Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) (32 page)

BOOK: Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1)
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Bobby entered the ring and his glare turned on Sharp.

“Save that fuel for the fire, brother. They fight dirty, we get dirtier.”

Rob nodded to Chance and bounced from one foot to the other to amp himself up. Chance was up first, so Rob ducked through the ropes to guard their corner on the apron.

Rob and Chance were ready. They’d both beaten the Beesons in singles competition, so Rob wasn’t worried as long as it was a fair fight. Nick stood in the ring while Rick guarded their corner and Sharp stood on the floor. Their corner was closer to the announcers’ table, which made Rob wonder about what Emma would do.

The bell sounded to start the match. He didn’t have much time to think about Emma when Chance took one step and kicked Nick in the face. Chance was on fire and his fire helped Rob focus on every move inside the ring.

Chance tagged him in and Rob got on the top rope. When Nick turned to face him, Rob jumped off with his hands clasped high above his head and clubbed him on top of the head.

Nick was dazed for a moment. Rob took advantage and went for the pin, but the ref only slapped down a two count before Nick got his shoulder up.

The crowd howled in disapproval and Nick rolled over to tag Rick in. Rob noticed Sharp had moved away from the Beesons corner and Emma was out of her seat.

Rick took advantage of Rob’s misdirected focus and kicked him in the ribs. Rob fell back into the corner and Rick dealt him a series of punches to the head.

“Fuck no!” Rob thrust his forearms and clenched fists against Rick’s face. Rob pounded at Rick’s head with reckless abandon. His adrenaline spiked and the punishing blows didn’t stop.

Rob heard the referee scream in his ear to stop or he would call off the match. It didn’t stop him, but the sound of Emma’s scream did.

Emma pushed Sharp away from the ring and he hit the front of the announcers’ table. Chance came to the side of the ring closest to Rob and tagged himself back in.

“Take care of him. I’ve got this.”

Rob nodded and let Chance take over in the ring.

Sharp and Emma were well into a verbal spar once he reached their side of the ring.

“Come on, little girl, let the big boys take care of business.” Sharp snarled.

“There will be no cheating on my watch. I swear I’ll drag your ass out of here myself if I have to.” Emma stood firm with her hands on her hips and determination in her eyes.

“I’d like to see you try.” Sharp scoffed then noticed Rob walk up behind Emma.

Rob glanced at the ring and saw Chance had everything under control. He turned his attention back to Sharp.

“Once Chance pins your boy, I will carry you out with her.” Rob stood with his chest up against Emma’s back.

“You don’t scare me, Breyer.” Sharp stepped forward and sandwiched Emma between him and Rob.

Emma’s entire body went rigid and Rob realized they needed to do something to get Sharp to back off.

“I don’t think . . .” Rob placed his hands on Emma’s hips and moved her back a bit. She gave a small nod to show she understood. “It isn’t me you should be worried about.”

Rob stepped back while he lifted Emma up. Emma kicked her legs out and hit Sharp in the chest. Sharp stumbled back but didn’t fall.

“Swing!” Emma yelled.

Rob picked her up once more while she jumped and threw her legs up to the side. He swung her and her legs made contact with Sharp’s side. Sharp crashed into the announcers’ table sideways.

Rob pulled Emma toward the opposite corner outside the ring.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but you’re about five seconds away from losing this match. Get back in there.”

Rob turned to see Rick attempting to pin a bloodied Chance.

How the hell did that happen?

Chance lifted his shoulder before the referee’s hand hit the mat for the third time. Rob reached in, grabbed Chance, and pulled him out of the ring.

“My turn, brother.” He handed Chance off to Emma and went in to finish Rick off.

The task was harder than he anticipated. Rob attempted to jump off the rope and clothesline Rick but was caught by Rick’s arm. Dazed, Rob did his best to fight off Rick’s blows.

Luck found him when Rob tried an old combination his father made famous. A jab to the throat with his elbow and a quick sweep of the leg to knock his feet out from under him made Rick hit the mat hard. Rob took both of Rick’s legs and pinned them down to his shoulders for the three count.

The bell rang and Rob collapsed back on the floor of the ring.

Rob felt Chance pull him up to his feet and into his arms.

“We fucking did it!”

“How did this happen?” Rob motioned to the blood on Chance’s face.

“I have no idea,” Chance said with a smile.


They turned to find Emma with their new tag team championship belts.

“Congratulations.” Emma handed each of them a belt and held both their arms up in victory.

As soon as she let go, Rob took Emma in his arms and secured his lips to hers. He never experienced the world fading away with a kiss until that moment. There was just him and Emma, two people who were well on their way to falling deeply for each other. They held each other tighter than he imagined possible but still weren’t close enough. It should’ve been one of the best moments of his life, but he realized he’d made a grievous mistake when she froze mid-kiss.

Emma pushed him away and covered her mouth with her hand.

“Emma?” Rob was confused. Aaron said she—

“How could you?” she whispered behind her hand.

Aaron lied to him.

All the color had drained from her face and she started to back away from him. Rob reached for her, but she pushed his hand away and fled from the ring.

“What the hell?” Chance asked.

“I should’ve talked to her first.” Rob thrust his hand through his sweat soaked hair in frustration.

“What are you gonna do?”

“Make something very clear to Aaron Russell. He can’t fuck with us anymore.” Rob stormed out of the ring with Chance at his heels.



O’Rourke’s was packed to capacity for the viewing of Breaking Rules. Annie and Harry persuaded Teddy O’Rourke to throw the shindig in honor of Emma’s first official match with the IWA.

Not the whole town, but several prominent members had showed to support Emma’s debut. Mayor Rudy Babcock and his wife, the whole MacLean clan including Nell, and even Emma’s ex, Derek McInerney and his cousin, Sully, were in attendance. Harry was lucky Teddy made sure the MacLean’s had the best table in the place.

“She’s quite dressed up for wrestling, isn’t she? I wouldn’t think she could do one of those power bomb things in those heels.” Moira tsked and shook her head.

“It’s not time yet, Nan,” Harry laughed. “They’ll get to her match here in a bit.”

“Well, I want to see that Bobby fellow.” Moira’s eyes lit up. “He looks just like my Michael, especially with his shirt off.” She smiled and winked at Harry.

Harry shook his head before he took a drink and turned his attention back to the huge screen in front of them.

As the show progressed, Emma nervousness appeared to increase tenfold. He was about to pick up his phone to make a call when his father’s cell phone rang.

“Kelly,” his father said before he answered.

Mick talked to Kelly for a few minutes before Emma came on the line. Harry knew their father would be able to calm her down. Mick turned on the speaker and got the whole bar to wish Emma luck before they hung up.

The whole bar roared when Emma slid into the ring and flipped up on her feet. Derek’s eyes were glued to the screen, but Harry saw how odd Sully seemed to be acting. The larger cousin had consumed at least two pitchers of beer and was on his third, but kept a stony expression on his face the entire time. The entrance of the devil incarnate, also known as Maria DeFazio McInerney, didn’t seem to lighten his mood either.

Annie and Nell held each other tight while they watched Emma get thrown around the ring. They cringed and groaned when Black Betty attempted her first submission hold. Emma was able to get out of the hold and tag in Cherry. Harry heard his father release a long breath.

“Dad?” Harry asked with concern. Mick was pale and sweaty.

“I was there for every karate tournament. I know my girl can hold her own, but this is so much more than I ever expected. Some of these fellows get really hurt. I don’t know if I could take . . . seeing her in a hospital bed again.” Mick brought his handkerchief to his brow and patted away the perspiration.

Harry brought his arm around his father’s shoulders. “She’s been training for weeks. Years, if you count all that time with Bill Bell. You’ve talked to her. She’s as comfortable as she can be doing this. We have to trust her on this.”

“It’s not her I don’t trust.” He reached for his beer but didn’t pick the drink up. “I won’t stop worrying until she calls after this is over.” He chugged half of his beer and slammed it down to see Emma tagged back in.

Harry’s gut churned. Visions of his battered sister in a hospital bed flashed in his mind. He took Annie’s hand before the memories got the best of him. Emma would be fine. She had to be.

“She’s got her!” Moira yelled at the top of her lungs.

Harry focused on the screen and found his sister using the same submission hold Betty had used on her earlier in the match. This time, Emma had Betty in the middle of the ring and there was no way out. A red-faced Betty finally tapped out and Emma, eventually, let go.

The bar erupted in cheers and hollers. The screen showed Emma and Cherry hug before the referee lifted their hands. They were given the Bombshell Tag Team Champion belts while Betty and Wendy sulked outside the ring. Cherry made her way to the back while Emma settled at the commentator’s table for the next match, the Men’s Tag Team Championship.

Harry noticed his father relax when he saw Emma smile and drink some water. Something was still off though. Harry’s gaze landed on Sully McInerney again. His face was red and appeared as if the veins in his neck would burst with any more pressure. Derek seemed oblivious as he had an animated conversation with Teddy.

He was about to go over to their table when Annie grabbed his hand.


Rob’s match had started and Chance had already kicked one of his opponents in the face. Harry got distracted by the fight and stayed in his seat.

Once the fight was over, Emma entered the ring with the belts for Chance and Rob. Before Harry followed what was happening, Rob kissed Emma, hard.

“Hell yeah!” Annie shouted.

“That’s my girl!” Moira screamed.

Harry laughed at the sight of his sister ousted on live television. Guess they weren’t keeping their relationship a secret anymore. He almost missed Emma pushing Rob off her.

“Oh, shit,” he gasped. “Something is wrong.”

Mick stood and to get closer to the screen, but Emma’s tear stained cheeks were unmistakable while she ran back up the ramp.

“Dad, we can call her. If she doesn’t answer, Kelly will.” Harry reached into his pocket to grab his phone when he heard a crash from the table next to him.

Maria threw a pitcher and broken glass flew across the floor. The room went silent, even the television muted.

“Now you can all see what trash she is!” Maria yelled.

Harry felt every hair on his body stand on end as Annie stood from her chair.

Derek stood in between Maria and Annie, his hands out to stop the two from coming to blows.

“What the hell, Maria?” Derek asked. “This shit is really getting old.”

“I don’t care how perfect you all think she is. She just proved she’s the same little slut she’s always been.” Maria turned to Derek. “You know she cheated on you in high school?”

Derek’s hands dropped in apparent shock. “What? How do you . . .”

“I know for a fact that is not true. Emma was devoted to Derek.” Annie crossed her arms and stood firm.

“That’s right!” Nell added and stood by her sister.

“You all thought she was such an innocent, but you have no idea what she was doing behind your backs. Tell them, honey.” Maria turned to a fuming Sully.

“I never wanted my cousin to know,” Sully seethed at Maria. “Emma was all over me whenever Derek’s back was turned. I’m a guy. I could only resist for so long.”

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