Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution (22 page)

BOOK: Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution
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You could try and trivialize your crimes, but before you do, think of this. If I lied to my dog, it wouldn’t be a big deal. If I was caught in a lie to my wife, I might have to spend the night on the couch. If I lied to my boss, I might lose my job. If I lied to a Supreme Court judge, I would spend a long time in prison. Even though it’s the same crime, the penalty increases according to the importance of the one to whom I am lying.

All sin is against Almighty God (see Psalm 51:1-4). It is His Law that you have violated with your lust, lying, stealing, hatred, fornication, blasphemy, etc. You are as guilty as sin, and what’s more you cannot justify (make things right) yourself.

So, how can your fine be paid? How about you offer all the gold, all the diamonds, or all the oil in the world? That won’t work. It all belongs to God anyway. You have nothing to offer God as a payment. Nothing.

Think of the ancient Aztecs. They could see that they had angered their dozens of gods (the evident suffering, disease, and death), so they would try and appease them with a “payment.” They would take the most precious thing they had—a handsome youth or a beautiful virgin—and they would sacrifice them on a bloody altar to try and make atonement. However, the Bible says that any sacrifice we make is an abomination to God. He strictly forbids human sacrifice. You may remember that He tested Abraham’s love for Him by telling him to offer his only son. As he was about to sacrifice Isaac, God stopped him and then He provided the sacrifice. This was a foreshadow of God’s sacrificing His only-begotten Son for the sin of the world). Besides being a murderous act, human sacrifice offers tainted sinful blood. It would be like me offering a judge drug money to pay your fine.

So what is precious enough to pay your fine and justify you so that you are free from the wrath of God’s Law? Here’s where the sacrifice makes sense.

As I have said, God Himself provided the sacrifice. Jesus was morally perfect. His blood wasn’t tainted with sin like yours and mine—”[K]nowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” (1 Peter 1:18-19). When He was on that terrible Cross, He was paying the fine for the Law that you and I violated (what love is that!).

Most people don’t know that Jesus of Nazareth was Almighty God in human form. God prepared a body for Himself and filled that body as a hand fills a glove (see John 1:1, Colossians 1:15-16, 1 Timothy 3:16). The Creator was in Christ “reconciling the world to Himself.”

One of the last things Jesus uttered on the Cross was, “It is finished!” (Actually, the English is inadequate; the better Greek rendering is, “The debt has been paid!”) That now means that God can legally dismiss your case. He can commute your death sentence and let you live forever.

This was confirmed by the fact that God raised Jesus from the dead. It was God saying, “Humanity can now be justified.”

This is why religious works (giving money to charities, praying five times a day, lying on beds of nails, or sitting on hard pews) cannot justify us. God will not be bribed (see Ephesians 2:8-9). The only thing that can save us from damnation (the just punishment for our sins) is the grace of God (unmerited favor— mercy from the judge), and that comes through repentance and faith (trust) alone in Jesus.

Some may ask why God didn’t just simply forgive us. This is because He is
by His own holy character. The Bible tells us that His Law is perfect, holy, just, and good. We are also told that
is perfect, holy, just, and good. So, we
separate God from His Law. It is His very essence. Scripture calls Him “the
habitation of justice,” and perfect justice
retribution. That wrath-filled retribution fell on the Savior. If you refuse to repent, it will fall on you. Jesus warned that it would “grind to powder.” When something is ground to powder, a
job is done. The Law will search out every sinful thought, word, and deed.

So there you have it. God loved you so much that He provided a sacrifice to save you from death and Hell. Call upon Him today, and He will save you. You have His immutable promise: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

P.S. If it still seems absurd, read the last sentence through slowly, and try and figure out why.


Have you ever objectively studied your face? There are billions of faces, and every one is different (except for “identical” twins). Each one has its own individual characteristics, and yet God made every one with just two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. If you think that’s no big deal, try it yourself, from nothing.

Think about the ethnicity of each face. The Chinese look different from the Japanese and the Tibetans. The Dutch look different from the English and the German. You can pick a Russian from a Brazilian or someone from Africa, simply by looking at his face.

But the genius of Almighty God is even more wonderful. Look into the mirror and study your face closely. Start with no expression, and then see if you can act. Use your eyes only to express fear, pain, joy, disappointment, anger, thoughtfulness, and amazement. You won’t be able to confine the emotion to the eyes. You will feel the muscles—particularly around your eyes and
mouth automatically (with no conscious effort on your part) join in with whatever emotion you express through your eyes. The human face is much more than “amazing.” It’s a miracle of the unspeakable genius of the Creator. What an honor (understatement of eternity) to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him.

Do you know Him? Or do you just know about Him? The way to come to know Him (in whom the Bible says dwells the source of life and light) is to think about your many sins and then think soberly about the Savior and what He did for you on the Cross. Then apologize to God, turn from that sin, and entrust yourself completely to the person of Jesus Christ. That’s the way of salvation. It’s so simple, a child can understand it. So what are you waiting for? Evidence? You need no more than a mirror. Face it.



“I sometimes have trouble telling right from wrong. I just thought maybe we could work toward an America in which no one wants an abortion as opposed to making it illegal and having people get it anyway in very dangerous environments. That’s just how I see it. I guess I do want it both ways. I want to be both pro-life in terms of my personal life and pro-choice in terms of how I vote.”


I appreciate your honesty. However, this is in essence what you are saying, “I want a Germany in which no one wants to kill Jews as opposed to making it illegal and having them killed in very dangerous environments. I want to keep Jews alive in terms of my personal life and have them murdered in terms of how I vote.” Nice.

Your “I sometimes have trouble telling right from wrong” pinpoints your problem. Atheism has no moral anchor. There’s no absolute right or absolute wrong. That’s why you can advocate
murder and not feel bad about it, all in the name of compassion. In one sense, you may be right about not having a soul. So where is your conscience? Why have you so hardened it? If I were in your shoes I would very quickly cry out to God for His forgiveness, and trust Jesus Christ before it’s too late. Once you know His mercy, and once you let His love into your cold heart, you will be horrified that any human being could sink so low as to advocate the killing of children in the womb.


“‘I have read most of Ray’s books, seen most of his videos and heard hundreds of his witness encounters, and as of yet have never caught him in a lie.’ Then you are willfully ignoring data. Mr. Comfort engages in demonstrable dishonesty when he makes mention of transitional fossil forms, as he misrepresents the meaning of transitional in the context of fossils.”


I am often accused of lying, especially when it comes to saying that there are no “species-to-species” transitional forms. Before I explain what I mean, it’s important to know that there is some confusion as to the meaning of the word “species.” This is what the dictionary says of the word: “Biology: the major subdivision of a genus or subgenus, regarded as the basic category of biological classification, composed of related individuals that resemble one another, are able to breed among themselves, but are not able to breed with members of another species.” Wolves, coyotes, and German shepherds are of the same species (the canine family or “kind”), but they can’t breed with cats or tigers (which are the felidae family or “kind”).

When I say there are no species-to-species transitional forms in the fossil record, I am saying that nowhere will you find a skeleton
of a cat evolving into a dog, or a chicken evolving into a fish, or a horse into a cow, no matter how long you go back in history.

As the Bible so rightly says, every animal brings forth “after its own kind.” In the creation we see around us (and in creation we see locked into the historical fossil record) is evidence against, not for, the theory of Darwinian evolution. All of nature screams of intelligent design. All of it. None even hints of Darwinian evolution. If you think that’s a lie, then so be it.


“You seem firm in your beliefs that evolutionists claim that ‘cows turn into dogs’ and whatnot. So I’ll make it simpler still for you: What characteristics would YOU expect to see in a transitional reptile/avian fossil? What characteristics of such a fossil would you accept to show evidence of a reptile becoming more birdlike?”


You are asking me to play the game that evolutionists play. It is the game of “Speculation.” It uses a special language made up of words such as “perhaps,” “maybe,” etc. You may as well ask me to speculate on the signs that would be present for Cinderella’s coach to be able to turn into a pumpkin. I don’t believe in fairy tales and I don’t believe in the unscientific theory of evolution. Reptiles don’t turn into birds no matter how long you leave them. Every animal brings forth after its own kind, both in creation and in the fossil record. Chickens were not dinosaurs billions of years ago, despite the musings of evolutionary imagineers. I believe in true science, not the pseudo-science of evolution.

Also, I have never said that evolutionists believe that cows turn into dogs. I have said that there is no
scientific evidence
of any species “evolving” into another species. That’s the evidence that is still missing.

You have your own definition of evolution, but ask the average person on the street what he believes it is, and he will say that Darwin said that man evolved from primates—that our great-great-great-grandfather was an ape. You believe in a common ancestor (like a branch on a tree of common descent); they don’t. They believe that we are
descendants, that we are apes. And who can blame them for the confusion when speculators like Richard Dawkins say things like, “We admit that we are like apes, but we seldom realize that we are apes—In truth, not only are we apes, we are African apes” (“Gaps in the Mind”).

It is very clear that there is no empirical evidence for Darwinian evolution. Look at the last sentence in this quote about the supposed 47-million-year-old primate named Ida. It was unveiled as the missing link: “This will be the one pictured in the textbooks for the next hundred years,” said Dr Jørn Hurum, the paleontologist from Oslo University’s Natural History Museum who assembled the scientific team to study the fossil. “It tells a part of our evolution that’s been hidden so far. It’s been hidden because the only [other] specimens are so incomplete and so broken there’s nothing almost to study.”

Notice what he said: “…ther specimens are so incomplete and so broken there’s nothing almost to study.” Drop the word “almost” and you have the truth. If you choose to blindly believe in evolution then you believe a lie (see Romans 1:25). Carl Sagan said, “We will not be afraid to speculate, but we will be careful to distinguish speculation from fact.”
If you choose to believe the theory of evolution, you have failed to do that.


“Ray, do you call everyone who disagrees with you and posts a comment here an Atheist? That’s a bit much. There
could be quite a few individuals here who just want to set you straight on topics like evolution. Which does not make them an Atheist. I accept evolution and I believe in God and I am not alone. I for one would just like to see you open your mind and read some peer reviewed articles on the subject and try learn something instead of maligning science and spewing ignorance.” J. G.


There is only one God and He revealed Himself—and how we were created—through His Word. In Scripture we are told that God made man in His own image. He created Adam as a man and then He created a female for him so he could reproduce after his own kind.

So the god that you believe in is what is known as an “idol.” An idol is the creation of the human mind and is often then shaped with hands from wood or stone. The reason we are so prone to idolatry is that an idol doesn’t tell us what to do. An idol doesn’t consider lust to be adultery or hatred to be murder, and it doesn’t condemn lying and stealing. An idol is dumb, and the Bible says those that create them are like them. We can shape our little god into anything we feel comfortable with, even if it’s an unthinking and unscientific theory that we believe gives us a license to sin.

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