Nothing Like It in the World The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863-1869 (70 page)

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Authors: STEPHEN E. AMBROSE,Karolina Harris,Union Pacific Museum Collection

BOOK: Nothing Like It in the World The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863-1869
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on blasting operations, 200, 201, 235, 236, 323

in business, 54, 62, 71, 73, 103, 106

Chinese workers appreciated by, 150, 164, 200, 242, 243

construction overseen by, 43, 105-6, 107-8, 110, 111, 112, 116, 117, 118, 122, 148, 157, 161, 163-64, 165, 195, 196, 197, 200, 202, 236, 237, 244-45, 246, 258-59, 298, 306, 308-9, 310-11, 316, 317, 322-23, 328-29, 331, 335, 346-52

Contract and Finance Company of, 105-6, 111, 165, 246-47, 321, 339, 375

CP investments of, 72, 73, 105, 114, 124, 165

on CP's finances, 121, 124, 165, 198

eastern route extension desired by, 238, 362-63

laborers handled by, 119, 120, 121, 149, 150, 152, 153, 164, 198, 199-200, 240, 241-42, 289, 306, 310, 328-29, 347, 348

later years of, 379

marriage of, 310-11

physical appearance of, 44, 163

political involvement of, 71

on railroad across Sierra, 147

as railroad director, 74, 106

on rate of progress, 236, 239, 297, 298, 306, 312, 317, 322-23, 328-29

on snowsheds, 302, 304

on UP rivalry, 241, 258-59, 340, 346, 348, 349, 351

wagon road owned by, 76

on weather conditions, 323

westward overland journey led by, 44-47, 49, 53

Crocker, E. B., 112

on Chinese workers, 154, 240-41, 242, 243, 298, 300

on construction progress, 236, 244, 245, 246, 297, 300

Contract and Finance Company holdings of, 165, 246, 247

on popularity of railroads, 249

on Strobridge's construction oversight, 236-37

on UP-CP rivalry, 238, 239, 242, 243, 297

on UP management conflicts, 255

on weather problems, 206, 239, 244

Curtis, Samuel R., 66-67, 68, 70, 84

cushions, 182

cuts, excavation of, 119-20, 138, 196

Dakota Territory, 210

Dale City, Wyo., 259-60

Dale Creek, 221, 227,
256, 257, 258, 259-61, 262, 380

Daley, Thomas, 349

Dana, Charles A., 86, 275

dance halls, 218, 219

dance the carpet, 182

Davenport and Iowa City Railroad, 33

Davis, James W., 360

Davis, Jefferson, 31, 34-35, 59, 60, 280, 377

Deep Gulch, 154

DeLamater, C. B., 46

DeMille, Cecil B., 217

Democratic Party, transcontinental railroad supported by, 66

Dennison, Eli, 363

Dent, Frederick, 344

Dent, Lewis, 342-44

Dey, Peter A., 90

on Dodge's expertise, 32-33

Platte Valley route surveyed by, 36-37

resignation of, 98-99

UP routes surveyed by, 89, 91-92, 127-28, 131, 132
135, 136, 142, 382

Dillon, Sidney, 271, 281-82, 359, 363, 367, 370-71

ditch companies, 195-96

Dix, John A., 37
40, 89, 91, 99, 191

Dodge, Anne Brown, 34

Dodge, Grenville, 19, 90, 290, 349, 377

administrative recommendations of, 171, 273

agricultural opportunities noted by, 212, 229

annual reports written by, 228-29

army protection of UP workers requested by, 211, 214

background of, 31-33

on bridge construction, 183, 187, 344

business interests of, 37-38

as chief engineer, 18, 97, 130, 131-32, 171-72, 176, 183, 211, 221, 228-29, 254, 271, 336, 381

Civil War experience of, 18, 79, 84-85, 86-87, 88, 96-98, 130, 171, 216, 219, 253, 272, 353

in completion ceremonies, 354, 363, 365, 366, 367-68, 370

as congressman, 186, 273, 320

Durant's rivalry with, 270-73, 329-30

on end of construction, 355

federal bond releases and, 330, 334

former slaves armed by, 86

on Indian threat, 130-32, 133, 141, 173, 211, 214-15, 216, 221, 223

Judah vs., 112

on labor concerns, 286, 327, 342, 378

land grants managed by, 187-88, 212, 219-20, 221, 271

later years of, 381

Lincoln's meetings with, 23-24, 26, 39, 86-88, 97, 270-71

maps created by, 228

marriage of, 34

on mineral interests, 187, 188, 189

personnel assignments by, 171-72, 216

political support for railroad sought by, 39-41, 253-54, 272-73

on promotional excursions, 186, 261, 277

on railroad route, 24, 26, 32-39, 40-41, 87, 89, 127, 131, 135-36, 188-89, 190-91, 210, 221, 223-25, 230, 254, 271-73, 279-80, 285-86, 333, 382

ransom payment urged by, 359-60

on rate of progress, 174, 191, 210, 221, 227, 228, 342, 355

surveying teams praised by, 191

towns established by, 220, 221, 224, 228, 259

on UP western limit, 230, 254-55, 330, 339, 341, 342, 355, 362-63

on war veterans as railroad workers, 19, 177

on westward movement of rain belt, 212

Dodge, Nathan, 90

Donner Party, 146

Donner Pass, 68, 69-70, 72, 75, 111, 160, 201, 202

Douglas, Stephen A., 23

Drew, Daniel, 336

drone cage, 182

Duff, John, 186, 211, 359, 360, 367

dumping boss, 137-38

Durant, Frank, 170

Durant, Thomas “Doc,” 19, 217

background of, 35-36

chief engineers appointed by, 91, 97, 130, 131, 171, 271

at completion ceremonies, 359, 363, 365, 367, 381

construction company set up by, 92-93

construction progress urged by, 140, 143, 144, 210, 230, 238, 261, 273, 275, 277, 282-83, 290, 352, 381

construction reports received by, 174-76, 183, 187, 190, 208

corporate leadership of, 88-90, 91-92, 97, 98-99, 134, 170, 172, 174, 176, 191, 226, 271, 285-86, 375, 381

CP rivalry and, 239, 242, 255, 282-83, 290, 313, 348, 349, 351

Crédit Mobilier holdings of, 190, 212, 270

financial management of, 139, 270, 277, 282, 294-95, 318-20, 335-36, 359-60, 372, 382

government inspectors and, 169-70, 211

labor force and, 133, 137, 143, 294

later years of, 381

lobbying efforts of, 40, 95-96

in management conflicts, 212, 226-27, 255, 329-30, 336, 342

personnel decisions of, 170-71, 271

publicity excursions attended by, 185-86, 190, 261, 274, 275, 340

railroad investments of, 37
86, 91, 212, 226

ransom demands on, 359-60

reputation cultivated by, 270-71, 272

route determinations and, 36, 128, 132, 144, 271-73, 279

as speculator, 37
91, 93

unpopularity of, 129-30, 255

UP backers sought by, 86, 88

weather delays not accepted by, 325

Dutch Flat and Donner Lake Wagon Road Company, 76-77, 122, 149, 233

dynamite, 201

Early, Jubal, 96

Echo Canyon, 237, 277, 283, 285, 287, 288, 291-92, 296, 326

Echo City, Utah, 316, 317, 327

Echo Creek, 255, 279

Echo Summit, 312, 313, 330

Eddy, J. M., 216

Edwards, Ogden, 129


of 1860, 23, 39-40, 69, 70

of 1864, 123

of 1868, 313, 324

Elkhorn River, 34, 37, 134,

Elliott, George, 349

Ellis, Jack, 177

Emancipation Proclamation, 104

embankments, 124, 154

Epler, William, 201

Erie Railroad, 56, 99, 336

Evans, James A., 91, 128, 135, 142, 144, 188, 220, 261, 269, 273, 281

Ewing, Thomas, Jr., 255

farming, 169, 212, 229, 280

Farnam, Henry, 32, 35-36, 37
38, 40

Farr, Lorin, 290

Farrar, Lynn, 119, 350

Ferguson, Arthur:

background of, 134

buffalo country described by, 143

on Hell-on-Wheels towns, 269

Indian hostilities witnessed by, 143, 209, 214, 215, 222, 263, 264, 265, 266-67

in North Platte bridge building, 262, 264

on taming of West, 267

as UP surveyor, 134-35, 141, 142, 208, 209, 213, 262-65

weather problems encountered by, 208-9, 263-64

on worker fatalities, 264-65

fills, 154, 332-33

fires, 208, 216-17, 303-4

First Transcontinental Railroad, The
(Galloway), 288

fish joints, 236

Fisk, James, 336, 339, 342

flood conditions, 208, 228

fly light, 182

Fort Bridger, 237-38, 306

Fortieth Parallel Survey, 145

Fort Kearney, 141, 184, 187, 211

Fort Sanders, 210, 221,
, 261

Franchot, Richard H., 193

Freedmen's Bureau, 152

Freeman, Leigh, 259, 262

Free-Soilers, 31

freight cars, capacity of, 268

Frémont, Jessie Benton, 49

Frémont, John Charles, 49

Frost, G. W, 256, 258

Fulton, Robert, 32

Gadsden, James, 59

Gadsden Purchase, 59

Galbraith, Robert Miller, 216-17

Galloway, John Debo, 288

gambling, 217, 218, 219-20, 228, 372

gandy dancer, 182

gaps, 124, 154-55

Garfield, James, 374

General Sherman,
139, 170

Geological Survey, U.S., 145

George, Henry, 323

Gilbert, Frank, 277

Gilliss, John R., 232, 233, 234, 236

Golden Spike, 356, 357, 360, 364-65, 366, 367, 381

Gordon, Sarah, 25

Gould, Jay, 336, 378, 381

Governor Stanford,
115, 117, 121, 362

grading work, 118, 119-20, 136-39, 147, 155-57

Graham, Joseph, 304, 309, 313

grain production, 169, 229, 280

Grant, Ulysses S., 86, 174, 184, 220, 360

army enlistment levels and, 211

in Civil War, 79, 88, 96, 97-98, 110, 112, 118, 123, 130-31, 344

on Dodge as railroad engineer, 85, 272-73

in election of 1868, 272, 275, 313, 324, 325

on Indian hostilities, 130

on military railroad construction, 85

presidency of, 18, 150, 334-35

railroads supported by, 85, 185, 211, 215, 271, 364, 367, 382

UP-CP dispute and, 330, 334-35

on UP financial problems, 336, 342-43, 375

grapes, cultivation of, 246

grasshoppers, 282, 283, 284, 293-94

Gray, George, 158, 291

Great Basin, 223, 225

Great Desert, 309-10

Great Plains:

buffalo herd on, 173

economic opportunities of, 169

Indians dispossessed of, 173, 225-26

livestock grazing on, 267

surveying parties on, 140-43

white settlement of, 139, 172, 184

Great Platte Valley Route, 36-37

Great Salt Lake, 202, 293,
330, 333, 353

Greeley, Horace, 39, 82, 159, 169, 221, 228, 252

Green River, 225,
261, 269, 271, 275

Grimes, James, 190

Grinnell, J. B., 39

Griswold, Wesley, 154

Growth of the American Republic, The
(Morison and Commager), 376

Gwin, William, 65

Haley, Michael, 257

Halleck, Henry W, 51

Hamilton, Alexander, 87-88, 100

Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, 30

Harriman, E. A., 132

Hart, Alfred A., 122, 337, 362, 365

hay, 182

Haymund, Creed, 245

Heine, W, 250

Hell-on-Wheels towns, 217-19, 221, 228, 259, 269, 275, 276, 337, 353, 372

Henry, Joseph, 170

Henry, Robert, 376

Hewes, David, 360

Hills, L L., 189, 215-16, 220

Hodges, F C, 292

hoggers, 182

Holladay, Ben, 93, 159, 203

Holman, William, 83

Homestead Act, 172

Hood, William, 74

Hooker, Joe, 109

Hopkins, E. B., 106

Hopkins, Mark, 19, 237, 277, 289, 290, 298, 306, 380

background of, 53

on blasting progress, 236

in business, 53, 54, 62, 73, 103

codes utilized by, 292

on construction and supply difficulties, 195-96, 235

in CP financial management, 121, 122, 149, 196, 246, 306
322, 335

CP holdings of, 43, 105, 113

Huntington's partnership with, 53, 72, 197, 322

on labor shortages, 153-54

land development proposed by, 246

on popular support of railroads, 149

on progress of construction, 247, 300, 337

at promotional events, 118

as railroad executive, 74, 106, 114

on snow problems, 303

on UP rivalry, 247

wagon road owned by, 76, 195

horses, 180, 379-80

House, Jacob H., 142, 171, 188

Howard, O. O., 98

Howden, James, 235-36

Howe truss, 26, 211

Hoxie, Herbert M.

“Hub,” 39, 99, 170, 171-72, 256, 330, 363

Hubbard, Thomas, 224

Humboldt River, 46-47, 144, 202, 231, 302, 306

Humboldt Wells, Nev., 238, 254, 255, 277, 289, 290, 291, 312, 326, 328, 331, 332, 371

Huntington, Collis, 19, 236, 238, 240, 241, 244, 249, 364

background of, 47-48

in business, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 62, 71-72, 103

Chinese labor approved by, 243

codes utilized by, 292

on costs, 246, 302

CP financial management strategies of, 102-3, 121, 122, 246-47, 321

CP investments made by, 73, 105, 149

CP-UP rivalry instigated by, 155, 193, 194, 242, 255, 277, 283, 290, 291, 298, 300, 304, 306

critics resented by, 305

on difficulties of construction, 117, 245, 298, 300

federal railroad legislation and, 77, 95, 193, 194, 196

financial backing sought by, 103, 106, 147, 196, 197, 245, 298, 300, 330, 333-34, 382

Hopkins as business partner of, 53, 72, 195, 196

Judah's conflicts with, 103, 104, 111-14

later years of, 379

lobbying efforts of, 321-22, 333-34, 376, 379

on materials and equipment purchases, 102, 103, 108, 113, 123, 155, 196, 298, 300-301, 302, 309, 322

on labor costs, 246

on progress of construction, 297, 306, 309, 315-16, 352

on quality vs. speed of construction, 297

as railroad executive, 43, 74, 379, 80

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