Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution (21 page)

BOOK: Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution
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The difference between man and apes is that man is a moral being. If you don’t believe it, watch the comments on this blog and see how moral atheists point to the Moral Law to say that I have deviated morally from the truth (see Exodus 20:16).

What’s more, God made man as a man. He created sheep as they are—as sheep. He created birds, and fish as they are—as birds and fish. They were “in the beginning” as they are now. Nothing evolved and nothing is evolving. Tadpoles still change into frogs and caterpillars still change into butterflies, and they do that because God made them that way, not because of evolution.


“Let’s be a bit more realistic and say that it takes God half an hour to bring every idle sin into the light. Then it would take 4.278 million years to judge mankind in its entirety. Each year God could judge 525,960 persons (and bring all their sins into the light). That means: if the 75 billion humans who are to be judged could maintain a population growth of 0.00070128% a year they would outbreed all of God’s judging efforts.”


I have to answer you saying the same words that Jesus said to the naïve skeptics of His day: “Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Are you not therefore mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God?’” (Mark 12:24). I know that you don’t believe in a Creator, but bear with me for a moment while I try and reason with you.

You and I are standing on this huge ball, spinning at over a thousand miles per hour, and screaming through space at an incredible sixty-seven thousand miles per hour. Almighty God spoke it into existence in an instant. He made millions of fish and birds, insects, animals, and mankind, all with eyes, ears, brains, and individual instincts to survive and reproduce.

He sees every thought of every human heart. He hears every word of every mouth that passes the teeth, the tongue, and the taste buds He made. He sees every atom He created. Nothing is
hidden from His holy eyes. He even knows how many hairs are on your head. He made every one of them. Where do you think they came from? If you think that they happened by accident, or there was nothing in the beginning that created everything, then you make one hair from nothing, and I will be first to fall at your feet and worship you. But you will get more than my adulation. You will get the adoration of millions (and make a billion dollars overnight), because all the bald guys that look daily at their hairless heads will give an arm and a leg just to have some hair that you can so easily make.

The image of the god you don’t believe in is erroneous. It truly is an “image” that sits in your fertile image-ination. The true God is nothing like what you conceive Him to be. He can judge the entire race in an instant of time (“time” is His creation), just as He brought about this earth and all that dwell on it in a moment of time.

So stop the mockery and get on your knees. Humble your proud heart, confess, and forsake your many sins and trust the Savior. Or you will have to face Him on what the Bible calls the “Day of Wrath,” and my feeble words can’t express how fearful that will be.


“Psalm 103 Verse 12 states: ‘As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.’ What does that verse mean on a spherical world?! There is neither “a east” nor “a west” on our planet. Does God know, when we repent, remove our sins so far eastwards/westwards from us, that they will be again with us? I mean if you go on a spherical world as far east as possible you will end up just where you started…”


When I first read this I thought that you had become a Christian. That’s because this is a wonderful faith-building and consoling promise for every believer. Thank you for bringing it up.

Before I was a Christian I did some things of which I am now very ashamed. I was extremely ungrateful. In twenty-two years of my godless existence, I didn’t think seriously for two minutes about the God who gave me life. I was a selfish, godless, and lust-filled wretch, and didn’t even know it until I looked at His Moral Law. I was blind, foolish, and unwittingly on my way to Hell. But through the Cross, God forgave me a multitude of sins.

However, He more than just forgave me. He removed my sins (as you have so kindly pointed out) “as far as the East is from the West.” What does that mean? How far is the East from the West?

Picture the earth. If you were located at any point on the globe and began to travel in a northerly direction, eventually you would round the North Pole and then be traveling south. Likewise, if you were located at any point on the globe and then began to travel in a southerly direction, eventually you would round the South Pole and then be traveling north.

However, the distance from the East to the West can’t be calculated. It is impossible to measure. You can travel in an easterly direction for a million miles and you will never find a point at which East and West touch. Mathematicians refer to the distance between East and West as “infinity.” The two can never meet. “Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, till earth and sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat…” says poet Rudyard Kipling.

Perhaps you are thinking, “So what’s the big deal?” Imagine you committed adultery, and afterward you are utterly broken by what you have done. You are guilt-ridden at your betrayal of trust, and so you confess your sin to your faithful wife. She is filled with nothing but love and grace and says that she will not
only forgive you, but she promises that she will forget what you did. The problem is, as a human being, you know that she can never “forget” while she is in a sane mind. But God can…because He is God.

He says that He has cast my many transgressions into the sea of His forgetfulness. He has blotted out my sins and removed them from me “as far as the East is from the West,” and that means even the weight of guilt has gone.

As soon as Adam sinned, his guilt caused him to try and hide from God. That’s what the professing atheist does in his mind. He lives in denial of the existence of the One he has sinned against. In truth, his guilt makes him run from God as a criminal runs from the law. Atheism is the ultimate delusion.

Instead, turn around and face God. Repent as you would if you had committed adultery and you wanted your wife’s forgiveness. Then trust the Savior and you will find that you no longer want to run from Him. Your guilt will be removed in an instant and you will come to know the One who has already dealt with your sins. And He will give you a new heart with new desires. Even as I write this, there are tears of gratitude in my eyes. Join me.

Each of us is bound by moral absolutes whether he knows it or not, just as he is bound by the law of gravity, whether he knows it or not. A criminal may steal a car and drive dangerously on a freeway as the law chases him, but his pleading ignorance will not exonerate him from civil law. He clocks up its wrath every time he transgresses its precepts. The same happens every time you violate God’s Law. Each time you lie, steal, lust, fornicate, commit adultery, or blaspheme, you are storing up the Law’s wrath, and God will see to it that you get exactly what you deserve on the Day of Judgment.

If you are an atheist, you don’t believe that. Otherwise you would be a Christian. You are like a man who says that the law of gravity has no influence over him at all. He jumps from the tenth floor to show you, and as he passes the third floor he calls, “See, I’m flying.” He’s right. He is flying. But he will eventually suffer the terrible consequences of his foolishness.

Science discovered that when a certain object moves at a certain speed, it supersedes the law of gravity and can fly. If we could go back five hundred years in time, almost every thinking scientist would have said that such talk is utterly foolish. He would have maintained that it was impossible for an object the size of a 747 jumbo jet to fly like a bird. However, we now know that even though the law of gravity remains, the flying object has moved into a higher law, the invisible law of aerodynamics.

Ignorant people mock the fact that the Christian has discovered a higher law than the law of sin and death. Their thought is that everyone dies, not knowing that there’s another law of which the Bible speaks. Listen to what the Apostle Paul said: “The law of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2). I know that you are different than the normal atheist. Take no notice of the ignorant scoffers. Please, open your mind and soften your heart. There’s so much more out there (in the realm of the invisible) than we can begin to imagine.

By the way, you will never see that your ways are perverse until you (with a tender conscience) judge yourself by the perfect standard of God’s Moral Law. How about you take some time to carefully read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Chapters 5-7), and give me your thoughts?

“He who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord, but he who is perverse in his ways despises Him” (Proverbs 14:2).


“Ray, I have a question for you. I am getting frustrated
having to try and ‘prove’ God’s existence day in and day out
to unbelievers all the time. Do I really need to ‘prove’ God to
anyone or just preach the gospel? I don’t see why I should
have to ‘prove’ what God has already said in His word.
I’d love some advice on how you handle this.”


have to prove that God exists to the professing atheist. This is because he intuitively knows that He exists. Every person has a God-given conscience. The Bible tells us that this is the “work of the law written on their hearts.” Just as every sane human being knows that it’s wrong to lie, steal, kill, and commit adultery, he knows that God should be first in his life.

The professing atheist not only has the testimony of his impartial conscience, but he also has the testimony of creation. It “declares” the glory of God, and the person who denies the voice of conscience and the voice of creation is without excuse. If death seizes upon him and he is still in his sins, he will face the wrath of a holy Creator, whether he believes in Him or not.

This is why I don’t spend too much time trying to convince anyone that there is a God. To do so is to waste time and energy. What sinners need isn’t to be convinced that God exists, but that sin exists and that they are in terrible danger. The only biblical way to do this is to go through the Moral Law and explain that God considers lust to be adultery and hatred to be murder, etc. It is the revelation that God is holy and just, and sees the thought-life that convinces us that we are in danger of eternal damnation. That’s what sent me to the Cross for mercy and that’s what sinners need to hear. So never be discouraged from preaching the Gospel, and don’t get sidetracked by the rabbit trails of issues that don’t really matter.


“I would like to ask you a couple of relevant questions pertaining to the ‘sacrifice’ of Jesus and its purpose. Please logically explain why an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God would need to sacrifice Himself (as Jesus) to Himself (God) in order to forgive man of sins against Him (God)? The entire premise seems totally absurd.”


I appreciate the way you said that the sacrifice of the cross seems absurd. It does. The Bible is in agreement with you: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18). There’s good reason that it seems absurd.

Imagine if I said to you, “I just sold my house and my car, and used all my savings to pay a fine for you.” You would understandably think that I am rather weird. My paying a fine for you, when you don’t think you have done anything wrong, is absurd.

But if I put it this way it may make more sense: “Chuck, angry police officers showed up with a warrant for your arrest. They
have video of you going 80 mph through an area set aside for a blind children’s convention. There were clear warning signs everywhere saying that 15 mph was the maximum speed. You are in big trouble. Add to that the fact that just ten minutes prior to that happening, they stopped you for drunk driving and confiscated your driver’s license. You were in serious trouble with the law. The judge was furious, and handed down a massive fine. He said that if you couldn’t pay it, you were going to be thrown in prison for a very long time. I knew you didn’t have any money, so I sold my house and my car, and I used all my savings to pay that fine. You are free to go.”

What sinners need isn’t to be convinced that God exists, but that sin exists and that they are in terrible danger. The only biblical way to do this is to go through the Moral Law.


The reason you think the fine being paid for you two thousand years ago is absurd is because you don’t realize that you have seriously broken the Moral Law (the Ten Commandments) and you are in big trouble (see 1 John 3:4). In your drunken atheistic stupor you have ignored the clear warning signs of your violated conscience and you have sped with reckless abandon into sin. All the while, the video has been rolling. God is omnipresent and omniscient. He has seen your lust (see Matthew 5:27-28), fornication, lies, anger, blasphemy, and rebellion. He sees your thought life, and the darkness as if it were pure light (see Psalm 139:1-12). To say that He is angry at you is a massive understatement. His wrath abides on you (see John 3:36). You are His enemy (see James 4:4). Every time you sin against His Law, you are storing up His wrath (see Romans 2:5). Not believing that fact won’t change a thing.

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