Never Say Love (8 page)

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Authors: Sarah Ashley

BOOK: Never Say Love
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“Hmm, shall we go in here?” he stopped walking outside a champagne bar.

Lucy stopped abruptly, looking at the expensive bar, the times she’d longed to go in but it was way out her league, much too expensive, her budget struggling to stretch to a night at Henry’s let alone here. “This isn’t the one I was thinking of,” she muttered, “but if you want to?”

Nodding his head towards the door, “I think it looks good, come on.”

Feeling insecure about going into the high-end bar, Lucy looked down at her white jeans. “I’m not dressed for here!” she turned towards him, frowning. “I can’t go in here, not in

“Who cares what you’re wearing,” Benito snapped, “and anyway you look great. Come on.” Taking her arm firmly he guided her through the door and into the bar area where they perched on a couple of stools. Surrounded by wealthy stock broker types, Lucy felt immediately out of place and intimidated. The women all dressed in the latest designer gear and her, in her regular skinny jeans and a top that was as old as the hills.

“Smile,” Benito touched her knee gently feeling an overwhelming urge to hug her to reassure her that she looked absolutely fine.
Shit, what are you doing—are you falling for her? What about your promise to yourself?

Raising her head slightly, the rosebud mouth pulled into a slight smile, the bright blue eyes with just a glint of a sparkle in the ambient lighting, she blushed.

“That’s better tesoro,” he whispered, grinning back.

“What does that mean?” Lucy turned towards him, running her fingers across the back of his hand as he rested his arm on the bar.

“It means darling, or treasure,” he watched her. God, she was gorgeous. The soft lighting of the bar emphasising her gentle, kind looking face and her pale blush cheeks, he was really falling for her, wasn’t he? The way he felt inside, like he was out of control, a feeling he didn’t like—Benito Abelli was
in control. Benito Abelli nearly always got what he wanted—last night was the first time in a long while that he hadn’t bedded the woman he’d chosen!


Ordering her a glass of champagne
and an orange juice for himself, he raised his glass to her. “Here’s to your new job Miss Wilson-Hawley.” They clinked their glasses as Lucy sipped at the silky smoothness, the fine bubbles bouncing on her tongue. “This is lovely,” she licked her lips, Benito watched longingly as the pale pink tongue ran over her lips.

She was so very innocent in every way, what he would give to be her teacher, to show her how things should be done, to introduce her to everything that a fulfilled woman should enjoy, at the hands of a highly experienced man.

He wanted her so very badly, his mind was a mess. What he didn’t want, he thought, was the long-term commitment that Lucy would be. He would never ever take her innocence and leave her. That would be unforgivable and leave him a no better man that the bastard who did the same thing to his sister.

After another glass of champagne, Lucy announced, through slurred speech, that she felt tipsy and didn’t want any more. Pushing a half empty glass away from her, Benito ordered her an orange juice which he insisted she drink before they left.

After finishing their drinks, Benito stood, helping her off the stool, his hand slipped around her back, “Come on, I’ll drop you home.”

“Just need to use the ladies first.” Lucy swayed slightly, looking around for the ladies room.

“Okay, then home.” He placed his hand on her shoulder as she walked away. Looking around the bar, he became aware of someone watching him, a man in the corner. Trying to look at the guy without staring, he tried to figure out who he was, there was just something familiar about him. Turning back to finish his orange juice, his thoughts drifted to business, his father and Adrianna as Lucy walked back to his side.

“Ready?” she whispered against his ear.

“Yes, let’s get you home, Miss can’t-hold-her drink! Come on.”

Slapping his arm playfully, she smiled as they left the champagne bar. Benito looked towards the corner table again, the man watching them as they walked past. He wished he could place him, he had definitely seen him before. Where the
was he from?


Once in the Range Rover, and now driven by the amount of alcohol she drank, she blurted out. “We do need to talk Benito, about last night,” she looked down, “I am sorry.”

Reaching for her thigh, he placed his hand on the white denim. “No, don’t be sorry, there’s nothing to be sorry about. What happened, well, it happened.” As he pulled the car to a stop at a junction he turned and looked towards her. “I like you Lucy, I like you a lot—hell, I picked you out of the crowd on the dance floor, I chose you, I
you.” He stopped speaking, just looking at her and inhaled deeply. “Lucy, I want you desperately. I have no idea why I feel drawn to you, but I couldn’t take that, not after just a few hours, never!”

Lucy shook her head. “But it’s what

Benito looked confused, frowning and shaking his head slightly as he forced his concentration on the road. “Lucy, tesoro, how can you say that? I can’t get over the fact that you clearly do not respect yourself at all? You’re
, and in this day and age that is
something! You’ve got this far and saved yourself, should you not be thinking of keeping that innocence for the man you want to spend the rest of your life with?”

Turning away from him, she looked out of the window, her blonde hair falling forward. “You’re right Benito, I know that and I did. You approached me and when I said “no” you walked away. You told me where you were and you
away. Most guys would have just pawed me, anyway,” she turned towards him and saw the confused look on his face. “You respected me Benito, you’re different, and you are everything I want in a man. You say you chose me, well maybe I chose you too. I still want you to be my first, and if we have a three month fling, then I’ll be happy, but I know you won’t be a one night stand, because already we’re more than that!”

Smiling, he acknowledged her. S
he was right. Every damn word she said was right; they were already more than a one night stand.


Dropping her outside of her door they kissed, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, 9am sharp. Do you need a lift?”

Resting her hand on his shoulder she shook her head, “No, thank you. I’ll make my own way.”

Sighing deeply, Benito looked up at the old converted house, “You need to move tesoro. You need a decent apartment. Spend some time with Isabella and then sort a new place out, okay?”

“Yes, okay.” She whined.


He watched her go into her flat before returning to his car, pulling away and heading home.




Lucy arrived at the office at 8.30am, before Benito, and sat in reception. Isabella, it appeared, had not been told to expect her.

She had text her old boss, and in no uncertain terms she’d told him where to shove his job and landed here to find that not only was Benito not here, but he’d also not told the officious woman that she was expected. Hell, what’s going to happen if he’s led her on?

Starting to feel flustered and slightly panicky, she waited and waited for him to arrive, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw the black Range Rover pull up outside.

“Lucy, good morning, have you met Isabella?” He asked as he strode into reception.

“Yes, I have.” Lucy snapped, “She doesn’t have a
who I am! You have told her that I’m joining you, haven’t you?” Benito looked at Lucy as she stood. Did Isabella upset her, say something out of place?

“She should know about you. Where is she?” He frowned.

Shrugging her shoulders, she looked at him, “I have no idea, she parked me here and went through there,” she pointed towards the door that lead from the reception area, presumably to the offices.

“Come on,” he keyed in the code on the lock and opened the door, “I’ll take you through.”

Following him through the internal door, he led her through to the offices, up to the first floor and to a large plush office, Benito’s office. “Wait here, make yourself at home.” He instructed before leaving.

The place was quiet. Still it was early, not 9am yet. Sitting, looking around the plush space she became aware of raised voices.

One of which was Benito’s. “It’s my company, and I want Lucy to work with me as my P.A. Do whatever you have to with regard to the others. You had her in for interview today anyway. I can’t see what the problem is?”

“But, that’s not the way it works!” The woman’s voice answered back loudly.

“I don’t give a
how it works, sort it.” Benito’s voice took on a harsh tone as he spoke to Isabella.

The voices changed to Italian, she had no idea what was being said; although from the tones, she got the impression that Benito was getting his own way.

After a little while, he returned with Isabella. “Right, this is Isabella, you’ve met already. She’ll show you to your office downstairs, and you’ll work together for a week, recruit your new team and then Isabella’s going home, back to Italy,” he smiled at the older Italian lady and then said, under his breath, “where she belongs!”


During the afternoon of that first day, Lucy sat in on the interviews with Isabella and was shocked to see one of her workmates from the marketing company turn up. “Katie, I didn’t know you were coming for an interview?” Lucy smiled.

After Katie’s interview, Lucy accompanied her to the main entrance. “I didn’t know you’d left!” Katie, a dark haired girl said, looking totally shocked.

Lucy laughed, “Well, it was very sudden. I sent the old letch a text this morning telling him to shove his job where the sun doesn’t shine.”


Over the next week Isabella showed Lucy the workings of the organisation, their client list and what would be expected of her. By Friday, Isabella and Lucy had become firm friends, having taken several working lunches together, they committed to keeping in touch on a personal level as well as through work.

Benito and Lucy had eaten together a few times, determined to keep the relationship platonic for as long as he could. He had also spoken with his father and yes, Gia had told Franco all about Benito and the mysterious girl he seemed to be taken with. Life was good for him and for Lucy.


The following Saturday morning Benito sat at the breakfast table in the restaurant at Reid’s, James with him covering the hotel this weekend, something about the deputy manager having a wedding to attend.

“I can’t believe you’re taking her out again, how many times is that?” James scoffed, shaking his head as he watched his friend. “Don’t tell me you’re going soft!”

Benito shrugged, “Not going soft, there’s just something about her.”

“Sucker,” James laughed as his full English arrived.

Watching James tuck into the breakfast, Benito volunteered more information. “I don’t really know her that well yet, but she is special. She’s young, vibrant, pretty, and she knows her own mind.” He smiled. He liked the fact that she was strong willed, wouldn’t let anyone walk all over her, apart from the letch, which was history now anyway, although he’d like to teach the bastard a lesson.

James just shook his head, as he chewed on a mouthful of eggs and bacon. “So where are you taking her then? You could walk around the parks. Maybe have some lunch.” He stopped, laughing. “I can’t believe it,” James shook his head, “I really can’t; Benito Abelli going on a date and a second one at that!” his laughing now bordering on hysterics.

Benito contemplated what his friend had said, resisting the urge to upturn the breakfast into James’ lap. Checking his watch he stood, “Shit, I have to collect her in twenty minutes.”

“I seriously
believe this.” James stood unable to control his laughing yet offering his hand to Benito as he left.

Benito looked at his friend seriously, “Thanks mate, a real confidence boost!”




At 9:55am, Benito arrived at Lucy’s apartment. Parking his car, he climbed the steps to the front door, ringing the bell for the top floor flat. He was buzzed in straight away, nobody checking who he was through the intercom system. He would need to speak with Lucy about that, although he hoped she wouldn’t stay in the hovel for long.

Walking the two flights of stairs, Benito was dressed casually in his jeans, black shirt and tan boots. Reaching her home, he knocked on the door of the top floor flat. Frowning at the sounds coming from inside, he heard shouting and arguing. It sounded like Lucy and a couple of others. Someone was shouting at Lucy. “We want you to leave, you’re no fun—work, work, work, that’s all you ever fucking do!”

He knocked again, unhappy with what he was hearing. If they were students, of course, they had a hell of a lot of free time to “
have fun
”, but poor Lucy had to work for what used to be not very much in return. He had changed that over a week ago, he’d change a hell of a lot more if he was able too. Lucy deserved far better than he could possibly give her, she needed to be adored and worshipped.

Knocking loudly on the door again, he was answered this time by a dark haired girl on the chubby side, not fat but well built. Her hair was a mess. She had last night’s mascara smudged under her eyes and was wearing a pair of creased pyjamas that looked like they needed a good wash.

Another dark haired girl dark stood above Lucy, who was sitting, huddled into herself on one of the sofas, her head in her hands, her beautiful silky blonde hair falling forward. He watched—this wasn’t Lucy, this wasn’t the girl who knew her own mind. What sat on the sofa was a girl being subjected to bullying. But why? Why couldn’t she stand up to them?

This other dark haired girl looked wrecked; in fact, she looked drunk. She was probably still pissed from last night.

Ignoring the two, he strode into the apartment towards Lucy, her shoulders heaving as she wept. “What the hell is going on here?” he addressed the chubby girl as she was the one who appeared less drunk.

“She’s no fun!” She pointed at Lucy, “woke us both up an hour ago, banging around in the bathroom.”

Shaking his head at the girls, “So? An hour ago was just about nine in the morning, isn’t that the time that most
people get up?”

Stepping back and looking shocked at his statement, she gasped, “Are you saying we’re not normal?”

“Well, clearly you’re not! Are you?” He retorted, leaving the moron stunned. Walking towards Lucy, he leaned forward placing a hand on her shoulder. “Tesoro, come on, let’s go and leave these two drunks to go back to their beds to sober up.”

Lucy stood slowly, her head down. Wiping her tears with a scrap of tissue as Benito put his arms around her pulling her into a hug, feeling an overriding urge to protect her from these monsters, these horrible creatures. She shouldn’t be living with students in this dive of a place.

Glaring at the two girls, both of them taking a step back as his face hardened towards them. “You two need taking over your father’s knees and taught a lesson!” He shouted loudly. “Both of you, you’re disrespectful and downright rude. When Lucy leaves this dive, I hope you find someone to replace her, someone who’ll be able to tolerate your selfish behaviour. You don’t know, you have no idea how lucky you are. You’re both…” he stopped lecturing them, shaking his head in disbelief, “…words fail me. You both need to get a life, get into the real world. My God you’re in for such a shock when you have to
for a living!”

Glaring at the students and holding onto Lucy tightly, he steered her towards the door. “My bag,” she whispered. Leaving his side and returning for her handbag, she glanced at both of her flat mates through tear filled eyes before returning back to Benito’s side and the comfort that he offered.

Exiting the flat, he slammed the door behind them, hoping the loud noise would cause further pain to the headaches they doubtless had. Keeping Lucy securely by his side, he held her hand as they walked out of the building and towards the fresh air.

Once at the bottom of the stairs, he stopped and turned towards her. Resting his hands on her shoulders he studied her face, the beautiful face,
her cheeks still damp with tears. Cupping her chin, he brushed the tears away with his thumbs before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on her lips and hugging her closely, a friendly hug, an “I’ve got you and it’s going to be alright” kind of hug.

Pulling away from him, she looked up and smiled. “That’s better,” he whispered. “Now come on, let’s go out.”

She’d dressed casually in jeans, a pale pink vest top and a pair of sensible yet pretty sandals. Thinking back to that night in Henry’s and looking at her now, he nodded to himself, he
chosen well, really well. It appeared that whatever she wore she looked amazing in. Maggie was right, his father
approve, most definitely; not that he needed Franco’s approval, it just made for an easier life if Franco was on side!

“I’m sorry I told you off for being late the other night.” He said apologetically as they walked towards the Range Rover. “Now I know why. Are they always like that?”

She shook her head, “No, they moan about me getting up early to go to work, but they both got wrecked last night, both hung over and well, they just flew at me this morning.”

Settling into the car, he turned towards her, “Why don’t you move out?”

“I need to look for somewhere, don’t I?” She said quietly, “I haven’t had time yet, you know that?” She looked at him, frowning, shaking her head at his question. She was afraid the girls could be full on evil if they wanted to be, they would probably make her life hell if she left, leaving them with having to find the extra rent money that she contributed or another flat mate.

“Take a couple of days next week; get yourself a decent apartment, please. Lucy, you can’t stay living with them. It would drive me mad!” He sighed in disbelief at her living arrangement.

“Are you sure?” She asked, “About the time off?”

“Yes, I am. My
staff, my team, have to be on top form, whether they’re front line security or in the office, they need to be able to perform, to work well. If they’re unhappy at home, well they won’t, will they?”

Nodding as she settled into the car, fastening her seatbelt she had to agree. His employees were useless if they were too tired, too stressed or distracted to work. He was right, whoever you worked for, whatever you did, you couldn’t perform well at work if things weren’t right at home, and vice-versa, in the case of her old job! “Where are we going?” she asked as he pulled away into the London Traffic.

“It’s a surprise Lucy, wait and see.” Benito laughed, turning slightly towards her, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

“Please tell me!” Lucy demanded, “Otherwise I may be tempted to do something to you whilst we drive along.” Her tone becoming sultry, her voice deepening as she allowed her hand to venture onto his hip, squeezing tightly her fingers moved towards his groin and then…

“Stop! Lucy, no.” Benito snapped. “I’ll tell you, but please, don’t do that, not now, not here!”

Smiling, sweetly,
yes, she too could nearly get her own way!

“Go on then,” she prompted.

“I thought we could do the touristy thing—the London Eye.” Benito wriggled in his seat, adjusting himself as he continued to negotiate the traffic.

“Wow, lived here all my life and never been on it,” she smiled.

“Well, we
now, and then we can have lunch and whatever else you’d like to do. We’ll leave the car at mine and take a cab into the city, okay?”

She nodded, not arguing about not having to walk.


Arriving back at his and leaving the car, they hailed a cab, climbed in and gave the driver their destination. After being whizzed through the streets, they were at the London Eye and boarded for the
within an hour
The views from the top were amazing, and it was particularly good that Benito had arranged for them to have a pod to themselves. Once at the very top, they both stood against the glass and looked out over the city. Holding onto the rail, Lucy felt Benito’s hand over hers, covering it completely.

Looking out over the London Skyline he turned her, pulling her into his arms and holding her towards him. Looking down into those blue eyes of hers, something told him that maybe he could change, maybe he
changing. Drawing her into a deep kiss, tracing the seam of her lips with his tongue he felt her arms around his neck, her fingers pushing lightly into his hair. He couldn’t wait for the flight to finish, to take her home and give her what she wanted, what she’d offered to him.
My God, what was he doing?

Breaking the kiss, yet still holding her, he whispered, “Please move out. Leave those girls. Find yourself a decent place.

“I will, I promise.” She looked up at him, “I promise I’ll look for something.”

“Stay with me, just for a few days until you get yourself sorted. I can have a couple of the guys pick your stuff up from that hovel.” He found himself pleading with her to move in with him, if only for a few days—that’s
he could commit to, no longer, yet deep down, he felt different—everything about this was different.

She snapped, frowning at him, “that’s my home!”

Half laughing at her as she defended the squalid room, he responded “Sorry, tesoro. I’m sorry.”

“And yes, I
stay with you, just for a few days until I get a place sorted. I’d like that very much.”

Grinning broadly, he leaned forward kissing her again, “Good.”


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