No Strings (Broken Strings) (2 page)

BOOK: No Strings (Broken Strings)
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Lust - Grey

Each passing day brought the thrilling feeling that his
neighbour was warming to his greetings from afar.  At first just a smile, then
a nod accompanying the smile.  The progress warmed his heart when he had long
forgotten he had one.

With the building confidence in her responses to him, he
gave her a brief wave as he saw her at the other end of the beach, glancing up
from a book and looking in his direction. He’d come down the steps from his
villa on to the beach to do some swimming in the sea before he ate some lunch. 

His alluring neighbour waved back, maybe not quite a full-on
wave, but a definite raising of the hand in his direction. Progress.  His heart
fluttered pleasurably, catching him by surprise as a woman had never created
such a feeling within him like that. 

Even in the dimness of late-afternoon sun when he first set
eyes on her, Grey could not help but notice her bronzed, curvaceous form
moulded into the blue halter neck top and white capri pants, layered chocolate
caramel curls cascading down her back to her waist. 

In just one glance, his interest had been piqued.  He was
not ashamed to admit he had been with a fair few beautiful women in his time,
but nothing came close to the memory of her body poured into that outfit. It
had given him an instant hard-on. The way her gaze had met his almost defiantly
had fascinated him. It made up his mind that he was going to have her.

However, it wasn’t all about the body. Grey was interested
in how a woman would react to him initially if she didn’t know who he was.

Admittedly, her hesitancy when he had first tried to strike
up conversation had postponed any intended seduction he had planned when he saw
how spooked she was.

He’d seen the same reaction many times before, after the
discovery of a supposed family friend had been pressurising Freya into a
relationship she did not want to have, when she lived away from the family home
in Warwickshire attending Royal Academy of Music. 

Freya had worn the same deer caught in the headlight's panic
expression for months after the man was put in prison.  The way she jumped at
every noise, avoiding eye contact, was a reaction he would never forget, and
this woman clearly acted in a similar way.

It made Grey feel angry that a man had obviously put this woman
through the same distress his sister had experienced.  He might not be the most
loving boyfriend material, but he would never dream of harassing any woman
until they were so intimidated as some men seemed to do. 

All the lies and deception of his parent’s marriage
breakdown had scarred him deeply emotionally.  They set him on a path of
holding everyone at arm’s length, allowing no female to get close to him.  He
was a playboy, who didn’t date the same woman more twice; they never met his
family, or entered his home.  He would wine and dine them, and then go to
whatever hotel he was checked into when there was the need to extend the

He was determined to make sure she didn’t feel threatened by
him for the duration that they would be neighbours.  He would set about making
friends with her, using a more subtle approach instead, and perhaps still get
to enjoy her company.  She was, after all, a woman with a steaming hot body,
and he always had a penchant for those.

After the wave, acting as casually as he could manage, Grey
slipped off his top and waded slowly out into the sea.  He tried to steal a
look in her direction after he removed his top to see if she were watching him still,
but she’d already lowered her head once more to continue to read her book. 

He felt a small pang of disappointment when she didn’t continue
to look his way, as his vanity liked the idea of this alluring mysterious woman
admiring his body.  However, it just made him more determined to make her talk
to him properly and to spark the same interest in him that he felt for her.  He
knew it only could be as a holiday acquaintance, but he felt pulled towards
knowing her, nevertheless.  As long as they came to the understanding not to
discuss their backgrounds and maintain an air of anonymity, what would be the
harm? It was not as if he owed his fiancé any loyalty. 

By the time, Grey returned from his swim half an hour later,
she had gone.

Grabbing his wet towel, he headed back up to the villa to
make some phone calls before get ready for an evening out with his two main
security detail, Hayden and Adam.  Since the band’s elevation into rock god
stardom the need for a security entourage had become a constant in his life. 
From deterring screaming teenage girls from loitering outside his hotel suite
to removing paparazzi cameras out of his face. 

Hayden had his mobile to his ear when Grey walked into the
sitting area.  “He has just walked in – I will update him if you can keep us
abreast of the situation.” Hayden’s face contorted into a weary expression as
he closed his mobile and caught Grey’s questioning glance. 

“What do I need updating about?” Grey said, pausing to bundle
his towel and t-shirt into a ball ready to put into the laundry bag for his
maid service to deal with.

“Poppy has been given fair warning that a story about your
pending marriage is to appear in The Daily Globe. It would appear someone
leaked part of the pre-nuptial.” Poppy Croft was the Fusion’s publicist and
all-round media advisor.

Grey raged as his face began to redden with anger. “The
bastard - He didn’t even wait until I have been out of the country less than
twenty-four hours before playing dirty.” Grey knew in his gut who would be
behind such a leak.

John Bailey – or the devil as he and his brothers likened
him to did not approve of their lifestyle of jet setting around the world
playing music rather than taking on the responsibilities within the family

As the oldest, he viewed Grey as the instigator of the rebellion
when he allowed Ethan and Noah join his band once they hit eighteen. Grey could
hear his father’s lecturing speech even now – You’re the one that should have
known better and discouraged them from getting involved in the hectic touring
schedule of a successful rock star.

Now after months of avoidance, Grey had conceded to focus on
bringing the Bailey name to the next generation as soon as possible on the
condition as Freya and Olivia were left out of his warped arranged marriage
ideas for them. At least that is how Grey wanted it to appear.  He had a plan
to teach his father’s a lesson once and for all.

His father had handpicked Caitlin Harper for the job
himself. She was the daughter of one of his friends with the same social standing
and business assets as the Baileys, something that mattered above all else to
my father. It didn’t matter that his son didn’t have any feelings for her.  The
decay of two further marriages since the bitter divorce between his mother and
father showed just how emotionally hardened he had become. Now he only found enjoyment
from ruthless business takeovers and making his current wife’s life a misery.
Grey actually felt sorry for the woman, especially after the discovery of his
father’s latest deceptions.

The villa was the first piece of property he had ever bought
with his own hard-earned cash. He had not wanted its purchase tainted by the
family fortune his life was otherwise hindered by.  He loved the sound of the
crashing waves just a few hundred yards from his bedroom and tranquillity of
the secluded beach. It was his escapism from the hollowness of duty and honour
that his father continuously lectured about whenever he saw yet another made up
newspaper story Grey’s life. 

Striding determinedly into his
bedroom, Grey grabbed his mobile from off his dresser and started dialling his
father’s number.  Predictably, his call was diverted straight to voicemail,
leaving a strongly worded message he threw the electronic device down against
the wooden surface and head into the bathroom for a long shower.

Sometime later, he emerged dressed and ready for a drink.

“I don’t want any company tonight.” Grey announced as he
noted Hayden and Adam make a move from their seats to grab their jackets.

“Grey, going out alone without us is probably not the best
way to be alone. What if anyone recognises you? Least if we are in the background
we can get you out before a crowd shows up.”  Adam spoke.

Sighing, Grey nodded. “Ok you can come, but I want you to keep
out of my hair.  I need some space rather than feeling as I’m being babysat,
understood?” He didn’t mean to sound such an arsehole, but lately the lack of
privacy had been getting to him more than usual.

“Of course, Grey.”

“Fine, then let’s get out of here.”

Arriving outside a seafood restaurant frequented mostly by
the locals, Grey instructed the men to remain nearby for a couple of hours but
to head back to the villa unless he messaged them by then. Reluctantly they

The restaurant was a place he frequented whenever he was on
the island, and the owner and waiters knew who he was but thankfully drew no
attention to it.

Stepping inside, he was greeted warmly by the owner who had
been talking with another customer close to the door.  The place was buzzing
with activity, with patrons chatting in a variety of languages. Apologising
profusely the owner explained that they had just given their last table to a
lone English woman.

Determined to enjoy a quiet meal here rather than anywhere
else, Grey pressed the man to see if the woman were willing to share a table.
He rather would risk one person recognising him that heading into an unfamiliar
restaurant where a whole crowd might.

The owner caught the attention of a waiter heading out
towards a dimly lit terrace who had a small tray and a single drink on it.
“Renzo, please go see if the lady on the terrace is willing to share her table
with this gentleman.”

Chatting comfortably with the owner briefly in Italian, the
waiter soon returned with the lady’s agreement to share. Following the waiter
through to a secluded corner of the covered terrace overlooking a view of the

Grey’s eyes drifted over the tables trying to seek out who
he would be sharing with.  As they came to rest upon the occupant, his mouth
curved into a satisfied smile. His unplanned dinner partner was going to be
none other than her neighbour. He took a moment to drink in the endearing way
she wound one of her thick curls as she browsed some papers in front of her

Coughing gently to drew her attention, she finally lifted up
her eyes to meet his.  Two beautiful pools of emeralds glistened against her
near perfect complexion.  

Flashing a gleaming white smile at her, he stood by the
vacant chair, his hand resting on the back of it, feeling hesitant for the
first time.  “I’m sorry; I had no idea that it would be you here.”  This was
the first time he had seen her this close-up. He knew she was a beauty, but
nothing had prepared his body for how gorgeous she was with only a wooden table
between them. A whirlwind of images flashed at lightning speed through his mind
of all the things he would like to do her across said table.

Zoning back into reality, Grey composed himself realising
she was still staring at him expectantly waiting for him to sit down.

“Do you still not mind sharing?”  As much as he wanted to
sit with her while she looked so delicious in her yellow sundress, he felt a
glow of embarrassment overcome him at all the lustful reactions she was causing
his body to feel especially when he thought back to her initial trepidation
clearly expressed in her glare when he introduced himself at the pool.

He’d noted her slight gulp before she fixed a smile upon her
kissable lips.

“Please sit down.  I honestly don’t mind.”  He enjoyed the
way she spoke; her voice did crazy things to the inside of his stomach.

Grey felt a
rush of both of relief and anticipation as he took his place at the table
across from her.  “I’m not sure if you remember my name: it’s Grey.”  He could
help but stare at her with the same inquisitive expression he wore that first
day, waiting for her to offer her own name.

“Indi, my name is Indi.” Grey detected a touch of
nervousness in her voice as she stumbled over her words.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Indi,” He said smoothly offering
his hand over the table, showing another glimpse of his perfect teeth. 

She accepted his hand confidently.  A jolt of energy passing
between them as they touched, catching them both unawares.  It caused an
explosive sensation along his nerve endings that passed up his arms and down
his body to his belly.  Indi’s green eyes locked with his sparkling,
silver-blue ones for what seemed an age, but were only a few moments, exhaling
a breath as she looked down at her hand and pulled it away from his blushing.

“So, are you planning to take some tours while you’re
here?”  He pointed to the leaflets still lying open in front of her. 

“Yes, a couple of them look fascinating.”

“I would recommend Cefalu.  There is a museum there with an
extensive collection of art and archaeology, an insightful place about the
local culture.  And, of course, seeing the volcano, Etna is a must.”

The waiter coming to take Grey’s own
drink and food order briefly interrupted them from continuing the
conversation.  Choosing the chief special of swordfish with nutty wine sauce
and side vegetables.

“I take it that you’ve been to Sicily in the past?” 

“Yes, I’ve been here at least once over the past five years,
and also during childhood.  It is a place I like to come to when trying to
escape the fast pace of life.”  Grey was sure she could see the faraway look in
his eyes that he often had when he thought back to happy holidays here in the
past.   As he spoke, he couldn’t help but focus on her mouth. Her lips were
full and curved upwards naturally, although she didn’t seem to smile much, but
when she did, she displayed two dimples. He could not help but wonder what it
would be like to press his own against them, tasting her.  

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