Obsession: Loving An Alpha Male (28 page)

BOOK: Obsession: Loving An Alpha Male
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Josh tossed and slammed me so many times, I was so sore for three days. But I will say he gave me some tactics to at least get out of a chokehold.

“Sweets, I’m serious, okay? If for some reason you need anything from that apartment, have someone go with you.”

I saluted, rolled my eyes, then squealed when I was grabbed from behind and tossed on the bed.

Now this is what I was talking about. I struggled a little until he was right where I wanted him to be, on top of me and my arms pinned above my head.

We smiled at each other until I noticed another look cross Josh’s face.

“God, I’m going to miss you, Sweets.”

I moved my legs from under him and wrapped them around his waist.

“I’m going to miss you, too.”

Josh moved to place his lips on my neck, and he proceeded to drive me insane. We lost our clothes very quickly in between our kisses and fondling, and before I could catch a breath he was inside me, filling me, making me wish I could keep him right where he was forever.

“I love you, Kenya” he told me, showing me how he felt as he slowly moved inside of me, stroking me deep as only he can.

My reply was on the tip of my tongue, but again, I couldn’t seem to let the words go. It had been like that for a while now, and I couldn’t seem to say the words to him. I tried to show him every day, but it was so frustrating that I hadn’t said them to him. So instead of saying the words, I closed my eyes and held him to me, not wanting to let go, ever…

We were kissing and grinding in a slow tantalized motion that had both our breaths catching and our hearts beating.

I want on top.

I bucked up slightly and attempted to roll him. He let me, and the moment I was where I wanted to be, I get on my feet, bending my legs, and I moved slowly up to the tip of him then slid down slowly while watching him lose control under me.

I moved like that, slowly, keeping my eyes on him, letting him feel how much I loved him.

Of course, he couldn’t take it this pace. Hell, neither could I, and we started picking it up, his hands on my hips moving me faster and faster. I went for my nipples and squeezed them as he brought me over the sexual edge.

We moaned and talked shit, and our lovemaking turned grimy and gritty as he flipped us over, pulled out and told me, “Face down, ass up, baby.”

“Yessssss!” I exclaimed excitedly, and he laughed, but that died the instant he slammed home.

“Fuck me hard, baby,” I told him as he gripped my hips and began to do just that.

“Yes, baby, more…. Yes…”

“Oh fuck, baby, keep talking shit… I fucking love it!” Josh growled, and I swore he moved faster and faster and I knew he was coming.

I tilted my hips up further, allowing him to sink deeper in me, knowing that he loved the feeling.

“Ohhhh… Baby, yess, just like that I’m…”


I looked back at the entrance of the bedroom then back at him.

“I’m not stopping, baby,” Josh told me, but as the banging kept going, I knew he was getting pissed.

“Fuck,” he pulled out of me reluctantly, then moved to grab a pair of shorts.

Breathing deeply and flushed, he looked over my body.
Damn, this man is so freaking sexy…
I licked my lips, which made him growl again. He started toward me, but the banging on the door started again.

“I swear, baby, I’m fucking killing whoever’s at the door.”

I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down, too.

I heard Josh curse, then I heard him unlocking the door. “What the fuck do you want?”

I couldn’t hear a reply, but I heard a female’s voice then laughter. I sat up and tried to listen, but couldn’t hear a thing. I decided to get up and try and make myself useful. I went into the bathroom to clean myself up and ran my hands through my semi–damp hair.

I walked out and grabbed my clothes from the floor and just threw my dress back on.

Five minutes later, Josh came barreling into the room with a scowl on his forehead.

He looked at me and said, “I’m sorry, Sweets, I need to make a run real quick.”

“Who was at the door?” I asked him.

I had resumed packing, having to refold clothes that we tossed everywhere in our frenzy to get naked.

Josh sighed. “Misty and Jacks. They need me to take a ride with them to wrap up the case I was working on. Apparently they can’t handle this on their own.” The last part he yelled, probably for Misty and Jacks’ benefit.

“It’s okay, Josh. I’ll just finish packing, so we don’t have to worry about it when you get home.”

He walked up to me pulled me in his arms and kissed me.

“You are a life saver.”

Flustered from the kiss, I just waved at him.

“I’m going to jump in the shower for a few minutes.”

I was finished getting our clothes packed just as he was finished with, I swear, a three minute shower.

I sat on the bed and watched him dress in jeans and a long sleeve button up shirt… I asked, “How long will you be?”

As he put his watch on and grabbed his wallet off the dresser, he told me, “I’m not sure. We have to drive out toward Robinson, so no telling. I’m not going to make this an all–night thing though.” Josh went back in the closet, I assumed to get his service pistol. As he came back out, he said to me, “Come on walk me out.”

I stood and took his hand he had stretched out to me; I guess I couldn’t hide in the bedroom all night.

The moment Misty’s eyes fell on me, she gave me a huge smile and walked toward me.

She put her arms around me and squeezed me tight. “Hey, girl!”

When she pulled back, I smiled. “Hey.”

Misty was a very beautiful woman with her smooth chocolate skin. I couldn’t see how her and Josh had never been anything but partners. If I was a guy I’d probably want her…

“Hey, sorry for the late visit.”

I waved her off. “Oh it’s not a problem at all.”

Misty smiled bigger, then looked to my right. “See, I told you she was sweet. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I heard a grunt, and my smile dropped as quick and as genuine as its appearance. I turned to see Jacks sitting on my favorite couch. I almost forgot Josh said he was here.

“Next time maybe you’ll call first.”

Josh moved to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

“It’s really not a problem, we weren’t busy,” I added, and Misty laughed.

“Is that so… Well, from where we were, it sounded like you two were very busy.”

I frowned not understanding what she meant then it hit me, and my eyes grew like five sizes, and I knew I was turning red. Josh leaned in the kitchen doorway smirking at me.

I said, horrified, “They heard us?”

He shook his head and walked toward me. “Ah no not me.” He kissed my stunned lips…

When he pulled back, smiling at me, I hit his chest, “Oh my God Josh, that’s not funny. You mean to tell me I was that loud?”

Misty waved me off. “I wouldn’t worry about it. Hell, if the cops didn’t come knocking, I guess you’re okay.”

Josh frowned. “What are you trying to say, Misty?” Then he looked at me. “When I get home, we’re definitely making sure the cops are called and all night too.”

I shook my head thinking about how embarrassing that would be.

“The hell we are!”

Misty laughed. “Josh, I love her… You better not screw this up or I’ll castrate you!”

Amused, Josh pulled me in his arms. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

He kissed me hard right in front of Misty and Jacks…. And what’s wonderful is I kissed him right back….

“I love you, Sweets,” he told me not ashamed or afraid.

“Josh…” was all I could say.

We stood like that for a minute before Misty broke up our trance.

“All right, Sweets, we’ll get lover boy home to you as soon as we can.”

“Okay.” I blushed at the way she said Josh’s nickname for me.

Josh, however, didn’t like it very much. Misty gave me a hug and walked out of the door Josh held open.

“What?” she said, then laughed.

Jacks walked past me. “Kenya…”

I frowned. “Jackass!”

Jacks stopped and turned. “Jacks will do just fine.”

I grunted. “Not for me.”

“Get the fuck out of my apartment, Jacks,” Josh bellowed.

I heard Jacks say, “See, I told you… Sweet, my ass… she’s all spice…”

“And I love her… I swear Josh, fuck up and your ass is filleted,” I heard Misty say as she disappeared down the hall.

Josh shook his head, then said, “Jacks’ an asshole, but he means well.”

I folded my arms and grunted. “I’ll take your word for it.”

Josh looked at me stunned. “You’ll have to tell me what he said to you that day at the restaurant.”

I kissed Josh quickly, then pushed him out.

“Uh huh, as soon as you get home I’ll tell you.”

I closed the door behind him before he asked me to tell him right there. I hadn’t brought up anything Jacks said to me. I knew he was saying things to get a rise out of me, and I didn’t take any credence to it. I had asked Josh about Emily after that and we talked about her, but I never told him what Jacks said about him and her. The idea that Josh could have felt for Emily the way he felt for me was unnerving, but I didn’t ask him about it. I did know that I needed to have that conversation sooner rather than later.

Maybe I’ll bring it up when he gets back or on our trip to DC.

Before I walked away from the door, I heard a quick knock. I opened it, and Josh quickly took my face in his hands and kissed me. I felt the wall against my back as he devoured me with one of those kisses that made my panties melt away. Our tongues did one of our favorite dances that would always end with us naked and wrapped in a heated, sweaty embrace.

When Josh pulled back from me, he rested his forehead against mine.

He took a few deep breaths and said, “I’ll be back in a few hours, and we will see how long we can go until the cops come knocking.”

I smiled and brought my hands in his hair. It felt like that moment we both needed to feel each other, to touch each other. I knew being in his arms I felt content and safe, and just knowing he came back for this moment brought tears to my eyes.

I swallowed them down and said, “Do you think you could last that long?”

“Are you challenging me, woman?”

I giggled. “Only if you’re up for it.”

Josh suddenly picked me up, causing me to squeal with shock and delight.

“Baby, I’m always up for a challenge.”

I brought my fingers to his cheek and caressed him.

I said softly, “Then you better hurry up so you can get back.”

“I love you, baby, so fucking much.”

I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against his. “I know…” I said softly.

“Good. Don’t you ever forget it.”

He let me down at that moment and slowly moved back from me. I watched a series of emotions pass through his eyes before they were his normal shade of blue.

He touched my cheek with his finger and told me, “I’m leaving the car for you just in case you need it. I can see it in your eyes you want to go to the store for something.”

I nodded and smiled. “You know me so well.”

“I won’t be long.”

He touched my lips with his finger then left the apartment.

After I locked up, I headed straight to the shower to let some cold water calm me down then I did exactly what Josh said I would. I changed into jeans and a sweatshirt. I grabbed his keys and rode out to south side works to do a little shopping that I needed. I bought a couple of things like little shampoos, toothbrush; stuff like that. I made sure I had appropriate things to sleep in… t–shirt and long pants. If Josh thought I was sleeping with him naked in his parents’ house; he was sadly mistaken.

I rode past Finn’s and decided to stop and hang out with Joy and some of the girls. It was packed in there as usual, so I propped myself at the bar and talked to Aaron and Joy for a few, just trying to pass the time away until Josh was done.

I gave it about an hour before I decided to make it back to the apartment. I’d been out for a while now with shopping and drinking. I thought I’d wasted enough time, and he’d be calling me telling me to be on the bed butt naked and ready. I grinned and made my way to the car when it hit me. I remembered what I had left in my old apartment.

I kept the bus tickets and other trinkets and memorabilia from my travels in a shoebox on the top shelf of my closet. I wanted the memories to be with me always. The box meant a lot to me and had sentimental value, but then again, if it did, I wouldn’t have left it right…

Anyway, I thought about turning around and asking Ivan to come with me, but he was really busy. I thought about asking Josh to meet me tonight so I could get it, but honestly, why do all that when I could just swing by and get it real quick? I had my taser with me, so I should be good. And if it felt wrong, I wouldn’t even get out of the car.

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