Never Say Love (6 page)

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Authors: Sarah Ashley

BOOK: Never Say Love
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Saying their goodbyes to James, Lucy and Benito headed out of Reid’s to spend the morning wandering around Covent Garden, watching the street entertainers and browsing in shop windows.

As they strolled, Lucy asked him about the business and what sort of work they did.

“Well, we offer all sorts of security from front-of-house for clubs and bars, to store detectives and close protection,” he explained. “The close protection is really big at home, very profitable but not so much here, that’s what I was sent over for. I’ve secured a couple of really big contracts already, upset one or two people in the process here. There are a couple of security companies that are not at all happy that we’ve arrived!” he laughed. Reaching for her hand, he held it lightly; it felt so small against his big palms. “It’s going so well that Isabella is going home, she’s fed up with flying back and forth at the weekends, and I think my dad misses his P.A,” he laughed.

“So that is why you’re recruiting more office staff and your own P.A?” Lucy confirmed.

“Exactly. Now that the word is out, and we are good at what we do, well the contracts are just landing in our lap. It’s good, really good. Well for us it is. As I said, one or two of the local established security firms are a bit miffed.”

“I suppose so, if you moved in and took their business!”

Smiling, he squeezed her small hand in his; it felt so delicate against his own. Looking down at the ground as they walked along. she felt like she was on cloud nine, like she was walking on air, so light. Her stomach was flipping as they strolled along. Turning towards him and looking up she smiled, “This is really, really lovely.”

“Good. I’m pleased you like it. Shall we grab some lunch?” His deep voice rumbled as he led her along the street.

Finding a small café Lucy ordered a salad, Benito a Panini. He told her more about the family business and about him.

“How old are you?” she asked as she finished her salad.

“27,” he answered, watching her, taking in everything about her—the delicate skin, her rosebud mouth and those big blue eyes.

“Do you live local? You know where I live.” She smiled, referring to the fact that he’d accompanied her home last night.

Without thinking, he told her where he lived, “Docklands, one of the new apartment buildings.”
Why the hell have I told her?

“Very nice,” now it was her turn to watch him, the masculine yet soft features, dark eyes, perfect eyebrows and that mouth, oh what she would give to properly kiss that.

Sitting at the table, Benito was stunned at how he felt. Never before had he felt anything like this, it was a strange feeling. Just watching her, it all felt so different, but he had to have her, simply had to. Feeling that she was the kind of girl that would need coaxing. he asked, “Would you join me for dinner this evening?”

Looking at him, resisting the urge to answer too quickly, she studied his face. Something told her that she would be safe with him. “Yes, I’d love to.”

After paying the bill, Benito stood. “Come on, let’s get you home.” He took her arm as they walked out of the restaurant and headed towards Reid’s, through the foyer and out at the back to collect his car.

Climbing up into the Range Rover she navigated the way towards her home. Explaining on the way that although she got on with her parents, she clashed with her mother, and she had moved out for both of their sanity’s sake.


Pulling up outside the converted house, her flat, Benito left the car and walked around to Lucy. As they stood at the bottom of the steps leading up to the bright yellow front door; she searched her bag for her keys. “Will you come in for a coffee? It’s only instant stuff.”

He nodded, “I’d love to.” Allowing her to lead, he followed her into the rundown building, his attention immediately drawn to the damp smell. The wallpaper in the hallway, although not falling from the walls, was starting to peel at the seams. It was a neat and tidy place; well, the hallway was, but just in need of upgrading.

“Come on, I’m right at the top.” She started up the stairs with Benito right behind her. They climbed two flights until they reached the top floor.

On reaching the flat, they entered through another locked door. Inside there was a large living area, a couple of sofas, a coffee table, and an array of clothing scattered around. “Ignore the mess; it’s not mine, although it drives me mad.” She sighed as she apologised for what he assumed was her flat mates’ mess.

“My room is through there.” She indicated towards her room, the door closed, as he watched her in the kitchen area adjoined to the living room, no separate kitchen. She flicked the kettle on and started making the coffee. “Go on through, I won’t be a moment.”

Venturing through to her private space he observed the contrast between the two areas—Lucy’s room being perfectly neat, everything in order and very feminine. Sitting on the small sofa, he guessed it was actually a sofa bed. He waited, looking around the pastel coloured room. The duvet cover ironed with the creases still showing, the curtains at her window drawn back and draped to perfection. She was right when she had told him that things had to be just so, there was really not a thing out of place.

As he looked around the room, he noticed the picture on the wall, a photograph of a waterfall. He wondered if her parents had been here, if they knew exactly where she was living, this damp and dingy place? Still, at least now that she
be working for him, she’d be able to afford a better place. He’d insist that she move, his staff needed to be content and looked after—that was rule number one of being a good boss, especially in this industry, a policy introduced by his father years ago and carried on by Benito, “Look after your team, and they’ll look after you,” Franco had said.

The arrival of Lucy, carrying two white mugs of coffee, interrupted him from his thoughts.

Benito stood up to meet her. He took one of the mugs as she turned and pushed the door closed before sitting on the edge of her three-quarter sized bed. Sitting back down, he noticed that she’d taken her shoes off, her slim bare feet and shell pink toe nails.

“Thank you,” he raised his mug to her, receiving a smile in acknowledgement. “Do you like it here?” he asked, looking around the room.

She shrugged. “It’s okay. It would be better if I was on my own. They come back at stupid o’clock in the mornings and wake me up laughing, drunk. Then they’ll have a go at me because I get up at a

He shook his head, “No respect,” he muttered before taking a drink of the foul instant coffee, wincing at the taste.

“Is it okay?” Lucy asked, noticing his wince. “They’re out now anyway, probably won’t be back until the early hours of tomorrow.”

Benito nodded struggling to drink the cheap instant coffee.

They both laughed, she’d had seen him drink black coffee at the hotel this morning and guessed that he liked a decent cup made from quality beans, not the budget supermarket brand that she had to buy, her grocery allowance not allowing her to use even a mid-quality brand.

After chatting for a while about her current job, her flat mates, who sounded horrendous and his life in Italy, they sat in silence until Benito, after checking his watch, announced, “I need to go.” He stood, opening the door, his intention to take his mug back to the kitchen.

Lucy quickly stood beside him, taking the half-filled cup of from him, looking up into his eyes. She adored everything about him, well everything she could see and what she guessed lay beneath that t-shirt, she liked him
much. She knew in her heart that he was
the one
. “Stay,” she whispered, “please.”

Shaking his head, “No, but I’ll see you later. I’ll pick you up around seven?” He smiled a beautiful smile that made her tingle all over. The parts of her that had never been touched, well not properly, came alive as she looked down, the lower part of her stomach coming alive, desperate.

Speaking softly, his fingers brushed her jaw, “Wear something special”

“Such as?”
She questioned quietly, struggling to contain the rush that ran through every part of her.

“A pretty dress.”

He watched as her big blue eyes studied his face, that beautiful rose bud mouth opened slightly. Unable to resist, he leant forward, his lips brushing against hers slowly at first, he slid his big hand around her tiny waist as their kiss intensified. Using his tongue, he traced the seam of her lips as she allowed him entrance, and he explored her mouth.

Her small hands somehow found their way around his neck, into his thick hair, holding him towards her. As he kissed urgently her, he became aware of her shuddering and trembling in his arms. Pulling away from her mouth, he kissed her jaw line as she tilted her head back allowing him access to her neck, placing little kisses and flicks down her extended throat. He slowly moved his hand across her waist, up her side and to her small breast. Feeling her taught nipple through the soft cotton of her shirt, he pulled her close to him, so very close. She felt his hard length through their clothing pressing into her stomach—it was huge, how would she ever accommodate that!

“I need to go,” he pulled away quickly. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Moving away slowly, feeling a little dejected, she looked at him before reaching up and placing a light kiss on his cheek, “I can’t wait,” she whispered.

Answering with a smile, he turned and walked out of the apartment, her following him down the stairs and out onto the street. As they stood by his Range Rover, he kissed her again gently before opening the car, climbing in and leaving her watching as he pulled away. Feeling warm inside, so very happy and content, she returned to her room. Closing the door behind her, she leant against it clenching her fists and pushing her head back against the wall, “Yes, yes!” she shouted to herself.



Benito picked Lucy up at seven as planned. He drove back towards his apartment building and after parking his car in the secure parking area, they walked, hand in hand, to a bistro where she was treated to a delicious meal. Lucy found herself spoilt beyond belief, never before had she eaten a meal that cost so much! The bill must have been the equivalent of her food budget for a month!

As they finished their meal, they sat drinking wine. Thoughtfully turning the stem of his glass, Benito felt as though he had to pick up the courage to ask if she would like to go back to his place, a problem he’d never, ever encountered before. It was an awkward feeling, asking a girl to well, to spend the night with him. Unable to believe these feelings and the thoughts that ran through his mind, he felt eighteen again.

It was still early. He watched her as he thought before asking. “Would you like to come back to my place?”

Looking up from her own glass, she watched him carefully before answering. He had done nothing to potentially hurt her so far, and there had been plenty of opportunities, and he ran a security firm, surely she’d be
with him.

Smiling, “Yes, that would be nice,” she answered softly.

After settling the bill, they left, walking hand in hand again towards the apartment complex. Entering the plush building and the lift, they were carried up to the top floor, the lift stopping quietly without any jolt. As the doors slid open, Benito took Lucy’s hand and led her to the square landing. Looking around, he took his key fob from his pocket, opened the heavy door and led her through into the stunning penthouse.

Taking in the surroundings and the sumptuous furniture, “It’s fantastic,” Lucy said quietly.

Turning back towards him, he watched her as she looked around. Her voice did things to him, such a soft, kind voice. Closing his eyes for a moment, he just listened to her soothing tone as she spoke about the lights she could see from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Her tone reminded him of his mother, just so very calming. He remembered falling over as a child, skinning his knees and his mother talking to him softly; her voice alone seeming to help with the hurt.

Taking a few deep breaths and bringing himself back to the present, he watched Lucy against the huge pane of glass. Her hands on the window, her slender body clad in the figure hugging blush coloured dress, her long hair cascading down her back, a vision and oh, how he loved that hair. He imagined himself running his fingers through it as he held her, in his bed.

Mentally shaking himself he walked to his kitchen area, “Coffee or tea, or something stronger?” He offered, watching her from the centre of the room.

She asked, turning to face him.

“Yeah, I have all colours in stock!”

“Rosé, please.”

Opening a bottle of pale pink wine he continued to watch her as she stayed by the window.

Walking over to her he placed the two large glasses of wine on a small table before approaching her, placing his hands on her waist smelling her again, that fragrance so feminine and natural—this was a pure scent, lemons, there were definitely lemons in that fragrance.

“I like your smell,” he whispered against her ear as he held her close, his lips moving to brush the nape of her neck.

Scrunching her neck back as the sensual feeling coursed through her she murmured, “Thank you,” before turning in his arms and reaching around his neck. She looked into his stunning face before rubbing her cheek against his light growth of beard as he brought his lips towards hers, kissing her gently, his soft lips feeling exquisite against hers, the feelings chasing towards her private place and her arousal becoming stronger as her lower stomach flipped. She was desperate to tear his shirt away, to see the well-toned body that clearly lay beneath the black shirt yet she was fearful of where the evening would take her.

Leaning against a pillar between two large panes of glass, they soon became frenzied with hands all over each other as Benito worked at the zip of her dress drawing it down her spine.

The feelings and emotions ran through both of them. Feeling out of control, they were both consumed by the moment. Her hands were around his broad shoulders, keeping him in the deep intense kiss. Benito slid his hand inside the fabric of her dress unclipping her bra with a single hand.

Lucy made quick work of his shirt buttons, sliding her fingers inside the cotton; across his firm abs she felt his soft warm skin with the finest smattering of hair across that firm broad chest.

Her fingers were working their way back to his shoulder blades where she gripped him, holding on. Breathing deeply and closing her eyes she became lost in the passion. Throwing her head back she allowed him access to her neck. He placed little kisses and nips across her extended neck and across her throat, the sensations causing her breath to become jagged.

“Lucy,” he drew her attention to him. Opening her blue eyes she focussed on his.

“Yes,” she breathed.

“Are you sure about this?” His deep voice rumbled. Looking at her seriously, seeking her consent before he moved the evening on any further.

Her eyes searched his. “Yes,” she was
sure, more sure than she’d been of anything else in her life. She felt like she’d saved herself for Benito. A feeling she couldn’t explain, just that he was
the one
. Scrunching her shoulders up, she drew breath again, “Oh yes,” she whispered smiling slightly, “I am so very, very sure.”

Benito took a few steps back, his shirt open exposing his olive skin and that fine chest. Her gaze was drawn directly down to his happy line, starting just below his belly button and travelling south. Beneath the waistband of his black trousers his erect length was visible through the soft fabric. Lucy gasped at the size of what she could only imagine lay beneath the fabric. She looked to his face, eyes wide, her lips slightly parted, “I’m not very experienced,” she blurted out quietly, starting to feel just a little apprehensive.
What have I agreed to?

“Oh, tesoro.
I’ll take care of you,” he growled back having no comprehension of what she actually meant. His fingers slipping the shoulders of her dress down, pushing gently until it dropped to her feet.

Standing back, he admired the girl he had chosen last night, the girl he wanted to
but now he felt that this was much more than just a one night stand. He was so drawn to Lucy; he wanted so much more than one night with this delightful, beautiful girl.

Standing back slightly, he looked at her black lacy bra hanging loosely from her shoulders and matching thong. What an
choice he’d made, choosing this one!

He walked around her gazing at her long, long legs still in her heels making her slender legs appear even longer.

Running his finger over her shoulders as he continued around her, he was sending a shiver down her spine. She sighed as he stood behind her. Holding the tops of her arms, his fingers brushed her collar bone. He kissed the nape of her neck again causing her to throw her head back as his lips brushed over the top of her spine, one hand moving down her back and around her waist, gentle finger-tip touches travelled north towards her breasts where he stopped. Slipping his fingers inside the lose cup of her bra, he found her small, hand-sized breasts and the hard little pearl, desperate to be teased, to be rolled and squeezed. She groaned with pleasure as he gently worked her breast, stroking her soft skin, teasing her nipple.

Stopping, he turned her around. Looking up at him, this girl was different—she was so pliable, so amiable and willing. Kissing her deeply he pulled her bra away letting it fall to the floor,
then he slipped his thumbs in the sides of her thong, pulling it down. Moving with it he slowly crouched down, his kisses making a trail between her breasts over her stomach as he dragged the lacy fabric down, his hands caressing her backside, her legs. His kisses and little flicks eventually reached her mound and the strip of the softest, fairest Brazilian.

On hearing her sigh deeply, he looked up the length of her body, looked towards the small breasts, her blush coloured areole on her lightly tanned skin. Lucy was special, she was not like the others, like the other girls he took to a hotel room or to his apartment at home, the one’s he’d fuck and then send on their way. There was something about Lucy, maybe he was just maturing, but he was drawn to her. He was more wrapped up with her than he’d ever been with a girl before. Shaking his head slightly, he tried to dispel the thoughts. He didn’t want a regular girlfriend, did he?

Forcing himself to concentrate now and what was happening this minute with this beautiful creature, he drew his fingers over her hips, across her stomach and down towards her mound. Travelling further, his gentle touches flicked over her labia causing her to shiver and gasp, moaning aloud, my God she
responsive. Kneeling, he kissed her again, parting her lips he drew his tongue gently over her clit as she stood panting, her breath quivering as she became lost in the exquisite sensations running through her. His lips and his tongue continued to bring pleasure to the luscious Lucy; her taste was
sweet as she writhed above him, his big hands holding her hips, squeezing her backside.

Never before had she felt such pleasure chasing through her, feelings that were alien.

Standing up from the floor, Benito let his shirt slip to the ground and stood there in front of her. She gazed longingly at his broad chest, the well developed arms and that smooth tanned skin, her attention drawn to the short line of text above his left nipple,
Con le stelle

Keeping his focus on her, their eyes locked as he undid his trousers pushing them down along with his shorts, letting them fall to the floor.

Lucy gasped under her breath, her eyes widening as she stood stock still in front of him. She focussed on his huge thick cock pointing directly at her. Unable to move her gaze, her lips drew to a tight line as she swallowed hard before lifting her head towards him, her eyes fixed on his.
How’s it going to fit?

As he moved towards her, she forced her mouth into the slightest of smiles, “Tesoro,” he frowned. “Are you okay?”

“Umm hmm,” Lucy nodded as he wrapped her in his arms holding her close, her breasts against his broad chest.

Benito was feeling something, something he hadn’t felt before, this was different. She was frightened and scared, her body stiff, her breathing heavy. Casting his thoughts aside, he recalled their earlier conversation. She said she was okay with this. Surely she would tell him if she didn’t feel comfortable. Maybe it was just that she didn’t do this very often? She
told him that she wasn’t very experienced.

The two of them stood naked in the centre of the room as he held her, surrounding her with his big arms.

Breathing deeply against his chest, she closed her eyes taking in that masculine yet fresh scent. The very smell of him was making her insides quiver causing her breathing to become jagged, her core wanton and her arousal growing. She stood so desperate in his embrace, until he broke away and lifted her in his arms. Reaching around his neck, she draped her arms around him her head resting on his shoulder as he bent forward placing a light kiss on her lips, the rosebud mouth of hers drawing him to her.
My God what’s happening to me?
He thought.

Carrying her as if she weighed nothing, he walked her into his bedroom and placed her gently down on his bed. He lay beside her, taking her in his arms once more, kissing her again and allowing his hands to explore her body, her small breasts, the hard blush nipples and her firm flat stomach. Reaching around her back he found that firm arse of hers. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asked again, for something at the back of his mind told him that this young woman was not used to one night stands, not used to a quick shag here and there, as he enjoyed, but this wasn’t going to be a one night stand. He felt it would be more, much, much more. God, he hoped it was. For the first time ever, he really hoped she’d stick around, hoped he could keep her for just a few days.

“Fine,” she smiled. “Really, I’m absolutely fine.” Gasping, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him closer still as his hand travelled towards her mound, fingers brushing lightly against her lips as she trembled. “Please, just… just make love to me, please,” she begged.

This stunning man, Benito, is such a gentle creature, so attentive and caring. She’d had some creeps come onto her in the past but never anyone like Benito
. For one, he was much older than the guys who normally approached her, certainly more handsome and by the looks of it, not bad off either!

Closing her eyes she felt his fingers circle her clit, “Oh wow!” she gasped as her legs spread apart in an involuntary movement. Sensations she’d never before experienced raced through her body as her breathing quickened. Gripping onto his shoulders hard, she closed her eyes allowing the moment to claim her, allowing him to take what she was willing and ready to give.

Kissing her, he let his fingers push into her, “Lucy you’re
tight,” his deep voice rumbled against her ear.

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