Nutter Nero [Brac Pack 12] (5 page)

Read Nutter Nero [Brac Pack 12] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Nutter Nero [Brac Pack 12]
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“You’re safe, baby. No one is ever going to hurt you again. Got that?”

Nero nodded against his shoulder.

Gunnar crawled into the bed, pulling Nero with him. He just lay there petting his mate’s back, making soothing noises in his ear.

Thoughts of vengeance were heavy on his mind. The man wouldn’t get away with what he had done.

“Can we…?”

“What, nutter?” Gunnar pulled him closer, wanting his mate to feel safe and cocooned in his arms. He placed one hand on the back of Nero’s head, the other on his back, burrowing his face in his nutter’s neck. Gunnar wanted to weep for the torture his mate must have endured.

“Can we do that again?” Nero pulled away and asked hesitantly.

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“What? This?” Gunnar lapped at his neck, nuzzling him as his hands skimmed all over his nutter’s body. Nero’s skin was as soft as satin.

“Yeah, that, that would be it. Yes, yes it would.” Nero wiggled next to him until he was facing Gunnar. Looking uncertain, his mate leaned his head back and began kissing him.

Gunnar broke the kiss, hating to have to do so, but the question needed to be asked. “Are you sure?” Gunnar panted. If his mate kept this up, it would be next to impossible to stop. He had to be sure.

“Please, Gunny.”

Oh, how his mate said his name. He could get anything he wanted asking that way. Grabbing the lube from the nightstand, Gunnar poured a generous amount into his hand, smashing Nero’s hand with his, sharing the lube with his mate. He tossed the bottle aside. “Wrap your hand around my cock.”

Nero did as told, and Gunnar grabbed Nero’s prick with his lubed fingers. “Just do what I do.” Gunnar began to pump his hand, giving his mate the best hand job he ever had. Well, actually his first hand job, which thrilled Gunnar.

Nero’s small fingers were driving him nuts, unsteady at first, jerking without rhythm. His mate caught on quick, taking Gunnar to the highest peaks. “That’s it, baby. Harder.” His mate mewled, squeezing Gunnar’s cock harder, pumping faster. “Gonna blow. Close, real close. Really, really close.” His mate cried out as his semen erupted from deep inside, bathing Gunnar’s hand.

Gunnar roared. Nero’s hand was like magic, bringing him a release better than he ever produced himself. He wasn’t a virgin, not by a long shot, but being with your mate made it different. Special.

Fuck, he sounded all Hallmark and shit.

“Gunny,” Nero moaned.

“I got you, nutter.” Gunnar pulled him close, holding his hand to Nero’s lips. “Lick it off.” Gunnar held his breath as Nero’s little pink

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tongue darted out, licking his hand like a kitten licked cream. Fuck, that was hot. He chuckled when Nero held his hand up to Gunnar’s mouth. He did the same, lapping at his mate’s hand until it was clean.


“Yeah, babe?”

“I’m interested in sex.” Nero sighed.

“I’m relieved to hear you say that.”

* * * *

Maverick threw his head back laughing. His chair losing its balance as it toppled over. He pulled himself up from the floor until he was bending over his desk, chuckles bursting from his mouth. “He checked you for fleas?” Maverick fell back to the floor, lying there until the laughter finally ebbed. “I’m so glad we got to keep him.”

“Mine.” Gunnar growled. It wasn’t that funny.

Commander Hawk was holding his stomach, leaning into Kota, as he, too, was suffering from the giggle fits. Kota, Maverick’s Beta, held a hand over his mouth, trying his best to stop laughing.

“You fuckers done yet?” Gunnar snarled.

Maverick held a finger up, cracking up all over again. “Did he find any?” His face turned red as he laughed so hard he cried.

“Hardy har har.” Gunnar rolled his eyes. He knew he shouldn’t have said a damn word. He looked over his shoulder. Tank, Evan, and Remi, three Sentry wolves, were rolling around laughing.

“Can we get to the serious part now?” Gunnar yelled above the idiots.

Maverick attempted to stifle himself, which wasn’t working out too well. “What? Checked you for ticks as well?”

“Well, yeah, but that’s not it.”

A whole new round of laughter burst from the peanut gallery.

Gunnar growled. He needed to talk to a composed Maverick. “Will you guys shut the hell up? His dad abused him, left scars all over his
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back! You gonna help me with that or continue to giggle like little schoolgirls?” Gunnar shouted. He was beyond pissed. He wasn’t about to rest until daddy dearest paid the ultimate price.

Maverick stopped laughing, straightened his chair up, and snarled at Gunnar. “Where is that son of a bitch?” The room fell silent. “I didn’t press him about it. You should have seen his back. It looked like a whipping post. I’m so damn angry I want to tear the asshole’s throat out.” Gunnar paced the office, ready to chew nails. Nero was so small. How could anyone hurt such a defenseless man?

“You need to talk to your mate. Find out how he feels about his father. I don’t think he’ll be thanking you if he still loves the man.” Maverick held up a hand to stop Gunnar from arguing, “A lot of children defend their abusers, seeing it as their fault, something they did wrong while still idolizing the aggressor. Find out where he stands with this before you go all Rambo. You know you have our full support.”

Gunnar clenched his jaw. He knew his Alpha was right, but if Nero still held his
in high esteem, this would create a problem.

He wanted that asshole to pay for what he did to his nutter.

* * * *

Nero sat on the couch in the den, strumming his fingers against his knee. This place was too untidy. Nothing was in its place. He scrubbed his palms against his jeans. They were itching to clean and put everything in its place.

He stood, walking over to the entertainment stand, straightening the games until they were perfectly aligned. Next, he centered the movies, putting them in alphabetical order, picking up the papers that were lying on the stand. He didn’t have a clue what to do with them, so he opened the cabinet and shoved them in there. He bit his thumbnail, pacing around the billiard table, wiping lint from the green

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felt, and then he raced back across the room, extracting the papers and throwing them away. When in doubt, throw it out. He stacked the coasters neatly on the coffee table. Eyeing the correct distance from end to end, he centered the coasters exactly in the middle.

Next, he tackled the juice bar, submerging the blender in the mini sink, scrubbing the little pieces of dried pulp from inside the plastic container. He lined the bottles up with their labels facing forward. The curtains were drawn back exactly two inches from the end on each side.

The card table had pieces of salt littering it, so Nero wiped it clean, placing his handful of litter into the trash bin. The chairs were placed symmetrically around the table, each twelve inches apart.

Nero pulled out the vacuum he found in the foyer closet, running it over the carpet in the den, first running it horizontally, and then vertically to ensure nothing was missed, then he extracted the hose, running it along the border.

He cleaned the pool sticks, removing any lingering chalk dust, and he lined the cubes at each end perfectly.

Nero breathed a sigh of relief. Now he could sit down and relax.

“Who are you?” A man with really long hair came in and plopped down on the couch, kicking his feet up on Nero’s perfectly clean coffee table and knocking the coasters to the side. Nero blanched, his fingers itching to put them back. He looked up at the guy, and then down to his sneakers, looked up at the guy, and then right back down to his sneakers.

* * * *

Blair pulled his feet down, feeling very self-conscious. Who was this short ass man? Was he Gunnar’s mate that Drew told them about?

“Nero, right?” The short person nodded, looking at the coffee table longingly.

“I’m Blair.”

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“Hi, Hair.”

“No, Blair.” Drew had warned them that Nero had a hard time with names but, damn, he just told him.

“Yeah, yeah. I heard you, heard you just fine.” Blair watched as Nero leaned forward and flicked the coaster rack with his finger along the coffee table then sighed. Really? “You, uh, got a little OCD in your life?”

“No, I graduated.” Nero got up and left, leaving Blair to stare at his back in bewilderment.


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Chapter Four

“You want to try something different tonight?” Gunnar asked as he crawled naked across the bed to his mate.

Nero shrugged as he pulled the blanket up to his chin, watching Gunnar closely. “Okay.”

“Just okay?” Gunnar stopped in his predatory crawl, a brow raised inquiringly. His heart melted when Nero smiled. His baby needed to do it more often. The smile was irresistibly devastating.

Tugging the cover from his mate’s grip, Gunnar pulled it off of Nero.

“Okay, Gunny.” He gave Gunnar a smile that sent his pulse racing.

“You ever have sex before?”

Nero shook his head. “Is that where you insert slot A into tab B?” His ocean-blue eyes sparkled mischievously at Gunnar.

Gunnar chuckled as he dropped the sheet to the floor. “You could call it that. I’m definitely going to insert something into your slot.” It had been two full weeks since his mate moved in. Gunnar had not pressured him for sex, giving his mate a chance to adjust, wanting Nero to become comfortable with him. He was just plain horny tonight.

“Wait.” Nero scooted off of the bed, raced to the closet, and reached in to extract a sixty-four-ounce bottle of sanitizer.

“I thought we discussed this, nutter?” Nero padded back across the room, setting the bottle onto the nightstand. “Doesn’t hurt to be cautious.” He pumped a large amount into his hand and began to rub Gunnar’s body down.

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Nero bent down in front of him to sanitize his legs and feet, but Gunnar drew the line when his nutter tried to put that crap on his bits and pieces. Since when was sex sanitary? It was supposed to be dirty and raunchy, not disinfected.

“Now you can insert your tab into my slot.” Nero grinned up at him, that devilish sparkle lighting up his eyes once more. Gunnar filled with raw need at the sight. His mate could fill the tub with that shit if he smiled like that. He watched as Nero snapped the used gloves off then slid his small hands into a fresh pair.

“Get out of your clothes, nutter.” Gunnar pulled the side of his mouth up in a grin as his mate slowly, with trembling, gloved fingers, removed all articles of fabric.

Gunnar sat on the side of the bed, pulling his mate onto his lap so Nero was straddling him. Gunnar ran his tongue over Nero’s lips, kissing him as tender and as light as a summer breeze.

He ran his hand down Nero’s back then trailed a finger down his crease, tapping at the starburst hidden away. His cock jerked at the feeling of his fingertip touching such an intimate area of his mate’s body. It felt like needle pricks were radiating from his pores as the excitement built.

“Slot A needs loosening.” Gunnar reached over, grabbing the bottle of lube from the drawer. He would go gentle and slow to make sure Nero enjoyed this as much as he knew he would.

At the last second he realized the bottle was clear. Damn sanitizer.

Tossing the container across the room, Gunnar grabbed the right bottle.

He snapped open the lid as he stared his nutter in his eyes, seeing the blue turned a shade darker. He applied some to his fingers, and the lube glided over Nero’s puckered hole as he ran his fingers around it until his mate relaxed, the muscle less resistant. Preparing his mate drove his anticipation to the edge, almost making his body erupt before he had a chance to indulge. The need pulsed through his cock.

The feeling of his mate trustingly holding onto to him was euphoric.


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There wasn’t anything that could make Gunnar betray that trust. Nero was his little nutter, his left lung, now. Without him, Gunnar would no longer be able to breathe.

When his third finger joined the rest, Gunnar turned, laying them both down on the mattress. His mate reluctantly loosened his grip and let him go. Those blue-gloved hands fisted the blanket as Gunnar ran his hands over Nero’s soft skin.

“Ready for my tab?” Gunnar smiled as Nero looked everywhere but at him. “Nero?”

“Sure, sure. Connect the dots.” Nero bit his bottom lip and peeked over at Gunnar from his periphery. He knew his baby was nervous.

Being his first time, it was to be expected. Gunnar hoped to make it as pleasurable as possible.

He turned his nutter to his hands and knees and climbed up behind him. Gunnar pressed the head of his cock to the tight opening, easing his way in as Nero panted and smacked the bed. Gunnar stopped and waited for Nero to relax. Gunnar ran his fingers over the scars, kissing each one, and then he dropped to his hands, placing them on either side of Nero’s head. He felt like a lion over a kitten. His mate was so damn small.

“Very interested. Very, very.” Nero groaned as he rocked back and forth on his hands and knees. A rhythm began. When Gunnar pushed forward, Nero pushed back.

His mate was intoxicating, welcoming Gunnar’s body into his.

Gunnar ran his lips over Nero’s shoulder, and a shiver followed his touch.

“Are you okay, nutter?” Gunnar asked as he kissed his way down Nero’s arm.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes.” Nero began to whimper, his head shaking back and forth.

“I have you, nutter. Just let go. Gunny’s got you.” Gunnar kissed the nape of Nero’s neck, kissed the side of his neck, and rubbed his
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cheek over his mate’s hair. He relished the feel and smell of his nutter underneath him.

His cock rocked in and out of Nero’s tight hold, sending his senses soaring as the muscle gripped him and milked his body.

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