No Strings (Broken Strings) (7 page)

BOOK: No Strings (Broken Strings)
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Indi blushed as it still seemed strange to have such a
superstar like Grey find her so. Her mother had dealt repeated blows to her
self-esteem over the years, which always resurfaced in the back of her mind
when feeling exposed to someone else’s eyes like this.

He sat up slightly, dipped his fingers in some of the
chocolate he’d placed on the bedside cabinet, and dripped it provocatively over
her breasts and stomach.  She gasped at the sudden coldness of the chocolate on
her skin; he gave her a wicked smile before he leaned down and began licking
the sauce away with his tongue from around her erect nipple. As each lick
progressed nearer to her nipples, she would arch her back, urging him silently
to take them in his mouth to end the exquisite torture of their hardness.

With no chocolate remaining on her breasts and stomach, Grey
finally slipped her nipples into his mouth, sucking and nibbling at them
gently. She spoke his name loudly as he did so, her hands sliding frantically
through his hair as his teasing mouth heightened the burning heat between her
legs.  Indi could feel his bulging hardness pressing against her outer thigh as
he laid half on and half off her. 

His mouth trailed down her stomach to her hips, his lowering
body forcing her shapely legs to part to allow further access between them. 
His lips delved between the soft folds that guided the way into her core as his
tongue dipped further to taste her sweetness repeatedly.  While his fingers
worked on her clit heightening her need for him, he slipped two further fingers
deep into her in a thrusting motion as Indi moaned her gasps of pleasure,
lifting her hips instinctively to meet them. Her inner muscles tightened around
his inserted fingers, urging him to quicken the rhythm of the thrusts, “Oh,
Grey.”  She panted as her crescendo took hold and jolted through her whole

He moved up her body and captured her mouth again.  “Do you
want to feel me inside you?”  Grey whispered against her mouth huskily as he
lifted himself off the bed slightly, to free his erection from his pyjamas

“Oh yes, I do…” Indi paused as she reached to touch his now
exposed thick manhood with her hands. “But I want to taste you first.”

Grey moved off the bed and stood in all his glory before her
as she perched herself on the edge of the mattress, allowing her delicate
fingers to wind tightly around the girth. She began to stroke it rhythmically,
her hand gliding from the base to the tip repeatedly as he grunted with
exhilaration of her touch.  "Oh fuck that feels so good.” 

She leaned forward to bring her the tip of his cock into her
mouth, simultaneously sliding her hand up and down its length, and taking his
tip eagerly in her mouth. Grey moaned her name repeatedly as his erection
slowly slipped inch by inch into her mouth until she was full of him.  Indi revelled
in the noises he was creating that filled the air, she enjoyed the power of
having a man she was attracted to, calling out her name as she bought him to
his knees with her mouth. However, having a man she easily could fall in love
with in the same position took her to a new dizzy height of passion.

Shit, you have gotta be kidding, don’t even think about
getting too attached when he is going to dump your arse as soon as the holiday
is over. 

Indi lost concentration as that thought hit her for a
reality check.

“Oh baby, don’t stop now.” Grey grumbled at the interruption
of her rhythmic mouth motions

Focus, you sucking off your idol – just enjoy it while
it lasts.

Indi’s recovered her pace fluidly as his hips began moving
in and out against her mouth with increasing vigour while her mouth and tongue
sucked and licked at the exposed flesh.

His hands lightly rested upon her hair, gently holding her
head in place, as he rocked against her, eyes closed, “Oh god, I’m so close.” 
His breaths coming in ragged pants now.

Feeling his strokes lessen, Indi determined he was getting
ready to pull out of her mouth. She didn’t want him to think she was one of
those girls who weren’t prepared to swallow. Gazing upwards, she met his glazed
expression as she continued to resist his withdrawal until she was sure he had
got the message that she was not finished with him.

He allowed her to conduct the pace as she continued to
torment him with her tongue wrapped around his tip while her mouth and hand
continued to stroke his length. His hands reached to massage her breasts as he
grunted and groaned his appreciation as he finally released himself into her throat.
Resisting the urge to gag she swallowed the stream of fluid until she milked
him dry of every drop.

Sighing in contentment he finally pulled out of her mouth
just as his legs buckled underneath him causing him to fell sideways onto the
bed, pulling her from her perched position to lay partial on top of him. The
unexpected change of position invoked a squeal from her throat as his hands
caress the bare flesh where he had learnt she was most ticklish.  

Lifting his head, he trailed light kisses down her neck and

“That was sensational, my darling,”  he murmured against her
skin as he pulled her further up his body and more fully into his strong arms,
his naked skin against hers. Her mind and pulse raced at his use of such a term
of endearment.
Could he be feeling their   connection as deeply as she was?

“I love the feel of you against me,” he continued to speak
as he stroked the small of her back and nuzzle her neck.  Her own arms were
resting above his head levering her upper body off him slightly as she tilted
her neck into his nuzzling mouth as she enjoyed the thrill of his touch. 

They lay like that for quite a while, just kissing and
cuddling quietly until they moved to the right end of the bed to drift off to

Passion - Grey

They awoke the next morning, bright and early, still wrapped
up in each other’s arms.  After showering and indulging in a delicious
breakfast made for them by the hotel kitchen, they headed off to get their
horses ready for the continued trek across the farmland.

The two of them were finishing up tacking up the horses with
the rest of the group when Grey’s mobile started buzzing. Pulling it from his
pocket, he pulled a face as he looked down at the screen.  Putting it to his
ear, he continued attending to the horse while he waited for the caller to

“I received your voicemail.” John Bailey’s stated matter of

“And?” Grey’s voice was tense as he couldn’t help but be
reminded of the life he was going back to as he heard his father’s tones.

“Why are you always determined to think the worse of me?”

“Perhaps because you always seem to go out of your way to do
things that you know will make me see you in that light.” The sharpness in
which he spoke caused Indi to look over at him quizzically.

“I only do things out of necessity to protect our family
reputation and provide for you kids.”

“So you admit it was you that leaked the details?” Grey’s
voice raised several octaves. The last thing he wanted was the papers getting
hold of the engagement story when he wanted to break it off as soon as he got

“Why would I need to do that? You had already signed the
papers. I had nothing further to gain by making it public knowledge.”

“Well if it weren’t you then it must have been one of your
minions because the people that work for me can be trusted not to divulge my
secrets, whereas yours seem not to hold the same morals.” Grey flexed his fists
in exasperation as he tried to contain his temper becoming aware of several
other people looking in his direction. He still was not convinced that his
father hadn’t had a hand in his privacy being invaded.

“I have already put the necessary inquiries in motion to
find out who did this. You may think the worst of me over forcing your hand
into this marriage, but I did never want our family business plastered over
some gossip rag.”

Grey sighed, noting that everyone was now waiting for him to
finish the conversation so they could get going. “Look, we will discuss this
further when I get back, but I have to cut this short now.”

Meeting the gaze of his two bodyguards who knew the tenuous
relationship he had with his father he shook his head in warning not to ask
what he said.

“Sorry about the hold-up. I’m ready now.” Grey looked
apologetically in the general direction of both Indi and their guide.

They spent the remainder of the morning riding in the
direction of the northeastern slopes of the volcano for Grey’s second planned
excursion.  They hadn’t been able to make the whole way there by horse in the
time they had, but had been picked up at a pre-arranged point by car by Adam as
only Hayden had accompanied them on the final leg of the ride.

Grey had promised his sister, Olivia that he would go look
over a vineyard that she wanted to purchase to add to their growing wine
property portfolio.  He’d looked into purchasing the vineyard on a previous
trip, but the asking price had never been right.

Grey’s assistant, Sam had prearranged for them to be greeted
by the vineyard’s owner, Pepe.

“Grey, it’s delightful to see you again.”  The older man of
about sixty greeted Grey first with a firm handshake.  “It has been a year, or
two. I believe.”

“Yes, indeed it has, Pepe.  This is my friend, Indi, who
will be accompanying us today.”  Grey gave the Pepe a sincere smile, relishing
the fuzzy feeling he gained from introducing Indi to people of his
acquaintance.  He had never been serious enough with a woman before to feel the
need to introduce them to his business acquaintances, but Indi’s presence made
him strangely content with the idea.

“Enchanted,” Pepe spoke English reasonably well.  The man
kissed Indi on either side of her cheeks in greeting. 

“So, have you simply come to taste our wine this time, Grey,
or maybe prepared to make an offer a tired old man can no longer refuse?”  Pepe
smiled, as he placed a friendly pat on Grey’s back.  Although the deal had
fallen through last time, Pepe and he had shared many pleasant meals together
with Pepe’s family.

Grey chuckled “Well, maybe both.”

Indi looked on as they chatted some more, but Grey could not
tell what she was thinking.

As Pepe led the way into the winery, he placed a hand on the
small of Indi’s back, guiding her to walk in front of him slightly, leaving
Adam and Hayden to remain by the vehicle. 

For the next hour, Indi was shown each stage of the process,
of how they made their wine before they finally entered the cellar where
previous vintages were stacked high.

“How long have you been making wines here?”  Indi asked,
staring in awe at the vast cellar full of bottles. 

“My family has been doing this for nearly 90 years, my
grandfather starting it from scratch, then my uncle, father and me. 
Unfortunately, my sons have no interest in taking it over, so I’m going to sell
it, so I don’t have to work so hard for what is remaining of my life.”

“It is sad that something so beautiful will have to leave
your family.”  Indi said, looking out over the green span of grape vines
monopolising the horizon.  “My own family had to do something similar when my
grandfather died.  He owned a successful horse-breeding ranch in America that
had been in our family for generations, but his beneficiaries weren’t
interested in taking it on, so it had to be sold.”

Grey raised an eyebrow at this revelation.  He’d not
realised her family was anything but English.  He made a mental note to ask her
about it later.  Regardless of his initial intention not to share much of his
life back home with her, they had grown much closer than he ever imagined, and
she had already drawn the vague background to his relationship with his father
from him. She was so easy to open up to that he had not given it a second
thought when he began divulging more than he normally would.

Pepe nodded knowingly.  “Come; let me allow you to taste the
latest selection of wine.”  He said moving them to a section of the cellar that
had no wine racking up on the wall, but instead small oak barrels lying on
their side with short tap at the front of it.  One of Pepe’s staff was already
waiting with several different bottles of varying colours of wine, and glasses
for them.

Grey gestured to Indi to take a seat at the table while Pepe
instructed his assistant to pour some tasters for them to start sampling.  They
started with one of the whites from the previous year, moving onto rose, and
then her preferred, red wine.

“I actually like this best.”  Indi spoke in her finest
Italian as she held the remnants to her nose once again.  “I think I taste
vanilla, and perhaps some type of cherry?”

“Si,” Pepe responded.  “Con onu suggerimento di semi di

“What kind of blend, I think I can get a differing taste?” 
Grey joined in his less than perfect Italian.

“This is a best reserve, so half Cabernet Sauvignon and half
Shiraz, mostly.”

The rest of the afternoon was whiled away discussing some of
the historical places they had already visited with the additional insight from
a native Sicilian point of view.

Grey enjoyed the way Indi flushed quite often at the mere
mention of their private night tour of Valley of the Temples whenever he caught
her eye as he talked about what they had seen with Pepe. He had paid for them
to have exclusive access to the place and had managed to slip away from both
bodyguards and guide long enough to sink his cock inside her tight core.  The
little summer dresses she wore drove him crazy most days, she made him feel
like a horny teenager the amount of times he had acted on his constant craving
of endless quickies with her wherever the mood took.

She must have been having the same thoughts as him because
as soon as Pepe had been called away by one of his staff leaving them quite
alone in this part of the cellar, her hands were running themselves underneath
his t-shirt and over his stomach in just the way she knew he liked and then
down south.  “I don’t think I can wait any longer to be inside you, baby.” He
groaned as he turned her to face away him and manoeuvred her over one of the
large barrels in the darkest corner his eyes had sought out at such short

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