No Law (Law #3) (16 page)

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Authors: Camille Taylor

BOOK: No Law (Law #3)
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“Not really,” he said. “My buyers would rather their purchases not have the FBI attached to their invoices.”

She understood. He was a business man, after all. “I assume you won’t be considering selling it to the Russian government or even the museum?” she asked, somewhat hopefully.

If he sold it to the Russian government, the find would be on display around the world for all to appreciate. If he sold it to the museum, she could be the first to catalogue and review the piece. So it was a win-win for her. Still, she knew as well as he did that selling legitimately wasn’t an option, not without proof of providence or inheritance which he clearly didn’t have. But she could dream.

“The country doesn’t have deep enough pockets,” Mikhail stated.

Her brow furrowed. “That’s your country too.”

While she wasn’t all that enthusiastic for all things Russia, the Moscow experience having soured her general overlook, she still thought of the cold country as her second home. She had, in a way, Russian blood pumping through her veins, having
integrated into the society completely, living and breathing like one of their own. If Alan had his way she seriously doubted they’d ever returned to the U.S. The history and culture of the people being so rich, he could have studied them forever, documenting their lives and reviewing their Imperial pieces. She too had been mesmerized. But she hadn’t once regretted the decision to return home, away from bad memories and freezing cold temperatures.

Mikhail shrugged, his feelings and allegiance towards his country of birth somewhat of a question. He was the type of man who saw first to his own comfort before anything or anyone else. Russia had been unkind to some of its citizens in the past, which was why so many had fled to greener pastures.

Through the closed window, she caught a flash of light in the distance. She assumed it was from the sun reflecting off the windscreen of the vehicles coming closer. Relief filled her when she heard no sirens, the men slowly approaching them, having experienced this type of hostage situation many times before. It took all her self-control to keep from looking toward the window, not wanting to alert Mikhail to their presence. If he was aware of what was happening, he might be tempted to kill them all just to leave no witnesses and she hadn’t come this far and this close to an Imperial Egg just to die now.

Elena had been right when she’d told Lucas she had a one track mind, and if you were less than a century old, you didn’t exist to her. Well, she was half right. Dmitry was nowhere that old but he appeared on her radar. Even with the threat of death hanging over her, she was acutely aware of his presence. Not quite close enough for her to touch but close enough that she felt secure in her position.

She had felt his gaze on her for the past half hour, almost as if he was afraid she would disappear. She doubted if Dmitry knew, but she was drawing courage from him. He was like a marble statue, standing there unfazed by events, his face only showing mild interest. She wished he’d show just a little concern for their current predicament although apparently this type of thing wasn’t at all unfamiliar to him. He had a scar to prove it.

“Again, Ms. Madigan, that’s a rather naïve way of looking at things,” Mikhail said. “I am a man without loyalties, not to country or to man. A man who is completely in it for himself, at making himself richer at the expense of others.”

“And you’re okay with that? What kind of person are you?”

“Carey,” Dmitry warned.

She ignored him. Years of dealing with the fallout of Alan’s death came crushing down on her, threatening to cut off her oxygen. Her vision turned red as anger took over. Because of greedy men like Mikhail, her husband was dead. Because some worthless lazy son-of-a-bitch was interested in lining their already full pockets, her husband along with countless other people had been tortured and threatened. That was something she couldn’t abide.

“Do you have a family? Sons, daughters, a wife? How can you stand profiting on someone else’s loss?”

Mikhail remained unfazed at her allegations, probably only because they were true. He leaned back in his chair and said simply, “Happens all the time, from people just like you, Ms. Madigan. There is no such thing as a saint.”

She knew he was right. The human race was a cruel lot, and she had only wanted to understand why Alan, a good, kind man who had done nothing to deserve his fate had been hurt so much. She already knew the answer. Mikhail had even told her. For some to succeed others must fail.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she tried desperately to blink them away. She had no idea what to do next, had argued with Mikhail to the last point. The cars outside were still probably a good five minutes away. Unfortunately, Mikhail gave her no time to think.

“Time is getting away from us. I must admit, Ms. Madigan, it has been an absolute delight dealing with you. But now I’m afraid I must take my leave.”

As if controlled by an unseen hand, Vasily and Thug Number Two instantly became alert. Their previously relaxed bodies stiffened and straightened away from the wall where they’d been slumped, having obviously found the visitors defenseless and non-threatening. Their attention shifted to the door housing the staff and visitors of the museum, radiating a sickening eagerness.

Carey balked. “No, you can’t. They’re innocent people.”

Mikhail glared at her as if she couldn’t understand the concept. “They’re witnesses, Ms. Madigan, and I can’t afford for news of the egg to leak. You understand, of course. There will be no rest for anyone if the Russian government knew of its existence.”

“You’re a bastard, Mikhail,” she spat. She felt forever the victim, and even now, when she needed to be a hero, she was nothing but a weakling.

“It is such a shame you are so strong-willed, allowing your emotions to get the better of you. Had I thought you’d react differently, I would’ve offered you a spot in my bed. You look like a spit-fire. Tell me, Dmitry, is she a tiger in bed? Did she send you to sweet oblivion? Or did she scratch you until you bled, all claws and teeth?” He smiled at Dmitry’s dark expression. Mikhail let out a chuckle, not allowing either of them to answer. “I’m afraid I wouldn’t live through the night,” he added.

“You got that right,” she snarled, glaring at the man she equated with garbage that nobody wanted.

Mikhail stood and took a step toward her. It was a non-threatening gesture but she stepped back nonetheless before he turned his attention to the internal access door.

“No,” she said, regaining the step she had just taken back. “How dare you treat life as if it’s nothing unless you can profit from it.”

Stall, Carey, stall. For God’s sake, bargain with him. You got Hamilton’s the most sought after treasures. You stood up to the boards museums across the globe and came out the victor. You are not a weakling. You’re just scared

She steeled her spine, her eyes narrowing. Whether or not Lucas was out there or at least close enough at hand no longer mattered. She and Dmitry were going to have to diffuse the situation, or else they’d have a room full of dead people—including themselves.

She’d come too far to let herself be killed by some cretin.

Knowing she wasn’t alone, that Dmitry was with her, held back some of the fear.

“You don’t get what you want this time,” she told Mikhail. “You and your kind can go to hell.”

The sound of rubber against the gravel outside thundered in her ears and she nearly stopped breathing. Her body froze while she prayed Mikhail’s hearing wasn’t as good as hers.

Damn, she’d forgotten all about the white pebbles crunching beneath the tires.

She stepped to the side, hoping to deflect his attention, but it was too late. His face distorted with anger.

,” he spat at her before raising his arm, the metal of his gun temporarily blinding her as it connected with sunlight, casting a glare.

Dmitry leapt into action. There was so much rage in Mikhail’s eyes that she knew the man’s intention. Dmitry grabbed her shoulder, applying pressure, pushing her down as he brought out the Glock from the waist band of his jeans. He aimed and fired towards their attacker as he tackled her to the floor while at the same time Mikhail discharged his own gun.









Chapter 29



bullet whizzed past her head before she collided with the hard wood floor of her office. She let out an
as Dmitry’s heavy frame landed on her, shielding her from danger. Her heart raced, adrenaline zinging through her bloodstream. Everything seemed to happen at once. In the distance she heard guns firing and assumed it was Vasily and Thug Number Two trying to get away. Their gunfire was met by louder gunfire and soon the mansion was quiet again. The only sound were men’s footsteps as they trampled through the mansion, clearing each room.

“Lucas, in here,” Dmitry yelled as he sat up, bringing her with him. She shook her head to clear the ringing in her ears.

Lucas entered, followed by five other agents, all wearing bulletproof vests with CIA printed on the back in white capital letters. His gaze surveyed the room and she doubted he missed anything. He opened the door to the inner office, his weapon leveled to shoot if necessary. He raised the barrel of the gun to the roof when he found the room full of hostages huddled in the corner.

“It’s all right, it’s over. We’re the authorities,” he explained.

Lucas directed his men to take statements and to calm the hostages down. His gaze fell on Mikhail laying on the ground behind the desk. He stepped over to him, bent down and felt for a pulse. The look on his face told her there wasn’t one.

Her hands shook as she ran them over Dmitry’s strong, muscular body, determined to find any wound, knowing if he was hurt it was her fault. A cacophony of thoughts ran through her panicked mind but she couldn’t distinguish a single one. All she heard was the whizzing of the bullet as it soared through the air at Dmitry and her mind saw blood where there was none.

Dmitry caught her wayward hands in his. “Slow down,
. They’ll be plenty of time for caressing my body later. Just not in front of the guys, okay?” He smiled at her and her heart skipped a beat. Tears gathered in her eyes and she desperately tried to blink them away.

She’d almost lost Dmitry, just as she had Alan. Another man had almost died protecting her. A sharp pain pierced her heart.

Hitting Dmitry hard on the shoulder, she cursed at him. “

“What?” he asked and concern filled his face when he saw the tears streaming down her cheeks. He cupped her face in his big hands and stared into her misty eyes. She swallowed hard at the lump in her throat. “What’s all this,
?” he asked, tenderness in his voice. He leaned down and took possession of her mouth. His tongue swept inside and she tasted him as desire swelled within her. She was thoroughly addicted to him now and could barely think beyond joining her suddenly aching body with his.

She hiccupped as he pulled away. “You almost died,” she accused.

He nodded and she hit him again. He caught her hand and kissed it. “I did, and it was very scary but we’re alive and unscathed.”

“For now. What about next time? I can’t do this.”

And it was the truth, she couldn’t. Her heart and brain couldn’t take it should she lose him. She was only just barely holding on to her sanity now, the fear at losing Dmitry sending her into hysterics. She loved him, more than she’d thought possible. She’d spent years protecting herself and all it had taken was for Dmitry to walk into her life and she was left wanting again. Her heart was ready to take a leap into the unknown but her brain still feared letting go of her rigid control and for good reason. She had only just found him, discovered her feelings for him and then had almost lost him.

She struggled to stand but Dmitry held onto her, his grip hard as his fingers dug into her waist. “Don’t do this, Carey. I’m all right. You’re all right. There may never be another time.”

He tried to reason with her. She shook her head again and again. Her whole body contorted with pain and she fought against him, needing to escape the heartache she saw in her future. More tears spilled over her eyelashes. Fear gnawed in her stomach and chilled her more than a Russian winter.

“I can’t do this. I won’t be the reason another man is dead.”

Her heart squeezed painfully.

“Carey, that’s what we men do when we love a woman. We protect her with our lives. Even kill the man threatening her life.”

She’d completely forgotten about Mikhail. Dmitry had killed a man for her. To save her. The only reason he’d been put in that position was because of her. If she’d never gone to Elena, Dmitry wouldn’t have been involved. Yet another thing for her to feel guilty over. She felt sick, her stomach in knots.

“I’m so sorry. You should never have had to take a life. I’ve done nothing but disrupt your life since we’ve met.”

Dmitry shrugged. “It needed to be shook up. Besides, I would do it all again. Don’t be sorry. Not for me. I’m not going to lose sleep over it. I’m glad you walked into my life. I would do anything for you, Carey.”

Which by his own tongue included dying for her. She couldn’t bear the thought. It would be bad enough for her to lose Dmitry but if it was
of her she knew she wouldn’t be able to live with herself.

“I’ve already lost one man. I know I won’t survive losing you, Dmitry,” she confessed, her voice dropping an octave.

She was scared and needed him to know that. If she let him go—allowed him to walk away from her and her bad luck—she wanted him to know why and understand her reason. Her hands continued to tremble. She couldn’t seem to stop them. Around them, photos were being taken between the constant chatter of the hostages giving statements. The whole room was chaotic, but slowly the background noise melted away and she felt as if she was alone with Dmitry. Her heart ached with the love she had for him. He had become her entire world.

Dmitry sighed in frustration. “Alan’s death was unfortunate, Carey, but it wasn’t your fault. You have to let it go and forgive yourself. Do you really believe the mafiya would just let him go knowing so much? He was a dead man the first time they spoke with him.”

She knew what he said was true but she couldn’t stop the fear blossoming inside her. He caught her head between his large hands.

“Tell me you don’t love me,” he said. Her breath stuttered. “And don’t give me crap about it being too soon. Sometimes you just know.
I love you, Carey. I’ve never met a woman who challenges me more, makes me laugh and is sexy and brilliant. Please don’t make me live my life without you.
won’t survive.”

He stroked away her tears with his thumbs as he waited for her answer. Her heart thumped in her chest. He was offering her everything she could possibly want. All she needed was the courage to reach out and take it. Could she live every day in fear of losing him? Would the reward far outweigh the risk? Her mind and heart battled. She stared at him for what seemed like forever before giving him a watery smile and sniffled.

How could she deny him? She’d been lost from the beginning and was only punishing him and herself by keeping them apart. She had fears, sure, but she could easily lose Dmitry to disease or an accident. She would rather have only one day with him than none at all. He kissed her again, his mouth fused to her own. He appeared to have no intention of letting her go.

She never wanted him to.




Standing above Dmitry and Carey, Lucas felt uncomfortable. He and Elena only did those things in private, away from the watchful eyes of the Agency. Dmitry would be copping crap for the remainder of the year. He coughed once, then cleared his throat.

“Can you two please stop making out long enough to tell me what the hell is going on?”

They reluctantly separated, putting maybe an inch of space between them. He knew the moment those two were alone again, clothes would go flying. The sexual heat between them was palpable. Even he felt singed being so close. He couldn’t wait to tell Elena he’d been right.

She had denied any relationship between the pair, stating they’d only just met. He hadn’t bothered to remind her that from the moment he’d met Elena, he had wanted to bone her and had done everything in his power to win her over. Instead, he had simply told her that if they weren’t doing it already, it wouldn’t take them long to start.

Carey blushed then cleared her throat as she got to her feet.

“It’s really quite simple.” She motioned to the now dead Russian. “He had a deal with my former boss, Brian Nichols, to export Imperial treasures out of Russia using the connections through the museum. We have some leniency with Customs where they tend to let our shipments through without the usual fine-tooth inspection.”

She stepped over to where Mikhail’s body lay. She bent down and picked up the box from the floor before returning to Dmitry and Lucas. His eyebrow rose as he took in the dining set box that he and Elena had bought Dmitry as a housewarming gift. Well, Elena had. He’d just signed the card she’d bought.

“I’m sure the Russian Government would love to have this back,” Carey said showing him the contents of the box. His eyes widened.

While he didn’t know a Picasso from a Monet, he was certain he knew what the brightly colored antiquity in the box was. He took a breath. “Is that a—”

“Fabergé Egg, yes. And one of the eight missing Imperial eggs that Mikhail had a man murdered in Georgia to get his hands on it. Georgia, Europe…not Georgia, United States,” she clarified.

“Do you have any idea how long this has been going on?” he asked.

She shook her head. “Unfortunately, no. I only figured it out the night before last and only because Brian was such a lazy bastard who was used to people doing his work for him.” At his confused look, she elaborated. “He accidentally tried to export the egg back to Russia but since it had the museum’s address on it, the box containing the egg got tied up in Customs.”


“If I took some time going through records, I could probably give you an estimate on how many shipments Brian helped get through Customs. What was in the boxes is anyone’s guess.”

He nodded. “I’m sure that’s something for the government to decide.” He turned to face Dmitry. “Well, thanks for bringing us out for only
bad guys. Not a waste of resources at all. The bureaucrats are going to have a field day with this.”

“Hey, how was I supposed to know? There could have been the entire Washington Chapter of the mafiya here.” Dmitry took the box from Carey and handed it to him. “Here, give the boys a bonus this year…on me.”

He chuckled as Carey relieved him of the box and glared up at Dmitry who simply smiled down at her. “Technically, it was four bad guys if you count Milo,” Carey said.

Dmitry wrapped an arm around her waist. “Right, Milo. You did find Milo?”

“The man duct taped in the cleaning closet? Yeah, we found him. Use enough tape?”

“We didn’t want him to get away,” Dmitry said.

“And how does he fit into this?”

“Milo Venucci was Mikhail’s lapdog. He was also the one to shut down the metal detectors each time he and his men entered with their guns,” Carey explained.

A throat cleared in the doorway and the three of them turned toward the older man who stood just inside the room. She scrunched up her nose in distaste and shifted closer to Dmitry as if seeking his protection. He didn’t like that she felt like she wasn’t safe around him.

“Who’s in charge here?” the man asked.

Stepping forward, he flashed his credentials. “Lucas Gates, CIA.”

The man stiffened at the mention of the letter agency. “I was not aware this case involved the CIA.”

Carey shot him a look of panic. She was probably wondering how they were going to explain the CIA’s involvement since
the CIA wasn’t permitted to work within the United States border.

“And you are?” he asked calmly, his authority coming through in his tone.

“Detective Robert Harrington,” the man said. “I was called here a few nights ago in regards to Brian Nichols’s murder. Ms. Madigan was a person of interest.”

Dmitry’s hand tightened around Carey’s waist. She had explained all this to them the night before last so neither he nor Dmitry were surprised, just outraged on her behalf. Dmitry’s body tensed, as if getting ready to throw himself in front of her to stop a bullet. Carey patted his chest in a soothing way and waited for him to relax. He fought hard to contain his smile. It appeared his brother-in-law had finally fallen and fallen hard.

“Your services are no longer required, Detective. I’ll be certain to forward a copy of my report to you. Ms. Madigan was never a person of interest to
. She helped stop the illegal importation of stolen goods belonging to the Russian Federation. Both them and the United States are in her debt.”

Detective Harrington’s gaze flicked from Carey back to him.

“Was that what this was all about?” he asked, incredulous. His enquiries obviously hadn’t led him down that path.

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