No Limits (9 page)

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Authors: Jessie York

BOOK: No Limits
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Chapter 22 – Riley

Riley moaned as Luke rammed his massive cock into her ass. Days ago she couldn’t have imagined letting a boy do that to her. Now she loved the sensation. It wasn’t al
l that pleasurable but she enjoyed the feel of Luke’s cock inside of her. She loved that when she clenched her butt cheeks Luke would groan. She loved making him happy and not just because if he was happy, he would make sure that she was happy.

Riley had come to live for her sessions with Luke. She enjoyed their conversations and felt like she could tell him anything. The touch of his fingers on her skin lingered long after she was forced to leave so that at night she would dream of it.
She savored his scent. In the period of just a few days she had, she realized, fallen in love.

She had become the perfect Amazonian recruit because only perfect Amazons got to visit the breeding pens. Aria was amazed at Riley’s transformation. Queen Hippolyta was thrilled. Riley wasn’t doing it to please them, however. She was doing it solely so that they w
ould reward her with more time with Luke.

Trying anal sex had been her idea. Now that she had a boy she loved with a body that she really loved, she suddenly wanted to explore her sexuality. The more she discovered the more excited she became.
The first time Luke had given her oral sex had been earth-shattering. His tongue was truly magic. Plus, she liked the sight of his head between her legs. It excited her to see the football stud so dedicated to making her happy. She liked the equality of it too. If she sucked his cock, it was only fair that she get the same sort of treatment in return.

Luke grunted again as he thrust
his tool into her ass. Then he pulled out and pushed her body down further so that her ass was pointed up. Riley wasn’t sure what he was doing until he lined up his cock head with her pussy and thrust his cock in. Ah, doggy style. That made sense. Luke always liked to finish in her vagina for some reason. Perhaps he really wanted to have a child with her. The idea of having an Amazonian child terrified Riley. Not only was she unprepared for childbirth, but the thought of going through all that and then giving the child up was excruciating. Still, the idea that Luke wanted to make a baby with her appealed to some deep longing within her.

Luke thrust yet again and Riley felt an intense spasm of pleasure.
She gave thanks for the existence of penises and for Luke’s in particular. With a penis like that, how could he ever dare endanger it by playing all his sports? Riley didn’t understand how the massive thing didn’t get injured while it was just swinging around between his legs like that, vulnerable to stray balls or dirty opponents. She remembered one time how her brother had said that he refused to wear a nut cup while playing soccer because he couldn’t stand his jewels being confined like that for more than a few minutes at a time. If it were up to Riley, boys would have to wear cups all the time so they never got injured.

Luke groaned as he shot his load into her. He ejaculated for what seemed like an eternity before sinking down and laying on Riley’s back. She liked the feel of his hot, sweaty body on
top of her but he was a bit heavy so she pushed him to the side and curled up next to him. She fondled his balls with her hand and wondered how much more time they would get together. If they were lucky, Luke would recover enough to be up for a second session before Riley had to leave.

“How are you fairing with the other breeders?” Riley asked as she continued to massage his balls.

“Good,” Luke said as he tenderly rubbed her shoulder. He didn’t make any move to stop her from touching his balls. “They’re a good group of guys. You know how it goes; we train most of the time. Lift weights, run, that sort of stuff. Having sex so frequently is a pretty good motivator to stay in as good a shape as possible.”

“I certainly don’t mind,” Riley said with a smile. “Hey, have you gotten to know a breeder named Tyler at all? I’ve talked to him before. He’s a really nice guy.”

“Ah, yeah,” Luke said. He paused for a moment and then said, “Are you serious?”

“Yes,” Riley said. “Why? Is there something strange about that?”

“Well it’s just that we both know Tyler,” Luke said. “You haven’t figured it out? He’s Tyler Winston from Cantonville.”

The name brought back all Riley’s memories of how terrified she had been when she had heard that Tyler, her
brother’s friend, had disappeared. How had Riley not put it together that the Tyler she had met in the breeding pens was Tyler Winston? She felt so stupid. For some reason, her eyes started to water.

“Are you okay?” Luke asked in concern.

“Yeah… it’s just…” Riley said, unable to articulate herself or finish her thought.

“I know,” Luke said after a moment. “It brings it all
home, doesn’t it?”

Riley said. Luke pulled her in close to him. It felt good and safe. Still, Riley’s mind was on Tyler. She wanted to see him. Perhaps there was nothing she could do for him but she could at least tell him that she knew who he was. It might feel good for him to know that he had not been forgotten. After all, he had helped Riley. Yes, the next time her turn for a session in the breeding pens came up she would ask to see Tyler. It was the least she could do.

Chapter 23
– Chace

I sucked your cock,” Chace said as he took his mouth off of Drew’s cock. The taste of his rival’s dick had soaked in so that Chace was worried his food would even taste of it. Chace didn’t know what had come over him. Well, that wasn’t true. He was incredibly horny. Somehow even the sensation of Drew’s hands on his body had been enough to put him over the top. He hadn’t intended to suck Drew’s cock but Drew suddenly seemed so confident and persuasive that Chace had felt an uncontrollable need to obey. Even now, Chace couldn’t bring himself to demand the hand job he had earned. All he could say was that he had sucked Drew’s cock and hope that Drew would follow through on his end of the bargain.

“Good boy,” Drew said. “Stand up.”

Chace bit back his anger at being referred to as “boy” and at being ordered around. He wanted the hand job. Plus, he wasn’t very well going to remain on his knees. Drew was just stating the obvious. Chace stood up.

“Now turn around,” Drew said.

“Why?” Chace demanded. Drew was pushing him around, though, and Chace could not find it within himself to resist.

When Drew lowered
Chace’s pants, though, Chace had endured enough. What was the asshole thinking he was going to do now? Chace opened his mouth angrily but just at that moment Drew grabbed Chace’s cup. The cup turned soft and for the first time in weeks Chace felt a tender hand on his cock. It was far more satisfying than Kyle crushing grip.

Chace let out a long sigh that he didn’t realize he had been holding in. The new sensation on his privates felt so good that
Chace’s mood soared. He wanted to dance and sing. He waited for Drew to begin stroking. Chace knew that once that happened it wouldn’t take long for him to blow his load. Then he could get the hell away from Drew and go back to hating him.

Instead of stroking, however, Drew pushed
Chace’s back down so that Chace was bending over. Suddenly, Chace felt something warm slide between his ass cheeks. It was almost like a hot dildo. Chace’s eyes shot open in alarm.

“What the f…” he started to yell. His words choked off suddenly, however, because at that moment Drew gave
Chace’s cock a playful squeeze.

Shhh…” Drew said soothingly. “I want to make you a new proposition. I’m going to give you a hand job, but only if I get to fuck you in the ass like a little bitch. What do you saw to that? If you don’t want me to do it, just tell me no.”

Chace opened his mouth to say “No.” Drew started stroking
Chace’s cock, though, and the feeling was sensational. Chace tried to force the word out but it wouldn’t come. He was too desperate to ejaculate. Plus, though he resisted admitting it to himself with every fiber of his being, some part of him longed for this. The idea of Drew having sex with Chace was terrifying but also strangely exhilarating. He would have buried that feeling at any other moment but right now he just couldn’t. It felt so right. He became aware of Drew’s masculine scent. He felt the heat radiating from the lean boy’s strong thighs and it felt reassuring. The feeling of having his enemy’s cock head positioned between his cheeks was so terrifying it was getting Chace unbelievably excited.

Chace couldn’t say no.

Drew waited and until it was clear that Chace was consenting. Then Drew roared in laughter. “Chace Morgan,” he said. “I was hoping to take you down one day. I never could have dreamed it would be like this. The super stud wriggling on the end of my cock. Get ready, buddy. You’re about to get fucked by a dude.”

Then Drew forced his cock up
Chace’s virgin asshole.

Chace yelped in pain as the dry cock penetrated his dry chute. The f
riction produced tremendous discomfort. It was immediately counteracted by Drew as he pumped Chace’s cock, however.

It went on like that for a while. Drew would laugh and thrust his cock into and out of
Chace’s ass. Chace would cringe and grunt in pain with each thrust. Meanwhile, Drew’s stroking left Chace’s mind in an endorphin-induced haze. The feeling of all the sensations intermingling together confused him.

Then Drew started doing something new. Every time Chace felt like he was about to cum Drew would pinch
the head of Chace’s cock hard. The pain made Chace’s cock go soft. After the second time it happened, Chace yelled out in frustration. That only made Drew laugh harder.

“You like that, buddy?” Drew asked. “Deal with it. You’re my bitch now. I’
m going to do what I want to you.”

It was just a moment later, however, before Drew moaned. Chace knew what was coming. Drew started pumping
Chace’s cock faster and faster. Soon he was going so fast that each time his hand came back it would slam into Chace’s balls, sending pain surging through Chace’s body. Chace wouldn’t have stopped it for the world, however, because he was about to cum as well.

Then it happened. Chace felt a moment of complete exhilaration as weeks’ worth of stored cum shot out into his cup. His felt the hot sticky liquid fill his cup so that it coated his balls and cock. And then Drew came. The rival soccer stud let out one more groan before Chace felt hot fluid shoot into his ass.

The two of them came together. It went on and on. Chace had never experienced such a massive ejaculation in his life but Drew seemed to be keeping pace right with him. It was strange, being filled up with cum just as he was getting rid of it.

Finally, they were both finished.
Chace’s upper body collapsed on a bench. Drew collapsed on top of him. Chace could feel the sweat from Drew’s hard, hot body mingling with Chace’s own. Drew’s penis, greatly reduced in size, slipped out from between Chace’s ass cheeks.

Almost impulsively, Drew craned his neck forward and mockingly kissed
Chace’s ear. “How did you like that, honey?” Drew asked. “I hoped you liked it ‘cause you’re staying here until I’m ready to fill you up again. I want to fill you up with so much of my cum that you’re going to feel the cum of a Franklin soccer player inside of you for weeks. You know what? That’s just the beginning. For as long as I’m stuck here, you’re going to be my chick, my booty call. Until I can find a real chick, you’re it.”

Chace should have been furious. He should have said never, not in a million years. He didn’t, though. In fact, something deep within the recesses of his body longed for D
rew to hurry up and make love to him again.


Chapter 24 – Riley

Riley ducked as a fist flew over her head. She grabbed her attacker’s arm and wrenched down over her shoulder. She heard the girl scream and the sounds of bones breaking as the girl flipped over Riley’s shoulder.

Riley immediately knelt down beside her. “Jenny, are you okay?” she asked in concern.

Jenny nodded even as she clutched her broken arm. “
It’s fine,” she said between gasps of pain. “It will heal quickly.”

Riley knew that was true. It was one of the advantages of being an Amazon. By the end of the day, Jenny’s arm would be arm would be as good as new. Still, it didn’t make Riley feel any better for hurting her training partner.

Aria, however, was elated. “You are doing so well,” she gushed. “All of the other Amazon training partners are jealous. You are making me look very good.”

“Thank you,” Riley said with as much humility as she could muster.

“You’re certainly earned your time with Luke today,” Aria said happily.

“Actually, I was wondering if I could spend the time with someone different. Just for today,” Riley said.

“Oh?” Aria said. “Has Luke displeased you in some way?”

“Not at all,” Riley said quickly.
“Much the opposite, actually.” Then a plausible excuse occurred to her. “Actually, I was just, um, wondering, since Luke is the only guy I have ever been with, how I, um…”

Aria picked up on what she was hinting at. “You want to know if you’re any good,” she said knowingly. “Let me guess. Luke says you are but you think he might just be telling you what you want to hear so you want a second opinion.”

“Something like that,” Riley said.

“I completely understand,” Aria said. “Did you have anyone in particular in mind? I’ve heard that James is very…”

“I was thinking about Tyler,” Riley said. “He seemed so nice the other day and we never got a chance to, um…”

“Of course.
Wise choice,” Aria said. “Tyler is my favorite. I brought him in, you know. Did I tell you that?” A contemplative look suddenly crossed her face. “Something just occurred to me,” she said. “If you really want to find out if you’re any good in bed, I know a way you can find out for certain.”

“Okay,” Riley said cautiously.

15 minutes later they were standing in one of the breeding pens. Surprisingly, Aria did not turn to leave. Instead, the door was closed behind both of them.

“Do you intend to give special instructions to Tyler?” Riley asked nervously. Aria usually didn’t bother waiting with her until the breeder arrived.

“Something like that,” Aria answered cryptically.

A few minutes later Tyler was shown into the room.
He looked amazing in his tight spandex shirt. Riley had always liked the lean, preppy soccer boy look. “Which one of you wanted me?” Tyler asked as he looked at each of them in turn.

“You’re going to get a little something special today,” Aria said excitedly. “Riley wanted you and I wanted you so I figured why make you do double duty? You can have both of us at once.”

It took a moment for Riley to realize what Aria was saying. When she did, her eyes shot open in alarm. “You don’t mean…”

“Why not?”
Aria asked. “You wanted an opinion on how good a love maker you are. This way, you can have two opinions. It’s a double win for you.”

“But… but how…” Riley sputtered.

“Don’t worry about that,” Aria said. “You just start. I’ll jump in where I think is appropriate. Do your thing and let me worry about the rest.”

looked at Tyler in horror. She hadn’t actually intended to have sex with him. She had just wanted to talk to him. The idea of having sex with guy who wasn’t Luke was terrifying, and having an audience while Riley did it was even worse. She froze, not sure what to do.

Tyler saw the look of
terror in Riley’s eyes. “She looks pretty nervous,” he said. “Having you watch might be a bit more pressure than she’s ready for right now.”

“Riley, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” Aria said. “That’s how we work here. I think you should just give it a try, though. Why don’t you start by
sucking Tyler’s cock? That’s easy enough.”

“Alright,” Riley said, more because she didn’t know what else to say than anything else. She slowly knelt down in front of Tyler. She grabbed the sides of his sweat pants and pulled them down until they dropped to the floor. Tyler’s bulging boxer briefs were directly in front of her face. She grabbed the sides of them and pulled them down as well.

Tyler’s cock sprung out. It looked a lot like Luke’s, Riley realized. It was perhaps a bit smaller but still quite large. She reached up to pick it up.

“Start with his balls,” Aria suggested. “Some guys like that, and I happen to know that Tyler is one of them.”

Riley put her hand down and instead twisted her head sideways. She opened her mouth wide and closed her lips around Tyler’s ball sack.

The taste of Tyler’s flesh instantly filler her mouth. It was warm and sweaty, though it had a different flavor than Luke’s. Perhaps that was because Tyler smelled differently and the sense of smell was so strongly linked to that of taste. Riley wasn’t exactly sure what she was supposed to do with Tyler’s balls so she tried licking them and sucking on them lightly at the same time. She could feel the orbs
bouncing up and down in the pouch. She thought idly about how she had complete control of Tyler at that moment. With one quick chomp, she could end his manhood for good. Of course, she would never do that but the feeling of power was tantalizing. Maybe Luke would enjoy this.

“That’s good,” Aria said. “Now move on to his cock.”

Riley took her mouth off of Tyler’s balls and took his large cock in her mouth. She began moving her lips up and down the length of his cock. She had learned that Luke enjoyed that. Sure enough, Tyler got harder as she continued.

Riley suddenly felt two pairs of hands on her shoulders. Aria started to massage her neck. At first, it felt strange because Riley was so tense. After a few moments, however, it started to feel good. Really good.

“That’s it, loosen up,” Aria said. “Good. Now stand up and take off your shirt.”

Riley did as she was told. As she was taking off her shirt, she saw Tyler do the same. She stared in awe at his rippling abs. He had a look of awe on his own face as he looked at her.

“Now, it’s your turn,” Aria said to Tyler.

Tyler seemed to know exactly what she meant. Without missing a beat, he knelt down in front of Riley. She felt his tongue slip between her legs. At the same time, she felt Aria press up against her back. More precisely, she felt Aria’s bare skin. Somehow, the other girl had changed without Riley noticing. Now Riley felt Aria’s soft breasts against her own back. Aria reached in front of Riley and cupped Riley’s breasts with her hand. Riley shivered with excitement as Aria teased her tits and Tyler licked her clit and pussy.

Then things got really interesting.

Aria seemed to want to try every position imaginable. She had Tyler lay down. She sucked his cock while Tyler continued to give Riley oral sex. Then she told Riley to give her oral sex while Tyler screwed her from behind. She positioned Riley and Tyler in a 69 position and just watched. Anything Aria could think of was fair game. Riley knew that she should feel naughty but it was impossible when everything Aria and Tyler did to her felt so right.

Tyler was making love to Riley doggy style while Riley ate Aria out when Tyler suddenly reached his limit. He moaned and Riley felt warm fluid being shot into her pussy. Aria laughed with delight. “Excellent!” she cried as Tyler continued to ejaculate into Riley. “This is wonderful! If we’re lucky, you and I can both get pregnant together with Tyler’s babies! How would you like that, Ty? Two babies at one time?”

Tyler couldn’t answer because he was still in the midst of an orgasm. All Riley could think of was Luke. She prayed that this would not be the time she got pregnant. She liked Tyler but it was not his child that she dreamed of having.


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