No Limits (7 page)

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Authors: Jessie York

BOOK: No Limits
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“You know,” Kyle said, speaking to Tatiana, “when I first saw this kid I couldn’t help but be amazed by how he must have driven the ladies crazy with his clea
n cut, preppy look and his rock-hard body. I never imagined then that he would be sucking my cock.”

“And how does it feel to have another man suck your cock?” Tatiana asked.

“Not bad,” Kyle admitted. “I like the fact that it’s Chace. I like knowing that I was the one who locked his balls up and turned him into a cock sucker. I like the challenge of breaking him down and conquering him. You know what? This is getting me excited. I think I may cum. I’d like him to drink it. I want him to know what my cum tastes like.”

Chace wouldn’t let that happen. He started to pull his head away. Kyle put his hand on
Chace’s head, however. Chace could feel Kyle’s hand brushing Chace’s hair.

“Relax and give into it,” Kyle urged. “You are not a man anymore. Don’t fight that. Embrace your new position and enjoy my cock. You’ll be so much happier.”

Not knowing what he should do, Chace just kept sucking. Soon Kyle started moaning. His balls tightened. Kyle grabbed Chace’s head and held it in place. Then warm, sticky, salty fluid shot into the back of Chace’s throat.

For a guy who had just had sex, Kyle seemed to have no shortage of cum to spare. Rope upon rope of the slippery stuff filled
Chace’s mouth so that he couldn’t drink it all at once. Tatiana laughed with glee and ratcheted up the speed at which she was pillaging Chace’s ass. At the last moment, Kyle pulled his cock out of Chace’s mouth and rubbed his penis over Chace’s face and in his hair so that Chace was covered with cum.

Kyle’s chest heaved as he sucked in breath. He sighed in satisfaction. Tatiana ripped the dildo out of
Chace’s ass, causing Chace to cry out in pain. She tossed the dildo on the floor and jumped into bed beside Kyle. She rubbed his chest.

Chace stood up awkwardly. He still felt pain in his asshole. He turned around to walk to the bathroom to clean up.

“No,” Kyle ordered. “I want you to let the cum dry on your face. You can leave it where it is until morning. For now, you know your place.” He pointed between his legs.

Surely Kyle didn’t expect Chace to sleep there again, not with Tatiana in the room. Kyle’s face was resolute, however. Chace climbed back into bed and laid his face on Kyle’s cro
tch. Kyle’s legs were slick with sweat and it spread across Chace’s cheeks. Kyle’s cock, still wet with cum, smeared across Chace’s face as well.

It was the most sexually active Chace had been in weeks and yet the episode had not satiated him. Not even close. If anything, he felt more sexually frustrated than ever. Tatiana and Kyle had riled him up into
a sexual frenzy but had done nothing to give him a release. He had a case of blue balls for the record books.

“That’s how it’s going to be from now on,” Kyle said suddenly as if reading
Chace’s thoughts. “You may play a part in sexual activity but you will never get to be the man. You will never cum inside a woman again. All that cum will just build up uselessly in your balls until you finally release it in a wet dream, not even able to appreciate how it feels in your unconscious state. And do you know why that is, Chacey-poo? Because I defeated you just like I promised I would. You’re my bitch now and forever.”

Rage boiled up within Chace but all he could do was fight to
suppress it. He would find a way to get his revenge on Kyle. It might not be easy, but he would find a way. He promised himself that one day soon, he would even the score.


Chapter 18 – Aria

Aria looked Luke up and down. Her sisters had done a good job making him look sexy. They had given him a tight-fitting spandex tee-shirt that showed off his beautiful muscles and a pair of black sweatpants. Aria loved sweatpants on good-looking boys. She appreciated the bulge their package made in the front of the swea
tpants and how easy the sweatpants were to take off. They were a very practical garment for sex-crazed girls such as herself.

“Are you ready for t
his?” Aria asked. She rubbed Luke’s shoulders encouragingly. Then she felt his rippling abs. “You understand how much is riding on this, right?”

“I understand that
your crazy queen is going to be angry if Riley doesn’t have sex,” Luke said. “You made that clear when you explained how this whole… arrangement works. What I fail to understand is why you are taking this so seriously. Could it be your queen might be the tiniest bit mad at you too if Riley doesn’t have sex?”

The damn boy was too smart for his own good. “You’re not here to think,” Aria said. “You’re her
e for one reason and one reason only.” She reached between his legs and started stroking his cock through his sweat pants.

Luke stood up straighter but he didn’t back away or try to stop her. “You need me to do this, don’t you? If I don’t, you’re going to be in big trouble. M
aybe you should start being nicer to me.”

Aria started stroking Luke’s cock harder. “I want to be nice to you. I want to be very nice to you,” she said. She leaned forward and whispered in Luke’s ear, “One day soon you are I
are going to be alone in the pen. Then I’m going to enjoy the feel of you inside of me. Until then, you better get yourself ready for my girl Riley. I’m going to be very, very upset if you experience any performance anxiety.” She gave Luke’s cock one more squeeze and then opened the door to Riley’s cell. She was careful to close it behind her before Riley could see Luke. Aria wanted to prepare Riley first.

“Why am I here?” Riley asked. “Am I supposed to spend more time with Tyler?”

“Not exactly,” Aria said. “Do you remember that little girl talk we had yesterday? You know, the one where you told me about your secret crush?”

“Of course,” Riley said.

“Well, I thought it might help you get ready for sex if I brought a certain special someone here,” Riley said.

“I don’t understand,” Riley said. She looked at Aria in confusion. Then, slowly, her face blanched. “No. You didn’t.”

“Luke is on board with this all,” Aria said. “Trust me. I’ll bring him in to show you.”

“You kidnapped him because I told you that I liked him?” Riley seethed. “You ruined his life!
For what? You think you can just throw us into a room together and we’re going to have sex?”

“Calm down,” Aria said. She prayed Riley would listen to reason. Otherwise, she would need to punish the girl. Aria might get in trouble if Riley and Luke failed to have sex but she would get in much more trouble if she let her trainee successfully challenge her authority.

“I will not calm down,” Riley said angrily. She stood up and faced Aria. “You let him go right now. You hear me? Let him go!”

“Sit down,” Aria said with as authoritative a voice as she could muster. “Remember that you’re wearing the bracelet. You’re powerless. If you don’t sit down I’m going to have to remind you what powerless feels like.”

“I will not!” Riley raged. “I will not do anything you tell me to do until you let Luke go!”

Aria’s hand lashed out and struck Riley directly across the face. What else could she do? She needed to teach the girl a lesson. Riley’s head snapped back. She clutched her nose as blood spurted out from between her fingers.

“I’m sorry,” Aria said. “You forced me to…”

Riley’s foot shot out with a kick ai
med at Aria’s midsection. Riley didn’t have her powers, however, so she moved as slow as any normal human. Aria saw it coming like a slow-moving glacier and easily moved to the side. Riley’s foot passed by ineffectually. Aria bumped Riley’s leg upwards with her upturned palm. The move sent Riley reeling back off balance. That’s when Aria spun into Riley and backhanded her across the face.

Riley cried out in pain and landed in a heap on the floor.

The door to the cell flung open and one of the Amazonian guards rushed in. The guard looked from Aria to Riley and back again.

“Amazon,” she said to Aria. “Is everything alright in here?”

“Yes. I was just teaching my trainee some obedience,” Aria said regretfully.

“Enough!” Luke said angrily. He pushed past the guard into the room. He stared at Riley
lying on the floor. “Both of you, out,” he said.

“It’s not my fault…” Aria began.

“Out!” Luke yelled.

Aria hesitated. She should not let a breeder talk to her that way. Perhaps this could work to her advantage, however. Luke and Riley could take the opportunity to bond. It might get Riley past her inhibitions.

“Fine,” Aria said, deciding that she would let Luke play Prince Charming so Riley could feel like a princess. “I’ll go. Let’s leave them alone, sister,” she said to the Amazon. With that, they both left the room.

Chapter 19
– Riley

Riley tried not to cry. She didn’t want Luke to see her like that. It was hard not to, though. Her nose was still bleeding and her entire face felt like it was swelling up from where Aria had hit her. Riley hid her face in Luke’s shoulder so he wouldn’t see her.

“It’s okay,” Luke said reassuringly. “Everything is going to be alright.”

“I’m so sorry I got you involved in this,” Riley said.

“Aria explained what happened and it’s not your fault,” he said. “It’s hers. Don’t let yourself feel bad for what she’s done.” He rubbed Riley’s back soothingly.

As soon as Aria had left Luke had knelt down on the floor beside Riley and he
ld her in his arms. Part of Riley felt safe in his embrace. He had strong, lean, powerful muscles and his body radiated a certain comforting warmth. Somehow he smelled incredible, like expensive musky aftershave or cologne. The other part of her was horrified, however. She had rarely said more than a couple words to Luke before. He was like a famous person in her school; she saw him and heard about his life but he seemed too perfect to be real. Now all his attention was focused directly on her. It seemed unreal.

“We’ll find some way to get you out of this,” Riley said. “We’ll both get out.”

“Of course we will,” Luke said. “We’re fighters. “Okay, look up at me. Let’s clean up the blood.”

Riley looked up at Luke and her
heart melted. He was so beautiful. His sweet puppy dog eyes were dark brown like his hair. The effect was to give him something of an exotic look. His face had the symmetry and structure of a supermodel’s face.

“It’s not too bad,” Luke said, thought Riley knew he was lying.
“Is there any water around here?”

Riley nodded. The Amazons always left a bottle of water in the cells in case lovemaking made one thirsty. She pointed to the bottle wordlessly.

Luke gently let go of Riley, leaning her back against the wall. He walked over to the bottle, picked it up, and walked back.

Then something magical happened. Luke set the bottle down on the bench, grabbed the bottom of his spandex tee-shirt with both hands, and lifted it over his head. Riley started breathing heavily as his gorgeous torso was r
evealed. She had never been so close to it before. Now she could make out his rock-hard square pectoral muscles and each one of his eight distinct abdominal muscles. She had a nearly uncontrollable urge to reach out and touch his abs.

Luke put his shirt over the opening in the bottle and flipped it over so that the water seeped into his shirt. Then he put the bottle down, knelt in front of Riley, and dabbed her face.

“So you’re an Amazon,” he said. “That’s not all bad, right? Aria said that gives you some pretty cool powers.”

“Not in here,” Riley said. “Not while I’m wearing this.” She pointed to her silver bracelet.

“Still, you’ve got your powers most of the time,” Luke said. “What kinds of stuff can you do?”

Riley knew he was trying to make her feel better by finding the silver lining in their situation so she played along. “Well,” she said, “I’m really strong. I can run super fast. My instincts are phenomenal and they’re training me to be a great fighter. Oh, and they want me to get pregnant and have a daughter, so pretty soon you should be able to start calling me Super Mommy.”

Riley had meant the last part as a joke but it didn’t sound funny coming out of her mouth. She winced. Luke noticed.

“You’ll be okay,” he said. “I promise.” He leaned towards her.

For a split second Riley thought he was going in for a kiss. All of his girlish fantasies replayed in her mind at once. Without knowing what she was doing, she closed her eyes and pursed her lips instinctively.

Luke was not going in for the kiss. He had just been reaching around to wipe some blood off Riley’s neck. Riley lips didn’t connect with his. Instead, they landed on his cheek. Luke’s opened his eyes wide in surprise just as Riley opened her and discovered what had happened.

“Oh no, I’m so sorry,” Riley gushed. “I didn’t mean to…”

She didn’t get to finish her statement because at that moment Luke kissed her directly on the lips.

Riley had never kissed a boy before so she didn’t know what it was supposed to feel like. All she knew was that kissing Luke felt amazing. He held the side of her face gently with his hand as he kissed her. She loved the feeling of his warm lips against hers and how he was gentle with her.

Riley couldn’t seem to stop kissing Luke. She feared that if she stopped she would never again get to kiss this wonderful boy whom she had dreamed about all throughout high school. Her mind felt fuzzy with excitement and something else
– sexual arousal.

She couldn’t control herself. His body was too magnificent. She pushed him down on the floor and lay on top of him. Without breaking their lip lock, she began to feel up his chest and abs, marveling at his tight, warm skin and hard muscles. They were so foreign and unlike her own body.

Then Luke did something Riley had never dared to dream about. He reached up with his left hand and touched her breast. He massaged her nipple through the front of her shirt. Riley shivered with excitement. No boy had ever touched her like that before.

Emboldened, Luke slid his right hand down Riley’s abs. Before Riley could react, he slipped his hand under the waistband of her pants. She gasped as he
slipped two fingers between her legs and penetrated her.

“Are you okay?” Luke asked in concern
as he moved his fingers back and forth. “I’m not hurting you, am I? Do you want me to stop?”

Yes, he was hurting her. No, she did not want him to stop. Not in a million years. “If you stop I think I might kill you,” Riley said breathlessly.

Luke laughed. “This might be easier if you took your shirt off,” he suggested. He sadly took his hand out of her pants and away from her tit and pulled her shirt off her head. Then he reached behind her back and expertly unsnapped her bra with one hand.

“It seems like you’ve had some practice with that,” Riley observed.

“Absolutely,” Luke said. “I wanted to make sure there was nothing that would slow me down when this moment finally arrived.” Oh he was smooth.

Luke reached towards Riley’s pants but she was not ready for that yet. She wanted to feel
– and taste – more of his body before he pleasured her. She pushed herself down his body and lowered his sweat pants.

There it was. Nestled underneath
Luke’s bulging boxer briefs was the thing that every virgin girl feared, despised, and dreamed about. Riley reached out and felt it tentatively. She could feel Luke’s testicles. They were like two hard balls in a sack just like she had learned in school. Then she felt his cock. It was large and spongy.

Riley couldn’t wait any longer. She wanted to see it. She pulled his boxer briefs down and revealed his cock. It was perfect.
Riley looked back up Luke’s v-shaped torso into his face.

“Look, we can take this slow,” Luke said. “I know this is new for you. I don’t mind waiting… ah!”

Luke’s sentence stopped rather abruptly when Riley grabbed his cock and put it in her mouth.

As far as taste went, it wasn’t exactly a chocolate stick. Riley liked it, however. Luke’s cock was warm and salty. The masculine scent of his body was very strong with her face between his legs and she liked that. Plus, she liked the way Luke started moaning as his cock grew in her mouth. She liked the idea that this stud who every girl wanted to be with was, at least temporarily
, only thinking about her. She liked the control she had over him and the pleasure she was giving him. She wasn’t quite sure how to suck a cock so she tried moving her head up and down quickly. Luke seemed to enjoy it more when she slowed down to a moderate speed, however, and used her tongue instead of just her lips. She didn’t mind that. She had never seen a cock up close before and it was good to have the chance to get intimately familiar with every part of it.

“Okay, that’s good for
now,” Luke said. “I don’t want, uh, you know what to happen.”

Riley took her mouth off Luke’s cock and he turned her so that he was lying on top of her. He spr
ead her legs apart. She started shaking nervously as he lowered her pants and her panties. He placed two fingers into her pussy and began moving them in and out as if getting her ready.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Luke asked. “I know you’re a virgin. “It’s okay if you want to save that.”

“It’s time,” Riley gasped. “I don’t know what’s going to happen in with these crazy Amazons. I don’t want to wait any longer. I want to make love to you now.”

“Alright,” Luke said. “This will probably hurt a little at first. Just relax, hold on to me, and look into my eyes. It will be alright.”

Riley nodded. She put her hands on Luke’s muscular back and prepared herself.
, she thought idly.
Of all the boys out there to lose my virginity to I choose an 18-year old quarterback with a massive penis. I should have picked a sickly little nerd with a tiny cock. This is going to hurt.

Riley felt Luke gently guide his cock head between her legs and into the lips of her pussy. Then he slowly pressed his cock in.

Riley gasped. “My eyes,” Luke said. “Just look into my eyes.” Riley looked into Luke’s eyes and immediately relaxed. They were filled with concern and kindness.

Luke slowly began moving his cock in and out. At first, all Riley could feel was pain. As it continued, however, the sensation became a pleasurable one. Each thrust of Luke’s hips felt more and more enjoyable. Riley loved the feeling of him inside of her. It was as if in that moment they had joined and become one. Riley had always thought of sex as a sticky, smelling, disgusting thing but now she reveled in those aspects of the act. She loved the feeling of his sweat mingling with hers and the smell of his body.

“I’m going to cum,” Luke said. He started to pull out.

“No,” Riley said. She grabbed his buttocks and pulled him back. “You need to do it inside of me so I can tell them truthfully that you did it. They’ll know if I lie.”

Luke grunted and then Riley felt her pussy fill with a warm substance. Luke’s buttocks tightened as he shot load upon load of cum into her.

Riley should have hated it. She should have despised that the Amazons wanted her to get pregnant. Before she had met the Amazo
ns, she would never have dreamt about having children until her mid twenties at earliest. For some reason she didn’t mind, however. There was something exciting about the thought of having Luke’s baby. He was so perfect and beautiful. Surely their daughter would be the same. It would have to a daughter, of course. The Amazons would be pleased with nothing less. A boy would go to the Gargareans and not benefit the Amazons at all.

Then Riley felt a mind-numbing sense of ecstasy. A buzzing sensation filled her entire body. Her
eyes bulged and an intense feeling of happiness surged through her mind. Riley marveled at the sensation. She was having an orgasm. She never imagined that she would have an orgasm on her first time having sex or that it would come right as her partner was having one. It had, though. They were having orgasms together. It was an incredible feeling

Luke finally finished shooting his load and slumped against her. He rolled off of her and she let him cradle her as h
er orgasm subsided. She was left with an overwhelming sense of happiness and safety. It might prove to be short-lived but at least in that moment, Riley felt at peace with the world.


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