Nympho: Book One (Nempho Book One) (29 page)

BOOK: Nympho: Book One (Nempho Book One)
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“Yea Chris if I know you, the way I think I do, you would prefer to have all three of us at once.” I looked at Amber and grinned.

“Now that might be fun Amber, besides it is my birth
day this month.” Amber smiled and put her legs up on my dashboard.

“That might be something we can afford to give Chris for his birthday.”

“What do you think Megan? Can we give Chris a threesome for his birthday?”

“I don’t know Amber.” Megan looked at Amber with fire in her eyes.

“Ah, come on Megan, we may never get a chance like this ever again.”

“I will think about it Amber, but don’t hold your breath.”

“Damn Megan, after all it is only fair, didn’t he take your virginity on your birthday.” Megan started laughing and her face glowed with pride.

“Yep he sure did Amber and I w
ill never forget that night.”  I was glad the tension had diminished between the girls even if it was at my expense after all I knew that they would never have a foursome with me, but the thought of it still put a smile on my face.

Amber was sitting next to me with her long legs resting on the dashboard which gave a full view of her the cheeks of her ass peeking out of her short skirt and when she noticed that I was looking at her, she lowered herself further down in the seat in order to give me a better view. I knew Megan couldn’t see her from where she was sitting but Shelly could see everything that she was doing. I tried to keep my eyes o
n the road but I heard Shelly saying something behind me.

“Amber you are not falling asleep are you?”

“No Shelly leave me alone.”

I didn’t understand what was going on between those two so I looked over at Amber to figured out what all the excitement was about, well Amber had taken down her legs from the dashboard and had her hand inside her panties it wasn’t hard to figure out what she was doing with her hand. I looked back at Megan and she had fallen fast asleep, Shelly however was wide-awake and trying to watch my reaction in the mirror. Amber continued to play with herself for the next few minutes and then she reach for my hand, placed it inside her panties, and pressed it hard against her. I took control of the job at hand, as my fingers found her clitoris and start strumming it to the beat of my own rhythm. She moaned as I stuck two of my fingers deep inside of her and then went back to massaging her clitoris.

“Oh god, Oh my god, please don’t stop.” Well I had no intention of stopping, but I did enjoy listening to her moan and beg me not to stop. So, once again I slipped my fingers into her, enjoying the soft wet velvet walls of her vagina and as she moaned even louder, I caught a glimpse of Shelly’s eyes burning with desire as she watched what I was doing to Amber. Amber moaned one more time as I continued to massage her and brought her to a climax as she began to experience an orgasm.

I considered continuing my assault on Amber, but as I finished what I was doing to her. She rolled up in a ball whimpering and I watched as she closed her eyes and went to sleep. I drove for the next two hour in peace and quiet as the two sisters slept like a couple of babies. We only had about a hundred miles to go when I decided to pull into the next rest stop. I checked to see if anybody had woken up and seen that they were all fast asleep. I filled up the gas tank and check the oil and when I was done with the car, I decided to get a cup of coffee for the road. As I was coming out the door of the gas station, I saw Shelly coming towards me.

“Follow me I want something to drink.” She took my hand and walked into the store. “Why don’t you get some drinks for Megan and Amber too?” She stopped in front of the cooler.

“Chris do you find me attractive?”

“Of course I do Shelly, but I have not had a chance to get to know you.”

“You mean that you have not had a chance to sleep with me a dozen times yet.”

“No I didn’t say that, now did I, do you think that if you don’t have sex with me that I won’t like you as a friend?”

“Well do you find me attractive Chris?”

“Are you kidding me Shelly, you are beautiful. You are tall, your body is real sexy, my goodness, any guy would die to get in your pants.”

“I didn’t
see you dying to get in my pants back there at the restaurant and I did everything but rape you.”

y, now you’re talking, I haven’t ever been raped by a gorgeous woman lately.”

“Quit lying Chris, I know somebody put a smile on your face this morning and it sure wasn’t me.”

“I was wondering if it was you Shelly, to tell the truth I was hoping it was you. Come here Shelly” As she came over to me I put my arms around her waist and kissed her. I could feel her tremble as I pulled her body tight against mine. We kissed for a long time before our lips separated and I let go of her waist allowing her to find her composure, she looked at me with her deep blue eyes as if she wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.

“I think we better get back to the car Chris.”

As we approach the car, I could see Amber giving Shelly a dirty look and then giving me the same look only mine lasted longer.

“Where have you guys been?
Why didn’t you wake me up Shelly?”

“I woke up and saw that Chris was paying for the gas so I ran in and got us some drinks.”

“Megan unless you and Amber need to use the restroom then I want to get back on the road.”

“Well Amber I don’t know about you, but I’m going to go inside.”

“Wait for me Megan I want to come with you.” As the two sisters went towards the store Shelly asked me to sit down with her.

“What is on your mind Shelly?”

“Well I wanted to talk more about you and me.”

“Shelly there is no you and me, I mean I like you and I am attracted to you. But I only met you a few days ago, and as I said before, we have not had a chance to get to know each other yet.” She frowned with displeasure at the thought of her and I not being an item, then her face fill with an expression of anger. I couldn’t believe she can go from hot blooded to cold hearted in a matter of seconds.  

“What do you call the three times you fucked me in your apartment.”

what it felt like, great sex! That’s what I would call it.”

You are a real bastard Chris, you fuck my brains out in your apartment then you have the nerve to tell me that it was just sex. Am I just another piece of ass to you?”  Damn she is sexy when she is mad I thought to myself.

“Maybe I should put you in the back seat and fuck you for being so damn sassy.

“That is fine by me Chris, show me you have the balls, I dare you to hop in the back seat of the car with me.” I grabbed her and bent her over my knee and pulled up her skirt revealing her voluptuous firm ass and gave her a good old fashion spanking. Damn you Chris let me go she cried out with tears in her eyes. I gave her swollen cheeks a soothing soft rub before I pulled down her skirt and let her up from my knee. She stood up with tears in her eyes and sobbing as she rub her sore behind.

“Why the hell did you spank me Chris?” She uttered under her breath.

“I suppose I figured you needed a little discipline Shelly.” I could see that she was still upset as she stood sobbing in front of me so I reached out for and sat her down on my knees and she buried her face in the nap of my
neck and cried. I knew that the tears she was sheading was not from the spanking I had given her but most likely from years of hurt and sorrow so I just sat there holding her tight until she quit crying. Suddenly she lifted her head and wiped away her tears as if nothing had happened.

“Are you and Megan an item Chris? I know she acts
like you guys are going steady. What about Amber? She would do anything to be able to say that she is your girl.”

“Shelly let’s see what happens this weekend
. After all, you girls seem to have forgotten that I may be going to school in Coco Beach for the next four years.”

“Chris will you at least tell me if I have a chance with you?”

“Shelly when I told you that there were a lot of guys out there that would love to get in your pants, you can count me as being one of the top ten.”

“Chris I have no doubt that you want to get in my panties, but I am looking for more than a one night stand.

If you want more than a romp in the hay then you better go somewhere else Shelly.  Besides, I think that you would have a better argument if you were wearing panties and if I am wrong about the panties then I will be yours and only yours forever.”

“And if you are right

“Then Shelly you have to give yourself to me as many times as I want you with no strings attached. Do we have a deal?”

“Yes Chris we have a deal.” Amber stuck her head in the window just at that moment and said, “What deal are you guys talking about?”

Shelly blurted.
“None of your damn business Amber.”

“Whatever! Shelly.”

Megan was right behind her and said, “Are you guys ready to go?”

“Yes we have been waiting for the two of you.”

“Well don’t get your boxers in a twist Chris.”

“Didn’t he say we had twenty minutes Amber?”

As they loaded themselves into the back of the car, all I could think of was Shelly sitting in the seat next to me without panties on her cute little ass. The sun was setting as we pulled into Coco Beach and I decided that we should get something to eat before we went to Dave’s house. I said to whoever would listen, is anybody hungry. Shelly was the first to answer me.

“I am famished Chris, what did you have in mind?”

“Well you would do just fine, but I don’t know what the other two girls would want to eat.” Amber laughed.

hat goes the same for you too Chris, but then us girls would be fighting over who gets you first.”

If I have told you once, I have told a dozen times Amber, there is no point in you girls fighting over me.

“Why is that Chris?”

“Because my lovely ladies, there is plenty of me to go around.”

“But what if we don’t want to share you Chris?”

“Alright smartass, I guess I deserved that, but back to the question. What do you girls want to eat? How about steak or ribs, does that sound ok to everybody.”

“Yes Chris that is fine with us.” For the first time since I met them, they all agreed on something.

“Chris do you know of a good steakhouse?”

“Yes Shelly, we will be there in five minutes.”

“There isn’t a dress code is there?”

“No Amber, besides you girls look great.”

And they did look great and there wasn’t a guy in that restaurant that didn’t stare with envy as we walk in and sat down at our booth. Megan made sure that she sat down beside me, but so did Shelly. It was dark at the booth with only a candle in the middle of the table. So I took a chance and put my hand on Shelly’s leg and softly caressed her inner thigh just long enough to remind her that I knew she wasn’t wearing panties. She took my hand into hers and gave it a small squeeze, and then put my hand back on my lap. I looked at her and pouted as the waitress came to our table to take
our order. The food was great and girls seemed to get along during dinner. I decided to call Dave and let him know that we were on the way over. As I was finishing my phone call with Dave I could hear Megan whispering softly in my ear.

“Did you enjoy my surprise this morning Chris?”

“So it was you, damn girl that was hot.” She giggled.

“Yea, I thought it was pretty hot too, I was sure that you were going to catch me when I ran out the door.”

“Well Megan, you are welcome to be my alarm clock any time you want to.” I walked Megan back to the table and addressed the rest of our group.

“Are we ready to leave yet? Dave said our rooms are ready.” Amber was the first one to speak up.

“Chris who am I sleeping with?” Amber asked defensively

“I don’t know the sleeping arrangements Amber, but whatever they arranged for us, you will not complain or thr
ow any fits. And that goes for all three of you, I want you girls to play nice while were staying at the farm this weekend.” Amber was the first one to complain about going straight to Dave’s house. It seems that the girls had been talking while I was on the phone and they wanted to spend the night on the beach. Then without warning all three of them were complaining about going to Dave’s house. Megan was the first one to speak up.

want to go to the beach Chris, I don’t want to be stuck on a farm, while you are out gallivanting in Coco Beach. Couldn’t we spend at least one night on the beach and then go to Dave’s house tomorrow night.” I considered her request, a day at the beach would be nice but I didn’t want all the bickering that has been going on. I pulled into the next motel that I seen and parked next to the office and as we got out of the car I decided to lay down some ground rules.

“Alright, we will get a couple of rooms at the beach
tonight on one condition.”

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