Notice Me (25 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley

BOOK: Notice Me
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Chapter 18




Before the hour was up Charlie was at my front door. It must have started raining heavily. Words really couldn’t describe just how gorgeous Charlie looked dripping wet. His dark brown hair was beaten down on his forehead from the rain. His blue shirt sticking to every part of his perfect chest. My body reacted on animal instincts alone. I pounced before Charlie was even through my door.


“We should have a few days apart more often if this is how you are going to react,” Charlie laughed between my fiery kisses.


A few hours later all my animal needs had been answered.


“Well, that was different,” Charlie chuckled staring up at my ceiling in the bedroom.


“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to look so… God damn hot, to be honest.” Charlie just laughed at me. “Plus, I did really miss you.”


“I missed you too. It’s been a long few days.” Charlie cupped my face in his hand. “Are you okay though? I mean I know it must have been hard for you.”


“I’m alright. I just wish Megan wasn’t so crazy about you. I mean I know why she is, but it’s just hard for me having to watch her almost mourn for you.”


“You do realise I feel exactly that way about Will. He emails me every week asking if I have seen you.” Charlie laughed.


“Well, you are lucky Will isn’t your best friend,” I teased


“Are you sure you are okay?”


I kissed him softly. “Yes, no matter how guilty I feel about Megan. It doesn’t change the fact I love you.”


“I just hate you having to feel like that.”


“I like being in love with you,” I pointed out confused.


“Not that, the guilt,” Charlie laughed. “I love the fact that you love me as much as I love you.”


“Oh sorry,” I giggled. For a smart woman sometimes I could be really dumb.



The Headcom contract with Charlie made the next few months heaven. We could sightsee, have lunch, dinner or even go away to exotic destinations if we wanted to. So long as we acted as if we were merely friends.


“So you want photos showing eight wonders of New York?” Charlie asked in our board meeting with Lorna, Bradley, David the new guy and Mr Caldecott.


“Yes, we think if you capture them in your special way Cadman Limited will go for it. They are very excited to have you on board Mr Collins,” Mr Caldecott praised.


“Well, if you give me a few weeks to sort out some ideas. I think this could work,” Charlie replied.


“Miss Davis has some good ideas about the locations to use. Please feel free to utilise her at my expense,” Mr Caldecott added. I was sure only I noticed the slight smirk in Charlie’s eyes.


“Yes, that would be wonderful thank you.”


“So Lorna will deal with the advertisement side of things with the help of Bradley,” I smiled in their direction. Lorna had been waiting for this chance. “While I will deal with the finance and locations. Is that correct?”


“I think that just about covers everything Miss Davis,” replied Mr Caldecott getting up. “Well done Miss Davis. I have to say I am rather impressed with how quickly this was arranged.”


“Thank you Mr Caldecott,” I beamed. I had put a lot of hours into this deal, but truthfully Charlie made all the difference.


I turned to Lorna, giving an excited thumbs up as Mr Caldecott left the meeting room.


“Damn, we need to go and celebrate now. We deserve it,” Lorna screamed. “Anyone up for it?”


“Hell yeah,” replied Bradley grasping Lorna as he kissed her. “Baby you are too good at your job.”


“I think you guys are
good at your jobs,” Charlie added. “So let’s go celebrate.”



It was difficult not to hold Charlie’s hand on the way to the Humming bird bar, but I knew we would be alone later. Thankfully it was Friday so we had the whole weekend.


Quite a few margaritas later I was totally wasted as were my other three


“Shannon, can I tell you something?” Lorna slurred in my direction her deep red hair covering her face.


“If you must,” I giggled.


She pointed in Bradley and Charlie’s direction who happened to be waiting at the bar. “I think Charlie likes you.” Now I wanted the ground to swallow me up whole. “Have you noticed the way he looks at you?”


“No, I haven’t Lorna. You are being silly. He is Megan’s ex. Why would someone like him be interested in me?” I needed to get her off the scent fast.


“I am just telling you what I see.” She turned to look at Charlie at the bar. “I personally think he took this job for you. I mean he is almost a photographer in his own right. He could have freelanced higher than Cadman Limited.”


“Cadman Limited is a highly profitable company,” I interjected.


“Yeah, for Headcom, but Charlie Collins is more A list celebrities not business affairs.”


“I think he just wanted to do something different that’s all.”


“Nope, I really think this is about you,” Lorna giggled.


“Can you please shut up? They are coming back.” I panicked as I saw Charlie making his way over to me.


“Did we miss something?” Bradley asked as he watched Lorna and I glare at each other.


“Shannon is cross with me,” Lorna laughed.


“I’m not!” This was going to be bad. I had a feeling Lorna wasn’t going to keep her mouth shut.


“Why are you cross with Lorna?” Charlie asked a little confused.


“Because I told her I thought you liked her,” Lorna blurted out in a fit of laughter.


I turned to watch Charlie’s face. His eyes were soft as they bored into mine. His lips twitched into a slight smile. “Well, that would be telling wouldn’t it Lorna. You forget Shannon and I were very good friends while I was dating Megan.” Charlie gently touched my hand under the table reassuring me. “Well, I think perhaps this should be the last round don’t you think Shannon? Before Lorna thinks we are having some secret affair.” My eyes widened. Charlie really shouldn’t have been putting ideas in Lorna’s head.


“I have had a lot to drink. Sorry Shannon, just ignore me, but I do have to say you guys would make the most adorable couple.”


“Lorna?” I asked almost as a question. She was unbelievable.


We finished our drinks in a strange silence. I wasn’t really sure what to say. Lorna was so drunk she was babbling on about true loves first kiss. It was pretty funny.


“I’ll take her home now,” said Bradley picking her up. “I’m sure in another ten minutes she will pass out anyway.”


“Perhaps that a good idea then,” laughed Charlie.


 “We will have to do this again sometime it was fun.” With that Lorna and Bradley disappeared out of the crowded bar.


“Are you ready or do you want another one?” Charlie asked me. I was pretty tired it had been a long week at work. “Come on, let’s get you home.”



We spent the weekend at Charlie’s flat. It was a refreshing change from my small apartment. New York was a beautiful place that afternoon. A golden haze of sunshine scattered across the skyline. Charlie was sorting through his new abstract photographs for Cadman Limited.


“Do you think I should include the Brooklyn Bridge, Shan?” Charlie asked with his hand on his chin deep in thought.


“Yeah, I think it’s beautiful the way you have caught the sunrise,” I replied coming behind him wrapping my arms around his divine body. Charlie’s photographs were always amazing. How he saw the world was astounding.


“Well, I think I am about done then,” Charlie sighed in relief.


“Shall I get lunch now then?”


“Sure, I’m pretty hungry,” Charlie smiled at me as I skipped towards his kitchen.


I cooked some pasta with my famous cheese sauce.


Charlie sat quietly on his brown couch with his guitar playing instrumental versions of his favourite rock ballads. Most I recognised and whistled along to. I loved our natural weekends like this. I knew I was with the
Charlie. Megan had never known this side of him.


“That was lovely thanks,” Charlie kissed me over the table as he got up to put the dishes in the dishwasher.


“You’re welcome,” I beamed.


We lay on the couch watching TV collapsed in each other’s arms. Charlie gently played with my hair. It was so therapeutic I was feeling drowsy.


“If I was to ask you to meet my mother what would you say?” Charlie asked unexpectedly.


I looked up at him in shock. “Are you being serious?”


“Well, I want to show you off to someone.”


“But your mother?” I knew little about Charlie’s mother. Only that she doted on his every step.


“She won’t tell anyone about us.”


“Oh, I know that. It’s just well… it’s a big step.” I smiled nervously at him.


“She will love you Shan. She suspects something is up anyway. She told me I’m way too happy and content to be on my own,” he laughed. “She was happy I took the job for Headcom too. With her being Jennet Downing’s PA. I think she actually thought I took the job for her.”


This was of course the reason I was so nervous to meet her. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought
had got me the job at Headcom. With his mother being the senior PA for Jennet Downing, the sole heir to Downing International Organisation. It was easy for one tiny little placement within the multi billionaire business. I couldn’t believe just how small the world could be. How people seemed to connect in ways you could never imagine.


“I bet you did really,” I teased. “You just wanted to please your mother.”


“No, it was definitely one hundred per cent because of you.”


“You could just be saying that.”


“But I’m not.” Charlie squeezed me tighter against him. “It doesn’t have to be right away. I know she is coming to New York next month. Jennet Downing has an important conference to attend here.”


“Oh… well, I guess if you think it’s a good idea.”


“It will be nice. We could invite her here.” I just nodded as butterflies filled my stomach. Would she think I was good enough for Charlie? “Do you ever think about your parents?”


 I was taken aback by the question. It was something we had never spoken about before. Well, actually
had never spoken to anyone about it. “Um… I…”


“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I was just curious,” Charlie interrupted thinking he had offended me.


“No it’s fine,” I truly wanted to answer him. “I do think about them. Probably less now than when I was younger. I used to dream when I was in the orphanage they would come and rescue me.” I laughed to myself at how ridiculous it sounded. “Now well, I just wonder who they were. Am I like my father or my mother? Who gave me my unusual green eyes? I do find it hard not being able to know who I really am.”


“I wish I could help you answer those questions Shan. Have you ever tried to find out who they were?” Charlie asked with deep emotion in his eyes.

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