Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) (30 page)

BOOK: Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1)
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Terrance made sure everything was as perfect for his lunch with Emma. This would be the first time they’d spoken in person since her mother’s funeral. So many things had happened in both their lives over the last few weeks, driving the friends further apart. With the end of filming
Hunt for Life
there might be no ties at all. Losing her friendship was something he would not accept.

Emma entered the private dining room without her camera crew. She assumed his crew would be present but was shocked to see only Terrance seated at a table.

“It’s been too long.” Terrance stood and took Emma into his arms. He pulled back from her and noticed the slight redness around her eyes, something he had never seen before. “Are you well?”

Emma stepped out of his arms and waved him off. “A long day and I didn’t get much sleep last night.” She sat down in the chair he pulled out for her.

Terrance sat down in his own seat. Emma wore her poker face well, but those moments were when things were off. He almost hated the sight of her pleasant face in those moments because he
her expression wasn’t real.

“I’ve ordered your favorites. I hope they will suffice?”

Emma glanced over at the tray the waiter had brought out and her visage cracked a bit. Terrance smiled and relaxed.

“Wonderful. I can’t eat everything, but I’ll try a little of each.” The genuine smile on Emma’s lips made Terrance’s heart melt. The issues bothering her seemed to slip away.

The waiter served their dishes then took his leave.

Emma moaned after her first bite of her favorite shrimp dish. “I forgot how good this was.”

They made small talk throughout their meal and Terrance felt his old friend come back to him again. Their time together began to run short and he needed to make his reason for their lunch clear.

Terrance reached across the table and took Emma’s hand in his like he had done so many times before.


She put her other hand over his. “Talk to me, Terrance.”

“You have been a joy to have at my side in my business and as my friend. Lydia and I have considered you another daughter.”

Hurt fell across her face and she ducked her head.

“No.” Terrance put his fingers beneath her chin and lifted her head up to meet his gaze. “We love Irene despite everything she has done, but that will never change how Lydia and I feel about you.” Terrance squeezed her hand. “I found out why she wanted you gone.” He laughed, but a pain seared his chest at the same time. “She wanted to take your place on the deal because she was pushing for more screen time.”

“Screen time? Are you kidding me?”

“Evidently, she convinced Troy making you look bad would increase the ratings and get rid of her haters. They knew about your contract so they never thought it would be permanent. It was all to stir up drama and Irene wanted the London commission to buy some house in Maui.”

Seventeen million dollars would come Emma’s way with the success of the deal. The deal was worth over a billion, so the pay was relatively low. The work needed to secure the deal was priceless, so Emma deserved every cent.

“I have no idea where we went wrong. Irene was good at her job and was making plenty of money on her own.”

“So, Troy was the reason she was such a bitch?” Emma whispered to herself, but Terrence heard her loud and clear.

“He contributed to her attitude, I’m sure. Once I came back from your mother’s funeral, I began to investigate all your projects to see what needed to be done. Irene volunteered for the London deal right away. I was instantly suspicious. She never volunteered for anything, so I told her to give me a few days to decide. I met with your assistant and together we pieced together a trail. Irene had been swapping her name and signature with yours on several documents. She wanted the credit for the work. On paper, everything seemed like she had brokered the deal by herself. Thankfully, between my assistant and yours we had all of the originals with your signature.” Terrence shook his head. His own daughter had spiraled out of control and he had no idea. “I flew out to London before I got back with Irene. I closed the deal without her. When Irene found out, she went ballistic. It took a while to sort everything out, but I eventually got the truth out of her. I just wish I figured it out sooner.”

“I’m so sorry I didn’t know what they were up to.” Emma’s decision about the series Troy offered the night before was no longer an issue. She would never work with him again after this.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. You did your job and did it well. Which brings me to this.” He pulled an envelope out of the inner breast pocket of his jacket and handed it to her.

Emma opened the envelope and scanned the documents. Her breath caught and eyes widened. “No.”


The documents detailed the transfer of the seventeen million dollar commission as well as a thirty-three million dollar bonus. The number was triple what the paperwork faxed to Harry stated.

“Fifty million dollars? This is way more than I expected.” Her hand shook while she lowered the papers to the table.

“You earned every cent. For every missed birthday and holiday. For the twenty hour days and last-minute flights around the world. Emma, you are priceless to me. This is the least I can give you, plus an annual donation to the Nerdy Girl Nation.”

“Terrance.” Emma stood and pulled him up into her arms. “Thank you.”

“You are very welcome.”

“I haven’t done anything with my accounts since I moved.” She whipped a few tears from her cheeks and laughed.

“The number of the best financial advisor in Boston is in there. I’ve worked with him before and trust him implicitly.”

“I’ll give him a call next week.” She laughed again and shook her head. “Fifty million dollars. Who’d have thought I’d ever be in this position?”

“Elaine and Mick always knew you could set the world on fire. I knew you could.” They smiled at each other and Terrence placed both of his hands on her face. “Want to know another thing I’m sure of?”


“You’re going to look fantastic with a tag team champion belt around your waist.”

She hugged him tight and laughed like he’d never heard before. Best sound ever.

Rob used the keycard Emma gave him to enter her hotel room late Saturday night. He heard the sound of running water in the bathroom and assumed Emma was in the shower. The thought occurred to him to join her, but he was sure she wasn’t ready.

He heard the water turn off and decided to get comfortable. While he unbuttoned his shirt, he noticed papers on the nightstand with the Hunt logo on them. Curious, he sat down on the bed and picked up the papers.

“Kind of scary seeing so many zeros?” Emma asked when she stepped out of the bathroom in a blue top and blue plaid ladies boxers.

“Is this for real?” Emma was a wealthy woman, but adding another fifty million to her already hefty bank account intimidated him more than a little bit.

“Yes. Terrence explained everything over lunch.” She sat next to him and picked up the papers with a sigh. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with it all.”

“You can buy a lot of Legos.” He took the papers from her and placed them back on the nightstand.

“I can have my own personal Legoland,” she laughed.

He pushed her down on the bed and hovered over her. “We can build our own castle and live the rest of our days as the king and queen of our own nation.”

“The Nerdy Girl Nation?” she asked and slid her arms around his neck.

“Of course. We’d live off frozen meals Louisa would leave for us on the drawbridge and spend our days in bed watching
Doctor Who

“Heaven.” She lifted her head and met his lips with her own.

“You, my Queen, shall want for nothing.” He would worship her until the day he died if she’d let him.

Rob stared into depths of her ice blue eyes. He told himself from the moment he reconnected with Emma he was in it for the long haul. At that moment, the meaning of their relationship hit him full force. He saw their relationship in the abstract sense, sharing his life with her someday. Their day finally arrived.

“And my King will always be satisfied.” She moved her hands to grip his backside and wrapped her legs around his thighs.

He grunted and pressed his erection against her. “With you, I could never be anything else.”



“This last month has been an interesting challenge.” Emma stood tall in front of the IWA roster at their meeting a half an hour before the Breaking Rules event began. “I never expected to be in this position tonight, but I’m so grateful for such a terrific and talented group of people to work with and support. Let’s go out and have the best pay-per-view event ever!”

The wrestlers and staff responded with thunderous applause.

Emma felt a wave of relief crash over her, the weight of the last month lifted off her shoulders. The card for the night was scheduled out to the minute. If the night wasn’t as perfect as she planned, it wouldn’t be for her lack of trying.

Cherry rushed to her side. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”


“Come on.” Cherry pulled Emma away, but not before she took a glance over at Aaron.

What seemed like a mile away through the halls of the arena, Cherry and Emma arrived at the costume area.

“Millie, tell her,” Cherry urged the IWA’s costume designer.

“I came up with another design for the two of you, a backup just in case. Cherry thinks you should wear these instead.” Millie turned to show her the outfit hanging on the nearest rack.

“Oh, wow.” Emma moved over to feel the stretchy leather-like material between her fingertips.

The original costume matched Cherry’s signature jean shorts and fitted tee shirt. A distinct zing rocked her back on her heels when she realized how much more she liked the new outfit.

The shirt was a combination of purple and black leather with a built-in bra. Black strips crisscrossed between the breast and shoulder blades in front and back. The shorts were the same material and seemed like they would hit her mid thigh. Knee high black boots with built in shin guards and knee pads completed the ensemble.

“What do you think?” Millie asked.

“I love it. Can I try it on real quick?” The outfit was almost identical to what she had envisioned herself wearing one day.

“I can do you one better.” Millie pulled out a purple wrap dress with a flourish. “You can wear this over it. I swear you’ll be comfortable. You can come backstage to take the dress off before your match and switch out your shoes for your boots and kneepads.”

“And see, I match.” Cherry slid the robe she wore off. Her outfit was like Emma’s except the placement of the purple and the black was the opposite.

“I pray I look as good as you do in mine.” Cherry was close to Emma’s stature, but Emma had what she called a little extra junk in her trunk.

“You’ll be stunning. You’re not even wearing this yet and guys are already drooling.” Cherry motioned her head toward the wall where Aaron stood with Chance.

Emma rolled her eyes at the sight of Chance’s uplifted eyebrows and slacked jaw. She had one more night to keep herself in check. Al and Ben would be home in their beds and she would be off to Atlanta with Rob. She’d survive for a few more hours.

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