Novel 1987 - The Haunted Mesa (v5.0) (27 page)

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Authors: Louis L'Amour

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Volkmeer had become suddenly wealthy, and on at least one occasion that wealth had come from golden discs of the same kind that old cowboy had found on the Other Side. So what did that mean? That Volkmeer had found his way to the same cache? Unlikely, but possible. Or that he had found some other cache? Or that he was being paid that way by somebody he served?

Volkmeer was a dangerous man. A solid, dependable man in his own way, and that was just the reason Raglan had wanted him for a backup man. But where did he stand?

Gallagher spoke: “Told you I went to see Volkmeer? He wasn't to home, but I looked around there, just as a man might comin' an' goin'. No reason to do more. Got him a mighty fine place there, mighty fine. Makes a man wonder.”

Raglan looked around at him. “Big house for a single man,” Gallagher continued. “Three-car garage, an' Volkmeer drives a pickup, mostly. At least, whenever I've seen him.

“Makes a man curious, so I did a little nosing around. Seems like he's contributed to several political campaigns. Never goes to the big fund-raisers, but his name shows up on the lists big enough so's most office holders listen to him.

“Ranch house is tucked back in the hills, sort of out-of-the-way. Nobody can see who comes and goes. There's two or three back roads into his place, and one of them has seen a good deal of travel here lately. More than you would expect on an out-of-the-way road like that.” Gallagher paused, taking his time. They were both watching the street. “One set of tire tracks matches tires on that van.”

Gallagher put down his cup. “Figured you should have it to think about.”

“You spoke about money contributed to campaigns. Where do you stand?”

“I'm appointed, not elected, but he spoke for me when my name came up.” Gallagher wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I call 'em as I see 'em, Mike, an' don't you ever forget it. I was huntin' a job when I found this one.”

He paused again. “This isn't the first time I've had ideas about Volkmeer. Whenever a man gets rich all of a sudden, I get curious, and the cattle business hasn't been all that good lately. I'd like to make some legitimate money myself, so I'm right curious as to how it's done. Volkmeer claimed income from mining operations where nobody was working.”

They talked at random for a half hour, talking of football, old-time fighters, and bronc riders. Gallagher seemed to be watching for something and Raglan was in no hurry to get on with what he must do.

“Like that big dog you've got,” Gallagher said suddenly.

“If he shows up without me, you can have him.”

Gallagher glanced around. “You think that's likely?”

Raglan shrugged. “I'm going into enemy country, into a place I know nothing about, where every hand will be against me, to find a man who's carefully hidden away. I'd say I had one chance in a million.”

“Why d'you do it?”

“He's depending on me. Just like folks depend on you. And he's got nobody else.”

“How long d'you figure to be gone?”

“As long as it takes. I don't know what time is like over there. I don't know what anything is like. We're used to this world, but over there it can be completely different I may be gone a matter of minutes, but more likely it will be a week or even a month. I hope to wind it up in what is a few hours of our time.”

Slowly, he explained the little he knew. “This Forbidden area covers a lot of ground: big buildings, thick stone walls, built ages ago. Much of it no longer used. I get a picture of an autocratic power that has gone to seed, that's dying on the vine, so to speak. Of a people who have not only lost the will to resist but to whom the idea of resistance no longer even occurs. The dissident elements pulled out long ago and went to the mountains where some of the descendants of the old Anasazi still live.

“They want some of what we have but are afraid of contaminating ideas coming through. I don't think there's any superpower over there or any great guiding intelligence. It is a cramped little world filled with fear, hatred, and held together by fear of anything from the outside. I could be wrong as hell. I just don't know, Gallagher, except that when Erik opened up that kiva, it was like opening Pandora's box, if you recall the old myth.”

“I should be going with you.”

“I don't want you, or anybody. If I can't take care of myself I'll be of no use, and I know more of what to expect than anybody I'd take. I don't want to have to think of anybody but myself, nor worry about what's happening with anybody. If I can't do it alone, nobody can. You've been conditioned for your work. A good cop can sense trouble before it begins, and in that kind of world, I know what to look for, up to a point.”

He turned suddenly as a shadow loomed over the table. It was Volkmeer. “Been huntin' you,” he said, and pulling back a chair, he straddled it, leaning his arms on the back. “Thought I'd look in here one more time before I started out to that mesa you talked about.”

“Good to see you,” Raglan said. He got up. “Gallagher? As soon as I get back I'll be in touch.”

Gallagher turned to Volkmeer. “Raglan is a friend of mine, too. Take good care of him.”

“I'll do that,” Volkmeer said. “I'll do just that.”

“If anything goes wrong,” Raglan said, “you'll be hearing from back east. Help them all you can. And if you see my friend with the busted ear and cut scalp, throw him in jail on some pretext or other and hold him until I get back. He might even come up with answers if you ask the right questions.”

Outside, Volkmeer said, “What was that about the man with a busted ear?”

Raglan shrugged. “Couple of muggers tried to use some muscle when I was visiting Eden Foster. They didn't understand their business well enough.”

Volkmeer glanced at him. “I don't see any scars.”

“I said they didn't know their business.”

Volkmeer glanced at him again, but offered no comment. Only later, he said, “Two of them, was there?”

“They have the same trouble here I'll have over there. They don't understand how different things are. Whoever is their contact here is either lying to them or is ignorant. They can't seem to grasp the fact that a man or woman may be nobody, but if they disappear or are murdered they become important. Even if Erik wasn't who he is, questions would be asked.”

“And who is he?”

“An electronics expert, and one who has worked with both the FBI and the CIA. He has testified before Senate committees and every newspaper in the country knows who he is. They are already beginning to ask questions.”

Volkmeer ran his gnarled fingers through his sparse hair. “Never knew him, m'self. Heard about him.”

“They'll be asking questions, Volk. And they will be wanting answers. That fire that burned the café will be first on the list, and they will go through those ashes like you wouldn't believe. I'll be questioned, and so will you.”

“Me? I don't know anything.”

“They won't assume that, Volk, and if anything happens to me, I've left a list of people and places.”

Volkmeer swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. He looked off toward the mountains, blue in the distance. “Well, I hope they find him.”

“It won't be quick, Volk. They will follow every lead, talk to everybody, demand explanations for everything. You see, Volk, they have
. If there's any discrepancy in a story, they will find it and follow it up. They will check the records on mining claims, tax returns, and everything you can imagine.”

“I guess you're right. Never thought much about it.” He paused. “A man gets on a trail sometimes, seems easy at the time.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“Me? Nothin' at all. Just sort of thinking about all that out there, wondering what will come of it.”

“Don't come out there, Volk, unless you are ready to go the route.” He turned to look at the older man. “I am going in there after a friend, Volkmeer, and that's all. There's nothing in this for me but a lot of trouble, and if you come along, that's all I can promise you.”

“Reckon I know that, Mike.” His hard old eyes measured him. “You got any idea what you're gettin' into?”

Raglan did not answer. What was he doing, anyway? All he had to do was walk away or drive away. Nobody would know the difference, or care. The hell of it was, he was going into this for a man who was not really a close friend. But the man had called on him for help.

After all, what did a fireman know about the person he dragged from the fire? Or the passing stranger who saved a drowning man? One did what one could. From the best motives in the world he was trapped into a situation where he might die a very unpleasant death, when he would rather be almost anywhere else, doing almost anything other than this.

He swore, and Volkmeer glanced at him. “Gettin' cold feet?”

“Hell, Volk, I've had 'em from the beginning! How the hell does a man get into such a situation? I'm no hero. I'm just a tough, self-centered guy who has been trying to make a life for himself.”

“Like me,” Volkmeer said. “I got tired of punchin' somebody else's cows, always makin' money for the other feller. Wanted some of my own.”

“Well, you've got it, but is it yours? I expect it is if nobody has a claim on you.”

Volkmeer removed his hat and wiped the hatband with a rough hand. “Watched 'em build that dam. Watched the water back up behind it, fillin' all those old canyons where I used to ride, covering ruins, filling up kivas. I tell you it was like a blessing, like a blessing.

“I never thought—”

Mike Raglan walked to his car. He was in no mood to listen to more. His mind was made up and he could delay no longer. It might already be too late.

He glanced around at Volkmeer, standing undecided. “Get one thing straight, Volk. I'm going in there planning to come out, and I'm going to bring Erik Hokart with me. And anybody who gets in the way is in trouble, and I mean

Chapter 29

HEN MIKE RAGLAN walked into the ruin on the mesa, a robe was lying across his sleeping bag. Beside it was a worn turban of the kind Tazzoc wore. Mike sat down on a campstool and got out his old canvas map.

Maybe he was a coward. He knew he was scared. In his years of knocking about he had gone into some tight and dangerous places. He had walked the mean streets of the world, he had gone into ancient, supposedly haunted monasteries, he had explored catacombs where the dead were buried, but before he had always had a fairly clear idea of what he was facing, and here he had only the vaguest.

He studied the map given him so long ago by the old cowboy in Flagstaff, who had copied it from part of a map on gold plaque.

The entrance the old man had used was now under water, but the other one he had known of was over to the west, in the place Johnny had found when rounding up strays.

Looming on the map, drawn with remarkable accuracy, was No Man's Mesa. In the old days one could cross the river easily, but now it was a long way around by car. The dam had backed water up the canyon and deepened it considerably.

He had to cross over and he could not safely use the window in the kiva. That led, he had been told, into a trap. Still, Chief had gotten through and had apparently not been injured.

Well…as a last resort, maybe.

He would try the Hole. There was an opening there and with luck he could find it.

What had become of Kawasi? More and more he found himself thinking of her. There had been a wistful loneliness about her that stayed with him. Large, beautiful eyes, soft lips…

What the hell was he thinking of? This was no time to be thinking about a girl. His job now was to cross to the Other Side and survive it, then to find where the Hall of the Archives was, and, once inside, try to find a way into other parts of the structure without getting himself trapped in one of those built-in tombs.

“You're a damned fool, Raglan,” he told himself. “Go on into Durango and catch a plane out of here. To hell with it.”

Yet he was not going to do it. Even as he thought of all the intelligent reasons not to do it, he knew he was going in. Yet he had to be honest with himself. Was it altogether because of Erik? Or was it the challenge of the unknown?

He had spent months exploring ruins of the Anasazi, he had slept in their kivas in far-out, lonely ruins. He had followed their trails, stood upon fields where they once planted maize and squash, fingered shards of their broken pottery, and in his heart he felt a kinship. Some had undoubtedly merged with the Hopi, others with the Mimbres, and many had died. Yet, if it was even remotely possible that some had gone back to that Third World, he wanted to know how they fared.

Sometimes, seated alone in one of their ruins, he had felt himself one of them. He had watched in his mind those small copper-skinned people grinding corn, carrying water up the steep trails, weaving cloth, going about the day-to-day business of being themselves.

What had happened to them? From the little he had learned, and if what they told him was true, some had fallen in with the Evil Ones who had remained behind, but some had fled that world, gone to the mountains or canyons, and there carried on as they might have, had they remained at Mesa Verde, Hovenweep, or Chaco Canyon.

He checked his gun again, then from his small pack he took another, a Heckler and Koch 9 millimeter, stowing it away in a special holster inside his belt at the small of his back. That was simply insurance. It was the Smith & Wesson .357 on which he intended to rely.

Where was Tazzoc? He needed to talk to him once more. He needed more guidance, more advice!

And where was Kawasi? Was she yet alive? Or had they taken her? Killed her or kept her a prisoner?

He went outside and walked to the kiva's edge, looking into it. Were those fresh tracks? Made by whom? For what reason?

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