No Country for Old Men (21 page)

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Authors: Cormac McCarthy

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Like anybody.

The kid looked at his shoes. He looked up at Bell. He didnt look like anybody. I mean
there wasnt nothin unusual lookin about him. But he didnt look like anybody you'd want to
mess with. When he said somethin you damn sure listened. There was a bone stickin out
under the skin on his arm and he didnt pay no more attention to it than nothin.

All right.

Am I in trouble over this?


I appreciate it.

You dont know where things will take you, do you?

No sir, you dont. I think I learned somethin from it. If that's any use to you.

It is. Do you think DeMarco learned anything?

The boy shook his head. I dont know, he said. I cant speak for David.

No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

No Country For Old Men

I got Molly to run down his relatives and we finally found his dad in San Saba. I left to
go up there on a Friday evenin and I remember thinkin to myself when I left that this was
probably another dumb thing I was fixin to do but I went anyways. I'd done talked to him
on the phone. He didnt sound like he was waitin to see me or he wasnt waitin but he said
to come on so here I went. Checked in a motel when I got there and drove out to his house
in the mornin.

His wife had died some years back. We set out on the porch and drunk iced tea and I guess
we'd of set

there from now on if I hadnt of said somethin. He was a bit oldern me. Ten years maybe. I
told him what I'd come to tell him. About his boy. Told him the facts. He just set there
and nodded. He was settin in a swing and he just rocked back and forth a little and held
that glass of tea in his lap. I didnt know what else to say so I just shut up and we set

there for quite some time. And then he said, and he didnt look at me, he just looked out
across the yard, and he said: He was the best rifleshot I ever saw. Bar none. I didnt know
what to say. I said: Yessir.

He was a sniper in Vietnam you know.

I said I didnt know that.

He was not in no drug deals.

No sir. He was not.

He nodded. He wasnt raised that way, he said.


Was you in the war?

Yes I was. European theatre.

He nodded. Llewelyn when he come home he went to visit several families of buddies of his
that had not made it back. He give it up. He didnt know what to say to em. He said he
could see em settin there lookin at him and wishin he was dead. You could see it in their
faces. In the place of their own loved one, you understand.

Yessir. I can understand that.

I can too. But aside from that they'd all done things over there that they'd just as soon
left over there. We didnt have nothin like that in the war. Or very little of it. He
smacked the tar out of one or two of them hippies. Spittin on him. Callin him a
babykiller. A lot of them boys that come back, they're still havin problems. I thought it
was because they didnt have the country behind em. But I think it might be worse than that
even. The country they did have was in pieces. It still is. It wasnt the hippies' fault.
It wasnt the fault of them boys that got sent over there neither. Eighteen, nineteen year

He turned and looked at me. And then I thought he looked a lot older. His eyes looked old.
He said: People will tell you it was Vietnam brought this country to its knees. But I
never believed that. It was already in bad shape. Vietnam was just the icin on the cake.
We didnt have nothin to give to em to take over there. If we'd sent em without rifles I
dont know as they'd of been all that much worse off. You cant go to war like that. You
cant go to war without God. I dont know what is goin to happen when the next one comes. I
surely dont.

And that was pretty much all that was said. I thanked him for his time. The next day was
goin to be my last day in the office and I had a good deal to think about. I drove back to
I-10 along the back roads. Drove down to Cherokee and took 501. I tried to put things in
perspective but sometimes you're just too close to it. It's a life's work to see yourself
for what you really are and even then you might be wrong. And that is somethin I dont want
to be wrong about. I've thought about why it was I wanted to be a lawman. There was always
some part of me that wanted to be in charge. Pretty much insisted on it. Wanted people to
listen to what I had to say. But there was apart of me too that just wanted to pull
everbody back in the boat. If I've tried to cultivate anything it's been that. I think we
are all of us ill prepared for what is to come and I dont care what shape it takes. And
whatever comes my guess is that it will have small power to sustain us. These old people I
talk to, if you could of told em that there would be people on the streets of our Texas
towns with green hair and bones in their noses speakin a language they couldnt even
understand, well, they just flat out wouldnt of believed you. But what if you'd of told em
it was their own grandchildren? Well, all of that is signs and wonders but it dont tell
you how it got that way. And it dont tell you nothin about how it's fixin to get, neither.
Part of it was I always thought I could at least someway put things right and I guess I
just dont feel that way no more. I dont know what I do feel like. I feel like them old
people I was talkin about. Which aint goin to get better neither. I'm bein asked to stand
for somethin that I dont have the same belief in it I once did. Asked to believe in
somethin I might not hold with the way I once did. That's the problem. I failed at it even
when I did. Now I've seen it held to the light. Seen any number of believers fall away.
I've been forced to look at it again and I've been forced to look at myself. For better or
for worse I do not know. I dont know that I would even advise you to throw in with me, and
I never had them sorts of doubts before. If I'm wiser in the ways of the world it come at
a price. Pretty good price too. When I told her I was quittin she at first didnt take me
to mean it literally but I told her I did so mean it. I told her I hoped the people of
this county would have better sense than to even vote for me. I told her I didnt feel
right takin their money. She said well you dont mean that and I told her I meant it ever
word. We're six thousand dollars in debt over this job too and I dont know what I'm goin
to do about that either. Well we just set

there for a time. I didnt think it would upset her like it done. Finally I just said:
Loretta, I cant do it no more. And she smiled and she said: You aim to quit while you're
ahead? And I said no mam I just aim to quit. I aint ahead by a damn sight. I never will
be. One other thing and then I'll shut up. I would just as soon that it hadnt of got told
but they put it in the papers. I went up to Ozona and talked to the district attorney up
there and they said I could talk to that Mexicans lawyer if I wanted and maybe testify at
the trial but that was all they would do. Meanin that they wouldnt do nothin. So I

wound up doin that and of course it didnt come to nothin and the old boy got the death
penalty. So I went up to Huntsville to see him and here is what happened. I walked in
there and set down and he of course knew who I was as he had seen me at the trial and all
and he said: What did you bring me? And I said I didnt bring him nothin and he said well
he thought I must of brung him somethin. Some candy or somethin. Said he figured I was
sweet on him. I looked at the guard and the guard looked away. I looked at this man.
Mexican, maybe thirty-five, forty year old. Spoke good english. I said to him that I didnt
come up there to be insulted but I just wanted him to know that I done the best I could
for him and that I was sorry because I didnt think he done it and he just rared back and
laughed and he said: Where do they find somebody like you? Have they got you in diapers
yet? I shot that son of a bitch right between the eyes and drug him back to his car by the
hair of the head and set the car on fire and burned him to grease.

Well. These people can read you pretty good. If I had of smacked him in the mouth that
guard would not of said word one. And he knew that. He knew that.

I seen that county prosecutor comin out of there and I knowed him just a little to talk to
and we stopped and visited some. I didnt tell him what had happened but he knew about me
tryin to help that man and he might could of put two and two together. I dont know. He
didnt ask me nothin about him. Didnt ask me what I was doin up there or nothin. There's
two kinds of people that dont ask a lot of questions. One is too dumb to and the other
dont need to. I'll leave it to you to guess which one I figure him to be. He was just
standin there in the hall with his briefcase. Like he had all the time in the world. He
told me that when he got out of law school he had been a defense attorney for a while. He
said it made his life too complicated. He didnt want to spend the rest of his life bein
lied to on a daily basis just as a matter of course. I told him that a lawyer one time
told me that in law school they try and teach you not to worry about right and wrong but
just follow the law and I said I wasnt so sure about that. He thought about that and he
nodded and he said that he pretty much had to agree with that lawyer. He said that if you
dont follow the law right and wrong wont save you. Which I guess I can see the sense of
But it dont change the way I think. Finally I asked him if he knew who Mammon was. And he
said: Mammon?

Yes. Mammon.

You mean like in God and Mammon?


Well, he said, I cant say as I do. I know it's in the bible. Is it the devil?

I dont know. I'm goin to look it up. I got a feelin I ought to know who it is.

He kindly smiled and he said: You sound like he might be getting ready to take up the
spare bedroom.

Well, I said, that would be one concern. In any case I feel I need to familiarize myself
with his habits.

He nodded. Kind of smiled. Then he did ask me a question. He said: This mystery man you
think killed that trooper and burned him up in his car. What do you know about him?

I dont know nothin. I wish I did. Or I think I wish it.


He's pretty much a ghost.

Is he pretty much or is he one?

No, he's out there. I wish he wasnt. But he is.

He nodded. I guess if he was a ghost you wouldnt have to worry about him.

I said that was right, but I've thought about it since and I think the answer to his
question is that when you encounter certain things in the world, the evidence for certain
things, you realize that you have come upon somethin that you may very well not be equal
to and I think that this is one of them things. When you've said that it's real and not
just in your head I'm not all that sure what it is you have said.

Loretta did say one thing. She said somethin to the effect that it wasnt my fault and I
said it was. And I had thought about that too. I told her that if you got a bad enough dog
in your yard people will stay out of it. And they didnt.



When he got home she wasnt there but her car was. He walked out to the barn and her horse
was gone. He started to go back to the house but then he stopped and he thought about her
maybe being hurt and he went to the tackroom and got his saddle down and carried it out
into the bay and whistled at his horse and watched his head come up over the stall door
down at the end of the barn with his ears scissoring.

He rode out with the reins in one hand, patting the horse. He talked to the horse as he
went. Feels good to be out, dont it. You know where they went? That's all right. Dont you
worry about it. We'll find em.

Forty minutes later he saw her and stopped and sat the horse and watched. She was riding
along a red dirt ridge to the south sitting with her hands crossed on the pommel, looking
toward the last of the sun, the horse slogging slowly through the loose sandy dirt, the
red stain of it following them in the still air. That's my heart yonder, he told the
horse. It always was.

They rode together out to Warner's Well and dismounted and sat under the cottonwoods while
the horses grazed. Doves coming in to the tanks. Late in the year. We wont be seein them
much longer.

She smiled. Late in the year, she said.

You hate it.

Leavin here?

Leavin here.

I'm all right.

Because of me though, aint it?

She smiled. Well, she said, past a certain age I dont guess there is any such thing as
good change.

I guess we're in trouble then.

We'll be all right. I think I'm goin to like havin you home for dinner.

I like bein home any time.

I remember when Daddy retired Mama told him: I said for better or for worse but I didnt
say nothin about lunch.

Bell smiled. I'll bet she wishes he could come home now.

I'll bet she does too. I'll bet I do, for that matter.

I shouldnt ought to of said that.

You didnt say nothin wrong.

You'd say that anyways.

That's my job.

Bell smiled. You wouldnt tell me if I was in the wrong?


What if I wanted you to?


He watched the little brindled desert doves come stooping in under the dull rose light. Is
that true? he said.

Pretty much. Not altogether.

Is that a good idea?

Well, she said. Whatever it was I expect you'd get it figured out with no help from me.
And if it was somethin we just disagreed about I reckon I'd get over it.

Where I might not.

She smiled and put her hand on his. Put it up, she said. It's nice just to be here.

Yes mam. It is indeed.

No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

No Country For Old Men

I'll wake Loretta up

just bein awake myself. Be layin there and she'll say my name. Like askin me if I'm there.
Sometimes I'll go in the kitchen and get her a ginger ale and we'll set there in the dark.
I wish I had her ease about things. The world I've seen has not made me a spiritual
person. Not like her. She worries about me, too. I see it. I reckon I thought that because
I was older and the man that she would learn from me and in many respects she has. But I
know where the debt lies.

I think I know where we're headed. We're bein bought with our own money. And it aint just
the drugs. There is fortunes bein accumulated out there that they dont nobody even know
about. What do we think is goin to come of that money? Money that can buy whole countries.
It done has. Can it buy this one? I dont think so. But it will put you in bed with people
you ought not to be there with. It's not even a law enforcement problem. I doubt that it
ever was. There's always been narcotics. But people dont just up and decide to dope
theirselves for no reason. By the millions. I dont have no answer about that. In
particular I dont have no answer to take heart from. I told a reporter here a while back —
young girl, seemed nice enough. She was just tryin to be a reporter. She said: Sheriff how
come you to let crime get so out of hand in your county? Sounded like a fair question I
reckon. Maybe it was a fair question. Anyway I told her, I said: It starts when you begin
to overlook bad manners. Any time you quit hearin Sir and Mam the end is pretty much in
sight. I told her, I said: It reaches into ever strata. You've heard about that aint you?
Ever strata? You finally get into the sort of breakdown in mercantile ethics that leaves
people settin around out in the desert dead in their vehicles and by then it's just too

She give me kindly a funny look. So the last thing I told her, and maybe I shouldnt of
said it, I told her that you cant have a dope business without dopers. A lot of em are
well dressed and holdin down goodpayin jobs too. I said: You might even know some yourself

The other thing is the old people, and I keep comin back to them. They look at me it's
always a question. Years back I dont remember that. I dont remember it when I was sheriff
back in the fifties. You see em and they dont even look confused. They just look crazy.
That bothers me. It's like they woke up and they dont know how they got where they're at.
Well, in a manner of speakin they dont.

At supper this evenin she told me she'd been readin St John. The Revelations. Any time I
get to talkin about how things are she'll find somethin in the bible so I asked her if
Revelations had anything to say about the shape things was takin and she said she'd let me
know. I asked her if there was anything in there about green hair and nosebones and she
said not in so many words there wasnt. I dont know if that's a good sign or not. Then she
come around behind my chair and put her arms around my neck and bit me on the ear. She's a
very young woman in a lot of ways. If I didnt have her I dont know what I would have.
Well, yes I do. You wouldnt need a box to put it in, neither.



It was a cold blustery day when he walked out of the courthouse for the last time. Some
men could put their arms around a crying woman but it never felt natural to him. He walked
down the steps and out the back door and got in his truck and sat there. He couldnt name
the feeling. It was sadness but it was something else besides. And the something else
besides was what had him sitting there instead of starting the truck. He'd felt like this
before but not in a long time and when he said that, then he knew what it was. It was
defeat. It was being beaten. More bitter to him than death. You need to get over that, he
said. Then he started the truck.

No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

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