Never Say Never (14 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #erotic romance eBook

BOOK: Never Say Never
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“Mitch isn’t much of a wine drinker,” Adam said then gaped as his old lover accepted the goblet.

“What the hell,” Mitch murmured and took a sip.

Nick smiled, handing Adam his drink. “Dinner is ready, come on in. Mitch, I hope you still like lasagne. Adam said you used to.”

“I do,” Mitch said affably and followed him to the kitchen.


Jenna Byrnes



Adam watched the exchange, slightly surprised at how genial Mitch was being. He’d expected a more ornery attitude. He took a gulp of his drink and headed to the kitchen bar.

Nick served the pasta and a salad, and they each took a seat.

“You made this?” Mitch asked, taking a bite.

Nick nodded, picking up his fork. “I did. I hope you enjoy it.”

“It’s good. I figured you’d make Adam do all the cooking. He’s the slave, right?”

Adam nearly choked on his bite of salad.
Here we go
. Before he could answer, Nick spoke up.

“Only when we’re playing. We don’t have a twenty-four hour D/s relationship.”

“That’s something, I guess.” Mitch continued eating, staring at his plate. “I just don’t see the appeal.”

“Oh, come on, now.” Nick sipped his wine. “I saw you the other night at the Rose & Thorn. When Adam asked you to dominate him, you fell right into the role. Remember, I told you people do things in the throes of passion they might not expect to do otherwise.”

Mitch gazed at him. “I never said I couldn’t dominate him. I said I didn’t want to submit to you. Big difference.”

“Good point.” Nick nodded.

Adam watched the back-and-forth, amazed at each of their calm demeanours. It was almost like they were discussing a business arrangement.

Nick continued, “I suggest a compromise. You could be the switch in our relationship.

Dominant over Adam, submissive to me. Of course, we’d take the role-playing slow. Adam submits to me willingly. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d want the same from you. I’d never force either of you into anything you weren’t comfortable with.”

Adam’s heart swelled.
Exactly why I love you so much
. He reached out and squeezed one of Nick’s hands.

Mitch set his fork down and pushed his plate away. “That’s all well and good for you two. I’m just not sure I could handle it.”

“What’s the harm in trying?” Adam suggested, suddenly wanting this threesome more than anything he’d longed for in the past. “We have a little fun in the process. If it doesn’t fly…”


Jenna Byrnes



He shrugged, but he had no doubt it would work out. Nick was just that smooth. Mitch would be hooked before he realised what hit him.

With a determined look in his eyes, Mitch stared at Adam. “I came here to win you back, not get involved in some kinky sex game. If I wanted that, I would have stayed in Texas.” His eyes widened as if he hadn’t meant to say that last part.

Adam’s eyebrows rose. “What exactly went on in Texas? I thought you were working.”

Nick chuckled. “Which didn’t mean he had to be celibate. Did you have some fun with the rodeo workers, Mitch? Or maybe it was the groupies.”

A guilty expression crossed Mitch’s face, and his tone grew angry. “Okay, we partied a little.
A lot
. I’m over that, now. It’s all out of my system. I’m ready to settle down. I want my old life back.”

Adam stood and moved behind his old lover. He put his hands on Mitch’s shoulders and rubbed them. “Don’t you see, your old life isn’t here anymore? I’ve changed. We’ve both changed, but it doesn’t have to be for the worse. Nick’s offering you a chance at a new life.”

Mitch rubbed his cheek against Adam’s hand. “All this time, I’ve been thinking I could win you back. I’ve been trying to get you away from Nick.”

“I love him, Mitch.” Adam smoothed the long hair with his other hand. “In some ways, I’ll always love you, too. But I’ll never leave him.”

Mitch sighed. “So, if I want you, I have to accept him, too. Like a package deal.”

Nick laughed. “Don’t make it sound so romantic! Believe me, I’ll make it worth your while. You won’t regret accepting my package.”

Adam grinned, nodding. “He’s got a great package.”

“Fuck,” Mitch muttered, a smile on his face. “How can I resist the two of you?”

“You can’t.” Adam hugged him from behind. “We’re irresistible. Let’s go in the other room, and we’ll prove it.”

Mitch gave a small nod of his head and rose to his feet.

Nick touched his cheek. “Anything you don’t like, anything you don’t want to do, just say so.” He leaned in and placed a light kiss on Mitch’s mouth.

To Adam’s surprise, Mitch didn’t pull away or seem shocked. When Nick backed up, Mitch’s only expression was one of lust.


Jenna Byrnes



“Hot damn!” Adam couldn’t believe the turn of events. He followed the others into the bedroom. “I think I’ve got all the supplies we’ll need.” Two dozen condoms and two tubes of lube were on the nightstand. He’d also placed a stack of towels there, turned back the covers and lit some candles.

“Looks like we’re ready for anything.” Nick’s hands went to his shirt, unfastening the tiny buttons. “I know I am.”

“Christ.” Mitch watched, still seemingly a little overwhelmed by the whole scenario.

Nick tossed his shirt aside and began removing his pants and briefs. “Adam, ask our guest if you can help him get rid of his clothes. Then, I want you naked, kneeling before me.”

“Yes, Master.” Adam hurried to Mitch’s side. “May I help you?”

“Sure.” Mitch nodded, and together they removed his shoes, socks, shirt and jeans. His erection sprang free as Adam pulled off his briefs.

Adam eyed it, his mouth watering.

He tossed his own clothes aside, purposely rubbing against Mitch’s shaft as he did so.

One quick touch of the hard muscle sent an electric shiver up his spine. Adam knelt in front of Nick, his eyes focused on his Master’s groin.

“I don’t remember giving you permission to touch his cock.” Nick gazed down on him.

“Do we need to start this evening with a spanking?”

Adam blushed. He’d hoped the kinkier part of their relationship might come up later, not right off the bat.

“Spanking?” Mitch questioned as expected. “You spank him?”

“Only when he’s naughty.” Nick’s voice was smooth, sensual. “Sadly, it seems he’s naughty a lot, these days. Would you like to see me warm his ass?”

Adam held his breath. Mitch would go through the roof, he just knew it.

“Yes, I would.” Mitch replied. “I’d like to very much.”

Adam gulped. He couldn’t believe his ears. Mitch wanted to watch him get spanked?

“Master,” his protest began.

“Silence!” Nick snapped. He sat on the edge of the bed. “Assume the position.”

Adam crawled onto his lap, trembling with uncertainty, excitement and more. They’d never discussed this, he wasn’t prepared for it. He sprawled across Nick’s bare legs and bit his lip.


Jenna Byrnes



“See how white the flesh is now.” Nick massaged Adam’s bum aggressively. “But, watch.”

A sharp slap to one ass cheek caused Adam to jump, his flesh to tingle.

“It pinks up nicely.” Nick smacked his other cheek then landed a blow in the middle.

“Now, it’s turning red. Burning, too, no doubt.”

Adam felt Mitch’s presence next to them but couldn’t see him or his expression. He was dying to know what his old lover thought.

“May I touch it?” Mitch asked in a calm voice.

“Please do.” Nick massaged the flesh again. “It’s nice and warm. Feel the heat?”

“Yes. Interesting.” Mitch’s voice cracked.

He’s enjoying this
! Adam was stunned.

“Would you like to spank him?” Nick asked, as if he were offering the man a mint.

“Oh, yeah.” Lust oozed from Mitch’s raspy speech.

Adam closed his eyes as the first blow hit from the other side. His ass was on fire, his stomach a mass of jumbled nerves and emotions.

Another series of rapid-fire slaps seemed to come from both men at once. Adam gasped as his balls rose, cock threatening to erupt.

“Please!” he cried.

Nick laid a hand on his back. “Please, what?”

“Please stop, Sirs. I’m going to come.”

Chuckling, Nick slid his hand over Adam’s sore ass. “Hmm, not yet, little prick. On the floor. Kneel in the corner until your climax is under control.”

Adam scrambled off Nick’s lap and crawled to the corner.

“I could be cruel and tell you to face the wall, but I won’t. I’m going to make love to Mitch, and I want you to watch.”

“Yes, Master.” Adam panted, trying to catch his breath and curtail his amazement. In his wildest dreams, he’d never pictured such a thing. He’d expected interaction with Mitch and with Nick, but he’d never believed the two men would play without him. He knelt in the corner, fighting the first tinges of an orgasm destined to linger.

“You think so?” Mitch looked at Nick.

With a sultry smile, Nick stroked his own shaft.


Jenna Byrnes



Mitch said, “This first time, I’m calling the shots. Lie on the bed.”

Still smiling, Nick obliged.

Mitch crawled over him and straddled Nick’s head. “You mentioned wanting a taste of this?” His cock dangled in front of Nick’s face.

“Mmm. Yes.” Nick’s tongue licked the slit and around the crown. “Beautiful. Simply beautiful.”

“Suck it,” Mitch demanded.

Nick’s eyebrows rose, but he did as he was asked. He engulfed the huge cock in his mouth.

Adam bit back a groan. Watching the shaft disappear down Nick’s throat was arousing as hell. He resisted the urge to touch himself but wasn’t sure how long he’d manage to hold out. His ass felt like a million bees had stung him, and he fought to keep from rubbing it.

Mitch leant forward, thrusting between Nick’s lips. “I’ll fuck your mouth first. Your ass is next.” His words were staccato, his breath laboured.

Adam understood why. Nick gave fantastic head. Watching the scene play out had his own cock leaking a ribbon of sticky pre-cum. He was dying to hear what Nick said about getting fucked, because Adam knew he only allowed special people to top him.

Nick turned his head so the monster slipped out and he could speak. “If you intend to fuck me, you’d better get started. I might change my mind and take this bad boy all the way home.”

Mitch climbed off and reached for a condom and lube. “You could drain me dry, no doubt.”

Nick looked into the corner. “Adam, come here and stretch me. Get me ready to accept his beast.”

“Yes, Master.” Adam hurried to the bed excitedly. He took the second tube of lubricant and positioned himself between Nick’s bent legs. Oiling one finger, he gingerly circled the dark, puckered hole. His finger slipped past the tight outer ring, and Nick’s body took over, sucking the rest in more fully. Adam groaned with lust. “So tight and perfect.”

Mitch waved his sheathed cock in front of them. “Not for long. Stretch his hole. I’m coming in.”


Jenna Byrnes



Adam inhaled, aroused and jealous at the same time. He worked two, then three fingers into Nick and tugged from side to side as he did for himself. The sphincter loosened nicely.

“He’s ready.”

Nick’s leg nudged Adam. “Come up here and give me something to play with.”

Adam smiled and crawled next to his Master’s face so the man could fondle his balls and erection.

Mitch knelt between Nick’s knees and, using them for support, pushed them forward as he entered missionary style. “Oh, yeah. Tighter than a virgin on her wedding night.”

Nick’s face contorted as the cock in his ass plunged deeper. “Sweet Jesus! It’s been too long. That’s good.”

Mitch sank all the way in, seating himself deeply in Nick’s ass. “You ready to be fucked,

His emphasis on the word was more teasing than scornful, but Adam wondered how Nick would accept it. He looked at the finely-sculpted, handsome face and saw only a grimace of pleasure.

Yes. Fuck me. Hard. Fast. Do it!”

Mitch pulled out and drove in fully, wracking Nick’s body with shudders each time their groins met.

Adam took advantage of his Master’s situation and leant forward to shove his erection into Nick’s mouth.

Nick gobbled it willingly and sucked to the same rhythm he was being fucked.

Mitch clasped Nick’s cock, stroking it.

Adam could tell Nick was on the edge of an explosion. With both his ass and his mouth stuffed with cock, the stud could only mumble incoherently.

Without warning, Mitch stopped moving. He smiled at Adam then gazed into Nick’s eyes. “Feel good?”

Adam pulled back so the man could answer.

“Fuck yes, it feels good!” Nick snarled. “Why did you stop?”

“There’s something I need to clarify about this…dare I call it a relationship?”

“Now?” Adam and Nick both said in incredulous unison.

Mitch grinned. “What better time?”


Jenna Byrnes



Nick looked at the ceiling and growled. “Damn it! I can’t believe you want to talk
, when I was so fucking close.”

Mitch ground his cock into Nick’s body. “You’re at my mercy, now,
We talk, or we’re done.”

Shaking his head in an apparent attempt to clear it, Nick inhaled and blew out the breath. “Okay.”

Mitch nodded. “You two seem to have pretty specific ideas about the way this thing’s going to work. No one bothered to ask my thoughts. I’ve been thinking about it a lot.”

Nick’s eyebrows rose. “You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry, Mitch.”

Adam grinned. “We were too busy trying to get you in the sack.”

Mitch squeezed Nick’s cock, keeping it erect. “I’m not against a threesome. In fact, I think I might like it very much. But I want more. I want to move back in here. And I don’t want to be treated like a third wheel.”

Nick thrust his hips. “I don’t know, Adam. What do you think?”

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