No Regrets (9 page)

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Authors: Kate L. Mary

BOOK: No Regrets
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“Geez. I was just asking a question. I know you're not my
boyfriend, but I thought we were friends! If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine with me.” I pointed my almost empty bottle toward the TV. “We can just sit here and enjoy the movie in silence. It's probably a lot more entertaining than anything you have to say anyway.”
Liam didn't respond, so I clamped my mouth shut and stared at the TV.
My face was hot and I felt trapped somewhere between anger and embarrassment, half of which was directed toward him, but the other half toward myself. I could tell he didn't want to talk before I even asked, but of course I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. As usual. Ryan always accused me of having chronic diarrhea of the mouth. He wasn't too far off, apparently.
The minutes passed and the urge to talk became almost unbearable. I squirmed in my chair as the movie progressed to the more emotional parts, like when Beca goes to apologize to Jesse after watching
The Breakfast Club
but he refuses to forgive her. What a jerk.
“I never got that movie,” I finally blurted out.
Liam sat up straighter and looked my way, but he didn't speak. I took it as a good sign. Not that I would have kept my mouth shut anyway.

The Breakfast Club
, I mean. Not
Pitch Perfect,
which is pretty much perfect.” I smiled at my own joke. “I'd never heard of
The Breakfast Club
until this movie, so one Friday night my friend and I decided to give it a shot. Her mom loves eighties movies, so they already owned it. First of all, none of the actors were cute! I mean, didn't they have any Zac Efrons or Ian Somerhalders in the eighties? Where were all the cute guys? Then the story was just weird. They spent most of the movie sitting in a room either fighting or dancing around like morons.”
As I talked, Liam slowly relaxed. Then his eyebrows went up. Then a tiny smile turned up his lips. It was as if hearing me babble on and on about some stupid teen movie that was made a hundred years ago was entertaining.
“Have you seen it?”
Liam shook his head. “Can't say that I have.”
“Don't waste your time. Movies are so much better now. Along with pretty much everything else. Can you imagine not having a cell phone or the Internet? How did anyone get anything done before they had smartphones and iPads?”
“Not a clue.” Liam actually grinned at me, which was nice.
I was busy listing the best movies from the past few years—hello,
Magic Mike
—when Ryan came back from his run. He was shirtless and dripping with sweat.
My nose wrinkled up in what I was sure was an adorable expression. Like a cute little bunny. “How do you run in this heat?”
“Exactly what I've been saying,” Liam said.
Ryan headed for the kitchen. “I'm used to it. I've never lived anywhere else.”
“Neither have I,” I said. “But that doesn't mean I want to be outside when it's ninety degrees and a thousand percent humidity. That's why God gave us air conditioning.”
“I'm pretty sure man created air conditioning,” Ryan called from the kitchen. “I'm going to jump in the shower. Make yourself useful and order a pizza, will you?”
“Whatever. I'm staying inside where it's cool,” I muttered.
Liam grabbed his phone off the table and said, “I'm on it, mate.”
I flipped through the channels while Liam took care of dinner. There had to be something else on we could watch. If I left it up to Ryan, we'd be watching ESPN again. It was always on during football season, unfortunately.
“Sorry I yelled at you,” Liam said out of nowhere.
I looked up to find his blue eyes studying me. They were once again soft and friendly, and when Liam grinned, his whole demeanor changed. I must have just caught him at a bad moment.
I shrugged and did my best to act like it hadn't bothered me. “I'm the one who tried to stick my nose where it didn't belong.”
n September third I rolled out of bed super early and started getting ready for the day, being sure to keep quiet so I didn't disturb Annie. Her birthday wasn't until the fifth, but since it fell on a Monday, I'd decided we needed to celebrate early so we had the whole day.
Sometimes I was pretty sure I was a genius.
When I snuck out of the room, I found Chris, Ryan, and Liam already waiting for me outside the door. They didn't look quite as excited as I felt, but almost. First, we were all going to head out for an early breakfast, then the guys were on party planning duty until lunch. They had a to-do list from me, of course. I wouldn't trust them to take care of it otherwise.
“So how are we going to do this?” Chris asked.
Ryan looked toward the door and smiled. “I say we just run in there and rip her out of bed.”
I was so excited I was bouncing around like a cheerleader. “Perfect!”
“No time like the present, then,” Liam said.
We shoved the door open and all tried to run through at the same time. I ended up getting pushed into Liam, who somehow managed to keep me from falling. Then we were charging through the room like a herd of buffalo.
Ryan reached the bed just as Annie opened her eyes. I briefly wondered if she was decent, but before I could do or say anything about it, Ryan had already ripped her out of bed. Thankfully, she was wearing the same PJ's she wore every night.
When Ryan set her on the floor, Annie's eyes were bigger than ping pong balls. “What's going on?”
“Happy birthday!” The words exploded out of me as I danced around the room. This was by far my best idea ever.
Annie looked at me like I was nuts. “It's not my birthday.”
I was already planning her wardrobe, and I barely had time to roll my eyes before I darted to her dresser. “I know, but your birthday is on Monday, so we have to celebrate it today. That way we have the entire day to get things crossed off the list and pamper you!” I shoved clothes into her arms and pushed her toward the bathroom. My cheeks hurt from smiling. “You have thirty minutes to get dressed and meet us downstairs so we can take you to breakfast! We need to get a move on, because I have the whole day planned out. Followed by a party at Ryan and Liam's!”
Annie got ready in record time, and less than forty minutes later I was drooling over a plate of stuffed French toast.
Between bites I filled her in on the plans I'd made, finding it impossible to keep my mouth from moving. I swear, sometimes the thing had a mind of its own. “First, we're going to get massages, then mani-pedis. After that we're all going to meet for lunch at Hominy Grill—you can't live in Charleston without eating there. Then we are going to get pierced!”
Annie looked seriously impressed, which made the whole thing worth it.
The morning went fast, and by the time we met the guys for lunch, I was feeling super relaxed. Liam and I had started the day off friendly, so I wasn't surprised when he took a seat next to me at the restaurant. I was, however, a little shocked that he scooted so close.
He frowned down at the menu for a few minutes, then looked around the room like he wasn't sure what planet he was on. Then back at the menu. I swear, he looked lost. Like he was afraid he'd somehow been sucked through a wormhole and was in an alternate universe.
“You look confused . . .” I said hesitantly. He'd snapped at me only a few days before, so a part of me wasn't sure if I was allowed to ask him anything.
“I don't recognize a bloody thing on this menu.”
I rolled my eyes. “Well, duh. That's because this is southern food, dummy.” I took the menu out of his hands and slammed it shut. “You don't need this. I'll tell you what to order. First of all, we have to get some fried green tomatoes. They aren't as good as the ones my mama makes, but they're good. Second, since you're in Charleston, you are required to order a bowl of she-crab soup. You aren't allowed to leave the city without trying it.” I raised my eyebrows at him so he'd know I was very serious.
Liam smiled and tilted his head to the side. “So you're saying if I don't try this crab soup, you'll hold me prisoner?”
“You'd like that, wouldn't you?” Thinking about holding Liam prisoner had my insides twisting into knots.
Liam's eyes twinkled and he leaned his head closer to me. “I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.”
His warm breath brushed over me when he exhaled, and I caught a whiff of cinnamon. He licked his lips, and all I could think about was kissing him on that bed and what would have happened if that asshole hadn't interrupted us. Being this close to him was slightly torturous.
By the time the meal was done, I was more than ready to get to the party, but it was too early. Plus, we had one more stop to make so Annie could cross number five off her list. She was going to get her belly button and nose pierced, and I thought I'd join in the fun by getting my nose done too. I'd already gotten my belly button pierced on my eighteenth birthday, so I couldn't participate in that.
The guys' place was already full by the time Annie and I arrived that night. Liam opened the door and hugged Annie, then turned to me. When he wrapped his arms around me, he lingered a lot longer than he should have. Even when he finally pulled away, his hand didn't leave my body. His fingers trailed down my arm, encircling my wrist. There was something really, really hot about the gesture. Like he was considering holding me down. That was something I'd never done, but I wasn't exactly opposed to the idea. Especially if Liam was the one doing it.
I turned as Ryan came out of the kitchen carrying a tray full of shots, and my eyes zeroed in on the alcohol. Liam must have read my mind, because the second the tray was on the table, he swooped in and grabbed two glasses.
He grinned when he handed me one. “Cheers.”
Annie had a shot in her hand and she was staring at it as if she had no idea what to do. “I've never done a shot,” she said, sounding slightly panicked.
“There's a first time for everything,” I said, winking at her while I envisioned Liam holding me down and ravishing me. Yeah, that would be super hot. “To being a teenager!” I yelled, then threw back the shot.
Pretty much everyone in the room cheered except Annie, who was still staring at her glass. Ryan said something in her ear, which made her smile, and she finally swallowed the alcohol. The face she made was priceless.
“Another!” Liam yelled.
He passed me a second shot, then held up his own glass. This time, Annie didn't hesitate. Her shot was gone before I even had a chance to do mine. I followed her lead, then threw my arms around her just as someone turned up the music. The beer fairy must have been present, because one magically ended up in my hand. Then I was dragging Annie to the center of the room so we could dance.
Liam followed right behind me. The second I let go of Annie, his hands were on my hips. He pulled me against him as my body swayed and my heart pounded like a jackhammer. There were so many people around us that even if I'd wanted to pull away, I couldn't have. But I didn't want to, not by a long shot. Liam's arms snaked around me as the music swirled through the sweaty bodies. The room was like an inferno, but I wasn't sure if it had to do with the people everywhere or because Liam was so close. I twisted my way out of his grasp and spun around to face him, running my hands up his chest. His muscles rippled under my palms.
He leaned down and put his lips right against my ear. “Ryan's right over there.”
I looked over to where Ryan was standing. He was all the way on the other side of the room. Alone. Drinking. He looked like he was pouting, which he never did. His eyes were focused on the crowd dancing around his living room, but I wasn't sure who he was watching. It wasn't Liam and me. Not that I cared what he thought, anyway. I was a big girl, and as far as I was concerned, the sooner Ryan realized that, the better.
I turned back to face Liam and grinned up at him. “I don't care if Ryan sees us.”
I stood on my tiptoes, but Liam pulled away before I could kiss him. My bottom lip jutted out into what I knew was a perfectly pretty pout. It was something I'd practiced over the years.
Liam grinned down at me like I was the most adorable thing he'd ever seen. At least that's how I chose to interpret the look. “Not here.”
“Then where?”
He didn't answer. He just turned me around so my back was to him once again and gripped my hips. Liam pulled me to him, and I could feel him against my lower back. It made me feel like I was simmering from the inside out.
I wiggled against him and he groaned. “Better stop that,” he said, his lips pressed up against my ear.
I leaned my head back and smiled up at him. “I don't want to stop. I want us to sneak away.”
“We need a distraction.”
Every time he spoke it sent a shiver down my spine. I closed my eyes and thought about those same lips crushed against mine, then moving down my neck. Over my bare skin.
When I opened my eyes, Ryan was no longer standing on the other side of the room. I looked around, but I couldn't find him anywhere. He must have gone to the bathroom, which gave me the perfect opportunity.
I spun around to face Liam and pressed my lips against his before he could stop me. My tongue dipped into his mouth and I gripped the back of his neck. My head was spinning and my legs felt like rubber, but I wasn't sure if it was from the alcohol or the kiss. Either way, it felt good. Like I was in charge and wild and really living for the first time in my life. There was something so intoxicating and sexy about Liam.
When I finally pulled away, Liam looked drunk. Since he hadn't really had much to drink, I knew it was from the kiss. From me.
And damn if it wasn't the hottest thing ever.
“I'll get Annie to cover for us,” I said.
Liam nodded, and I turned to search the room for Annie. I didn't see her anywhere, though. A few seconds later Ryan came out of the back hallway and my stomach twisted. Okay, it was possible I didn't want him to know about Liam and me after all. I respected Ryan, and I didn't like the idea of him thinking I was a slut.
Annie wasn't anywhere in sight, so I went to look for her in the kitchen. But she wasn't there either. From across the room I saw Chris head back toward the bathroom, and I figured he must be looking for Annie too. My brain was focused on getting the hell out of that apartment as soon as possible so Liam could put out the fire burning inside me. I didn't even hesitate. I shoved my way through the crowd and went after Chris.
I found both Annie and Chris in Liam's room. It hit me then that Chris might have been about to give her a birthday present. Maybe I should have waited? They'd been going out for a couple weeks and Chris
hadn't kissed her. Their relationship was giving
blue balls.
I laughed at my own joke and threw my arms around Annie before I could talk myself out of it. “There you are!”
Annie's face was flushed and her hair slightly messy. Maybe I hadn't interrupted them after all. It almost looked like someone had run his hands through her hair. Maybe while they kissed? It was possible Chris had finally worked up the nerve and just gone for it.
“How much have you had to drink?” she asked, giving me a look that reminded me of Ryan. Holy crap, maybe those two should have gotten together.
“More than you, which means you need to catch up!” I pulled her from the room so I could get her a drink. I needed to loosen this girl up or she was going to die a virgin. I dragged her into the kitchen. The second I was sure no one would hear me, I asked, “Did he give you your birthday present?”
“Yes, but not the one you're referring to.”
Annie rolled her eyes and practically smacked me in the face with a few pieces of paper. It took me a minute to remember Chris had gotten her football tickets. They were actually supposed to be from all of us: something about him not wanting to scare her away by getting such an elaborate gift or some nonsense. I couldn't remember the reasoning behind it, and I couldn't believe Chris still hadn't kissed her! Ugh, he was such a wimp. Maybe if I got her liquored up enough, she'd take matters into her own hands.
“The night is young!” I laughed as I pulled a beer out of the fridge.
The top went flying when I popped it off. I was pretty sure it hit some chick in the head, but she didn't react. Either I was imagining things, or she was too drunk to notice.
I forced the beer into Annie's hand while I looked around to make sure Ryan wasn't anywhere close. No sign of him. “I need a favor.”
“What's that?” Annie's eyes narrowed on me suspiciously.
“Keep an eye on Ryan for me. Liam and I are going to sneak out for a bit. I don't want him to get suspicious.”
“Cami.” She shook her head and I had the urge to stick out my tongue. Why was I the only one determined to have fun? “Do you still know what you're doing, or do I need to step in?”
Yes, Mom.
I nodded as I searched the room, only half paying attention to Annie. Liam was already by the door waiting for me. The second his blue eyes met mine, my thighs went up in flames.
“I'm completely in control.” It sounded too breathless to be convincing.
I took one step toward the door, but Annie grabbed my arm. “Be careful.”
“I will,” I said, forcing out a smile before dashing from the kitchen.
Liam and I hurried out, and the second the door was shut he was on me. His mouth engulfed mine and my back slammed against the wall. He held my face between his hands while his tongue explored every inch of my mouth. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Could barely stand. Liam's body had me pinned to the wall like I was his prisoner.

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