Nympho: Book One (Nempho Book One) (23 page)

BOOK: Nympho: Book One (Nempho Book One)
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“Hello Chris, where have you been, I have been sitting here on your doorstep most of the night. I was so startled by her presence that I damn near jumped out of my shoes.

“What the hell are you doing here Amber? It is almost two o’clock in the morning. Shouldn’t you be home in bed?”

“I am sorry Chris I didn’t have anywhere else to go, that my grandfather wouldn’t find me.” She said with a frown on her face as she puckered her lips and began to pout.

“Oh great Amber, that is just what I need, another runaway.”

“I am not a runaway Chris; I just wasn’t in the mood to listen to him yell at me.” I could see the tears begin to swell in her already puffy eyes.

“Why are you hiding from your grandfather anyway?”

“He is really pissed off at Megan for hitchhiking to Miami.”

“What does that have to do with you?”

“He thinks that I knew that she was leaving town and I didn’t tell him.”

“Was he right Amber? Did you cover for your sister?”

“I knew that she wanted to look up her dad. However, I didn’t know that she would hitchhike to Miami.”

“That sounds to me like a lame excuse Amber. Why didn’t you drive your sister to Miami?”

“Now you are starting to sound like my grandfather, he said the exact same thing to me; he thinks that I was being irresponsible by letting her go by herself.”

“Amber it doesn’t take a college degree to figure out that it would have been better for you to drive her to Miami, rather than let her try to make it there on her own.”

“I am sure he would have still been angry with you girls for not telling him. But, I bet he is really pissed off at the two of you right now. You can’t even blame him for being mad at you and Megan, besides he is probably more hurt than anything becaus
e he trusted the two of you.”  She responded with tears in her eyes.

“I know your right, but it is just that he scares the hell out of me when he is angry. Chris can I please stay here tonight and go home tomorrow. I promise you I will not be a bother; you
won’t even know that I am here.” Damn I wish I wasn’t such a sucker for a beautiful woman with tears in her eyes. I knew that she believed that she was telling me the truth, but I also knew in my heart that this black haired beauty was going to be nothing but trouble.

“I don’t know Amber, you and your sister have way too muc
h drama in your life. Hell, I just left the two of you this afternoon, I even invited you on a road trip. But in just a few hours later, here you are sitting on my doorstep crying about how you are in trouble and hiding from your grandfather.”

“Well you don’t have to worry about Megan and me going with you to the party.”

“Why Amber, what has happened that I do not know about?”

“Megan is grounded for the next two weeks and I do not know yet what he is going to do to me.”

“How old is your little sister Megan anyway?”

“She turned eighteen last weekend. But y
ou know that already don’t you?  She told me that she had sex with you on her birthday and you were the first man that she ever had sex with in her life.” There seemed to be a tinge of jealousy in her voice as she spoke of Megan and me.

“Damn, I should have known better than to get involved with the two of you. What about you Amber, are you illegal too?”

“No Chris, I am twenty-one, you are only a few years older than me. Here is my driver’s license, if you do not believe me.” I snatch the license out of her hand and searched for her birthday.

“How do I know that this is your license, after all you lie like hell, this could be a fake ID.” She got pissed off real quick, and started yelling at me.

“Damn it Chris, you know that it is not a fake ID and now your just busting my chops, look it’s getting late and I am tired, I need to know if you are going to let me spend the night.” I looked at Amber’s pleading eyes and at that moment I knew that I would give this raving beauty anything, her little ole heart desired. 

“Amber if you can promise me that your grandfather is not going to come busting through my front door during the middle of the night. Then I guess it will be all right for you to
stay the night.” Boy, you’re a first class sucker Chris, have you forgotten that her grandfather is the sheriff of this county. And considering that Monroe County still follows the good ole boy syndrome, you could end up buried on some damn island and nobody would know a damn thing. 

“Chris I promise you that he doesn’t know where you live.”

“Does he know my name Amber?” I looked at her surprised.

“No! Megan and I agreed not to
tell him anything about you.” As we walk into my apartment, I told her that she could sleep in the guestroom and there are clean towels in the closet and plenty of food in the refrigerator.

“Make yourself at home Amber and keep your promise to me about going home in the morning.”

“Thanks Chris, would you like me to make you something to eat? I am a pretty good cook and I have been told I make a mean western omelet.”

“No thank you Amber, it is very late and I am tired, I just want to go to bed. But if you are hungry, help yourself and I might take you up on that omelet in the morning.”

I said goodnight as I walked in my bedroom and shut the door. I could hear the shower running in the spare bedroom as I laid my head down on my pillow and fell to sleep. Well at least if Sheriff Adams does come busting into my apartment with his goon squad, he will not find Amber sleeping in my bed. The next morning I woke up to the smell of coffee brewing so I looked over at the alarm clock next to the bed. Wow, it was already nine o’clock in the morning. I had better get busy if I wanted to get anything done today. So I hurried into the shower and as I was getting dressed, there was a soft knock at the door. I could hear Amber’s muffled voice on the other side of the door.

“Chris I have a cup of coffee for you, can I come in?” I hesitated for a moment before answering her.

“The door is open Amber, come on in.” As she came into the room, coffee in hand, I couldn’t help but notice how attractive she looked. Even with her long black hair ruffled and not a bit of makeup on her face, she still was absolutely stunning. Damn I could get use to this kind of treatment.

“I am cooking us some breakfast, what would you like to eat.”

“Well I suppose I want to try that badass western omelet you were bragging about last night.”

“Ok breakfast should be ready in about ten minutes.” As she wiggled her way out the bedroom door, I could see her cute behind peeking out the bottom of the tee shirt she was wearing. So I whistled and said nice ass. She stopped and turned to face me with big grin on her face. “I was starting to wonder if you would notice, and by the way, I had to borrow your jersey to sle
ep in, I hope you don’t mind.” I looked at her posing in the doorway like a playboy bunny.

“How could I mind Amber, you look a whole lot better in that jersey than I ever did.” I finished getting dressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

“Wow Amber you were not kidding when you said that you like to cook.” She looked at me and grinned with pride as she put the biscuits on the table.

“I hope that you are hungry

“Yes, I am starving,” I replied as we sat down to eat. She had cooked just about everything that a man could want for breakfast and about twenty minutes later as I finished eating the very last morsel of food on my plate, I told Amber, that breakfast was great and without thinking before I spoke I managed to stick my big foot in my mouth.

“You can come over anytime time you want and cook for me.” She looks at me with surprise and a warm joyful smile on her lips.

“Wow Chris, after what you said to me last night I thought that you would be telling me to get the hell out of your life this morning.” She couldn’t hide her excitement as she squirmed in her chair, like a little girl that just found out that she was going to Disney world.

“Amber I am not going to lie to you. Even though I like you and would love to get to know you better. I am still concerned that you and your sister are going to get me in trouble with the law.” She slumped down in her chair in despair as she anticipated what I was going to say next to her. 

“I am very upset with Megan for lying to me about her age and frankly, I think you could have told me before now that she was underage when I met her.” She attempted to defend her actions.

“Well Chris she isn’t really underage, after all she is eighteen now. But you are right and I am sorry for misleading you. I didn’t think it was serious and besides she was almost eighteen and she did turn eighteen last weekend when you two were at Grassy Key.”

“To be quite honest with you Amber, almost doesn’t count in my book. You didn’t tell me until last night that she had just turned eighteen last weekend.”

“Don’t you realize that I could be arrested for sleeping with her and go to jail, not even mentioning the alcohol I gave her?”

“Don’t you realize a criminal record could ruin my life?”

She started sobbing like a two year old and kept repeating that she was so sorry. I was such a sucker for a girl in tears and as I told her I wasn’t mad at her and I forgive her, I knew deep inside that this wouldn’t be the last time that Amber and Megan would get me in trouble.

“Well Amber, I have a lot on my agenda today, I want to pack and get my car ready for the trip. Why don’t you tell me what are your plans today? Are you going to go see your grandfather when you leave here?”

“Yes Chris I plan on talking to my grandfather. I just don’t know how he will respond to me not telling him about Megan planning to go to Miami. Look how mad you were at me, and really when you come right down to it, Megan is the one who caused all the trouble.”

“Amber I don’t want any more trouble coming from you and your sister, and if it means cutting off all ties with the two of you to accomplish that, then I think you should get dressed and go home lik
e you promised me last night.” She came around the table, put her arms around my neck and sat on my lap.

“Come on Chris do you really want me to leave, after all you have not tasted what I had planned for desert.” She wiggled her taunt plush bottom against me is a slow seductive manner.

As she pressed, her succulent red soft lips against mine and kissed me passionately.  I knew I would be sorry that I was letting her seduce me all over again. I thought in my mind what could be wrong with us making love one last time as I slide my hand under her t-shirt.

She closed her eyes and moaned as my fingers found that sweet spot between her legs. I continued exploring the depths of her as she open her mouth and moaned even louder as I entered her vagina with two of my fingers and began to massage her clitoris gently with my thumb. She kisses me even more passionately as I slightly applied pressure and rhythm to my massage. The deeper I slide my fingers inside her the more she arched her back to give me access to the depths of her love machine. I felt her vagina swelling around my fingers as they entered her over and over again like a piston driving inside of her, harder and deeper with every stroke, then she arched back as far as she could and screamed “Oh, oh god, please don’t stop.” As her body started to spasm from the pure pleasure of multiple orgasms. I didn’t stop, I couldn’t stop, No the truth is, I didn’t want to stop, so I kept massaging her clitoris with my thumb until she was begging and pleading for me to stop torturing her. When I thought that her body couldn’t take another moment of orgasms, I finely gave in to her soft sobs of pleasure and defeat so I slowed down my assault on her womanhood until she laid limp in my arms panting from what I had done to her. She sat in my arms for a ve
ry long time before she spoke. Then kissed me gently on my lips, I could feel her hot breath as she attempted to formulate a sentence.

“Damn you Chris… I thought you were going to kill me with that thumb of yours. Good thing I don’t have a weak heart. If that was your idea of fore play, I cannot wait until you make love to me. No wonder Megan is willing to give up two weeks of her freedom for the memory
of just one weekend with you.” I let her comment slide as if I didn’t catch on to what she had said to me. I put my right arm under her thighs and lifted her as I walked slowly towards the bedroom. She looked at me and smiled an ornery smile.

“What, is it your turn now Chris? Are you going to make love to me now? Or, are you going to fuck my brains out for being a bad girl.” Damn, this woman had the ability of turning every moment of our love making into erotic sexual behavior. Right now, I was so aroused that I wanted to spank her for being bad, and screw her brains out for being so good at it.   As I entered my bedroom and laid her softly on the smooth black silk sheets of my king size bed, I look at my beautiful conquest.

“Yes my dear Amber it is my turn. And yes, you have been a very bad girl and yes I am considering spanking your sweet little bare ass. Now lay there quietly while I take off my clothes.” She sat up, very determined to have her way.

“Oh no you don’t Chris, I want to unwrap my present myself.” She reaches for the first button on my shirt and instead of unbuttoning them, she ripped my shirt open.

“Hey, that was one of my favorite shirts.” She giggled and gave me one of best girl next-door smiles.

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