Notice Me (24 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley

BOOK: Notice Me
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Work was going amazingly well. I had become good friends with Lorna.


“So what did you do for your birthday again?” Lorna asked while going through some new contracts in my office.


“I went to Las Vegas with a few friends,” I replied a little blasé.


“Did that friend buy you that necklace?” Lorna asked with a smirk. I knew I shouldn’t have worn it to work, but I couldn’t be parted from it.


“Oh… um yeah maybe.”


“Relax Shannon. I am not going to ask you thirty questions,” Lorna teased. “Holy crap, who is that unbelievably hot man? Is he walking towards your office?” I looked around Lorna’s red hair as I froze. What was Charlie playing at coming to my workplace?


“That’s… its Charlie,” I replied stunned.


“Charlie who?” He was nearly at my door by now.


“Megan’s ex.” Charlie met my worried eyes and smiled. “Charlie, this is a surprise.” I welcomed him with a slightly high voice.


“Hi Shannon. I know I have probably shocked you, but I need to talk to you. Is that okay with you?”


“Sure, do you mind Lorna?” I asked.


“No, sure, nice to meet you Charlie.” Charlie smiled back at her. Lorna checked Charlie from the back as she walked out pulling a rather excited expression at me as she closed my door behind her.


“What are you doing? Are you crazy?” I asked as soon as we were alone.


“I have a meeting with your boss. He has some work to put my way.” Charlie smirked inching towards me. “We may be working together Miss Davis.” How could he have kept this a secret?


“Really?” I asked excited. That sounded like paradise.


“Also I had to come over. Megan left a message. She is on her way from London to see you.”


“You’re kidding?” This was all I needed.


“Wish I was. She didn’t say how long she would be here for, so I have moved all my things from yours. As much as it will kill me. I’ll stay away until you call me.” Charlie looked glum as he leaned towards me and kissed me delicately. “Please try and get rid of her fast. New York was meant to be
time,” he whispered in my ear.


“I’m sorry, but we knew she was bound to visit sooner or later plus it was my birthday.”      


“I love you,” he whispered. I kissed his lips one last time before he left for the meeting with my boss.



So I was back to my other parallel universe for the next few days or maybe weeks?


“Your apartment is… charming,” Megan commented as she arrived. I knew she was thinking another word. “Of course I will be staying at the Hilton for security reasons.”


“That’s fine Megan. I didn’t expect you to stay here,” I laughed.


“So tell me everything. Did you like the gift I sent you for your birthday?”


“It was lovely thanks. You shouldn’t have.” I really hadn’t deserved the designer handbag when I had spent the whole weekend with Charlie.


“It was nothing. Where did you get the necklace?”


I panicked. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten to take it off.


“I… I bought it for myself. You know, new job, my own money. I thought I would treat myself.” I laughed nervously.


“It’s beautiful. It goes with your eyes,” Megan smiled. I must have gotten away with the lie.


“How have you been Megan?” I asked placing my hand over hers changing the subject fast. I felt like such a traitor.


“I’m alright. I have been on a lot of dates.” I could tell it was difficult for her to force the words out. “Have you seen him?” Megan asked with hopeful eyes. It was heart wrenching. Megan still adored Charlie I could tell.


“Yes, he came to see me at work.” I knew Megan would have been informed somehow about our meeting.


“Was it about me?”


“A little. He had some business to put my way. Headcom is thinking about using him for a top marketing campaign.”


Charlie was ecstatic. He had offered his services really. Headcom were lucky to have him. This meant we had a reason to be seen together for the next few months. My entire body quivered at the wicked deceit.


“What did he say about me?”


“He just asked how you were that was it.” Charlie had told me to give her no hope. If he needed to tell her himself he would. I really didn’t want that.


“That was all?” Megan’s eyes began to fill with tears. “He didn’t ask to see me or ask if I had met anyone else?”


“I’m sorry Megan. Charlie didn’t ask anything like that. I know it is hard, but I really think you need to start to move on now. It looked as though Charlie already has.”


“Are you telling me he has someone else?” Megan screeched with deadly evil eyes burning into mine.


“No not that I am aware of.” I quickly recovered convinced that Megan could see straight through me.


“He has someone I know it. I could tell when he broke up with me. He must be protecting her. He needs to because when I find out who she is…”


“Megan, let’s not talk about Charlie. I thought you came to see me?” I interrupted before my nerves gave me away.


“True,” Megan hugged me. “I can’t believe how much I have missed you. It’s only been a month.”


“I know.”


“I am so proud of you Shannon.” I wish I could have believed her.


Megan only stayed in New York for a few days unfortunately she had a job in Barcelona. Megan shopped while I was working at Headcom. I met her both nights at her hotel. My Manhattan apartment was a little too shabby for her which was understandable. Megan was used to the finer things in life.


We had a wonderful meal at a top restaurant on the last night. The press were out in full force. They took me by surprise. It had been a while since I had been bombarded by the paparazzi.


“Well Shan, I am not sure when I will get to visit again. My schedule is pretty full now,” Megan sighed knowing we were at the end of our meal.


“I understand that, but it’s only five months. I will be back in London before you know it.” I teased. I hated Megan feeling guilty, it was so wrong.


“I don’t think you will be Shan,” Megan replied suddenly looking very serious.


“What do you mean?” I asked wary.


“Shan, you have changed. I noticed when I arrived. New York is good for you. You are so confident. It is like you are a different person.”


“I hadn’t really noticed.” What could I say to Megan? ‘
I know I have changed. It is because I am so in love with your soul mate nothing feels like a challenge anymore because I have him


“It is just wonderful to see, but I really can’t see you coming back to London.” Megan froze watching a crowd of people in the restaurant. I turned to look. “Oh my God Shan. Look it’s Charlie.” My heart thumped. How could I hide my feelings for him from Megan? “I should go and talk to him.”


“Do you think that is a good idea?”


“I have to do something. God, just looking at him makes my heart melt. He is so gorgeous.” I watched Megan’s face. She was in awe of him as he mingled through the crowd in his blue dinner suit. Charlie caught my apprehensive eyes first. “No, I am going to talk to him. Maybe it is a sign. I mean what are the chances of me bumping into Charlie?”


“True.” What were the odds? Everything seemed stacked against Charlie and me.


“Hello Charlie,” Megan greeted him. I followed behind Megan, bracing myself for the impossible.


“Hello Megan, Shannon,” Charlie jested towards me very quickly. I knew it was easier for Charlie. He had been in love with me for months while he was with Megan. He knew how to protect his feelings. “You are both looking well.”


“So are you,” Megan beamed her beautiful smile. A year ago I was sure it would have won his heart back.


“Well, New York is treating me well,” Charlie laughed. I really hoped I wasn’t blushing. “Congratulations on the Barcelona job. I heard about the tough competition.”


“Thank you. Shannon tells me you have gained a contract at Headcom. That’s brilliant.”


“Well, it will be nice to do some freelance. Straton is rather pleased with me.”


“I am sure he is.” Megan turned to look at me. I really didn’t want to be involved in this conversation. It was hard enough just listening to it. “I know you guys will be working together. I just don’t want our history to get in the way. Promise me?”


“It won’t. Shannon is very professional.” At stealing everything you need, I wanted to add. “You should be proud of her she is quite a business woman.” I tried to break the hold of Charlie’s eyes as he spoke.


“Oh, I am.” Megan put her arms around me. It was beginning to get too much for me. Charlie could tell.


“Well, I really better get back. I am networking tonight.” Charlie put his hands through his hair. He always did that when he was becoming a little uncomfortable.


“Maybe we could meet up some time when I get back from Barcelona. I have really missed you.” Megan almost pleaded.


“Megan, I really don’t think that is a good idea,” Charlie replied softly.


“So there is no way…” Megan couldn’t finish her sentence.


“No, I think we both need to move on. Now, if you will excuse me. Take care, Megan. I will be in touch Shannon.” Charlie disappeared into the crowd as I watched Megan’s heart shatter.


“I’m fine. At least I know,” Megan kept muttering as I lead her to the car. “Well, you keep safe. I will call you as much as I can.”


“I am sorry Megan.”


“Shan, don’t worry it is not your fault. I guess I have to move on somehow. I am only twenty one perhaps I need some fun? It’s Charlie’s loss. I wish I knew who she was though because that bitch has broken my heart.”   


 I could hardly hold my head up the shame was so heavy.


“I bet it’s his job. I wouldn’t worry.”


“He has someone I could tell by his eyes. He is so easy to read when he is in love.” Megan brushed her long blonde hair behind her shoulders. “Oh, never mind. He is not my problem anymore, but if you do hear anything?”


“You will be the first to know,” I smiled back as Megan got into the private car.


“Take care Shan. Don’t be too nasty to Charlie. Remember your job comes first.”


“I will. I doubt I will be working with him that much.”


“That’s good then. See you,” I waved Megan off until the black Mercedes disappeared into the traffic.


“Are you alright Shannon?” Charlie whispered in my ear.


“Yes, I just wasn’t expecting to see you here.”


“Sorry, I saw you come in. I tried to hide.”


“No, it’s fine.” I wanted to put my arms around him for comfort, but I knew I couldn’t. Not with all the press around.


“Shall I meet you at yours in an hour?” He whispered with a dreamy smirk.


“Sounds good to me.”


“Let me get you safely in a taxi first.” Charlie hailed a yellow cab opening the door for me to get in. “I wish I could kiss you right now Miss Davis. You look beautiful.” Charlie whispered before he shut the door. I blew him a kiss as the cab drove off.

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