Night Visions (Night Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Night Visions (Night Series)
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Then how could you hear me?

Ruffling the fur behind her ear, he flashed her a smile before returning to his feet. Now she knew how Cara must have felt all these years.
You left the line open.

, smart-ass. You mind telling me how to hang up?
His gesture didn't go unnoticed. He was trying to put her at ease by teasing her. It was his way of distracting her until she relaxed.

He chuckled. He leaned against the wall, shrugging.
As you adjust to the wolf, you will learn how to control it.

Her muscles bunched. The urge to run free pulsed through her veins. She paced the room, turning in circles. The walls crept closer, making her feel caged.

It's time to go, Sam.

She nudged her brother's hand with her snout, whimpering.
No. I can't leave you. Let me help. As a wolf, I'm stronger.

Frowning, he crouched down, holding her face in his hands.
They want to use you like a weapon. If they can control you, many will die. You could die. And I couldn't live with myself if that happened.

Her heart constricted. How could she live with herself if something happened to her brother because of her? She let her head fall on his shoulder, feeling the comfort of his arms wrap around her.
I love you, Jace.

He pulled away clearing his throat. "I love you too, sis," he said aloud. "Now go."

Sam hesitated, studying Jason. But the fierce determination in his eyes, said that he wouldn't change his mind. Backing up, she ran forward, clearing the window ledge before landing on the grass. She turned and gave her brother one last look as he watched her from the window.

Then she closed the door in her mind, flipping the lock.



As soon as Sam raced out of Jason's line of vision, she looked for another way back into the house. Her nails clicked against the stone patio. Stepping back, she scanned her surroundings and froze in place. The mist. The woods. The moon. Every piece of scenery tugged at her mind.

Dread consumed her as she spun toward the woods. Searching for the one thing that would complete her vision. And then she saw it, standing sentinel over the property. The moon cast a hazy glow upon it. Towering toward the sky, maybe a hundred feet, the brittle bark taunted her.

Bark that would cradle someone's dying body.

Dear God… She stood in the middle of her nightmare.

Ice sludged through her veins, forcing her heart to kick in her chest. This couldn't be happening. She had to be mistaken.

Lost in her vision, she didn't expect to hear the voice calling her name. Or the footsteps approaching with haste.

Pinning her ears back, she cocked her head to the side, locking eyes with Scott. And half a dozen men in camouflage. He really did have an army here. How the hell did Scott know it was her? She'd shifted. Even locked her thoughts to protect herself. She didn't hear his voice in her head? So she must have done that much right. Yet he spoke her name. Not a question, but a statement. He had that same scrunched-up face he used whenever he worried about her.

She tensed her body, ready to flee.

"Don't do it, Sam."

Her body screamed to run, but something in Scott's voice forced her to turn. Two guards stepped up behind him. Sam bared her teeth, a growl rumbled in her chest as she backed away. Scott gave a slight nod before one of the men raised a gun. A stabbing pain shot through her hip, then a slow burn gave way to numbness. Her legs buckled as she collapsed to the cold stones.

Scott knelt by her side, his voice so low she could barely hear him. "Why didn't you wait for me?"


* * *


The sheets felt cool against Sam's heated skin. She rolled over, clutching the blanket beneath her chin. The room was still dark, which meant she could squeeze in a few more hours of sleep before Ginger tried to wake her.


A moan vibrated the back of her throat. She tugged the covers over her head, frustrated that no matter what she did, she could never sleep in.

Not now, Ian. It's too early.

Heat continued to build through her body. Her muscles grew stiffer the more she moved them. And her head… The grogginess kept her from fully awakening. It couldn't even be close to daylight if she still felt so tired. Maybe Ian could take Ginger for her run today.

Sam. Wake up.

Let me sleep a little longer. I'm so tired.
She burrowed deeper under the blankets. At the moment, she didn't care if she stayed in bed all day.

The voice snapped.
You need to wake up!

Sam dragged her eyes open. Ready to plant her fist in his face.
What the hell is your…

Her head swiveled from side to side searching for something familiar. The motion left her stomach in turmoil. She would have swallowed if her mouth didn't feel like sandpaper. This wasn't her room. She was back at Scott's house.


Ian? How can you hear me?

I've been calling to you for hours. Are you okay?

Hadn't she been shot? Sam pulled the sheet away, tipping her head. Her fingers grazed her hip where gauze bandage was fastened to her skin. Peeling it back a swatch of black and blue marred her flesh
. The memory of the gun aimed at her wolf form played through her mind. It must have been a tranquilizer gun.

It wasn't until air f
rom the vent blew over her skin that she realized her clothes were missing. Across the room, a pair of jeans, a sweater and underwear lay folded on a cushioned chair. She never thought about what would happen to her clothes when she shifted back. Would have been nice if her brother shared that bit of information with her.

She dropped her head in her hands as she felt color creep into her cheeks. How many people saw her naked? Scott? The twelve army men? Wonderful. What next? Her nude pictures splashed across the covers of tabloids? With the embarrassing black bar covering her unmentionables.

Wrapping the sheet around her, she swung her legs off the bed. After she dressed, she'd figure a way out of this mess. At least she hoped she would. Maybe she could reason with Scott.

And what about Jason? Did Scott know he helped her? Is that how he found her? Had he been following her the whole time? She wanted to reach out to Jason with her thoughts, but if she unlocked that door, who else might hear her? She couldn't risk it.

She pushed up on her feet, scraping her hand on the nightstand she held on, waiting for the room to stop spinning. A few deep breaths helped, though she stood frozen for a few more.

Putting one foot in front of the other proved harder than she thought. The room tipped with each step. Her empty stomach revolted, begging her to crawl back into bed. How much did they tranq her with? Whatever it was, her abilities better kick in. She needed a clear head if she was going to figure a way out of this.


Shoot. She forgot about Ian.

Give me a second Ian. Let me put some clothes on.

You're naked?

Sam clutched her head as Ian's voice pierced her brain.
Will you please stop shouting?

Why are you naked?

I don't know, probably for the same reason you were when you rescued me in the woods. Animals don't wear clothes.

Ian's voice softened.
So it's true. You transitioned?

Sam stumbled as the cotton sheet tangled around her legs. She gripped the material to her chest with one hand, while tugging the hem to her knees with her other.

What's wrong?

She really needed to figure out how to turn this whole telepathy thing off. Having someone in your head when you didn't realize it was annoying.

I'm okay. Just a little dizzy.

Pushing her clothes to the side, she sunk into the chair. Another round of deep breathing settled her stomach enough so she could sort through her belongings. Once the sweater slipped over her head, she reached for the panties and jeans. She barely had enough energy to stand on her feet long enough to put them on.

What happened
, Sam? You were in my head one minute and then you were gone.

Exertion ripped at her muscles as she dropped onto the chair again. How could she be so out of breath from just crossing the room and getting dressed? She needed to focus on locking her thoughts. If Ian knew they drugged her, he would lose it. And try that much harder to find her.

I'm not sure. Shifting must have drained me. I fell asleep.

Ian held silent for so long, Sam thought she had lost the connection.

Where are you? I mean, in which part of the house?

How could he know where she was? He couldn't possibly know where they took her. Unless Jason found out she didn't get away and called him for help. Or did she let it slip? She couldn't take his help. Not here. Not where her worst nightmare could come true. She needed to protect him. Even if she had to hurt him in the process.

It doesn't matter. I don't need your help.
Scott is here with me. He's protecting me now.
She hated the way the words sounded in her head. Hated the way they made her stomach roll. But if she wanted him to be safe, this was the only way to do it.

Sam, what are you talking about?

I'm not a prisoner here, Ian. I'm choosing to stay.
She struggled to continue. Each word clawed at her heart.
I now know what my purpose is and it is to stay here. With Scott.

You don't mean that.

Sam's vision pushed itself to the surface. Charred bodies littering the ground. A faceless body staked to a tree.

She struggled to keep the tears from clogging her throat.
I want nothing to do with you, Ian. You lied to me. Let me think I was crazy for years. I can never forgive you for that. Adirah warned me about you, I was just too blind to see it.

You don't know what you're saying Sam. These people are evil.

Sam bit her trembling lip as she squeezed her eyes shut.
Don't come here, Ian. You'll be wasting your time. Do you want your friend's blood on your hands for a woman that doesn't love you?

She didn't need the connection with Ian to feel his anger. It slammed into her, doubling her over.
If that's what you want, Sam, I'll leave you alone. But I'm not going to let them continue hurting innocent people.

Emptiness engulfed her, as her bond with Ian severed. She dropped her head in her hands, her gut wrenching sobs filling the room.


* * *


The scales of bark bit into Ian's palms. Then the ground rocked under his feet as the tree's roots tore free from their prison.

"So are you trying to let everyone know we are here?" Trent questioned.

The intensity of Ian's growl would have had any other man making a hasty retreat, but Trent wasn't any other man.

Instead, he leaned his shoulder against the tree, crossing his arms over his chest. "What happened?"

"She said she wants to stay. That she couldn't forgive me for lying to her."

"Do you believe her?"

"I don't know." Ian
raked his hand through his hair, falling back against the tree. "Something's not right. She said Scott was with her. How does he play into this? Has he been using her all along, waiting until the time was right to make his move? I know she was close to Scott, but after the other night…" Ian shook his head, refusing to believe his night with Sam meant nothing to her. "If she really loved Scott, she wouldn't have been with me."

"So what are you going to do?"

Ian pushed away from the tree. It groaned as it fell back into place. He directed his gaze through the cluster of trees. The glow of Casimir's house confining Sam, barely visible between the branches. He couldn't let her end it this way. Not without telling him face to face. If she could look him in the eye and tell him it was over, he would walk away. But not before he bashed a few heads in first.

"Do you feel like crashing a party?"

Trent slapped Ian on the back. "You know I never refuse a party."

While Ian enjoyed the sound of those words, he worried that Sam might be right. He could be risking his friend's life for a love that wasn't returned. But admitting that would be admitting he'd misunderstood the tears in her eyes after they made love. Could she really stay with someone like Scott? If she rea
lly knew what he was capable of?

Trent's brother Logan spoke in hushed tones with Cara. When Ian squatted next to them, their conversation came to an abrupt halt. "So
, any idea which room could be Sam's?

Cara cast a worried glance at Ian. "Are you sure she completed the transition?"

"Yeah. She confirmed it."

Rocking back on his heels, Logan pointed a finger toward the compound. "Mack said he saw a wolf jump out of a window on the west side. It moved around the back of the house and out of his line of vision."

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