Nikhil (Kaliszian Book 1) (17 page)

Read Nikhil (Kaliszian Book 1) Online

Authors: M.K. Eidem

Tags: #loyalty, #love, #family, #commitment, #sci, #sci-fi

BOOK: Nikhil (Kaliszian Book 1)
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"I... Well, no," Parlan reluctantly answered.

"Does your manno?"


"Do you know any other True Mates?"

"Of course not, General! There hasn't been one in nearly five-hundred years."

"Then perhaps Squad Leader Nikhil's True Mate is conducting herself properly."

"General! She never presented herself as his True Mate. If she truly were, she would wear his bead proudly for all to see, not hide it in all that... hair."

"How dare you!" Moving quicker than any of them could have anticipated, Mac was around Nikhil, slapping Parlan across the face before anyone could stop her. Her small hand left angry, red slashes across one cheek. "You know
about me or my feelings for my True Mate! I wear my hair the way
wish, and Nikhil's bead hangs where
wishes! You have no right to criticize something you know nothing about, and from what I've heard and witnessed, never will, as the Goddess would never bless a self absorbent prick such as
with a True Mate!"

Silence reigned in the room, as everyone including Mac's friends, were shocked at her bare-handed attack on the much larger Parlan. Few attacked an Elite Warrior and lived, especially not a female.

Nikhil was the first to react as Parlan's face swung back to his Mackenzie, pulling her away from the enraged male who this time managed to find the hilt of his sword.

"Parlan! You will stand down!" Treyvon ordered, drawing his own sword as he stepped between Parlan and the couple.

"She had no right!" Parlan sputtered.

"She had every right! You insulted not only her but her bond with her mate. Something you would never do with a male." Treyvon's gaze trailed over the group behind him, frowning when one figure ducked away fearfully. This would not do. "I placed you in charge here because I thought you would treat these survivors with respect. I see now that is untrue." He looked over his shoulder. "Warrior Onp."

"Yes, General." Onp immediately presented himself to his General.

"The care of the survivors is now your responsibility."

"Yes, General. I will not fail you." Onp gave him a slight bow.

"I know you won't, Onp." Treyvon's gaze returned to Parlan. "Parlan, you will now stand the wall."

"But, General...” Parlan started to argue.

"Silence!" Treyvon ordered. "You have dishonored not only your fellow Elite Warriors but also your people as a whole. A True Mate is always honored. I will make sure Minister Stepney knows of this."


"Report to Warrior Marr. I will inform him you are coming and why."

Parlan glared at Mackenzie as he released the hilt of his sword, then giving Nikhil wide berth, walked out of the area.

Nikhil gazed down at his Mackenzie. He couldn't believe that she had attacked Parlan, couldn't believe her words or how she defended their bond. Not after what he'd said to her that morning. His Mackenzie might be tiny, but she was fierce.

"Mackenzie." His softly spoken word had her turning to gaze up at him, and he saw her beautiful, brown eyes were still filled with anger.

"He's an ass, Nikhil, and he's wrong. I am proud to be your True Mate." She turned to face him, and the hand that had slapped Parlan rose to rest over his heart. "I know we still have a lot to work out, but if you believe nothing else, believe that."

Nikhil found he could only cover her hand with his and nod, as his throat was too tight to allow words to pass.

"Mac?" The question from Craig had her looking back to her friends. She saw the confusion and worry in their gazes. "Are you alright? What's going on?"

Giving Nikhil's chest a soft caress, she turned and went to them. "Everything is fine. Have you met General Treyvon Rayner?" she asked gesturing to the General.

"Yes. Once. In the mines," Craig said, and Mac nodded.

"He has removed Parlan from being in charge. Now this warrior will be." She gestured to the other male. "Warrior Onp."

Nikhil listened as his Mackenzie spoke to the male that seemed to be the leader of their group, and while he didn't understand her words, he could tell she was explaining what had happened, and that Onp was in charge now from her gestures. He could also tell she was tiring. It was in the way she was starting to lock her knees to keep from swaying, it was in the slightest tremble in her hand as she pointed at Onp, and it was in the slight paling of her skin.

"Mackenzie." He stepped close, offering her his strength and support. ""Come, Little One."

"Just a minute," she said in Kaliszian, then switched back to English. "Jen, it might be best if you stay hidden for a while longer. I'll be back as soon as I can." With that, she smiled up at Nikhil and let him lead her away

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

"I am taking you to Luol, Mackenzie. I want him to examine you before you rest. You have been through a great deal," Nikhil said leading her to medical.

"I'm fine, Nikhil."

"You have paled, and do not think I haven't notice how your hands are trembling. Luol will reexamine you."

"I can't believe you only have one deep-repair unit on this entire planet."

"That is because we did not think that we would need one when we first arrived," Treyvon told her, quietly moving up behind her. "When we began to discover survivors, I had the one from my ship sent down."

"You have them on your ships?"

"Several, yes."

"Then why not send down the another one?!!" Mac rounded on the General, forcing him to stop or knock her over.

"That would leave my warriors without one, should they need it."

"Aren't they all down here?"

"No. There are those that patrol the area around Pontus, intercepting any ship that might be Ganglian or Zaludian. Our intervention is not always... appreciated."

"Have any of them needed the unit?"

"I... no."

"Then it needs to be brought down," Mac told him. "My friends need treatment."

"They will receive...”

"No! We've been through more than you can imagine, and I won't allow others to be treated first just because you have never encountered us before."

"The others were there longer than you."

"You don't know that for sure! And even if that was true, how long did it take Luol to treat those three Jerboaians?"


"Three hours. An hour for each one," Luol said, walking out of medical when he heard the argument going on in the corridor.

"And how long did it take you to treat me?" She turned to face Luol.

"Seven total," Luol admitted.

"So doesn't that tell you something?!!" Mac demanded, swinging back around to Treyvon. "I'm still not sure how long ago we were taken, but I'm starting to get an idea, because of this." She lifted the strand of her hair that held Nikhil's bead.

"What does my bead have to do with how long ago you were taken, Mackenzie?"

"It's not the bead." She turned toward Nikhil. "It's the length of hair it's on."

"I don't understand," Nikhil frowned down at her.

"It's longer."

"Your hair? It continues to grow?"

"Of course!" It was her turn to frown, and she reached out to touch his. "Doesn't yours?"



"Perhaps this would be better
discussed in a corridor," Luol stated as warriors paused around them.

"Agreed," Treyvon said.

"Yes, then you can reexamine Mackenzie."

"Reexamine?" Luol's concerned gaze shot to Mackenzie and he took a step closer to her. "What is wrong, Mackenzie?"

"Nothing. Nikhil is over-reacting. I'm just a little tired."

"Come," Luol gestured to the still open door. "She can lay down on an exam bed, and I will use the portable unit as the deep-repair unit is currently in use."

"I want her in the deep-repair unit!" Nikhil growled, guiding Mackenzie into the room.

"Hard to do when there is only one, and after all... I wasn't held any longer than my friends, now was I?" Her question had all three males looking uncomfortable.

"Mackenzie...” Nikhil growled.

"What?" She turned to gaze up at Nikhil and was surprised to find tears were making him blurry. "I'm not supposed to speak the truth? If the Zaludians hadn't discovered and beaten me, I wouldn't even be here now, would I? You wouldn't even know about me. I wouldn't be your True Mate. I could have died before you thought me worthy of treatment."

Nikhil couldn't stand seeing his True Mate so upset, couldn't stand that he was unable to prevent it, and what he really couldn't stand was that her words were true. Again. Immediately at her side, he swept her up into his arms.

"I don't believe that! I will never believe that! The Goddess guided me to you, and while I will never agree with how she brought you into my life, I'll never regret that you are in it." His words had her sobbing, and he looked to Luol in a panic.

"I could give her a calmer, but her system is already trying to adjust to so much...”

"No...” Mac's voice was muffled against Nikhil's chest. "Just give me a minute."

"You can have all the minutes you need, my Mackenzie," Nikhil reassured her, his arms tightening around her, giving her what comfort he could.

"Nikhil, if you sit, I can scan her while she’s still in your arms," Luol murmured.

Nikhil immediately scooped Mackenzie up in his arms and moved to sit on the exam bed. "Do it," he ordered.

Mac couldn't believe she was falling apart like this. Again. What was wrong with her? She'd never been like this before.

"It is understandable, Little One," Nikhil murmured in her hair, making her realize she'd spoken out loud. "You have been through a great deal, and handled it all with grace and strength. Let me be your strength now. I have more than enough."

Mac found herself chuckling as she rubbed her forehead against his chest before gazing up, giving him a wobbly smile. "You are rather strong, aren't you?"

"I am," he agreed.

"That's one of the things I like about you," she said and found herself sinking into her True Mate's warm, glowing gaze.

"Do you?" he quizzed quietly.


"Ahem," the sound of Luol clearing his throat had Mac pulling her gaze from Nikhil. "I believe you just need rest, Mackenzie. Your system just hasn't had the time to absorb everything it has been given."

"Then that is what she shall have." Nikhil rose with her still in his arms.

"Wait!" Treyvon's exclamation had everyone freezing. "I need to know why the length of your hair tells you how long ago you were taken."

"Does your hair really not grow at all?" Mac asked, reaching out to touch one of Nikhil's braids. "Is that why you were so upset when I suggested cutting mine?"

"You did what?!!" Both Luol and Treyvon exclaimed, drawing Mac's gaze.

"On Earth, hair comes in varying lengths. Some even prefer to have it all removed."

"What?!!" This had all three males exclaiming.

"I know for you that is a sign of disgrace, but it's not that way on Earth."

"Your hair continues to grow even after you mature?" Luol asked carefully.

"Yes. I take it yours doesn't."

"No. Our hair reaches its final length around our sixteenth year. From then on, it only grows enough to maintain that length."

"And if it is intentionally cut?" she asked.

"It will eventually grow back, but very slowly. How fast does yours grow?"

"I'm not exactly sure. I was hoping one of the guys knew, but didn't have time to ask."


"Because other questions were more important. What I do know is that I used to get my hair trimmed every four to six weeks, and had it done right before we were taken."

"And how long was it then?" Nikhil asked gently fingering the ends of her hair.

"Up to here." She put her hand even with her collarbone and watched Nikhil's eyes widen.

"That is a great deal longer, Mackenzie," he whispered.

"I know, I've never let it get this long before."

"So how fast does your hair grow?" Treyvon asked.

"My beautician would usually cut a quarter inch off ever four to six weeks."

"That means...” Treyvon frowned unable to believe what she was saying.

"That we were taken five to six months ago," she said and was greeted with a stunned silence.

"But that... that's impossible. No species could survive that long under such harsh conditions," Luol said, looking aghast.

"But you've never met
species before now, have you?" she challenged.

Luol looked to Treyvon. "General, if this is true, then I must insist that I begin treating the humans immediately, and for you to send for the other deep-repair unit. Mackenzie was highly deficient in many of the vital vitamins and minerals that are essential for every known species. I assumed it was because a human’s requirement was different, but now that I am aware how long they may have been held, I realize it is because they were just that extremely depleted in the struggle to survive. They need immediate treatment."

"That's what I've been saying!" Mac exclaimed.

"Nikhil, take your Ashe to your quarters and make sure she rests," Treyvon ordered.


"I will see to it that your fellow humans are treated, Ashe Mackenzie," Treyvon informed her, "but not unless you allow Nikhil to take you back to his quarters and rest. I can't have my Squad Leader distracted."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

"I could have walked, you know," Mac told Nikhil even as she settled deeper into his arms.

"I am strong, remember?" he said, shifting her slightly to press his palm against the access panel of his quarters.

"I remember."

"You need to rest, but first you will eat," he informed her, setting her down on the couch before moving into what looked like a small kitchen area to retrieve a packet.

"Why is there a kitchen in your quarters?" she asked. She'd learned from the educator that Kaliszians didn't cook, because only the wealthiest had fresh food stores that required might require it.

"It was here when we arrived. This base was here when Pontus was a live and viable planet. One full of edible plant life."

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