Notice Me (16 page)

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Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #romance, #tristan, #werewolf, #luke, #mates, #anya, #wattpad, #lise, #bebechinadoll, #watty awards

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I'm pretty sure they’re not smelling too
fresh either, nor do I want to test out that theory. They both
turned to us and grinned, "Thanks." A sneaky smile came over both
of their faces all of a sudden as they glanced at one another out
the corner of their eyes and nodded their heads.
Before Anya and I could even spin around to run, we were grabbed
into a bear hug. "Eww!" We both shrieked at the same time as we
tried to wither free.
"So girls, what's the plan for next weekend?" Troy asked jogging
over to us while wiping all his sweat off with his t-shirt. Andre
stood by his side.
"We told you it's a surprise Troy, so stop pestering!" Anya joked
with a giggle. "We'll text you on Friday so you'll know." Troy
didn’t push any further, so we assumed our answer was sufficient
enough. I did however, feel Tristan's arms tighten around me at the
mention of us having plans with Troy.
"You guys played a great game." I grinned at Troy, I was still in
Tristan's arms like a rag doll. "Put me down, please?" I asked
glancing over my shoulder at him with make pretend puppy dog eyes.
Tristan put me onto the ground, but kept his arms wrapped around my
waist. He placed his chin on my shoulder hugging me from behind.
It's like he doesn't want me to stray too far away.
"Yea, awesome game Evans." Troy said tilting his head in
recognition. "Totally gave me a run for my money out there. Can't
wait until our teams play this season." See he's not such a bad
guy, there has to be a total misunderstanding between them. Troy
couldn't be faking the entire four years at camp, could he?
"Thanks, yea can't wait." Tristan answered huskily. "We should get
going, you have curfew soon." He reminded me of the time. Stepping
away from Tristan and Luke, Anya and I went over to give Troy a hug
goodbye. I know it was difficult for the guys to witness, but hey
they're going to have to get used to it!
"Thanks for checking up on us Troy-Boy." I teased, calling him the
nickname I made up for him at camp. "And thanks for playing nice."
I whispered in his ear as he pulled me in for a hug.
"Anytime Lisey-Piecey." He murmured hugging me back, then he leaned
over and did the same to Anya.
"Nice meeting you Andre." Anya and I both waved at him. We don't
really know the guy so there's no reason why we should give him a
"Same here." Andre answered with a friendly smile. He didn't seem
so bad either.

I went to say something else to Troy, but
he cut me off before I had the chance. "I know, I know, text you
when I get home safe." He winked as he walked towards the parking
lot with Andre. Punk, that's what I thought! He knows we have this
thing that whenever he's out, he always texts me to let me know he
got home safe. This way I don't worry about him, I do the same
thing to Anya also.
"Ready to go?" Tristan asked taking my hand into his and leading us
towards his truck. I could feel some tension from him, he doesn't
look too happy for someone who just won the game. Peeping over at
Anya she shrugged her shoulders at me. Seems like Luke is in the
same mood as Tristan.
The ride home was relatively quiet, the only noise in the car was
the humming of the music on the radio. It was difficult for me to
focus on anything else besides a shirtless Tristan sitting next to
me. His shorts were hanging dangerously low as I got a peek at the
waistband of his black boxers that were exposed.
He was still holding my hand over the center console, but something
seemed off about the way he was eerily quiet. We pulled up to our
houses the guys walked us up to my doorway. Anya and Luke went
inside, probably to raid the kitchen.
"Is something wrong?" I asked turning around to face Tristan as we
stayed back on the porch. My parents still weren't home yet. They
probably went to dinner and then a late movie. I wanted to know
what was bothering him because it was eating away at my insides
slowly. I'm good at dishing out the silent treatment, but I suck
when it comes to taking it.
Tristan just shrugged it off like it wasn't anything, but I could
tell from the blank look in his eyes that something was bothering
him. "Come over around eleven for the pack meeting ok?" His voice
was distant. Does he even still want me to be there? Why is he
acting this way?
"You sure you still want me there?" I couldn't help but ask as my
thoughts slipped sarcastically from my lips.
The area around his eyes tightened as his forehead creased in
anger. "Of course I want you to be there, why would you ask
something like that?" He looked hurt at the fact that the thought
even crossed my mind.
Shrugging my shoulders in an
'I don't know
"I don't know you just seem angry." I
mumbled quietly, looking down I took a sudden interest in my
He cupped my face with his large hands and forced me to look into
his eyes. "I'm not angry at you Lise, I just...really hate other
guys touching you. I'll get over it." He promised kissing me on the
I guess I can totally see where he's coming from, I need to put
myself in his shoes. Knowing damn well that I wouldn't appreciate
him hugging up on another female, I know I needed to admit when I
am wrong. Leaning up on my tippy-toes as Tristan watched me with
curiosity I brushed my lips against his. "Sorry, I'll try to tone
it down."
"Don't apologize." He responded with a reassuring squeeze. "I'll
work on trying not to be so jealous all the time." Tristan winked
with a small smile as he pecked me on the lips once more before
leaving to go to his place with Luke.
The next morning was ultimate chaos as I rummaged through my closet
for something acceptable to wear. What in the heck does one wear to
a pack meeting? Am I supposed to get dressed
up...casual...semi-casual? Argh!!
"Anya!" I screeched at the top of my lungs from inside my walk-in
closet. I was sitting on the ground buried in a pile of rubble,
otherwise known as my clothes. This witch is already dressed and
ready to go. Acting as though it was just another normal day in the
neighborhood. How can she be so nonchalant about everything? She’s
wearing a pair of jeans, a white button up shirt, with a black tank
underneath, and some black high heeled pumps. So simple, yet so
"Seriously?" Her laugh came out from the doorway. "What're you
preparing for the semi finals of the Miss Teen USA pageant?"
Giving her a dirty look with narrowed eyes, I scrunched my face up
in anger. "Help me find something, please?" I practically begged.
Normally I would just throw on anything, but today was not just any
normal day. It’s the first pack meeting, which I'm sure meant
everybody and anybody would be there.
Stepping into the closet she began picking at the pile that
consumed me. "Get out of here, go do your make up." She ordered as
she began folding and hanging up the clothes. Listening to her
command, I went out to my vanity mirror and did my make up. After a
few minutes, Anya emerged from the closet.
"Here you go." She simply stated holding out a pair of dark blue
jeans, my sparkly silver top, and a pair of silver patent leather
heels. An outfit I'd never be able to come up with on my own.
"Thanks you're a life saver." I smiled while sweeping her up into a
hug. I owe her my life, it’s dressy, yet not too dressy.
Blowing out a breath of stress, I raised my hand to ring the
doorbell. Anya and I were standing on Tristan's doorstep. Mom is
working today and Dad is out golfing with his buddies, typical
Sunday at the Foster residence.
Nervousness racked my body, today I'll be introduced to the pack as
Tristan's mate and Anya as Luke's. Why is Anya so freaking calm,
isn't she the least bit worried about what will occur at this
meeting? What if they start a riot because we're humans?
Second thoughts began to flow through my mind, causing me to doubt
‘Maybe this isn't such a good
I thought, wanting to turn around and run back
Before I even got the chance to act on it the front door swung wide
open, and Tristan and Luke greeted us. "Hey." Anya smiled, stepping
inside like she owns the place. I was standing behind her timidly,
using her as a human shield.
She leaned over and kissed Luke, who immediately took her hand and
led her towards the kitchen. I heard him saying he wanted to
introduce her to some people. I on the other hand was still
standing on the front stoop, "Plan on coming in or you want to stay
out here?" Tristan teased grabbing a hold of my hands and tugging
me inside.
"I think I'll be better off out here." I mumbled under my breath,
not wanting to face anyone. Anti-social much, yes I am.

"Don't worry, I'm sure everyone will adore you." He stood there in
front of me rubbing his hands up and down my exposed arms trying to
comfort me, but it wasn't helping. "Just as much as I do." Leading
me into the family room I instantly noticed almost half the senior
class there along with a bunch of older people, parents I'm
assuming. "Be right back." Tristan leaned down whispering into my
ear. "Dad's calling me."
Ever get the feeling like you're being stared at and not in the
good way? Well, that’s currently me, as I stood uncomfortably in
the doorway rocking on the balls of my feet. My eyes zoned in on
Jewel, Lana and their usual puppets off to one side of the room,
glaring at me hatefully and no doubt conspiring their next evil
plan against me.
Ugh, where's Anya when I need her? For crying out loud I'd take
Max, Jordan, Gabe, or Sam...hell I'd even take
Axel...somebody...anybody! A smug smile spread across Jewel's lips
as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and began making her way
over to me, like a hunter seeking it's next kill.

Chapter 23: Pack Meeting
Tristan's POV
Excusing myself from Lise to head over to my father's study, I
wondered what he needed to speak to me about? What can possibly be
that important that he has to pull me away from introducing my mate
to fellow pack members?
Knocking on the door to the study, "Come in." My dad announced
looking up from his paperwork as I slipped in and closed the door
behind me.
"What's up Dad?" I asked suddenly worried that there might be a
larger issue at hand. "Is there something wrong?"
He shook his head from side to side and ran his hand through his
hair messing it up. "I just wanted to forewarn you, prepare you for
what we're up against." My dad sighed. What's he warning me about?
Is the pack in danger? Are there rogues on the horizon that are
ready to attack? Is there something we need to be doing?


"Some of the pack might not be as
accepting to the fact that your mate is human." My dad said
pointedly. "Traditional wolves feel as though their Luna should be
a fellow wolf in order to carry on a strong Alpha bloodline."
A vicious growl erupted from deep within my chest. Who would dare
deny my mate? She's my mate and no one else's, so why would any of
them have a concern in this? "I could care less what the pack
thinks. She's my mate and their future Luna, they will respect
her." I snarled, not necessarily at my father, but more at the
thought of people giving my mate a hard time.
"I know that son, I just figured you had a right to know before we
introduce her to the pack." My father announced standing up and
walking around to pat me on the back. "She'll make a good
Hearing those five words from my father...the Alpha's mouth...meant
more to me then the thoughts of our entire pack. He accepted my
mate and even thought of her to be an acceptable Luna to lead the
pack. It meant so much to me, because my Mother...current
the best Luna our pack has ever had.
'Trist, where are you? I suggest you
get your ass down here ASAP!'
Luke sent through our
mind link, causing me to jump from my seat. Yanking open the door
to the study, we heard an immediate commotion downstairs. I looked
over at my dad with a confused expression.
Running down the steps, I could hear a scuffling noise? Rolling
around on the floor in the foyer of my house was my mate and Jewel.
What in the hell is going on here? I left her alone for a total of
two whole minutes and she's scrapping with Jewel?

"Get off my hair you bitch!" Jewel shrieked trying to tug her hair
out of Lise's grip. But amusingly my mate had her hair wrapped up
into a tight fist of her left hand as she threw punches with her
Let me find out that I have a little boxer on my hands! I had to
laugh at the sight before me, I'm sure whatever the case may be,
Jewel deserved every bit of the ass beating she was getting.
Glancing over at my dad who was standing next to me, he shook his
head and smirked. He too, knew Jewel and her non-ability to keep
her mouth shut.
Just as I was about to take a step down onto the next step, five of
Jewel's roadies came rushing at Lise, they were trying to get her
off Jewel. Before I could make my way to her to help, it was like a
flash of lightning flew before my eyes as his roar echoed
throughout the house.
"Back off!" Axel barked in a threatening tone jumping in front of
the two fighting. The look on his face daring any one to try and
jump in making the fight unfair. At that moment I was grateful for
Axel being her protector. He wanted to let the two of them go at it
fair and square. He probably knows Lise will beat him up if he
breaks up their fight. This was a long time coming and I respect
him even more for letting them go at it.
"C'mon sweetheart, that's quite enough." I declared, picking Lise
up by her waist she was straddling a thrashing Jewel holding her
hands down. Lise wasn't even trying to hit her anymore, just doing
her best to maintain control over the situation. I think she got
her fair shares of hits before she decided enough was enough.
Axel held Jewel back so she couldn't come charging at Lise again.
"Aren't you going do anything? She attacked me!" Jewel cried
dramatically pointing accusingly at Lise.
"Cut the crap Jewel. We all heard what you said." Luke interceded.
I stared at him awaiting an explanation. Looking around it seems
like my dad ushered a majority of the guests into the backyard
where we were holding the meeting.
There were only a handful of us still around trying to assess the
situation. "What'd she say to you?" I grilled Lise taking a step
closer to her. It was difficult to not get lost in her beautiful
hazel eyes, but I needed to know what Jewel said that caused my
mate to lose her cool.
"Nothing, don't worry about it, it's done and over with." She
breathed, I examined every inch of her face carefully. My blood
boiled in my veins as I made out a noticeable angry five-finger
print on Lise's face. She winced slightly as I ran my fingertips
over the surface.
This bitch has the nerve to lay a finger on her future Luna?
Focusing my glare at Jewel I realized her face didn't look any
better. Lise gave her a nice black eye, more than likely in
retaliation to the slap. She had a few scratches visible along her
neckline. I'm glad that my little mate fought back and that she got
a taste of her own medicine, but still not satisfied with the end

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