Never Say Never (11 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #erotic romance eBook

BOOK: Never Say Never
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Adam shook his head. “Don’t you understand?
It doesn’t matter.
Mitch broke my heart. I was involved with my new job, settling in, trying to do everything perfect. He was unhappy and I never knew it, might never have known it, until he told me he was leaving. A few days later, while I was still processing what he’d said and trying to figure out what we were going to do about it, he packed up his shit and left. No more discussion, no more arguments, he simply left. I was devastated.”

“I’m sorry
I’m sure it was awful for you.” Nick pulled Adam into his arms. He kissed along one earlobe and murmured, “But it seems to me your heart has mended. Don’t you think it’s time to move on? Forgive him so you can put the past behind you?”

Adam bent his neck to give Nick better access. “I have moved on. He’s the one who showed up here without warning.”

Nick shrugged. “So, why not take advantage of it? Honestly, I see a relationship with Mitch as a good thing. A chance for you to exorcise your demons, so to speak.”

Adam sighed, tired of talking and ready to get lost in feeling. Nick’s mouth caressed him, and he wanted to savour the moment. “Can we talk about this tomorrow? Right now, I want you to make love to me.”


Jenna Byrnes



Nick growled and pressed Adam to the floor beneath him. They stretched out, Nick grinding his solid erection into Adam’s thigh. “Yes,” he murmured, continuing to kiss every inch of skin his mouth could reach. “Sounds perfect. No leash tonight. Just you and me, lost in passion.”

Adam groaned. Nick’s shaft felt wonderful against his leg. It’d feel even better pounding his ass.

“Hang on.” He leant up, fumbling around inside the end table drawer. Under some coasters and a magazine, he found what he searched for, a condom and small tube of lubricant. “Here.” He thrust them at Nick. “May I help you?”

Nick chuckled. “Anxious boy, are we? No, sweet thing. Tonight, I’ll take care of it. Lie back and let me love you.”

Adam closed his eyes. He trusted his Master completely. Whatever Nick chose to do was fine with him.

He heard Nick tug down his slacks and the sound of the foil packet ripping. He raised his hips so Nick could drag his pants and underwear off. His erection sprang free, but Nick ignored it.

His Master spread his legs and pushed his knees upward over his stomach. A slick finger circled his anus then dipped inside. Apparently as desperate for the sex as Adam, Nick didn’t waste much time on foreplay. He stretched the hole until three fingers went in easily then moved between Adam’s legs and nudged his cock to the opening.

“So hot and tight,” Nick grunted as he worked his dick inside.

Adam groaned until the initial burst of pain morphed into something more tolerable. It didn’t take long before his lover was fully seated, his belly covering Adam’s throbbing erection. When Nick began a slow, tantalising thrust, Adam gasped with pleasure.

“Good. Perfect,” he gasped.

Nick paused, his face mere inched from Adam’s. “I love fucking you. Come here and kiss me.”

Adam raised his face so their mouths could meet. He parted his lips and sighed when Nick’s tongue drove in, taking over his mouth like his cock had taken over his anus.


Jenna Byrnes



The kiss lingered, and Nick resumed his deep thrusts. He ground his body into Adam’s each time they met. The mere touch of his sweat-slick belly was enough to make pre-cum drip from Adam’s cock.

“Aw, fuck.” Adam gasped. “So close.”

Nick wrapped his fingers around Adam’s shaft. “Look at me when you come.” He tugged the skin and got Adam’s attention.

“Yes.” Adam’s eyes felt glazed. He wanted to close them so badly, but he forced them to remain open at his Master’s request. Nick’s strong hand, wrapped around his erection, squeezed and jerked until Adam exploded.

His eyes rolled back as the orgasm rocked him. Waves of euphoria sent tingles racing along each nerve ending. Spurts of warm, white cum coated their stomachs and Nick’s hand.

When his twitching subsided, Adam focused his gaze on his lover again.

Nick released him and licked the creamy offering off each finger, saving the last one for Adam. He thrust it in and out between Adam’s lips while Adam sucked on it like a miniature cock.

“Such a sweet mouth.” Nick removed his hand and grasped Adam’s knees, grinding their bodies together. He pulled out slowly and thrust deep again. “I love fucking your mouth almost as much as I love fucking this ass. So perfect, baby.”

“Come on,” Adam encouraged, bucking his hips.

“Almost there.” Nick drove deep a few more times then gasped, collapsing onto Adam.

His orgasm left him panting, struggling to resume normal breathing.

Adam let go of his legs and reached for Nick’s face. “Say ‘come here and kiss me’


Nick smiled and repeated the phrase.

“Yeah.” Leaning forward, Adam pressed his mouth on Nick’s, and their kiss, warm and wet, lingered. “Stay with me tonight?” He wanted to sleep wrapped around his lover.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Nick kissed him again.

Adam sighed.




Jenna Byrnes



Adam climbed from his empty bed the next morning and sauntered, naked, to the kitchen. The noise of pots and pans banging had awakened him. “What are you doing?” he asked a fully-clothed Nick.

“Trying to make you some breakfast, but I can never find everything I need, here.” Nick smiled sheepishly and gave Adam a kiss. “How did you sleep?”

“Perfect. I always sleep better when you’re next to me.”

Nick squeezed one of his bare ass cheeks. “Well then, perhaps we should make a more permanent arrangement.”

Adam’s heart soared. “I’d love to. Let’s focus on just you and me and the future.”

Nick cleared his throat and returned his attention to the counter where he cracked eggs into a bowl. “I wanted to speak with you about Mitch. I had an idea.”

Adam frowned. He hadn’t wrapped his mind around the threesome, yet, and was hoping the subject might just drop. “What idea?”

As he stirred the eggs, Nick’s face eased into a smile. “I’d like you to make him an offer.

The two of you can be together privately, but I get to watch.”

“Oh, my God.” Adam shook his head. “Are you nuts? Why should I?”

Nick shrugged. “Why not? You told me one time the sex with him was good. I think, with a little training, he might prove to be a worthy addition to our team.”

“I’m happy with ‘our team’ the way it is. What’s this about, Nick? One minute, you’re talking about us moving in together, and the next, you want to bring someone else into our bed. Is it because you can’t be happy with just one man? I know you did some group things at that club you told me about.”

“The Rose & Thorn Society.” Nick nodded. “I did, and they were fun. But I never said I couldn’t be happy with only you in my life. I’m inviting Mitch for you. I don’t think you’re over him.”

Adam paced back and forth in front of the counter. “I don’t think so. I believe you’re interested in Mitch, and you’re doing it more for yourself than for me.”

Nick’s eyes narrowed. “Not a very nice thing to say.” He set the bowl of raw eggs on the counter. “In the bedroom, now, you little prick.”

Adam blinked at the change in the man. He hurried into the other room, wondering what Nick was up to.


Jenna Byrnes



The taller man followed, a towel in his hands. He sat on the edge of the bed and spread the cloth over his knees. “Lie across my lap, fingertips and toes touching the floor.”

“Nick, I—”

“I didn’t call for discussion. I said to lie down.”

Nervous energy surged through Adam’s stomach. Unsure what might happen, he assumed the position requested.

Nick’s hand slid across the cheeks of his ass. “You accused me of selfish motives when I was trying to do something nice for you. I’d say your insolence deserves ten swats.”

The first blow landed in the middle of Adam’s ass, and he jumped at the abruptness and the pain. “Hey!”

Before he could say another word, another slap landed on his left ass cheek. “You’ll be quiet when you’re being disciplined, or the number of swats increases.”

Adam sucked the inside of his cheek to help him stay focused and quiet.

Nick had alluded to punishment, but he’d never carried it out. A third blow warmed his right cheek, and Adam bit back a groan.
Until now

“You’re my submissive, my slave, in all things related to the bedroom. Got it? We have an agreement, and I expect you to hold up your end.” He planted three more swift slaps to the centre of Adam’s bum.

The skin tingled and burned as if it were on fire. Adam attempted to hold off a moan, but a portion of it slipped out.

“Quiet!” Nick pried his cheeks apart and fingered Adam’s anus. Inserting one dry finger inside roughly, he used his other hand to land three more slaps to the cheeks. “Nine.”

Reaching between Adam’s legs, he cupped the heavy ball sac and the erection there.

Massaging them for a moment, holding Adam open wide and exposed, Nick said, “This last swat is going to be where it counts.”

Adam squirmed uncomfortably. A direct hit to his balls would kill him.
Surely Nick

Before he could complete the thought, the blow landed. A perfectly placed slap lightly grazed the edge of his balls. The effect wasn’t pain. This one caused pure arousal.

“Do you think you’ve been punished enough?” Nick released his hold.


Jenna Byrnes



Adam’s mind raced for the proper answer. ‘No’ meant more spankings, more pain. But

‘yes’ meant he’d have to get up, and his lover’s hands would no longer be on him. “I don’t know, Sir,” he stammered.

Nick’s voice was low and throaty. “What do you mean, you don’t know?”

“I’m…aroused, Sir. I want you to keep touching me.”

With a sudden burst of energy, Nick shifted, and Adam flopped onto his back across the bed. Nick crawled beside him and wrapped his fingers around Adam’s leaking erection.

“Discipline is intended as punishment, you horny little slut
not foreplay. It wasn’t meant to arouse you.” He stroked the shaft up and down firmly. “Withholding orgasm is another form of punishment. But I do love the look of your beet-red ass after I’ve spanked it. So perhaps we’ll stick with that. Do you agree?”

Adam panted, on the verge of climax with Nick jacking him off. “Yes, Sir,” he mumbled.

“I’m going to give you your orgasm, slave, but I want you to remember two things. Are you listening?”

. Sweet waves of bliss threatened to overtake him any second. “Yes.”

Nick’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes, Sir.”

Nick nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “First, you’ll call Mitch and set up a time with him this weekend. The two of you will be alone, but I’ll be watching. Got it?” He stroked and squeezed Adam’s cock with just the right pressure.

Adam’s balls churned. With Nick touching him so, he’d agree to anything. “Yes, Sir.”

“Second, and this is important. Do you hear me?” Nick removed his hand and folded his arms across his chest.

Desperation surged through Adam. “Yes, Sir. I’m listening. Please…”

“Please what?” Nick eyed him sternly.

Adam sobbed with need. “Please make me come, Sir. Please
allow me
to come.”

Nick grasped Adam’s weeping cock once more. “Always remember, everything I do, I do for you. It’s the responsibility I chose when I became your Master. I told you once, and I’ll say it again, I don’t take this lightly. I’m quite serious about it. When you submit to me, I’ll always have your best interests at heart. Do you understand?”


Jenna Byrnes



Adam gazed into Nick’s black eyes and thought he loved him more just then than he ever had. “Yes, Master. I love you, Master.”

“I love you, too. Now, let’s see what you’ve got.” He pumped his arm forcefully and grinned when a spray of cum arced into the air.

Adam watched his determined Master break into a sweat working so hard to bring forth the last moments of pleasure. He closed his eyes, allowing the bliss to wash over him.

His stinging ass added to the sweet pleasure, and he groaned in pure delight.
Whatever Nick
wants, he’s got.
If there’d been doubts before, there were none any longer. No matter what term was used, he was Nick’s slave. He lived to please his Master.

He fidgeted, and his bum rubbed against the sheets, increasing the fabulous burning sensation. He decided, right then, he’d have to disobey occasionally in order to get more of the delightful, white-hot spankings. Nothing so serious that might cause Nick to withhold his orgasm—just something only slightly naughty. His sated cock twitched, and his stomach tingled. He’d figure out the right thing.

Nick stood, wiping his hands on the towel. “Clean up and get dressed. I’ll finish making breakfast before we go to work.”

He winked at Adam and sauntered out.



Adam pulled into the driveway of Mitch’s mother’s house. He needed to speak with Mitch in person, and the thought of putting it off until after work caused nervous butterflies to take over his stomach.
Do it now, and get it over with

Nick was determined to get Adam and Mitch together. As much as the idea terrified Adam, once he got used to it, arousal pushed to the forefront. The chance to be with Mitch again was intoxicating. This time, he’d go into the relationship with his eyes wide open. If Mitch suddenly took off, Adam wouldn’t let it injure him like it had before. He’d still have Nick.
I’ll always have Nick
. He knew that deep in his heart.

The opportunity to be with Nick and Mitch together was too fantastic to pass up. One way or another, he had to make it happen, at least once. They’d see how it went from there.

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