Nympho: Book One (Nempho Book One) (30 page)

BOOK: Nympho: Book One (Nempho Book One)
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What kind of condition?” Megan asked inquisitively.

The kind of condition that includes the three of you promising me that you will be on your best behavior at Dave’s party. And if any of you break your promise, I will put your butt on a bus home.” They all huddled together whispering back and forth to each other. It was Amber who spoke for the three of them.

“Ok Chris, we promise to behave ourselves but we do have a question for you.”

“What is it Amber, I can’t wait to hear your demands.”

We are not demanding anything, but we were wondering who gets to sleep with you tonight?” she smiled a seductive smile.
“Well to be perfectly honest with you, I hadn’t thought about it. I think the decision should be made by the three of you. Maybe you should draw straws or something either way I win.” I couldn’t help but grin as the three of them realized that I wasn’t going to choose. As it turned out, Megan won the toss up.

“Chris were you really going to let one of the other girls spend the night with you.”

“No Megan, I had every intention of choosing you but I really didn’t expect you to give up so easily. The way I look at the situation is that I invited you, not the other two, it was your idea to invite Amber and Shelly so I wanted to see if you would stand up to them.” 

“Don’t you want to spend the night with me Chris?” She pouted her lips and batted her big brown eyes at me.

“You are not going to get away with it this time Megan, you can pout you
r lips all you want and it isn’t going to change a thing.” Who was I kidding, I love the way she pouted her lips. As I pulled her into my arms and kissed those beautiful plush lips she couldn’t help smiling because she knew that she had me wrapped around her pinky. Yes I could easily fall for this girl, she is beautiful, passionate, and let’s not forget that she is great in bed. That night Megan and I took in some of the local sites on the beach with Amber and Shelly tagging along. All three of them were trying to convince me to skip Dave’s party and spend the weekend at the beach. As we walked along the boardwalk I couldn’t help wondering why Megan invited the other two girls on our night out on the beach. Especially since they spent the evening taunting Megan. I finally couldn’t take the childish behavior any longer.

“Why the hell did you invite those two Megan, I thought that we would be alone tonight?”
I complained, not holding back my anger any longer.

“I am sorry Chris, I didn’t expect them to act this way.”

“They are acting like they are drunk, have they been drinking Megan?”

“I’m afraid so Chris, we had a few drinks back at the hotel.”

“Where the hell did you get alcohol?” She cringed as I raised my voice in anger.

“Room service, I swear that I didn’t know that they were drunk
, we only had one drink, and they must have ordered more drinks after I went to your room.”  I looked at her face, trying to figure out if she was lying to me.

Well I suggest that you get them under control pretty damn quick or they might find themselves on a bus tonight.”

“Alright Chris, I’ll talk to them, I am truly sorry, I
wouldn’t have let them come with us if I would have known that they were drunk.”

Megan, wait a minute, there is no reason to let them ruin our evening, Tell them that you want to be alone with me.”

After Amber and Shelly went off by themselves, Megan and I had some quality alone time. After a couple of hours of exploring the boardwalk we ended up walking down by the shoreline. It was perfect, the full moon bathing down on the ocean
, the warm water lapping at our bare feet as we walk along the beach, and of course Megan, ah beautiful Megan, laughing and giggling as we walked along the seashore, sometimes at her own silly behavior. I couldn’t help myself, I felt myself falling in love with her innocence and her beauty. As the night progressed we talked about everything, her dreams and aspirations, what she wanted in life and even the reasons she found me attractive. Eventually we found ourselves back at our hotel and I took Megan’s hand and led her up to our room. Once we entered the elevator Megan pounced on me like a wildcat in heat, wrapping her long legs around me and passionately kissing me. I swear she had never acted like this before, I could see the lust in her eyes as her red hot lips devoured mine. She didn’t seem to care where she was as she ripped the front of my shirt open and started biting my chest.

“I want you Chris, I want you right here, right now.” She whispered in a voice so low that I could barely hear her.
Just the elevator stopped on our floor and we could hear Ambler and Shelly giggling down the hall. I could tell that Megan was angry over her sister ruining the moment with their loud behavior. As we walked toward our room, we found Amber and Shelly sitting next to our door, they were pretty drunk and kept rambling about something they had done. Well against my better judgment I opened the door and invited them into our room.

You will never guess what we did Megan.” Shelly slurred as she was trying to remember the night’s events. Turns out that Amber and Shelly stumbled upon a tattoo parlor and in their drunken state of mind decided to get tattoos. Shelly chose a tramp stamp of a large butterfly that she proudly showed off to Megan and me. Amber, on the other hand wasn’t quite as brave as Shelly and chose to get a belly ring and a small tattoo of a lady-bug right below the hair line of her sweet spot, which of course she wanted to show it off as well. Luckily for me, Megan stopped her before she could drop her pants and told her drunk sister that she ought to wait until morning to show us her new tattoo, that way the swelling would be gone. Eventually Megan convinced Shelly and Amber that they should go to their room and sleep it off. As I guided the two alcoholics to their room and put them to bed. They each managed to cop a feel and express some chosen sexual innuendoes. Finely I managed to get back to my room where I found Megan waiting for me dressed in a very sexy negligee.

“Well Chris, I wasn’t sure if I would see
you again tonight.”

“I was sure that one of them whores, if not both of them would seduce you into their bed tonight. How did you managed to undress them and put them to bed without wanting to screw

First of all, I am not that easy Megan and regardless what you may think of my self-control, I happen to have a standard rule against sleeping with drunk and passed out women.”

“Is that so, I didn’t think that thing of yours had a conscious Chris.” She grinned.

“Oh, you are a barrel of laughs Megan but considering that I made it back to you without one of your family members screwing my brains out, don’t you think that you should give me a little credit. Oh, by the way, did I tell you that you look really hot in that negligee.”

Alright you win Chris, I don’t want a little jealousy to ruin our night together.” I ordered some wine from room service and Megan and I spent the rest of the evening sipping wine and talking about her dreams and aspirations. She wanted to continue school, her dream was to become a doctor, I suppose because her mother had died at such a young age. She felt that maybe someday she could keep a young child from growing up without their parents. As the night progress and the wine started leading us to happier times, we found ourselves engaged in passionate love making. I wanted this to be a special night for both of us and as I caressed her breast she responded by opening her mouth exposing her lower full lip to me. She whispered that she wanted me as her lips found mine. She was so damn hot that I could feel the heat coming off her body as we kissed. I could feel her hands slowly exploring my body as if she was touching me for the first time. I grabbed her by her hair, pulling her head back, exposing the nap of her neck to my hungry mouth as she begged me to take her. She spread her legs and wrapped them around my hips as she grasped my erection, slowly driving me into the depths of her sizzling wet body. This time we were not having just sex, there was no loud moaning or groaning, just a soft animalistic purr coming from her lips as we moved slowly in union with one another. There was no thrusting and grunting as we made love. No, our love making was at a slow deliberate intense rhythm as our sweltering hot bodies came together as one. She melted into my arms as she climaxed while giving me the warmest passionate kiss I have ever experienced and then she fell asleep in my arms. I knew at that very moment there was something wrong with me. I should have been overwhelmed with love but I felt nothing. I’ve been searching for the perfect nypho to quench my immense sexual appetite. Which I should of found fulfillment in Megan, she is young, beautiful and loves to have sex with me but until tonight I didn’t realize that I needed more than she could offer me. Maybe the problem is me. Just maybe one woman could never satisfy my sexual needs. Maybe I am the satyriasis and my need for multiply sexual partners will never end.






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