Notice Me (18 page)

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Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #romance, #tristan, #werewolf, #luke, #mates, #anya, #wattpad, #lise, #bebechinadoll, #watty awards

BOOK: Notice Me
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Chapter 25: Slumber
What do you possibly say to two adorably cute guys standing on your
doorstep hugging onto two sleeping bags with grins wider than a
Cheshire cat? Go away? Scram, get out of here? I had no idea what
else to do, it would be so wrong of me to tell them to go away and
slam the door on them. My heart wouldn't be able to handle the
distraught looks on their faces if I said this was meant to just be
the three of us hanging out for Troy's birthday. So I did the only
logical thing and invited them in.


"Come in?" I asked with a slight grimace,
a bit unsure of what I was doing and whether or not this would turn
out to be a good idea. Of course I planned on asking Troy if it was
ok with him that the guys crash his birthday get together. After
all, this is 'his' weekend. "Thought you guys had pack stuff to
take care of?" I inquired curiously, remembering that Tristan told
me he'd be busy tonight.
Shaking his head, Tristan answered leaning over to peck me on the
lips. "Dad was able to wrap things up in under an hour."
"Mm, I'm starving is that pizza I smell?" Luke asked with wide eyes
while running his hand over his flat belly.
"Yea, the pizza just got here. There's plenty in the kitchen." I
announced basically telling the two to go help themselves.
"Hey Lise, who was at the..." Troy began as he walked through the
living room towards the foyer. "Door." He finished after spotting
Luke and Tristan at my side. Troy didn't seem delighted, but he
still plastered on a friendly smile and greeted the guys with a
handshake. "Hey guys how's it going?" It wasn't a prim and proper
type of handshake, but more like the manly lean my body towards you
while I grab a hold of your hand type of greeting.
"Hey, what's up." They both greeted. Gee, you'd think they'd at
least try and make their voices sound the least bit happy to see
him. "Happy Birthday man." Tristan added.
"Thanks, but technically my birthday's not till tomorrow." Troy
corrected with a laugh. "You guys hungry?"
"Uh, yea why don't you two go eat." I suggested tilting my head
sideways towards the kitchen. "I want to talk to Troy for a sec."
This will be my opportunity to get Troy alone and ask him if he
minds these two stalkers joining in on our fun.
Tristan looked at me like I just asked him to help me kidnap the
President. He quirked an eyebrow up at me while he placed his
sleeping bag onto the ground. Luke didn't have to be told twice as
he began making his way to the kitchen to stuff his face. Crossing
my arms over my chest, I pursed my lips and gave him a 'well, what
are you waiting for' glare.
Standing there for another full minute, before rolling his eyes
Tristan finally decided he wasn't going to win this one with me. He
stomped away to the kitchen unhappily, glancing wearily at me over
his shoulder. What exactly does he think I'm going to do with
"Sorry." I mumbled to Troy sheepishly. "I swear I didn't invite
them over." I cried holding my hands up defensively. "I know that
this is totally your birthday weekend and you can say no if you
want to. I swear I won't be upset and neither with Anya." I rambled
on and on before Troy stepped towards me and grabbed a hold of my
upper arms giving me a slight shake.
"Breathe." Troy ordered and I suddenly inhaled a deep breath. "It's
fine with me if they want to hang out with us." He answered giving
me a sincere smile.
"Are you sure?" I questioned searching his face for any sign that
he was lying to me. After four summers at camp together, I can
thankfully say I know Troy well enough to know if he's lying.
"Positive." He nodded grabbing me into a hug. "I promise I don't
mind at all." See, I told you Troy's a great guy! I'll have to quiz
Tristan and dig deeper to find out the root of all the hatred
between them. It can't all possibly stem from one simple soccer
game, can it? There has to be a reason deeper then that. Tristan's
far from egotistical to let something that petty get in the way of
his judgment.
"Now let's go finish eating, you know I hate cold pizza." He
admitted while slinging his arm over my shoulder and leading me to
the kitchen.
When we walked in immediately all eyes were on us, especially
Tristan's who zoned right in on Troy's arm. I could instantly see
his jaw tighten and his nostrils flared the tiniest bit, which
indicated to me that he was slightly pissed off. Coyly sliding
myself away from Troy, I walked over to my plate of pizza on the
island and continued eating.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Luke asked with
a mouth full of pizza. Damn that boy can eat. You'd think he was
raised by a pack of wolves or something. Wait, he was!
"Well we're watching movies and, wait for it..." Anya drawled out
trying to create some sort of suspense. "Facials!" She cried
A groan came from both Tristan and Luke. "What too manly for a
facial?" Anya drilled angrily. "You know, if you don't want to join
in on our festivities, you're more then welcome to go home." That
seemed to shut them both up quickly as they continued chewing
quietly. When we finished eating we set up our sleeping bags in the
living room.
We decided since there's way more testosterone here at our little
sleep over, then we better make it an action movie night instead of
our usual chick flicks. If it was just Troy, we might have been
able to tag team him into watching our love movies. But, since it's
three against two, the odds didn't look like they were in our
"Which one first?" Anya asked holding up the choice of Clash of the
Titans, Green Lantern, 300, and The Dark Knight. Each movie had a
hot guy in it so either way, we'd all be winning in the end! Anya
and I would get to drool over the actors, while they got the
"Green Lantern." They all agreed unanimously, Ryan Reynolds it is.
You won't hear a peep out of me complaining, because he's some
serious eye candy. I totally think Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively
are the cutest stinking couple I've ever seen!


Anya went over to pop in the DVD while I ran to
the fridge to grab our container that was hidden in the back. The
Tupperware of our homemade cucumber mask. I had to hide it way in
the back because my Dad opened it up and used it, as dip for his
tortilla chips thinking it was guacamole. Whoopsie! He didn't even
realize it wasn't food until I came home and gasped at him in
disgust. Typical guy I tell you, just shoves anything in his mouth
while sitting in front of the TV watching sports!
"I'm so not doing that!" Luke exclaimed as Anya approached him with
a glob of green goop on her fingertips.
"C'mon stop being such a baby. It'll exfoliate your skin and unclog
your pores!" Anya shouted taking a few mores steps closer to Luke
who was backing away cautiously. She already smeared it all over
Troy's face, he was sitting happily on the sofa with a bowl of
popcorn watching the previews.


I applied my own mask and glanced over at
Tristan from the corner of my eyes. I could see he was eyeing my
every move, knowing he's next up to get slimed! "You going to put
up a fight or be a good boy?" I teased turning in my seat to face
Tristan. He just shrugged his shoulders at me leaning closer to
kiss my bare shoulder.
"I'll be good for now." He mumbled under his breath giving me a
little smirk. My cheeks heated up at his insinuation of what he'll
be up to later. What the heck does he mean he'll be good for now?
Was he planning on being naughty later and if yes, how so?
I was sitting on the sofa between Troy, who was shoveling handfuls
of popcorn in his mouth and Tristan who was somehow watching the
movie with his head resting on my shoulder. Anya and Luke were
cuddled up on the love seat across from us. We were about twenty
minutes into the movie when my doorbell rang.
Who could possibly be at the door? Both of my parents have keys and
I know for a fact that they didn't forget them, because they're
attached to the car keys. Turning my face and planting a kiss on
Tristan's forehead, I murmured "Excuse me" as I got up to go answer
the door.
Tristan stood up and followed behind me to the foyer, we all still
had about ten minutes before we could rinse off our masks. Swinging
open my front door, I was surprised to find Max, Jordan, Sam, and
Gabe standing there. As soon as they saw our faces, they busted out
in a chorus of laughter. All four of them were hunched over
grabbing their bellies as Max pointed at Tristan and shook his
Max literally had tears streaming down his cheeks as he grunted,
"N-no way!" Before they all began another round of chuckles. This
caused Anya, Luke, and Troy to pause the movie and come out to the
foyer to see what all the noise was about.
"Oh, hell no!" Jordan cried as they got a look at the remaining
three. "You guys are so whipped it's not even funny." He
"What do you guys want?" Tristan barked out, acting as though he
were mad. I'm pretty sure he wasn't though, because he had the look
'damn it, I can't believe my boys caught
me with a cucumber mask'
face on.
"We...we came by to chill, your Mom told us you were over here."
Sam stuttered while trying to hold back another fit of laughs. A
sudden flash blinded me Momentarily causing me to shut my eyes.
"Oh, good one Gabe!" I heard one of the guys praise and then I
heard a bunch of high fives.
"Did you seriously just snap a picture of us?" I asked finally able
to open my eyes, but still seeing that annoying white blotch
obstructing my view.
"Hell yea and it's going straight up on facebook!" Gabe shrieked
running away as both Luke and Tristan chased him down my porch onto
the front lawn. They were trying to get a hold of his cell phone to
delete the picture before he sent it off to facebook, but it was
too late. Their mission was accomplished.


I don't care if anybody sees me with the mask,
but obviously the guys do. We introduced Troy to the guys, but it
seems that they all already know one another from soccer. The guys
came in to hang out while we all rinsed off the masks and washed
our faces. My parents came home and had the look of surprise to see
so many people over, but they were ok with it. Such cool parents, I
couldn't ask for a better set.


"What's up for tomorrow man, you guys have any
plans?" Max asked us as a group.
"Tomorrow's Troy's birthday so we're planning on celebrating it." I
answered, smiling over at Troy who seemed genuinely happy to be
around us.
"Well if you guys want, you should join us. We're going jet skiing
on the bay in the morning and then to check out that new twenty and
under club that opened up on Mechanic Street at night." Max
suggested looking over at Troy for a reaction.
Troy's eyes lit up, "Wow, that'd be awesome." He grinned looking at
Anya and I. "Does that sound like something you girls would want to
"Heck yes!" Anya shouted excitedly, she’s such an adventure freak.
She isn't afraid of anything, well besides becoming wolf
I was a bit weary about jet skiing, but hey if it's something Troy
wants to do for his birthday then why not? "Sure, sounds like a
plan." I agreed, crossing my fingers. I hope I don't drown!

Chapter 26: Rise and
The sunlight shining through the curtains is what woke me up the
next morning. I tried to sit up, but it was physically impossible
for me to move an inch. For one, there was a solid object behind me
and secondly, there was a heavy muscular arm draped over my waist.
Opening my eyes I noticed that I wasn't even in my own sleeping bag
anymore. Instead, I was tucked into Tristan's grizzly double
sleeping bag. How in the heck did he get me out of mine and into
his? Not that I was complaining at all, this position was really
comfortable and I slept great last night. But, I do recall falling
asleep in my own sleeping bag which was conveniently next to
Tristan's. Am I that heavy a sleeper that I didn't feel him drag me
into his?
"Good Morning." Tristan's husky morning voice whispered into the
top of my head. How long has he been awake for?
"Morning." I mumbled quietly, even though I wasn't facing him I'm
pretty sure my morning breath isn't smelling too fresh at the
"How'd you sleep?" He asked tugging me in closer by the waist so my
back was pressed up against his chest.
"Good, and you?" I responded back. Seems like we’re the only two
people awake at the moment. Troy was sprawled out in his bag and
Anya somehow ended up in Luke's grizzly double too.
"Best sleep of my life." He answered, I could hear amusement to his
tone. Did he mean because I was next to him that it was the best
sleep of his life? Silly boy, it was actually pretty cool hanging
out in one big group, the only one who joined in our mani and
pedi's was Troy.
Guess he's confident enough with his masculinity that he doesn't
care what the other guys think of him when we painted his nails
clear. When it came to waxing, we got all of them in some shape or
form. Whether it was taking off stray hairs on top of their brows
or waxing away the hair in the area between their eyes.
Max is missing a patch of leg hair after the guys thought it would
be amusing to hold him down and test the efficiency of our wax. We
all hung out for a while last night and after watching Green
Lantern and Clash of the Titans all the guys went home.‍
I was really excited about going jet skiing and dancing tonight
after hearing all the fun stories. The guys spent a lot of the time
reminiscing about their jet skiing and kayaking adventures of last
summer. Reaching up and extending my arms upwards, I let out a tiny
yawn as I stretched. I didn't want to get up, but I knew I needed
to or else I'd stay in his arms forever.
"It's still really early if you want to get a couple more hours of
sleep." Tristan advised, leaning up on his elbow to get a better
look at me.
Turning my head slightly my breath got caught in my throat, he's
just as handsome when first waking up in the morning as he is any
other time. I'm sure I look like I got ran over a few times by the
ugly bus. My hair's probably tangled and sticking up in all types
of directions. Probably have eye crisps and dried up drool on the
side of my mouth. ‘How freaking embarrassing’ I thought as I
struggled to get up.
"Where are you in a rush to?" Tristan teased placing his hand on
the other side of my head. Somehow he shifted his body so that he
was hovering over top of me. It was taking every ounce of control
in my body to not freak out. Tristan Evans is on op of me, yet he
wasn't touching me. It's almost like he was doing a push up over
This position caused me to get really, really hot, because we were
both still tucked comfortably inside the bag, meaning we were
extremely close. My traitorous body wanted to feel his up against
mine and this feeling scared the crap out of me. I've never felt
these emotions before.
All I could do was stare into his beautiful gray eyes, which seemed
to be getting lighter and lighter by the second. I'm not sure how
long we stayed frozen gazing at each other for before Tristan bent
his elbows slightly and closed the gap between us. Bringing his
face closer to my own. I would of liked to have been able to brush
my teeth first, but if I had to choose between getting up and
losing the Moment or kissing him on the spot, of course I'd choose
the latter.
His lips were smooth as velvet as he placed gentle slightly
open-mouthed kisses against mine. It was as though our lips molded
together perfectly. Supporting his weight on one elbow, he glode
his right hand over the side of my face tangling it into my hair.
Tristan placed himself so that his upper body was on top of me and
his lower body was in between my legs. I didn't feel the weight of
him pressing into me, the only pressure I felt were his lips
against mine as he deepened the kiss.
My hands automatically went to grab fistfuls of the back of his
shirt, but all I found was a muscular bare back.
‘Whoa, he's topless,’
I thought as I
ran my hands over the smoothness of his skin. He must like the
feeling of it, because he moaned against my lips and his hand began
inching it's way under my tank top. The sound of footsteps coming
down the steps caused Tristan to roll off me in an

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