Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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Chapter 2


I lay in bed thinking about
. His lips, his eyes, his strong chest. But most of all I think about how thoughtful it was of him to walk me home. I imagine what my parents would say if they saw him with all of those piercings and tattoos. They would probably try to perform an exorcism on him. I laugh inwardly. Not like it matters anyways, they don’t approve of anything I’m doing with my life at this point.

              “Eve are you in here?” My roommate, Hadley, calls out with a distinct slur in her words.

              “Yeah,” I answer, rolling over to look at her.

She stumbles into the dark room and plops down on her bed.

              “I was worried about you, did you walk home all by yourself?”

              “No, someone walked me.” I decide to leave out any details. It’s not like I even got his name.

              “Okay good. Don’t ever walk home alone after a party, it’s dangerous,” She repeats what the tattooed hottie had told me.

              “I won’t,” I assure her.

I roll back over and close my eyes. My first class is at nine in the morning. And, it’s already two, so I really need to try to sleep. But, every time I close my eyes all I can see are those lips.

Was he going to kiss me? It seemed like he was, and I wanted to let him. I
wanted to let him. But, I was worried I would be a total spaz. I don’t know what to do in general, but throw in that lip ring and I’m in way over my head.

              “Hey Hadley, can I ask you a question?”

She seems like a girl with experience.


“Have you ever kissed a guy with a lip ring before?”

“Sure, I’ve kissed guys with a lot of things pierced,” She answers with a giggle.

Oh my goodness, I am so not ready to know about any of that.

“What do you do? I mean with the lip ring, when you kiss them?”

I’m glad she can’t see my face because I’m blushing furiously again. She lets out a whoop of laughter.

“Do you have someone specific in mind or is this a general inquiry?” She asks, her voice laced with gentle teasing.

              “Never mind,” I mutter against my pillow. This is way too humiliating.

              “What you want to do with any piercing is three things: lick it, suck it, and bite it. Seriously though, it’s super hot when a guy has his dick pierced.”

“Thanks,” I mutter trying really hard not to picture licking a piercing on a guy’s...manhood.

My whole body feels like it’s on fire as my mind conjures up the image of Mr. No Name naked. Does he have more hidden tattoos? Does he have any more piercings? A gentle throbbing starts between my legs and I squeeze them together to try to ease the sensation. It’s painfully clear that I want to shed my purity and see what I’ve been missing out on.


              “Welcome to Anthropology 100, I  hope you’re all in the right place,” The professor announces.

I settle into my seat towards the middle of the room and dutifully pull out a notebook, the assigned book for the class, and two pens. My stomach is a jumble of nerves and excitement. This is my first real class I’ve ever taken. I was home schooled my entire life. In fact, if it hadn’t been for constantly sneaking to the library to teach myself the things my parents wouldn’t, there’s no way I would’ve been able to get into a real college. I saved up my allowance for two years to pay to take the S.A.T.

What if I’m not prepared for an actual class? What if I’m stupid? What if I can’t keep up? I start to sweat and consider bolting for the door.

              “Hi,” A girl takes the empty seat beside me and smiles.

She’s beautiful and mature looking and I suddenly feel like a little kid trying to blend in where I don’t belong.

“I’m Nikki.”

              “Eve,” I offer with a smile.

              The professor starts the lecture with a thirty minute explanation of evolution. He kept saying things like ‘I know this is review for you guys but I want to make sure we’re all on the same page.’ and all I can think is, ‘I truly am in way over my head’. None of this is review for me, in fact all of the information he’s casually laying out is crumbling the foundation of the entire 18 years of my so called education and upbringing.

“Hey, are you okay? You look kind of sick,” Nikki asks at the end of lecture.

Sick? I feel like the entire Earth has shifted under my feet and I can’t get my footing. I feel like someone just told me 2+2=182. But, as tattooed hottie had so eloquently explained to me, that isn’t possible. Unlike everything else in life, math is consistent. Wow, he actually made
sound good.

I just shrug in response and reach for my coffee sitting next to my backpack. And, of course, I knock it over and spill coffee all over my blessed backpack. I take a deep breath and try to maintain my composure. All I really want to do is let out a string of curse words worthy of a truck driver...but I don’t know any. Well...that’s not entirely true, but the idea of cursing out loud, in public practically gives me hives.

“You know what, I was just about to go for coffee. Do you want to come with me? I could use the company, I really hate sitting there all by myself. I feel like such a dork,” Nikki offers.

              “That sounds good,” I agree and follow her out of the classroom with my coffee stained backpack in tow.


              “So are you a freshman?” Nikki asks once we both have our coffee and are seated in the oversize chairs by the unnecessary fireplace.

“Is it that obvious?” I ask with a laugh.

“No, I just remember how anxious I was my first day freshman year,” She confides.

A song suddenly starts blaring from her pocket and she reaches in a pulls her phone out.

“Give me just one second, it’s my girlfriend.”

“Hey sweetie. How’s your day going?” She listens with a smile on her face.

I try to figure out if she meant ‘girlfriend’ as in friend who is a girl, or if she meant ‘girlfriend’ in the more traditional sense.

She doesn’t look like a lesbian and she certainly doesn’t act like a lesbian. I have to mentally slap myself for that one. Just because she isn’t trying to make out with me, she isn’t a lesbian?

One thing is painfully clear to me, everything my parents ever taught me is detrimental to making friends outside of the church.

“That sounds great, I can’t wait. Okay, well I hope your classes go well and I love you. See you tonight sexy,” She purrs into the phone.

Okay, I guess that answers that question.

“Sorry about that,” She says as she hangs up the phone.

“It’s alright,” I assure her.

It occurs to me that I should really find a part time job so I can buy a phone and continue to pay for food and everything.

“Do you have a job?” I ask her.

“Yeah, my girlfriends brother and his fiance just bought a bar downtown so I’m going to waitress there. I’ve waitressed a few places so it shouldn’t be too hard.”

“I need a job,” I mutter mostly to myself.

“I can talk to Abby and Ethan, I’m pretty sure they’re still looking for people. Do you have any experience?” She asks.

I shake my head glumly.

“I don’t have

And, I don’t just mean job experience. Maybe this whole moving out on my own thing was a complete mistake. Maybe I should’ve just gone to a Christian college like my parents wanted. Instead I’m having coffee with a lesbian. On the bright side she seems really cool.

“You look so freaked out right now,” Nikki observes.

“Well, truth be told, this is all a little out of my comfort zone. I grew up pretty sheltered. I’m just trying to wrap my head around everything.”

“So how sheltered are we talking?”

“Well, I grew up in a small town in Ohio. My daddy was the town minister and my parents are extremely religious. I was home schooled because they said that the public school system is trying to corrupt people away from God. I’ve never really been allowed to have friends or date. I basically lived in a bubble,” I explain, tapping a finger rapidly against the coffee cup in my hand to expel some of my nervous energy.

I take a sip of my coffee and wait anxiously for her to tell me that she thinks I’m a freak and coffee with me was a mistake.

“Wow, I bet they’re pretty pissed that you’re here at college.”

I nod.

“That’s an understatement.”

“I’m going to take you under my wing young padawan learner,” She says with a smile.

I arch an eyebrow at her in question.

“It’s from Star Wars.”

I continue to stare at her.

“Star Wars is a movie,” She explains further.

“Oh, I wasn’t allowed to watch movies either.”

“Holy fuckballs, I am going to change your entire life.”

My eyes go wide at her creative swear word.

“Oh, I know, you should come to this party Friday.”

She pulls a piece of paper and pen out of her backpack and jots down the words
Bad Wolf
and the time 8pm.

“This way you can meet Abby and Ethan, and ask about a job. They’re, like, the biggest nerds on the planet but they’re cool. Actually, I think they’re relationship will freak you out because she’s all ‘I am woman hear my roar’. But, you’ll love them when you get to know them.”

“Is that a movie reference too?”

“No, it’s a song from like the sixties about feminism.”

I nod in feigned understanding. I don’t want to keep asking questions about things most normal people know the answers to.

“Anyway, they’re having this big grand opening party for their friends. I think it’s also kind of an engagement party, but not like a stuffy, adult engagement party,” She informs me with another laugh.

This girl laughs more than anyone I’ve ever met. You would think that would be annoying but there’s just something about her that screams ‘I love my life’.

“I don’t know,” I hesitate remembering how out of place I felt last night.

“You’re coming and that’s final.” She looks at her phone again. “Oh shit, I’ve gotta go or I’ll be late to class.” She jots her phone number on the napkin with the name of the bar on it and scurries away with a smile.



Chapter 3


It’s been five days and I haven’t been able to think of anything but that girl since Sunday night.  It’s absolutely asinine, we only exchanged a few syllables of conversation and I stupidly tried to kiss her and scared the shit out of her. That’s it, so why can’t I stop thinking about her? I’ve been sitting in this coffee shop, staring at my notes without actually seeing them for twenty minutes now. It must be that lost puppy vibe she was giving off. I can't stop wondering how her first week of classes went. Would it freak her out if I 'accidentally' ran into her outside of her building? Of course it would, that would freak anyone out.

“Hey Ash,” The greeting pulls me from my thoughts and I look up from my physics notes, which were just serving as something to stare at while I obsess about a girl whose name I don’t even know, and nod my hello to Ethan.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

“Just on a coffee run, Abby get’s a little testy when she runs low on caffeine.”

His eyes light up every time he mentions his girl. If you’d told me last year that Ethan would actually find someone to settle down with I would’ve told you that you were crazy. Ethan was a bigger man whore than I was last year. But, as soon as he’d laid eyes on his sister’s roommate he’d been done for. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t have a little something to do with my own desire to change my ways. They seem so damn happy.

“Actually, I was glad I spotted you because I wanted to invite you to a party tonight. Abby and I just opened this bar downtown and we’re throwing this big grand opening. You should come.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I say noncommittally. I suppose it would be better than sitting around moping. Maybe I should invite Dex too, that guy needs to have a little fun.



The name of the bar looks like it’s graffiti on the outside of the building. I’m not sure if that’s cool or confusing.

I contemplate backing out and going home. I look down at my outfit and wish I’d worn something else. I’d decided Monday that if I really was going to try this whole college thing for real I would need to look the part. So, I got a credit card and some new clothes, promising myself I’d pay it off with my first paycheck, because I am determined to land this job.

I threw out all of my baggy, ‘modest’ clothes in favor of slightly tighter shirts that show off my curves, some maxi dresses, and even some sexy underwear. Not that I have anyone to show them to. But, hey I'm in college, you never know. At least I don’t look like I’m twelve anymore but I do feel awkward, like a little kid playing dress up.

“Eve!” I hear an excited shriek and turn to see Nikki walking up to the entrance of the bar hand in hand with a girl who’s slightly taller than she is with short, dark hair styled into a faux mohawk. They both look gorgeous and I feel completely out of place again.

“Hey Nikki,” I smile anxiously.

“Stop looking so nervous, this is a party, it’s supposed to be fun,” She says practically bouncing on her toes to get through the door.

“Don’t mind her, she forgets that not everyone is a pathological extrovert like she is,” The other woman says with a tender look in Nikki’s direction.

“Oh, it’s okay.” I actually like Nikki’s enthusiasm, it’s so different from myself.

“I'm Lee,” She introduces herself.


“Come on, I want to introduce you to everyone,” Nikki says, pushing Lee towards the entrance.

Nikki waves me to go inside and I reluctantly turn and head in. She grabs the back of my shirt and steers me in the direction of the bar once I enter. She directs me towards a group of people who are so attractive it’d be impossible not to be intimidated. It’s like these people are straight out of a magazine.

Within the next few minutes I’m introduced to Abby, a beautiful redhead who looks like she could be a supermodel. Ethan who’s so busy staring at Abby like she hung the moon that he barely greets me, which gives me a second to appreciate his toned arms, messy hair, and short beard, he’s like a sexy lumber jack. I have to do a double take as I meet the next girl because for a second I thought that Nikki had changed her outfit, but apparently it’s Nikki’s twin sister, Remy. Remy is gorgeous, just like Nikki, she’s petite with caramel skin and almost black hair.

“I’m pleased to meet all of you,” I say.

Remy seems to spot someone she knows over my shoulder because she darts around me with purpose. Abby offers me a friendly smile, and Nikki and Lee start to make out against the bar. My mouth falls open slightly in shock at their public embrace. I’m not sure if I’m shocked to see two people making out so openly in public or if it’s because it’s two girls going at it. I can say for certain that I don’t find it ‘disgusting’ as my parents always referred to same sex relationships. A few minutes later Remy returns with yet another unfairly attractive person. He’s tall and ridiculously broad with long blond hair, brown eyes, and a strong, masculine jaw.

“Who’s your friend?” Abby asks.

“This is Dex, we have a class together,” Remy answers vaguely.

Dex looks down at her backside covertly and I try to hide a smile. Oh my goodness, college really is kind of a wild orgy like my parents said it would be.

“What class?” Abby challenges.

Remy’s face pales a little but Dex jumps in to answer.

“Calculus,” He answers easily.

Abby seems to retract her claws, but continues suspicious glances in Remy’s direction.

“Who wants a screaming orgasm?” Ethan offers.

My face heats, I’m sure I’m bright red right now from his words and Abby smacks him playfully before leaning to whisper something in his ear.

“Hey Asher!” Dex calls out to someone who just entered.

I look over to see the new addition and I swear my heart stops for a second. It’s the guy from Sunday night. His gaze meets mine and a smile breaks out over his face. He’s happy to see me? I figured he’d already forgotten about the awkward girl he’d been kind enough to walk home.

“Well, well, well. We meet again.”

He stops directly in front of me and stares down at me with a playful grin on his lips. I do my best not to stare at his mouth, which is decidedly more difficult than it should be.

“You two know each other?” Nikki asks with surprise.

“Not officially,” He replies, his gaze not leaving mine, as though I might disappear if he looks away. “I’m Asher Wright.”

I stare at him stupidly for a moment before I realize that this is the part where I’m supposed to say my name.

“Eve Moore,” I offer my hand to shake like a dork, but he takes it.

I feel a tingle run up my arm when our hands meet and I wonder if he feels it too.

“Let me buy you a drink, Eve Moore.” It’s not a question.

My gaze falls on his wonderfully sculpted behind as he leads me to the bar a few feet away.

“What’s your poison?” He asks.

I stare at him stupidly.

“What do you like to drink?” He clarifies with a laugh.

“Um, I’m not actually 21,” I mutter, feeling the heat creep into my cheeks as his lips form another smile.

“You’re totally serious aren’t you?” His eyes light up with amusement.

I nod and try to figure out what to say.

“Just a couple of cokes,” He tells the bartender before turning back to me. “I’m glad I bumped into you tonight. I’ve been thinking about you all week.”

“Why?” I ask in confusion.

What could there possibly be to think about in regards to an awkward girl who can’t even relax enough to form a coherent sentence around you?

“Because, you seemed really sweet, kind of like a little lost puppy.” He leans close to me in a conspiratorial way. “Plus, you’re hot as hell.”

I hear Nikki and her sister having a whisper argument behind me and the next thing I know Nikki is at my side.   

“Hey, come with me for just a second.” She grabs my elbow and steers me towards the bathroom with Abby, Lee, and Remy on our heels. I try not to get irrationally excited about the fact that this is my first girly bathroom trip with girl friends.

“It might not be our business, but you should know that Asher probably isn’t the right guy for you,” Nikki says delicately.

“He’s just a bit...advanced for you at this point,” Abby jumps in to help explain.

“Yeah, it’s like if you’ve never ridden a bike before you don’t want to start by mountain biking in the Rocky Mountains. What you need is a tricycle,” Remy elaborates.

I don’t even know what to say. They have a lot more experience in these types of things than I do.

“Okay,” I nod slowly.

They all smile at me.

“Sorry to gang up on you, it’s just that guys can be really sneaky. Not saying that Asher is a bad guy. But, he’s a bit of a player. You know, the kind of guy that will say whatever he thinks you want to hear so that you’ll jump into bed with him.”

I can feel myself go pale.

I am in so over my head with all of this stuff. Would I have fallen for it if he had smooth talked me and I hadn’t been forewarned?

“Shit, Nikki you’re scaring her,” Lee scolds. “You just have to be careful is all we’re trying to say. Just take everything that guys tell you with a grain of salt, until you know them well.”

I nod and they all converge on me for a group hug.



Holy shit I can’t believe my luck that she’s here. And, I finally have a name to go with the face I’ve been obsessing over all week. Dex approaches me with an awkward smile on his face.

“What’s up man?” I ask cautiously.

“Don’t shoot the messenger, okay?”

I already don’t like the way this conversation is starting.

“I’m supposed to tell you to back off.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask, bristling instantly.

“Eve. Nikki’s kind of taken her under her wing and I’m supposed to tell you that she isn’t
kind of girl,” He explains running his hands through his hair. It’s a nervous habit that I’ve seen him do a thousand times.

“I don’t understand.”  It’s not like I’d asked her to strip naked or suck my dick.

“Nikki says she grew up really sheltered and she’s pretty shy and totally innocent. She’s worried about someone taking advantage of her. She’s taking this really seriously.”

Suddenly it all makes sense. It’s like I’m back in high school again and I’m being told over and over again I’m not good enough for the
girls. My family is too poor, I live on the wrong side of town, and I
like trouble. If I had a nickle for every time I heard that shit I’d be a millionaire. And, here I was thinking just because I’m in college now, working towards a respectable career, things would be different.

“I hear you,” I say through clenched teeth.

“Sorry man.”

“No, it’s cool. I get it.” I turn toward Ethan who’s behind the bar now. “Can I get whatever you’ve got on tap?”



When we get back to the rest of the group Asher is more withdrawn and I have to assume the guys told him that he shouldn’t be talking to a freak like me. My stomach gives a disappointed twist. I shouldn’t be upset, the girls were right, I can’t give a guy like Asher what he wants.

“By the way ladies, if any of you want’s a job we are hiring bartenders and servers,” Ethan says.

“But, there is one catch,” Abby warns. “We’re doing this thing right, all employees have to do cosplay.”

“What?” Lee, Remy, and I all say at the same time.

I’m glad for once I’m not the only one who doesn’t understand what something means. Abby and Ethan laugh at our confused faces.

“Dress up in costumes from appropriate movies, books, tv shows. So for example, since I have red hair I could dress up as Ginny Weasley, Amy Pond, or maybe Phoenix from the X-men,” Abby explains.

“I’d love a job,” I say quietly, almost as though I'm not sure I want them to hear me. “Although, I don’t have any experience and I have no idea who any of those people you just named are.”

“That’s okay, we are willing to train. And, Nikki, Lee, and Remy didn’t know who any of those people were either,” Ethan assures me with a smile.


“So how’d you meet Nikki?” Asher asks, clutching a beer in one hand, sitting across from me while watching Abby and Ethan snuggle and the other four play pool.

“She sits next to me in anthropology. I guess it was written all over my face how freaked out and out of place I felt the first day,” I admit with a laugh. “How do you know Dex?”

“We’re roommates. To be honest, I’ve never seen him looking so cozy with a woman before,” He whispers conspiratorially gesturing towards Dex who’s leaning close to allow Remy to whisper something in his ear. “I just hope she’s gentle with him.”

“What do you mean?” I ask in surprise.

Dex looks like he could crush tiny Remy between his hands.

“She has a bit of a reputation, and he’s…”Asher chews his lip ring, clearly thinking about how to describe Dex. “He’s a really good guy.”

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