Night of Seduction (35 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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Early that
morning Jason arrived at the house to meet with the movers. Ty and
a police officer accompanied him to the house. Using his usual
entrance, Jason walked into the kitchen and found Latoya there
reading the paper and drinking coffee.

Well, well,
well. Look what the cat dragged in.

She held up the

Look darling we made the front page of several
publications. Aren

t you pleased? I bet
your brother loves all the publicity I got him over the weekend.

s see, we were on most of the entertainment shows. And
have you been listening to the radio this morning, every station is
talking about the normally quiet life of Jason Davies exploding
over the weekend.

She laughed,

Man, your
brother owes me


Jason smiled,
not even Latoya could damage the inner peace he now had. Let her
talk and have her moment, he remembered TeKaya saying. We will have
our day.


s doing fine. It was
good of you to ask. Unless the conversation is about our daughter,
I have nothing to say to you.

He and Ty
walked out of the room to Latoya yelling.


t think this is

She picked up one of the papers and

Just wait,

she said.

While Jason
dealt with the movers, Ty slipped into the security room behind the
kitchen and positioned the monitors to ensure coverage over the
entire house. Just in case Latoya insisted the meeting takes place
here rather than at Roy

s office. He locked
the room and walked into the kitchen where Latoya was still seated.
He looked at his watch.


surprised you are not standing at the door of the bank waiting for
it to open.

Flinging her
hair over her shoulders, she smiled.

Thanks to your
client, I don

t have to wait in
line for anything anymore. The banker is coming to me. I must say,
you are always so loyal for an outsider.

“Better an
outsider, than an outcast.

Ty grinned.

How do you think you are going to be received at the few
parties or social events you might get invited to, now. Do you
honestly think they will welcome you with open arms? Tell me, have
you talked to Stan or CJ, or any of the other men

ve been pumping, and I do mean that literally, for
information about Jason? Allow me to answer that for

no. Would you like to know why?

He asked
as he walked over to the table where she was sitting.


ll tell you. It

s because each of
them have been meeting with my staff giving affidavits on

He leaned on the table in front of her.

When this outsider finishes with you for what you have done
to this family, you

re not going to be
able to find a rock far enough away for you to crawl

He stood looking into the seething eyes of

Enjoy your moment with the

Latoya waited
until he was out of the room then angrily threw the paper across
the room. They would be eating her dirt by time she was done with
the Davies. She had an ace up her sleeve and just as soon as she
met with Roy, she was putting her cards into play. It was going to
be a slow torturous death for Eric


Davies. It was all planned out.
First, she was going to send out invitations to view the video
using still pictures of Eric and his little friend. Then she was
going to sell a copy of the video to the highest online bidder. All
of this after she sold the original to Eric, to keep his reputation
unmarred. Hell, personally she thought the video would help. She
still wasn

t sure if he was on
the down low or not. Damn, now she believed her own lies. She
started the rumor of his sexual preference because he turned down
her advances. After seeing the man in action, she had to admit, she
envied the woman in the video with him.

Later that
afternoon Jason found Eric in the studio working on music. The
sight of his little brother working diligently always made him
proud. Whenever Eric released a successful CD, he was rewarded in
many ways

monetarily, through public
recognition, but most of all, his brotherly love, how very proud he
was. There was nothing he would not do for Eric. The guilt from
what Latoya was doing continued to eat at him. It was his fault
this woman was in their lives wreaking havoc. In the past, he did
all he could to keep her from touching Eric, publicly or
personally. Now, she was about to do both. He closed his eyes and
said a silent prayer that Ty

s trap would work.
But he knew Latoya like no other. She always had an ace in the
hole. His problem was figuring it out before it exploded in all
their faces.

You coming in or are
you summoning the powers that be to come down to earth and destroy

He laughed at
just how close Eric was to the truth.

Something like

he said as he walked into the studio.

You looked busy


t want to disturb you. What you working

“Man, this song
is playing over and over in my head. As soon as I laid down the
melody, the lyrics began to flow. It

s awesome, man,

s awesome.

Pleased the
anger from the weekend events seemed to have subsided; he reached
over and took the notebook Eric was writing in. As he knew he
would, Eric snatched the notebook back.


t see that. You know better.

“What? I just
wanted to read what you wrote.

“You know you

t read it until it


“Well can I at
least here the melody?

Eric reached
over and hit a button on the music console and a smooth blend of a
piano, violin, percussions, and sax could be heard.

That is smooth,

Jason said as he
closed his eyes to feel the music.

Man, you should name
that tune TeKaya. Listening to this is like hearing her voice right

He put his hand on his heart.

Eric smiled at
his reaction.

I know exactly what
you mean.


s the tune you were
playing on the plane the first night I went to meet

“At the time I
was thinking about Siri. I just didn

t know her

“I thought you
said something about a call girl.

Jason opened his
eyes and frowned.

Eric smirked
and turned away.

Siri was the woman
from the hotel.

“Get the hell
out of here.


m serious. Remember
when we went to the school to paint?

“I remember you
recognizing her, but I didn

t think she was the
woman you were running around in circles about.


Both of us got caught on the same

“Yeah, the
difference is you won your prize. I have yet to capture

Jason sobered
and sighed.


ve created
a mess, haven


Not expecting an answer to his question, he shook his

“No. You are
not responsible for everything bad that happens in my life. You and
I were thinking with the wrong part of our anatomy and now we are
both paying the price.

“You are right
about that.

“Glad you
recognize my knowledge big brother.


t need to know he was just repeating what their mother
had said to him a few hours ago.

“We are going
to work this out. I promise you that.


Eric said as the music stopped.


s called

s Gate. That

s what I feel like
every time I touch Siri. I feel like heaven opened its gates to
allow me to see the wonders inside. When I pull away she keeps a
small part of me and leaves me longing for more.


s brotherly instinct
would normally kick in and tease him at this point in the
conversation, but this time he could not

for he
understood what Eric was experiencing. He

d found that
someone that made the world right just for him.

Go get
your woman, man.

Eric looked up
at him and smiled.

I plan to do just
that big brother, just as soon as this thing with Latoya is
settled. Did you get everything out of the

“The main
things I needed from the office and studio. The tech people are at
the new house setting up the computer and studio equipment.
Depending on how much they get done, I might be staying there
tonight. Gabby

s over there

“The general
will have you set by dinner,



m concerned about


s fine here. She certainly brightens up the house. I

t think Franco has stopped feeding her since she got

“I know

s good here, but Latoya is her mother. If this thing
goes wrong, she could end up in prison.

Eric shook his

I know she gave birth to your child. But at some
point, you

ve got to give up
trying to make her into a mother. If she ends up in prison, it will
be her doing, not yours. What she is about to do is called
blackmail, pure and simple. It is a crime punishable by a stay
behind bars. I know you

you have an offer
already prepared to keep her out of jail. If she

t do this thing to Siri

wonderful. If she
does, and refuses the terms you offer, then she goes to jail.
Either way Sierra is better off with you. But know, if what she is
doing harms Siri in any way, I will not physically kill her. But by
the time I

m finished, she will
pray for death.

“Have you
talked to Siri today?



ve got the hostile
thing going on today. I think you need a fix.


t respond for a minute.


t want to be with me.

He slowly

“Did she say

Jason asked.

Nodding his
head, Eric replied,

Yes. Friday night

he just shook his head,

unbelievable. Just
the two of us talking, laughing, making love, then making love

He sadly laughed,

It was the moment you
wait a lifetime for. Then her ex-husband called about TeKaya. When
we arrived at the airport, reporters were everywhere and Siri
freaked. Saturday, while you and TeKaya were doing the interview,
she said this was not for her and left.

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