Never say forever (Never series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Never say forever (Never series Book 1)
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We leave my car and are walking towards our spot. This will always be out spot. She’s straying further away from me as if I might bite her. I hate the feeling that she’s repulsed by me. I don’t understand what I did to deserve this treatment from her. It was very sudden.


We arrive at our spot and she turns and looks at me. Anger present on her face. I could almost see the smoke coming from her ears. I almost chuckle because it’s kind of cute. However, I don’t. She’s already pissed at me. I don’t need
to give her another reason to hate me.


What do you want Aiden? Why did you drag me out here? Let’s make this quick so I can end this tonight.”

I can see hurt and anger displayed across her face and it makes my heart break just to see it. I never want to hurt her. I don’t know how I did it, but I will make it better. Whatever the cost.


Why did you leave that day? Why have you been avoiding me? I thought everything was fine. Why are you throwing me away?” I ask, pain spilling from every pore.


Why would I stick around? So I can be number two in your life? Or maybe fifteen? Who knows at this point how many girls you have besides me?” She is raging now, almost on the verge of tears.


What the hell is she talking about? I haven’t been with any other girl. My first thought may be Jeremy. He may be trying to get back at me for punching him senseless. I swear, if he has anything to do with this, I’ll kill him.


What are you talking about Serena?” I am so confused right now.


Who the fuck is Violet?” She yelled at me. Tears are streaming down her face. How did she know about her nickname? I sigh in relief since I can get through this.

She’s standing there sobbing into her hands, covering her eyes. She
doesn’t want me to see her cry. Everything in me shatters the moment I see her breakdown in front of me.


I approach her and try to place my hand on her cheek and she shakes it off. “Don’t fucking touch me. Not until you tell me who she is and why you’re chanting her name in your sleep.”


Baby, you are Violet,” I say softly.


She laughs at me. “You expect me to believe that. My name is Serena, Aiden. Have you forgotten? I’m not going to listen to your lame ass excuses. Now that I know you’re a liar, I will be on my way. I should have known.” She shakes her head and starts to walk away.


Serena, please listen. You remember the day you snapped on me for calling you Rena?” She stops walking suddenly and turns around and gazes at me and slightly nods her head, giving me approval to finish. “Violet is my nickname for you. Your eyes inspired me to call you that. I didn’t want to keep it formal and use your birth name. I wanted it to be more intimate, something no one else is calling you. I would have told you but I couldn’t find a right time. Please believe me. I’m telling you the truth.” I don’t know how else to tell her. I plead with her using my body and eyes to show her that everything I am saying is the truth. If she doesn’t believe me, I don’t know what I’ll do. I’ll never recover from losing her.


She looks me in the eyes and I can see the resolve in her eyes that she believes me, or is starting to. She’s staring in my eyes, her eyes darting back and forth, trying to detect a lie. I stand there as still as can be, afraid she may walk out of my life again. I can’t handle that. I need to make her mine.


My lips start trembling out of nervousness and fear. “Serena, I love you. I’ve fallen hard for you. I am not expecting you to say it back. This is something I’ve realized just before you left me. I promise there’s no one else. It’s always been you. It will always be you. I don’t want anyone else. You’re my angel, my Violet!” I whisper in her ear. I close my eyes and just draw her in, begging silently for our fight to be over.


She crushed her mouth on mine. I would be lying if I said my stomach wasn’t full of butterflies. I feel as if fireworks blew off. She’s devouring my mouth and I can’t seem to get enough of her. “I love you too, Aiden.” My heart grew more with love. To love someone and to know that they love you back is pure bliss.


I wasn’t prepared for what happened next. She starts taking off her clothes. I am stunned speechless. Her body is so beautiful, but I don’t want to take advantage. I know she’s been drinking because I can smell liquor on her breath. I don’t think she’s in the right state of mind.


She’s crushed her mouth on mine as she starts trying to remove my shirt.


Babygirl, are you sure about this? I know you’ve had a few to drink. I don’t want you to do something you’re unsure of.” I don’t want to risk this. I don’t want to do this and wake up with her running away because of regret.


Aiden, I am more than ready. I love you. I want to be with you. I need you. Don’t ask me again if it’s okay. Just take me please.” That’s all the answer I need.


I start kissing her neck and nibbling her earlobe. The soft moans I hear from her are enough to get me hard. I love hearing those sounds. She is breathtaking. “Please, Aiden.”


Don’t rush me on this baby. This is our first time, this will be on my terms. I want to make this as memorable as possible. You’ll enjoy this, trust me.” I whisper in her ear as my hands are roaming her body. My lips are planting kisses down her neck. I glance up and see her head is back, enjoying all the sensations I’m laying on her. I move my way down to her perky nipples. I move my mouth over one and swirl my tongue lightly over it. The moans of pleasure I get are making me anticipate this more. I need her. I crave her. But I need to make this good for her. I need her to be fully ready.


I start sucking her nipples as my hand moves down and starts caressing her nub. She starts panting. I can feel the moisture down there, letting me know she’s ready for me. I trail my kisses down until I meet her center. I lightly lick and her legs start quivering. “Aiden, please! I’m ready. I need you!”


I get up and she sits and starts ferociously undoing my pants. She’s becoming my wild little Violet. I smile down at her. She pulls my pants down and looks up and gasps.


Its okay, Babygirl. I’ll go as slow as you want. Are you sure you’re ready,” I ask one last time before it’s too late.


Yes. I need to be close to you,” she says as she looks in my eyes.


I grab a condom out of my wallet, open it up and roll it on. I get between her legs and I’m just hovering over her with my cock right at her entrance. I lean my forehead to hers as I enter her slowly. “I love you so much Serena.”

I see a little flicker of pain in her face. I work in slowly to make this as comfortable as I can for her. I hate to see her in pain. I go in and out as slowly as possibly until I see
some sign that it’s okay to go faster.

She wraps her legs around me and grabs my ass. Well there’s my sign. I move faster but not too fast. This is not sex to me. I am making love to my sweetheart for the first time. I’m going to make this special. I
can see the pleasure in her eyes, all over her face. I can hear the soft moans letting me know she’s enjoying this and it’s not painful anymore. I feel connected to her as I love her over and over with each stroke.


She’s starting to breathe heavy. As I am working my way in and out of her, I place my hand down and start rubbing at her nub and she erupts instantly saying my name. Her body is convulsing in pleasure and her legs are quivering around me. I have been holding off for her, but her moan is enough to set me off and before I know it, I’ve found my release telling her I love her as I finish.


I roll off her and pull her to my chest. Our hearts are beating as one. She lifts her head up. “I know what you were thinking earlier. I won’t regret this in the morning. I’m sorry I left last time, I just thought that you had someone better than me and I couldn’t handle it.”


I should have told you about the nickname. Just promise me one thing. If I piss you off in some way or you aren’t happy about something. Please tell me. Don’t run from me. I can’t handle losing you again,” I say as I place a kiss on her forehead.


I promise.” She leaned up and kissed me on the lips. I feel like I am dreaming right now. This feels too good to be true. I guess this is what it feels like to fall in love and to be loved in return. I wouldn’t trade this feeling for the world. I have the world laying in my arms, head against my chest as we listen to the calm of the waterfalls. Life couldn’t be more perfect right now.

Chapter 8




Aiden and I got up before we could fall asleep in our own comfort. I could sleep in his arms all night. The weather is starting to change to
winter, which will really put a damper on our secret rendezvous to here. I love coming here just to enjoy the scenery and spend time with Aiden. I feel as if a permanent smile is plastered on my face. We start gathering our things, including our clothes as we are still naked. I can’t stop looking at his glorious body. He is so athletic and masculine. I can see Aiden in a whole new light, now that we have been intimate.


I can see he can’t wipe the smile off his face either. I know I acted on impulse but I can feel it in my heart that he is the one. I know we haven’t known each other too long, but I just know. He is the sweetest, caring, most gentle man I have ever met. I’ve known him only a few months but I feel as if I can’t live without him. I am hopelessly in love with him. People may ask how you know you love someone. Now that I know the feeling, I can’t even describe it. There’s no limitations when it comes to love, it’s just there. Whether you wanted it or not, it grabs a hold of you and never lets go. You can’t describe the feeling, you just know.

We walk back to the car hand in hand. It is beginning to snow, which will make this our last trip here until the spring. He stops in his tracks, which puts me at a halt, since we are linked together. He wraps one arm around my waist and places one at the side of my face. He looks in my eyes, his eyes
blazing with passion. He never looks away from my eyes as he tells me how much he loves me and brings his mouth slowly to mine. I think my heart literally stopped. All the cheesy romance movies and books I have read, I thought this was all fake. I’m living it now, goose bumps forming on my skin at his interaction. Everything happens for a reason, and I think he was sent to me for a special reason.


I know how wrong I was to stop talking to him over something so stupid. That will never happen again, now that I know how he feels about me. Plus I can’t give this up. Giving him up would be like committing suicide. “You ready baby? Ill drop you off at Larissa’s.”

Yeah, let’s go. I wish we could stay longer.”

I’m saddened by the fact we lost our special place for months.


I know. It’s okay. It’ll still be here when the weather clears. Just imagine all the special dates we’ll have here in a few months.” He raises his eyebrows and I just laugh.


I’m glad that I waited for Aiden to share my moment with. Now that I have, I know what I’ve been missing this whole time. Larissa always talked about it, but I had no idea how to relate. Now I do. It was so much more special at our special place. I won’t ever look at waterfalls the same again.

We get into the car. He turns up the radio which happens to be playing “all of me” by john legend. I can’t stop the smile forming as I think of
Aiden and how perfect this song is for us. I’m listening to the beautiful lyrics when I hear Aiden start singing the song and looks right at me while singing it. Butterflies are running in my stomach. I’m sure my face is as red as a tomato right now, but I could care less. My heart feels like its inflating and growing bigger with every gesture he makes. My mind is clouded with Aiden and love, I can’t seem to think about anything else.


We pull up to Larissa’s and he leans over and kisses me so intimately that I have to force myself to pull away or we will be naked again. “Text me when you get home, Babygirl.” He smiles at me. A smile that can melt me.


Okay. Bye” I walk out and knock on Larissa’s door. I hope she’s not drunk. I know I can stay the night here, or I can just walk home.


She answers the door “How did everything go? You guys cool now?” She doesn’t even wait for an answer and her eyes grow big and she brings her hand up to her mouth. “Oh my god, you did it!!!!”


What? How the hell would she know? Do I seriously have it plastered all over my face? Is my underwear on backwards, my dress upside down? Is my hair a mess? I don’t get how she can know without a word out of my mouth.

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