No Safeword: Matte - Happily Ever After (Safewords) (45 page)

BOOK: No Safeword: Matte - Happily Ever After (Safewords)
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His uber-sadistic smile set her heart to beating triple-time in anticipation as he stepped away and said, “How long has it been since I’ve been in your ass?”

Sam swallowed and forced her vocal chords to work. “Almost three weeks, Master.”

He leaned over her from behind and placed both hands on the padded leather beside her chest. She could see several inches between them in the mirror as he braced himself over her without touching. His sadistic smile turned compassionate as he asked, “How are your ribs?”

“I feel them, but they’re okay. I can handle it.”

Like a Cheshire cat, his smile morphed back to sadistic. The vibrant green of his eyes shot fear into her gut as her hips tried to wiggle in anticipation despite her bondage.

“Well then,” he said, rubbing the head of his cock in small circles on the outside of her bottom-hole, “there’s nothing you can say to stop me. I’m going to fuck your ass, and you’re going to take it.”

He pressed in and Sam gasped. He pushed,
, and she yelped when the head cleared. Another violent push and she gave a small scream and begged, “Oh god, Master, give me time to get used to you. Please!”

He pulled back an inch and pressed forward again. Sam squealed at the stretch and burn, but he pushed in yet again. “That’s it, scream for me.
me to stop.”

“It’s too much, I just need time to—”

He pressed in even farther and she screamed and begged, but he went out and back in, and out and back in. She felt every inch of him as his thick cock advanced, forcing its way into her despite her oh-so-tired rectal muscles protesting, until he finally hit bottom. He spread her ass cheeks wider with his hands and pushed deeper still. “My ass. My wife.”

“Yours, Master! Yes! Please!” God, she was spread so wide, and filled so completely, but she loved the feeling of being owned, used,

He pulled back, pressed in slower this time. “Yes. Every inch of you is mine.” She shuddered as his hand caressed and massaged her lower back, and moaned as he moved to her shoulders and carefully worked the sore muscles. “Mine.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, careful to keep his weight off her torso.

“I love you, Samantha Levi. Are you okay for me to go all caveman on you?”

“Yes, Master. I’m yours.”

He nodded, kissed her cheek again, and moved his hands to her hips as he stood.

Sam couldn’t scream this time — it was too much, and she had to time her breaths for when he pulled back, because he pushed the air from her when he slammed into her.

He didn’t take long, and reached under her and played with her clit after he came, ordering her to “
Samantha. Get me all hard again by pulsing and writhing around my cock. We aren’t finished yet. Let me have it.”

She wanted to be finished, but her body listened to Ethan and not her, and the orgasm swept her under in a tidal wave of pleasure and pain, agony and bliss.

He pulled out when she finished, and his strong hands efficiently untied her before sitting her up and carefully removing the wrap from her ribcage.

She looked down to see him soft and asked, “Mindfuck, Sir?”

He smiled. “You never know if it’s a mindfuck or if I mean it.” He unwound another couple of revolutions and said, “If your ribs weren’t sore we’d have kept going, but I think you’re done for the day.”

“Which means you’ll need to reclaim me again, later?”

He kissed her forehead. “I don’t know. I’m good for now. We’ll see if that changes when we’re both back to one hundred percent.”

He stood in front of her and had her wrap her legs and arms around him, put her head on his shoulder, and he carried her upstairs to their bed before going to the bathroom to clean up a little. He rubbed a soothing sports cream all over her, and was extra gentle on her ribs.

She burrowed backwards into his body, thankful they could spoon once again, and the blankets settled around them like a warm cocoon.

The last thing she heard as her consciousness quieted and settled into a safe, peaceful calm was, “Go to sleep, Darlin’. I’ve got you.”





Sam saw Karen Johansen approaching the stage and she walked to the steps to hug her.

“I’m so glad you made it. How was your flight?”

“Probably as good as it gets these days,” Karen said as she returned Sam’s embrace. “Funny, I no longer judge flight days by the actual flying, but how much of a pain it is to get through security.”

“Yeah, but for some reason they no longer feel the need to fondle my private parts, though that may have as much to do with Ethan almost always being with me as anything else.” She stepped out of the hug and motioned towards the side of the stage. “We’re about thirty minutes away from running through the whole thing, beginning to end. I’ll walk you backstage so you can put your things in a locker.”

“Thanks. I’d like to change clothes, too.” She looked around and added, “You know some of the women fighters are only here because the league so strongly encouraged it, right?”

Sam sighed. “Yes, and I’m sorry about that. The league management went a little overboard trying to clean up their act and distance themselves from Clemente.”

“How much did they give your charity?” she asked as the two women made their way backstage.

“Just under a million, plus offering to pay travel expenses for anyone who came today.” She smiled. “The real boon was the advertising they’re donating, though. The
Fight Domestic Violence
logo will get a spot on the cage floor of all televised events for eighteen months, we get three minutes of commercials in every televised event for the same duration, and for the pay-per-view specials either me or a spokesperson of my choosing will be able to talk about the charity for a minimum of thirty seconds between the final two bouts.”

“Not bad. I’ve already volunteered to do a commercial, anything else you need from me?”

Sam shook her head. “Not right now, but if I think of something I’ll let you know, and if you have something in mind, I’m open to suggestions.”

Karen shook her head, “Nothing in mind, just letting you know I’m open to it if something else comes up. How many people did you end up with today? I heard you have fifteen professional female fighters, and I know you have a lot of the league’s coaches.”

Sam nodded. “We have forty-two female teachers and fifty-eight male teachers, and we’ve sold nearly a thousand tickets. We’ll teach the first hour as a large group, and divide up into classes of around twenty, with two teachers per class, for the next two hours. When we come back from lunch there’s another hour as a large group, an hour and a half in small groups, and a final thirty-ish minutes all together again.”

“The video you sent me was great. My coach said you’re making this available to dojos and teachers everywhere, as a way to teach practical self-defense skills in a single day?”

Sam smiled. “I am. I’ve been teaching small Saturday classes here and there for a long time, and it’s nice to put it out so others can teach what I’ve figured out. Women don’t need to spend years learning martial arts, they can be taught the skills and self-confidence they need in an afternoon if you think about what they truly need to know and don’t try to teach a ton of other things to get them there.”

Karen nodded. “Yeah, I went over it with my baby sister, who’ll start college in the fall, and in two hours she was doing everything as if she’d been doing it for months. I’m worried about her because some research was done at the college she’s going to, and apparently something like three/fourths of the women in the last graduating class said they were raped while on campus.”

. Maybe I need to focus on teaching college-aged girls, too?”

Karen raised her eyebrows as if to say, “
You think?
” and Sam shook her head and said, “Okay, thanks for the info. I’ve branched out already, away from only fighting domestic violence to showing women how to stand up for themselves both physically and legally in general, so I may as well take on college campus safety, too.”

Karen stripped out of her travel clothes down to a sports bra and bike shorts, and pulled a t-shirt on over them.

“How is Cassie holding up? I wish they weren’t going to make her testify at the trial.”

Sam shook her head. “It isn’t so much her testifying that bothers me. I mean, our nation was set up on the principal of being able to face your accuser. But, the founding fathers had no way of forecasting what television and the internet would do to the process. It’s become a damned circus and I have no idea how Cassie is going to survive.”

“How did she handle the other guy going free, with no jail time?”

Sam shrugged. “Both he and Clemente testified the same basic thing, and no one could make their story fall apart. Clemente supposedly told him they were helping her with a rape fantasy, and he didn’t know she hadn’t agreed to it ahead of time. I have my doubts, as does Cass, but there’s no way to prove it.”

“Is she okay with it, or did it just add insult to injury?”

“The latter, but there isn’t really anything we can do, so she’s kind of resigned to it.” Sam shrugged, trying to stay matter-of-fact and not get pissed all over again. “It helps that she isn’t positive whether he knew or not, but…it was still a slap in the face.”

More than ready to change the conversation, Sam asked, “How’s the training coming for your title fight next month?”

Karen rolled her eyes and smiled. “You’re a bitch to win the title and fucking
. I wanted a chance to win it back from you!”

Sam laughed. “I have no interest in making a career out of it. You know you and Ethan are going to be fighting the same night, right? So I’ll be there to watch you in person.”

“If you’ll be around, maybe you can spar with me some in the days leading up to the fight? Show me some pointers?”

Sam smiled. “Sure, since you’re doing so much to help out my charity, it’s the least I can do.”


* * * *


As Sam collapsed onto the hotel bed that night, Ethan smirked and asked, “Still intent on running for a state senate seat?”

“So far most of my charity stuff has been weekends, so it hasn’t interfered too much with work. The other partners are prepared for me to be off some to campaign though, so maybe it won’t be too crazy?” She shook her head and added, “I still can’t believe Tyler’s boss managed to get me one of the top campaign managers in the country. The dude has already brought in so many contributions, it’s a little scary. I keep reminding everyone they can’t buy votes on future legislation, but it just seems to make them want to donate even more!”

Ethan shrugged. “I’d vote for you even if I didn’t know you. You’re an attorney who isn’t afraid to step into a cage with a male fighter,
you’re well known for funding already established women and children’s shelters around the country, not to mention teaching self-defense skills to women all over the place. With your platforms of gun rights, cracking down on violence against women and children, and bringing Tennessee’s schools up to par with the rest of the world, it almost feels like a slam-dunk.”

Sam sat up and raised her gaze to meet her husband’s. “Our lives have changed so much in the two years we’ve been married. Are you still happy? Do you want me to back off on some of what I’m doing?”

Ethan shook his head. “Not a chance. I love who you are, and I adore how you support me in whatever I decide to do. You know I’ll always be here for you, too. I believe in you, and in all of your crazy causes. I’m with you through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, and even through pro-fighting, charities, and politics.

He sat on the bed and drew her into his arms. “You’re pretty much stuck with me.”

Sam relaxed into him, enjoying the safety and comfort of her caveman’s arms. “I love you so much, and I can’t imagine being stuck with anyone else.” She leaned back and looked up at him. “I know we have to be relatively quiet, but since we’re in a suite, maybe I could get a spanking tonight? You know, to help me chill out and fall asleep?”

He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead. “Oh, you’re going to get more than a spanking before the night is over, but we’re going to soak in the Jacuzzi out on the deck, first.”



The End

Coming October 24, 2014

No Safeword: Arabesque


Keep reading for an excerpt from Frisco and Cassie’s story.




Candace Blevins is a southern girl who loves to travel the world.


She lives with her husband of 16 years and their two daughters. When not working or driving kids all over the place she can be found reading, writing, meditating, or swimming.


Candace writes romance books about strong women who happen to be submissive, and in some cases have some pretty extreme kinks. Relationships can be difficult enough without throwing power exchange into the mix, and her books show characters who care enough about each other to fight to make the relationship work.

You can visit her on the web at
and feel free to friend her on Facebook at
and Goodreads





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