Notice Me (20 page)

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Authors: Lili Lam

Tags: #romance, #tristan, #werewolf, #luke, #mates, #anya, #wattpad, #lise, #bebechinadoll, #watty awards

BOOK: Notice Me
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Chapter 28: Mistaken



Troy and Andre were hanging out with two blondes
that were daring enough to make their way over and ask them to
dance. So graciously, Anya and I moved away to another part of the
club allowing our friend to have his fun. We were here to celebrate
with him, not hog up his good time. f he wanted to dance with other
girls, by all means. We wanted him to enjoy himself, if that means
hooking up with random girls then so be it.


Troy hasn't found his mate yet, one day he is
I'm positive of it, but until then he said he's going to play the
field until he does. Can't knock him for wanting to experience life
before being tied down. I was out on the dance floor with Anya
shaking what our mama’s gave us to She Doesn't Mind by Sean Paul.
When out the corner of my eye I noticed two good looking guys
making their way across the dance floor towards us.


Definitely wolves, the little voice in my head
said as I instinctively turned my head to glance up at the booth
where Tristan and Luke were sitting, at the opposite end of the
club. Except they were no longer seated in the booth, instead the
two of them had looks that could kill as they too fought their way
through the crowd towards us. Uh-oh, what's going on? I thought as
my head pivoted back and forth between the four guys making their
way over here. The strangers reached us first, as the taller of the
two with black hair and green eyes reached out to grab a hold of my


"Mia..." He said with the hint of a slight
Spanish accent while looking directly at me. "We've been searching
all over the country for you." Say what? Who in the world is Mia
and why is he talking like he knows me? I looked over my shoulder
wondering if he was possibly speaking to someone behind me. Nope,
nobody there.


"Excuse me?" I replied with a confused look on
my face as I tried to pull my elbow from his grip, but of course
he's a wolf and he's no such luck. "Who's Mia?"


"Come, it is time to quit with the games." The
shorter of the two said, he too had black hair and green eyes.
"We've found you and it's time for us to go back home. Mother,
Father and Marco are worried sick!"


Who in the hell is Marco and why the heck would
my parents be worried sick? They know I'm out with Tristan, Troy
and the guys. I stared at the two and realized they have to be
related and scary enough if I died my hair black, they could pass
for my own brothers except I was an only child and I don't have
green eyes.


"You will come with us quietly without causing a
scene." The one beside me barked out in an angry tone causing me to
jump in fright.


Struggling to get out of his grip as he began
dragging me, Anya screamed out as she began pummeling her fists
into his back. "Get off her you jerk!" This caused the shorter one
to grab a hold of Anya and he too started yanking her right along
with us, that is until Tristan and Luke stepped in front of our
path blocking them from pulling us any further.


A deep rumbling growl was heard clearly from the
depths of both of their chests. Tristan's eyes began glowing a
bright silver color against the flickering strobe lights in the
club. "You have approximately two seconds to get your hands off of
them…" Tristan snarled while taking a threatening step forward. His
jaw was clenched down tightly and his fists were balled up at his
sides, ready to strike at any given Moment. "Before I rip each of
your fingers off your hands and feed them to you."


I've never seen this side of Tristan before. Of
course I've seen him angry and boy is he intimidating, but he was
absolutely livid. Upon hearing the threat the short one immediately
let go of Anya's arm allowing her to run to Luke's side. Would it
be wrong of me to say that seeing him like this was a complete and
utter turn on? The way Tristan's biceps flexed each time he pumped
his fists made the butterflies in my stomach flutter about.


Letting go of my elbow the guy stepped forward
to stand in front of Tristan. It was very brave action on his part
might I add. I wondered if he was an Alpha or future Alpha? From
what I've seen wolves give respect to those in a higher position
and this guy was lacking in the respect department here. It also
amazed me that people around us still carried on about their
business partying, not minding a group of six people standing still
right in the middle of the dance floor.


"I suggest you mind your business, Alpha.
Whatever goes on between me and my sister is none of your concern."
He spat out glaring at Tristan as his eyes began glowing as bright
as an emerald.


"When it comes to my mate Alpha, I do believe it
is my concern." Tristan retorted taking a step in my direction,
just that quick he reached out and pulled me behind him


Hmm, so wolves can sense Alpha blood in
one another...interesting, very interesting.
‘You learn something new every day,’
I thought as
I watched the exchange between the two carefully. I pressed myself
up against his back inhaling in his scent, which managed to calm my
nerves instantly. Tristan however was shaking in anger, so I snaked
my arm around his waist hugging him from behind.


The two strangers looked at one other with a
bewildered expression. "Impossible, Mia can't be your mate...she's
Marco's mate." The tall one mumbled under his breath.


"Well maybe that's because this right here..."
Tristan began reaching back and taking a hold of my free hand to
place a kiss on my palm, "Isn't your sister Mia. Her name is Lise
and she's my mate. She bears my mark." Tristan said as he stepped
aside to show proof of the slight scar I carried on the crook of my
neck. I liked to call it my love bite. "I claimed her."


They both stood before us and shook their heads
disbelievingly. "Show him Rico." The shorter one urged nudging what
I assumed to be his brother. Reaching into his back pocket Rico
pulled out a photograph, he held it up for the four of us to see.
As soon as I got a look at the picture, my hand flew up to my mouth
in shock. The girl in the photo was an exact replica of me, my
carbon copy, what could've been my long lost twin except she had
black hair and green eyes! Of course she was the more stylish
beautiful version of me, but hey there's no need to knock down my
self-confidence here.


"Holy crap Lise, do you have a sister out there
that we don't know about?" Anya inquired as she inched forward to
get a better look at the photo.


I shook my head no in response as Rico began
talking. "Our deepest apologies Alpha, this is my brother Alonso
and I'm Rico. We come from Spain in search for our sister who ran
away from home six months ago, the day Marco recognized her as his

Taking a step back to create some space between
the tense standoff between himself and Tristan, Rico continued. "We
mistook your mate for our sister, it's been a long journey and Mia
will go to all extremes to not be found. Again we are truly sorry
for any inconvenience." He finished with a slight bow.


Turning around and leaning down to whisper in my
ear, his hot breath tickled as it fanned out across my neck. He
wrapped his arm around my lower back and pulled me closer. "You
ok?" Tristan asked grabbing my chin and getting a good look at my
face. His eyes trailed down my body as if he were searching for any
visible bruises.


Giving him a little nod and a small smile, I
stared back into his eyes that turned back into the normal shade of
gray they usually are. "I'm fine, it was all just a
misunderstanding." I replied turning to Rico and Alonso for
confirmation that this indeed was all just a case of mistaken
identity. They looked really embarrassed and completely worn out. I
couldn't possibly imagine what it's been like for them to scour the
earth for the past six months in search for their missing sister
who doesn't want to be found.

"In that case, your apology is accepted."
Tristan acknowledged sticking out his hand in a gesture of truce.
"We wish you the best of luck in finding your sister."


Rico and Alonso shook hands with both Tristan
and Luke, then they uttered apologies to Anya for being so rough
before heading for the exit. We watched them leave, before Tristan
turned to face me again. The way he was eyeing me full of lust was
making my palms sweat. He tugged my body toward his so that there
was absolutely no space between us as he embraced me in a hug.


The warmth of his body against mine caused my
heart to flutter wildly in my chest as his lips came crashing down
onto my own. It wasn't a gentle kiss...more like one filled with
need as he deepened the kiss trying to taste every bit of me,
causing me to moan out in pleasure. Tristan slightly applied
pressure as he ran his hands down my back and the length of my
dress. I felt him bend his knees slightly as the roughness of his
palms gripped at the back of my thighs.


I let out a small screech of surprise as Tristan
lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. What is this boy
doing? My mind raced as I tried miserably to tug at the bottom of
my dress, great...just great. I'm pretty sure my red heart panties
are on display to the entire club, thanks to Tristan. Obviously
Tristan wasn't too concerned with that as he began walking towards
the area where all the guys were dancing, while carrying me. He
continued running his lips from my cheek, down my neck, and then to
my love bite where he kissed it gently.


That simple kiss caused me to buck my hips
against him, which in turn caused his hands to grip at my waist
even tighter then before. I couldn't help the feeling it gave me.
Almost like my entire body was on high alert, every single nerve
ending was shocked to life.

Reaching the rest of the group, Tristan placed
me back down on the ground never letting go of me as he started
dancing against me to Edward Maya's Stereo Love.


"Now that I finally get to spend time with you
now" He whispered huskily against my ear. "I'm not letting go." If
it were possible, my heart would've been melted in a puddle at my
feet right now. How'd I get this lucky to have such a perfect

"Thanks for coming to my rescue." I said closing
my eyes and resting my head on his chest. "I love you."


"I'll always be there to protect you, no matter
what Lise. I love you." Tristan replied with such fierceness, it
caused his voice to become deep and almost unrecognizable. "Nice
panties by the way..." He finished off with a smirk, which resulted
in me playfully smacking him in the chest.


What a way to ruin the freaking Moment! "C'mon
guys let's sing to Troy." Anya chirped holding a chocolate cupcake
with a single candle in it. We all gathered around Troy and sang
Happy Birthday to him, I hope he enjoyed his night a little more
then I enjoyed mine. Even with the little incident that occurred, I
couldn't ask for a more perfect night for my first time out to a

Chapter 29: White Water
Tristan's POV
Taking my eyes away from the road, I glanced over at Lise who was
sitting beside me rocking her body from side to side, tapping her
foot to the beat of the song. Her tiny fingers, which were entwined
with mine over the middle console, were drumming against the back
of my hand as though she was playing the keys of a piano.
Lise and Anya who was seated directly behind the passenger seat,
were singing along...very loudly might I Call Me Maybe by
Carly Rae Jepsen. They both have really nice voices and could sing
their asses off. It’s surprising how well they sing together. I
love seeing her so happy and carefree that I didn't have it in my
heart to tell her how much I absolutely hated this damn song.
When we got back to her house from the club last night, Luke and I
left for a while to check in with my Dad. I notified him of the
incident at the club with Rico and Alonso and in turn he promised
to call their father Alpha Perez to offer our pack's assistance in
helping them track down Mia.
Dad said he'd send Jewel's father, whom as you guys know our pack's
current Beta to speak to Rico and Alonso. After shifting and
running our night patrols, we stopped to get a quick shower at my
house. When we finally got back over to Lise's it was way past two
in the morning. Walking into the living room I was ecstatic to see
that she was willingly tucked into the side of my sleeping bag
waiting for me to come back.
Crawling in next to her, she instantly rolled over and snuggled up
to me in her sleep. This made me feel like the luckiest guy in the
world. Just the simple fact of knowing she wanted to be near me
warmed me right down to the core of my heart. Kissing Lise on the
forehead after wrapping my arm around her, I hugged her close to my
chest. I stayed awake a while watching her in a peaceful
I was willing to kill for this girl tonight, ready to annihilate
anything that even came close to threatening the safety of my mate.
My wolf was itching to come out and show the two strangers dragging
our mates around like rag dolls, what the future Alpha of Monhegan
Moonlight Pack is all about. In all honestly I was about a minute
away from shifting when I felt Lise's thin arm wrap around me
hugging me from behind. That small action managed to calm my wolf
allowing me to think clearly. Yes, I know I have some
uncontrollable anger issues...but what wolf doesn't?


Lise leaning over to look into the back at Anya
while holding her thumb and pinky to her ear as she finished off
the song with, "So call me, maybe?" broke me out of my thoughts. Oh
thank god that wretched song is finally over, looking up into the
rear view mirror I could see the look of relief in the eyes of Luke
and Max who were seated in the second row and Gabe, Sam, and Jordan
seated in the last row.

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