nokea, what's ailing you?”
“Everything like what?”
“Everything like you, the baby, my job, Pat.”
“Okay, so what about me?”
“You just seem like a different person, that's all. I really thought you would have worked things out with me but you seem to be moving in another direction.” I continued to express my concerns about us being together, but Jaylin ignored me. He wouldn't even look at me, just kept kissing LJ's cheeks. “Jaylin, did you hear what I said?”
“I heard you. But, I told you what was up with us. I need more time. Still hurting from what you did. Give me time to heal, all right?”
“How much time do you need? I'm feeling really lonely these days. The only thing I do is work and come home to be with LJ. On the weekends I at least had Pat to chill with, but I'm not sure how much longer that's going to last.”
“Why? Did y'all fall out or something?”
“No, nothing like that, but Chad made a pass at me today and it upset me. When you called, I thought you were him. I don't know what to do, and if I tell Pat, I'm not sure how she's going to react.”
“I knew that motherfucker was up to no good. You always bragging on how he's such a good man, but I knew something wasn't right. Honestly, though, you do need to tell her. Don't keep anything like that from her. If she's a true friend, she'll understand.”
“Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll tell her. I don't know when, but I will.”
“I suggest you not wait like you did in telling me about LJ. You see how much damage that's done, right?”
“Yeah, I know, but it's not going to be easy telling my best friend that her husband came on to me either.”
“No, it's not, but you just got to deal with it and do the right thing.”
After hearing Jaylin's deep voice, LJ lifted his head off Jaylin's shoulder. Jaylin stood up and started to leave the room. “I'll take him home with me tonight. Get some rest and I'll bring him back tomorrow.”
“Jaylin?” I said, softly.
“Please don't go. Stay with me tonight. I don't want to be alone.” My eyes watered as I waited for him to respond. I just knew he was going to say no, but when he sat back down on the sofa, I smiled.
An hour later, Jaylin put LJ back to sleep. When he came back into my room, I had already taken my bath and was standing naked while drying myself.
His eyes stayed glued to me. “Hey, sorry, I didn't know you were—”
“It's okay. It's not like you haven't seen me naked before.” He walked further into the room. “Here,” I said, handing him some peaches-andcream lotion. “Would you mind rubbing this on me?”
He took the lotion bottle from me. I lay on my stomach and rested my head on my hands. Jaylin stood motionless for a few seconds, then sat on the bed next to me. He squeezed some lotion in his hands and rubbed them on my back. I just knew he was going for my butt first, but he didn't. I closed my eyes, and his hands felt like they were melting into my body.
When he did get to my ass, I was on fire. He massaged it in a circular motion, and not being able to handle his touch anymore, I rolled over and sat up. His eyes lowered to my breast.
“What's wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing, nothing at all. I just—” I paused, and before I said anything else, I leaned him back and straddled him. I placed my lips on his and he went with the flow kissing me back. He bent his left leg, lifting me a bit so I could feel his hard dick poking me through his pants.
Our intense kissing came to a halt and we stared into each other's eyes. “I love you, Jaylin. Only God knows how much I love you.”
I reached for his shirt to take it off, but he stopped me. He pecked me a few more times on the lips and held my face in his hands.
“I love you too, Nokea, but I can't do this.”
“Yes, you can. Just let go of your anger and make love to me, please,” I begged.
He pecked my lips again and rose up. “Trust me, you don't want to be with me right about now. All I'm going to do is hurt you even more. I'm no good, baby. And making love to you is only going to complicate things. I won't be able to live with myself if I keep on hurting you.”
A tear rolled down my face and I rested my head on his chest. “How can you lay here and not want to make love to me? Don't you want me anymore? Don't I even appeal to you?”
Jaylin wiped my tears. “Of course I want to make love to you. And yes, you do turn me on. But I'm saving the best for last. I'm not going to put you in this mess I'm in right now. So please, don't make me do this to you, okay?”
His words didn't ease my pain, so I got off him and lay sideways. Jaylin turned on his side too and placed his hand on my hip. “Nokea, you don't ever have to be lonely. Just call me, and you know I'll always be here for you. I need you to be strong for our son. Don't let anybody stop you from being there for him, not even me.”
“I'm trying, but I don't understand why we just can't be together. If you love me, then why do you continue to fight this so much? Don't you see what this is doing to us?”
“Yeah, I do. It's making our love stronger and stronger every day. It's making me feel as if I'm missing out on something. Like right now, our being apart is making us want each other even more. I'm not playing a game with you, Nokea, I'm just making sure when marriage presents itself again, we're both going to be ready.”

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