Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution (14 page)

BOOK: Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution
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Popular comedian George Carlin said, “But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good [expletive] story. [Expletive] [expletive]!”

Despite the fact that most people consider themselves to be morally “good” at heart, the Bible teaches that the heart of man is not good at all. Not in the slightest. It doesn’t even teach that he’s bad. Its moral prognosis is worse. The Scriptures say that all humanity is desperately wicked to the core. There’s not just one bad apple in the barrel.

As Mr. Carlin noticed, this rotten corruption seeps into every area of society. Millions have got away with billions through fraudulent business practices. Many are not only guilty of financial corruption, but men like Stalin and Hitler have murdered millions throughout history using political power. And wicked mankind has also used religion for his own evil purposes. He has not only slaughtered in the name of God, but he’s lined his pockets throughout history, and he has done it in more modern times through the medium of television.

Look at how specific the Bible is when it speaks of these money-hungry Bible teachers that will deceive many with their slick words and in so doing slur the name of Christianity: “Many
will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered. In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed” (2 Peter 2:2-3). As the Bible says in this verse, there’s good news for the late George Carlin and others like him deeply offended by hypocrisy in religion. All those who have committed any immoral practices (including religious hypocrisy) will end up getting exactly what they deserve. They will be damned in Hell by the justice of Almighty God. No one will get away with a thing. No one.

Years ago I e-mailed the world’s most amazing atheist. No, it wasn’t Richard Dawkins. Let me give you a clue as to his identity. He was an ordained minister for nineteen years, and during that time he even wrote songs about Jesus, from which he still receives royalties today.

I upset him to a point where he said that if I ever made contact with him again, he would have my e-mail account shut down. He was

I can’t tell you his name because he is lawsuit-crazy, but I can tell you what I said to him. All I wrote was, “Judas lasted three and a half years. Yet you managed to fake it for nineteen years! Amazing.”

Most professing atheists complain about the Church being full of hypocrites. There
millions of hypocrites sitting right in the middle of God’s people. They are
, whose lives don’t match what they profess. Some remain within the Church, while others move on to other things (some to atheism).

But that’s the missing link with false converts (hypocrites). They don’t know the Lord because they are strangers to true repentance. They hold onto their sins and think that they are Christians when they are not. They are fakes.

Jesus called the ones who stay “goats” among the sheep, and said that they will be sorted out on Judgment Day (see Matthew 7:21-27).

My lawsuit-happy friend played the hypocrite for an incredible nineteen years. No doubt at the time he thought he knew the Lord, just like Judas. But Mr. Iscariot had no idea who Jesus of Nazareth was, evidenced in the fact that he also saw Jesus as simply a means of making money. No doubt today he’s still being paid for what he did.

Some would say that this atheist’s bark is worse than his bite. I don’t think so. He is more than just a barker. He is an angry and bitter man who hates the God he once professed to love. Amazing and yet tragic. This poor man obviously never understood the Cross.


say that there is no proof of Darwinian evolution have been called liars for years:

Creationists claim there are no transitional fossils, aka missing links. Biologists and paleontologists, among others, know this claim is false…but the fossil record—which is far from complete—is full of them nonetheless, as documented by Occidental College geologist Donald Prothero in his book
Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters
(Columbia University Press, 2007).”


So the claim that there are no species-to-species transition forms in the fossil record “is false.” Instead evolutionists say that fossil record “is full of them.” But look at this May 20, 2009 report about how they had
finally found
the missing link:

Scientists Unveil Missing Link in Evolution: Scientists have unveiled a 47-million-year-old fossilised skeleton of a monkey hailed as the missing link in human evolution. This 95%-complete “lemur monkey” is described as the “eighth wonder of the world.” The search for a direct connection
between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom has taken 200 years—but it was presented to the world today at a special news conference in New York. The discovery of the 95%-complete “lemur monkey”—dubbed Ida—is described by experts as the “eighth wonder of the world.” They say its impact on the world of palaeontology will be “somewhat like an asteroid falling down to Earth.” Researchers say proof of this transitional species finally confirms Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, and the then radical, outlandish ideas he came up with during his time aboard the
. Sir David Attenborough said Darwin “would have been thrilled” to have seen the fossil—and says it tells us who we are and where we came from. “This is the one that connects us directly with them…. Now people can say “okay we are primates, show us the link.…The link they would have said up to now is missing—well it’s no longer missing.”


For years we have been told by believers that the theory of evolution is a scientifically proven fact. But this article says that prior to this discovery they had no proof. With this discovery they now believe that “the link they would have said up to now is missing—well it’s no longer missing.” All this proves is that some scientists are willing to lie to prove their pet theories.

Is this the missing link? Is Ida proof of Darwinism? Not according to CBS news. They said, “
So while we don’t know exactly what Ida means to human origin
s, she’s proof we are endlessly fascinated by where we came from.”
According to the
Wall Street Journal
, “The discovery has little bearing on a separate paleontological debate centering on the identity of a common ancestor of chimps and humans, which could have lived about six million years ago and still hasn’t been found.”

The missing link is still missing. So much for the “eighth wonder of the world” and the “asteroid falling down on the world.”
Believers in the theory of evolution still have to keep blindly believing without proof. Maybe one day…

When I asked believers in evolution to tell me, in a hundred words or less, what it was that convinced them that it was a scientific fact, someone came back with an impressive:

Natural selection. Mesonychids, Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Dalanistes, Rodhocetus, Takracetus, Gaviocetus, Dorudon, Basilosaurus, Mysticetes, Odontocetes. Australopithicus, tiktaalik, burgess shale, archaeopteryx, DNA, mitochondrial DNA, ring species, geographic distribution of animals, the species unique to the Galapagos Islands, endogenous retroviruses, swine flu, avian flu, HIV-1, homologous structures, vestigial structures, population genetics, mutation, recombination, genetic drift. You can have 44 words back.


But that’s like me giving an atheist “evidence” that the Bible is the Word of God by naming forty-four of the sixty-six books of the Bible and then saying, “Prove me wrong.” His job would then be to work through each book trying to prove that it’s not the Word of God.

So, let’s start using that method. “Pakicetus” is believed to be a land animal about the size of a wolf and very similar in form to the related mesonychids, another extinct wolfish creature. Both of these creatures are said to be evidence of evolution. Yet, I believe that all it proves is that God created two more wolfish creatures along with the other 1.4 million difference species in creation.

But what you and I believe about anything is irrelevant when it comes to truth. If I lived in the time when science believed that the earth was flat and listed one hundred eminent scientists of my day to back up my beliefs, it wouldn’t change the reality that the earth isn’t flat. And no matter what we believe about our origins,
creation tells us that there is an initial cause and that the Creator must have been somewhat more intelligent than man, as the most intelligent of us can’t create a grain of rice from nothing, let alone birds, trees, flowers, the marvels of the human eye, etc.

Here are some more evolution believers’ testimonies as to why they believe:

The simple fact that it makes sense. It’s only “too fantastic” if you’ve already decided in a creator, but if you come onto evolution clean, it’s all very simple and logical. For every “problem” there’s either a genuine answer, checked and rechecked by the entire scientific community, or an honest and sincere admission that we simply don’t know. That’s the thing, Ray, we allow ourselves to not know everything. We realize there’s still mystery in the world. There’s a reason that which we don’t know is called “unknown.”

One hundred words are hardly sufficient and limiting the comments length on a subject like this is hardly reasonable since the response by nature of the question will be much longer. However, the reason that Evolution is a scientific fact is that it explains the phenomena within its scope and makes predictions and retro dictions regarding the natural world. From a simple observation of the similarities between species on our planet we can predict that there will be genetic similarities, which there are. We can also predict that we should find fossils indicating a progression of species within the fossil record, which we do. Furthermore, when coupled with the Germ Theory of disease we expect to see new strains of disease (virus and bacteria) Evolving with greater and greater potency, something we see with the recent swine flu, avian influenza and Disease Resistant Bacteria created by Immunizations and Antibiotic treatments.
The proof of a scientific theory is in its ability to correctly predict future discoveries which Evolution has done time and time again.


The fact that different species on this earth have similarities is not proof of evolution. It simply shows that God used the same blueprint for much of His creation: two eyes, two ears, a brain, blood, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, male and female. These similarities can be found in elephants, horses, cows, primates, giraffes, donkeys, pigs, and over a million species. Neither is disease evidence for species-to-species Darwinian evolution. Its existence in all of creation is a testimony to the biblical truth that we live in a disease-ridden “fallen” creation.

I know evolution is scientific fact because it is truly astounding to me that the scientists that gave us flight, medicine, computers, astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the rest; all lost their minds and created fantasy when they turned to study the origin of the current life forms on this planet. Marsupials in Antarctica, there is a good one to explain…


In other words, scientists could never be wrong. Yet the ever-changing, ever-learning nature of science (the fact that they are continually wrong and change their beliefs) is ignored by many atheists. What science is assured of as the truth today will be corrected tomorrow and seen as a joke in future centuries. This isn’t conjecture on my part, but a historical fact. Science changes.

The vast sums of evidence that are
found on the Internet, in museums, researched daily in labs, predicted by scientists, etc., etc. The fact is that you are pushing all of this evidence to the side because your doctrine tells you otherwise.

Nested hierarchies. No need for the other 98 words.

Because it’s more logical to trust the hard evidence in the fossil record which shows progression of multiple species, than an inconsistent, faulty man-made book, which has shown to be historically and archaeologically incorrect.


The fossil record shows changes
species. It speaks of special creation. It doesn’t show evidence of species-to-species change.

100 Words? Try One: “Evidence.” All of it points straight to evolution, and directly away from special creation. Every new piece of evidence continues to build on evolution for decades now, and there has yet to come a good piece of evidence for creation since, well, ever.


I have asked many confident believers in evolution to pinpoint “evidence” for me, and they usually say “Science.” Or they say, “Fossils.” When asked what science and what fossils, they usually reply, “I’m not an expert.”

Intelligence. You may keep the other 99.

Evolution still stands strong, and as such, is still a scientific fact.


A number of Christians weighed in on the argument:

The theory of evolution is a fact supported by evidence from fields of scientific study such as paleontology, comparative anatomy, molecular biology, comparative biochemistry and physiology and observed speciation. All of which independently support evolution and verify one another.

Evolution is a theory. A theory is nothing more than conjecture or speculation. It has never been proven otherwise atheists would be showing this evidence to everyone. Instead, they speak in generalizations. I have asked several
actual scientists, who happen to be atheists, if they had proof of evolution. They ALL said that yes there is proof and evolution has been proven. I asked them to show me the proof, or describe the proof. And every time I get the answer of “the proof is too much for any one person to understand.” So I then ask them, “how is it you understand this proof?” to which I get silence, or ad hominem attacks.

Yeah, Yeah. I know I am not a scientist, don’t believe in science, believe in God and believe in the Bible. So I am therefore stupid as well.

And whoever believes that archeology has proven the Bible to be untrue is just down right deceived. Archeologists very often use the stories in the Bible to lead them to many archeological finds. But just for the Middle East.

Oh but that is just my opinion.

Answer this, atheists, You have stated that the Bible is proven false. Please provide proof of this to be true. And please, don’t come back and say it is a negative, you cannot prove a negative. Yes you can.

You state that the Bible was written by goat herders two to four thousand years ago. Then why is its historical record so accurate? Why is it that it predicted that Israel would be a nation again, and lo and behold it is a nation again? Why is it they predicted the geopolitical predicament we are in? When they had no geopolitical history to examine? Why is it they knew Israel would be hated by the entire world? Why?

I was convinced that evolution was a scientific fact because I was taught in middle school and again in high school and more in college. I never really questioned the theory. I assumed my teachers were telling the truth. I basically put my faith in their wisdom.

I see a lot of those types of answers from the atheists on this post. They say the word “evidence” but never back it up.
They point to scientists but never can explain what the “facts” are. I’m glad that I opened my mind and started to question the theory. When I began to look for the actual “evidence” for evolution, I quickly learned that it’s not there. It’s a worldview philosophy and not science. I suppose if someone doesn’t believe in God there isn’t anything else to cling to accept evolution.

When Creationists say they don’t believe in evolution, they are not talking about microevolution. They are referring to macroevolution. Microevolution is a credibly observed scientific phenomena. What Creationists do not believe in is Darwin’s macroevolutionary extrapolation of microevolution. Unlike microevolution, there is no truly scientific evidence for macroevolution, and in fact, there is significant evidence against it. The distinction between microevolution and macroevolution is, therefore, an important one for those interested in the creation vs. evolution debate.

“The library in the Louvre in Paris has three and a half miles of books on science. Most every one of them is obsolete. Smart scientists in lab coats wrote many of them.”


Smart scientists in lab coats is not proof. The accepted science of yesterday is not necessarily the science of today. The library in the Louvre in Paris has three and a half miles of books on science. Most every one of them is obsolete. Smart scientists in lab coats wrote many of them. Yet today they are obsolete. Interesting. In 1861, the French Academy of Science wrote a pamphlet stating there were fifty-one incontrovertible scientific facts that proved the Bible not true.
Today there is not a reputable scientist on Earth that believes one of those fifty-one so-called facts (words from Pastor Adrian Rogers).

The point is, science can be good. Science can work. But science is often wrong. And many times when one waits a certain number of years “scientific laws” are found to be nothing. Interesting that evolution is not even a law (and don’t use the gravity “theory,” we have all heard it and it’s ridiculous).

The Bible is the only book I have ever read that has given me the answers to life. I’ve never found answers to most of my questions in any other book.

PS: There are hundreds, even thousands, of scientists with excellent education who do not agree with evolution. There are thousands of scientists, from all types of scientific backgrounds, who are Christians. Just some food for thought. If nothing else it may make you think.

Personally I used to believe in evolution and say that God is real and that he created evolution during the time that the earth rotated slowly around when it first formed which would make days longer. I did all of this to make them both make sense (evolution and creation). In the end, I began to realize that macroevolution is practically impossible for the fact that it is impractical to believe that genetic mutations can create different numbers of chromosomes in species, that started out as a cell, that are able to reproduce. Down syndrome people are sterile, for example. Also if for some reason they could reproduce they would need a creature that had the same number of chromosomes to somehow be there at the same time, which if its evolution is unlikely. Now you have to decide at what point did a heart come in? Was it just a random piece of meat that later on developed a purpose? It had to be in order for that to be true considering
that many prehistoric creatures had open blood circulation systems. That is why I don’t believe in evolution anymore.

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