Naughty Hot Shots - Becoming The Master (4 page)

BOOK: Naughty Hot Shots - Becoming The Master
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She locked eyes with him, not in horror at his words, but with total understanding and compassion. For one so young, he couldn’t believe how accepting she was. “I agree the terms of our relationship,” She concluded. “And now, will you accept me Sir? Will you allow me to be your submissive in every respect?”

“I think I made that fairly clear didn’t I slut?” He replied, eyes twinkling with mischief and the promise of adventures to come. As she settled back down onto his chest, he thought she might start purring as her respiration slowed toward sleep. But just before he sensed her finally tumble into the black abyss, he heard her whisper words which sent a tingle up and down his spine.

“I am yours Master”



About The Author


Throughout her life Tessa Wanton has always had her head buried in a book, spending much of her time in a fantasyland. Is her namesake her? Perhaps she is. She certainly has the depth of emotions that Tessa feels and hopes that Tessa and Master Charles’ experiences may perhaps change the reader’s views about the world of BDSM.

Fans can keep up with Tessa Wanton on her blog page:
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Other books available by Tessa Wanton:


The Training Of Tess

Tessa’s Dilemma - Coming Soon!

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